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  1. #11
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Brian Evans -Currently: Human
    Location: Forest of Giant Trees

    Well it looks like we've hit yet another forest. What could this forests tricks possibly consist of. Well either way I guess this spot is as good as any other. I'll get a good look around if I can find a good place to climb a tree at least.

    Brian found a place to climb, but as he starts climbing up. It had been around 5 minutes of climbing before he reaches a branch and sits on it to rest already pretty high up. He had climbed so high he still can't even see the top, but the ground almost looks's miles below?! It has to just be another trick, suddenly he begins to hear something. "Let me GOOOOOO!"

    It startled Brian, almost to the point he lost his gripping on the branch. "Ahhh! Where....where did that come from? Where are you?" The tree branch starts to shake as if to get Brian off of it. It's almost as if the live tree is actually alive!

    "Woah woah woah! Careful, I'm not going to hurt you!" Brian holds on for his life here, but something falls out from his bag. His Eevee's pokeball. "NO!" Brian shouts as he leaps from the branch to grab it, even knowing what he sees might be a fall to his death. He didn't care, he only wanted to save his friend from getting separated from him or worse. He grabs it, but is now in a free fall, wherever this may take him, he didn't care. Suddenly he slides into something and then found himself a pile of leaves?

    What.....did...someone save me? "I didn't mean literally you fool!" Again that voice. Where is it. Brian looks around, but when he turns around he sees the tree has a face on it.

    "You know by now I shouldn't be surprised to see something like a tree able to speak. So I take it you were one of those humans as well that consumed something?"

    "No, I was just laying around taking in the sunshine and suddenly I sprout my roots and decided to become a tree....what do you THINK I did?!"

    "Relax, I was just trying to figure things out. Sheesh, take it easy...I may the only one able to help you here." Brian said

    "OK ok sorry." The tree said

    "Well, I do have to thank you. if not for you who knows what would've happened to me, or Eevee here. So I think I have to repay you somehow....but how?" Brian thought out loud

    "For starters, you could help me change into something besides, oh you know. An imobile TREE?" The tree told Brian

    "Haha, yeah I guess so. You know where any food is nearby? What did you eat that changed you into this tree? Preferably let's get you the same thing. Just in case you know? I still don't really know how things work around here, but I imaging eating the same thing could be worse. So, do you know anywhere nearby with anything?"

    "Well..." the tree thought. "Maybe try looking for berries, or water.....anything would work I'm guessing. Trust me, I've been here long enough. I've been more than's than I care to remember, but anything and I mean almost ANYTHING is better than being a tree."

    "Alright, so I'll find whatever I can, but...I need you to put me down first." Brian laughed.

    "Oh right." The tree gently moved the branch down to the ground placing him safely down. "My name is Lily by the way." The tree exclaimed.

    "Brian, my name's Brian...and don't worry Lily. I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise I won't forget you!" Brian said as he runs off

    I need to find something to help her, but....I need to also think of Eevee....and myself. After this....we need to eat something before we start losing our minds even more in here....but how much longer can we last in here with our small rations we have left?

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  2. #12
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino
    The Food Court
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii

    Bless this girl, she just gave me the keys to help us all get out of this stupid place!

    "This is fantastic!" I told the Shaymin girl, avidly admiring the pen, marker, and pad of paper. "Thanks a million, miss!"

    Man, I never thought I'd be overjoyed to have just an ordinary pen, marker, and paper. Now this stuff was pure, it wasn't like any of those screwy pens and paper that were found laying around here that would suddenly turn into a kazoo or suddenly start hopping away. Now, I had to make absolutely sure I didn't lose these, because I really didn't think I'd get another set.

    "Oh, by the way, my name's Jonathan," I bowed and introduced myself to the Shaymin girl, figuring she might want to know why this random plushy Cinccino was asking her for this stuff in the first place. "I've been stuck in this Trick House cesspool for about a month, and poor Sonya over there has been stuck down here for about five months. What I'm going to do with these is write on the walls, floors, and cabinets to let everyone know what doors lead to what rooms and what each of these weird foods and drinks do to people so this is no longer a stupid guessing game! I'm hoping by mapping out this whole zoo, we all might find the escape door if we work together to cover all the areas."

    But... that didn't mean it wasn't going to be a lot work writing stuff down constantly. Still, I could definitely give up being lazy to get this done. I already knew this place was huge from the one month I've been wandering around. I was still coming across new places, but I did run into a few places I had seen before. I was hoping this would crack the logic behind this stupid place and give us some sense of direction. And thanks to these being real pens, markers, and paper, they couldn't be affected by the nonsense.

