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  1. #21
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    RI, USA
    I appear without warning and backstabs you, you had no chance to sense my approach, since you implied i was dead.

    Also since its not pe2k anymore i dont have to say "my hill"

  2. #22
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    As I never A) Implied you were dead, I prepared for this through the ultimate countermeasure! Anti-Goldwynaut spray, GO!!! *Sprays Anti-Goldwynaut spray on Goldwynaut, making him run away in absolute hysteria*

    *Pulls the knife out of his back like it was harmless*...With THAT done...

    MY HILL!!!

  3. #23
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    RI, USA
    As we are the same species, anti-me spray can not exist, it could, but then it would affect you too, therefore i disarm your spray and use it on you!

  4. #24
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    ...You haven't said anything relating to actually obtaining the hill, so I'll just keep it.

    And you're a Wynaut. Have you forgotten this stuff already?!

    MY HILL!!!

  5. #25
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    RI, USA
    In that case I just use protect and then I throw a rock at you, since I hit you in the head, it counts as a critical hit and you faint.

  6. #26
    I broke teh internetz Plasmalpha Arceus's Avatar
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    Spear Pillar Island, Grand Line
    A Spiritomb comes and blasts you off with Dark Pulse
    I claim the hill.

  7. #27
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    RI, USA
    I throw a rock at Spiritomb, Its hit in the artifact that actually is Spiritomb and Spiritomb chickens out.

    my hill.

  8. #28
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    I used Bide on that critical-hit Rock Throw which did not KO me. I think the rest of it needs not be mentioned, but just in case there's any ambiguity about it...In the Anime, Bide creates a massive laser beam once it's done (if the attack was very strong). I remember your last class having a lot of attack and speed but shoddy defense(being part of the Ninja Tree). You cannot dodge bide in a conventional manner. You are currently very, very far away from me and my hill as a result of all of that.

    MY HILL!!!

  9. #29
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    RI, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by The Nonexistent Tazz View Post
    I used Bide on that critical-hit Rock Throw which did not KO me. I think the rest of it needs not be mentioned, but just in case there's any ambiguity about it...In the Anime, Bide creates a massive laser beam once it's done (if the attack was very strong). I remember your last class having a lot of attack and speed but shoddy defense(being part of the Ninja Tree). You cannot dodge bide in a conventional manner. You are currently very, very far away from me and my hill as a result of all of that.

    MY HILL!!!
    I land in Japan and decide to invite you to come over and fight me by sending you a letter saying: "u w0t m8? fite me irl do u even lift?", because I doubted that you lift, you rage and get on the first flight to Japan. We meet to fight in a traditional Japanese dojo (just like the ones in final fantasy) Then you attack me, I just step out of your way and you go right through the paper walls, not only that, but old Japanese houses are known to have extremely bad architecture and could collapse from very small amounts of force, so the entire building collapses over you, I quickly steal your return ticket and get on your flight, leaving you stuck in Japan (ps: i also stole all your monies so you can't just buy another one)

  10. #30
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    ...The Hill was always in Japan, last time I checked it...OK, maybe it wasn't, but as nobody said where it was EXACTLY...That, and you really have to realize that, just because you trapped me in Japan (the location of the hill being in Japan aside), does not mean you are in possession of the hill-who says a Hobo didn't sneak in and grab it while I was out? I can-and will-eternally abuse your ambiguity on your ownership of the hill to the high heavens, just like before. Rule or no.

    Not like I'm that lazy and uninspired. Nope. *Watches from the saftey of the hill as the plane he sabotaged-the one he had the return ticket to-slams into the magma of the nearby volcano (forgetting what the name was), with Goldwynaut still inside*

    MY HILL!!!


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