    "Now then, I have to get back to Sonya," I told the Shaymin girl, bowing to her and really appreciating these. "She doesn't like being stuck as a Lotad either, it seems, but while she tries out everything in this whole food court, I'll write down what it all does. But really, I appreciate this a lot, miss!"

    I thought it was a bit silly for Sonya to be unhappy as a Lotad, but then again Lotads needed water or they'd dry up. And it was probably best she stayed out of anything that "looked" like water.

  3. #13
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Sloane Jackson- Human
    Food Court
    Affected Roleplayers: @Neo Emolga

    Well this was an interesting situation. Sloane listened only partially as this… toy Cinccino tried to explain itself as to why it needed her pen and paper. Personally Sloane didn't really care. She this guy was probably human before and needed her pad and pen for some odd reason or another. And she was right.

    This Cinccino was apparently a boy named Jonathan who had been stuck here about a month and the sock puppet/lotad was a woman named Sonya who had been here about five months. Sounded rough. Sloane couldn't help but sympathize with them a little. It must have been difficult. Her mind began to wonder as to how it must have felt when they eventually caved. Sloane knew she could go three weeks, roughly, without food before her body started to eat her organs and tissues and such. Water, however, was a very different story. Sloane had, at most, four days before she would die from lack of fluids. She had brought water bottles for herself, but she hadn't brought enough for she and her Pokemon, as she hadn't expected to make an extended stay. Accounting for all of them and herself, she had maybe two days' worth of water. She also had a soda that was probably flat, but she needed to save that as an absolute last resort. Sodas dehydrated people a lot quicker than water did after all.

    "If you could locate an exit or something that'd be fantastic," Sloane replied with a sigh. Her stomach growled as if to agree with the statement. "I brought food so I can probably survive about a month and a half if I relied on food alone but… water I've got at most two weeks before I either cave or kill myself from lack of fluids. I'd… I'd prefer for neither of those to happen." She scratched the back of her head then said, "I'm Sloane Jackson and this is my partner, Shaymin, but I usually call her Shay for short. The rest of my team is in their pokeballs but I can introduce them to you later if you'd like."

    Sloane looked back at the lotad that was Sonya. Geez, even here woman were picky about how they looked. Sloane probably wouldn't have cared as long as she wasn't in a form that was completely miserable. Oh well. One of the perks of this place seemed to be that if you were already transformed then you could just gorge yourself and pick a form you liked. The thought of food caused Sloane's stomach to clench in hunger and Sloane winced a little in pain as she wrapped her arms around her stomach again. Shaymin nudged Sloane's arm then gestured to her bag. Sloane shook her head.

    "No… we've got to make it last as long as possible. I'm fine. Trust me." Shaymin didn't seem convinced but didn't protest. She climbed up Sloane's arm and dropped down into Sloane's lap. Sloane smiled a little and began to pet Shay. Sloane looked back at Jonathan and said, "Well have fun with that. Maybe this way I'll be able to pick my last meal accordingly."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  4. #14
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino -> Cinccino with butterfly wings
    The Food Court
    Affected Roleplayers: @Noblejanobii

    It sounded like Sloane had brought some water and food with her. Smart girl, I wish I had thought of that rather than relying on one can of cola and a sandwich when I first walked into this place. I didn't even make it through three days before I caved in.

    "Yeah, you look hungry," I told Sloane sympathetically, knowing eventually everyone has to give in at some point. "If you stick around, we might find something at least bearable. Heck, I became a perfectly normal Cinccino from a cinnamon bun, and I actually wish I took a few of those along. We might just find something just as good in case you run out of everything else."

    I made it back to Sonya and on the cabinet where I found that Super Sappy Pop Cola stuff, I wrote:

    Super Sappy Pop Cola = Lotad

    There, now anyone that found this place would know exactly what that stuff did. Although I was pretty sure there were better options than Lotad out there.

    "Could you please get me something else?" Sonya asked, not looking too happy in her new Lotad form. "I'm not too crazy about this."

    I opened up the metal cabinet and found all sorts of stuff. First, I pulled out a box of... blue donuts. Boy, I was sure these had to be interesting. I opened up the box, pulled one out, and handed it to Sonya.

    "What's this one do?" She asked, looking at it strangely.

    "Well, let's find out," I smiled. "Hey, worst case scenario, you just drink more Super Sappy Pop Cola and you're back to Lotad."

    She just shrugged and ate about half of it before she started transforming again. She started becoming very flat and then turned into a orange dinner plate... with a face. Yikes. I immediately whipped out the marker again, and wrote right on the box.

    These change you into a freaking orange dinner plate! Do NOT eat!!!

    And on the cabinet:

    Blue donuts = dinner plate with a face. It's bad, don't eat!

    "Could you quit writing for a minute and help me!?" Sonya screamed. "This is awful!"

    "Hey, I'm on it, just need to make sure no one else eats those things," I told her with a reassuring smile.

    I then put aside the box of donuts and pulled something else out. Looked like a bag of yellow muffins. Heh, what could possibly go wrong? I pulled out a muffin, and put it on Sonya, the dinner plate. She ate it as best as she could with her mouth, and all of a sudden, she sprouted two very colorful blue and purple butterfly wings. But she was still a dinner plate and it looked really weird. I was beginning to think wiping the slate clean by having her go back to Lotad might not be such a bad idea.

    "This didn't help the situation!" Sonya shouted.

    But I had to make sure these muffins did just that. A Cinccino with butterfly wings didn't seem too bad and it might not be such a bad idea to kill hunger for a little while, so I decided to try eating one also. It tasted a little lemony and sugary, almost like a cupcake without frosting. After popping the last bite in my mouth, that's when I felt it. Out of my furry back sprouted the same kind of butterfly wings that Sonya had, and they were just perfect for my size. I even tried flapping them and it worked.

    "Wow, that's pretty cool, I wonder if I can fly with these!" I told Sonya.

    "Uh, hello, I need help over here!" Sonya complained, not really caring about that.

    Now these yellow muffins might be worth taking along for later. I decided not to be greedy and only took two of them, leaving a few for other people in case, well, you never knew if they'd want butterfly wings also. So, I wrote on the cabinet:

    Yellow muffins = grow butterfly wings regardless of form. They're cool, enjoy!

    "I... need... help over here!" Sonya complained again, trying to move but only causing the dinner plate to rattle.

    Sheesh. I went back into the cabinet and found a small box of what appeared to be white mints. I couldn't help but wonder what these would do, but I figured Sonya needed them way more badly than I did. So I fed her a mint by dropping one on her mouth, and she started transforming again. She grew white and vase-shaped with a Pokéball shaped cap and eventually turned into ... a Foongus. The butterfly wings were gone, though.

    "No, no, no, why this!?" Sonya exclaimed.

    "Oh come on, that's at least way better than being a dinner plate!" I told her, thinking it wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.

    I just sighed, and on the box of mints and on the cabinet, I wrote:

    White mints = become a Foongus. Up to you. :P

    "Get me something else, I don't want to be a mushroom!" Sonya exclaimed to me again.

    Yeah, we might be here a while...

  5. #15
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Sloane Jackson- Human
    Food Court
    Affected Roleplayers: @Neo Emolga

    Oh boy. It sounded like they'd be here a while. Sloane pulled one of the other seats around and put her feet in it. She folded her hands behind her head and closed her eyes relaxing for a bit. She was most definitely not enjoying this. However, she did tune in to the discussion between Sonya and Jonathon. This Sonya person was extremely picky. Arceus, you'd think she'd be appreciative of, you know, not being an inanimate object with a face. Sloane took in a deep breath then sighed again as the smell of ramen filled her nose.

    "I swear, this is the worst possible place I could be stuck in for this kind of thing." Suddenly, Sloane felt air coming from below her. She opened her eyes and suddenly noticed there was no floor below her two chairs. "Oh Tauros crap!" Sloane scrambled from her seat and jumped to the edge of the gaping hole, hanging on with one arm and holding Shaymin with the other. She glanced back over her shoulder. The table her stuff was on was safe. Her stuff was safe. Good.

    Sloane grit her teeth and threw Shaymin up to safety. She then reached to her belt and began to pat it for a particular pokeball. "Come on, come on." Sloane grabbed one pokeball then realized it wasn't the right one. However, she had accidentally unclipped it from her belt and as she let go, Sloane felt it fall into what appeared to be an apple orchard below.

    "Ah! Who was that? Shoot! Uhhhh…" Sloane winced then grabbed the correct pokeball this time. Her right arm was starting to scream in pain as she hung there longer and longer. Sloane clicked the button on the pokebal and threw it into the air. "Bruyverne! Help me out!" A black and purple dragon burst from the pokeball in a flash of light. The pokeball clattered onto the ground next to Shay. Bruyverne looked around then noticed Sloane below, hanging on for dear life. He dove down and flew underneath her. Sloane let go of the edge and dropped onto the Noivern's back. Suddenly two panels began to slid back into place to close off the hole. "Crap! Go go go!" Bruyverne shot through the opening with ease and landed beside Shay. Sloane collapsed back onto the ground and put her head in her hands. "No… no no no!"

    Dylan Thomas-Windup Togetic
    Apple Orchard

    "Sylve…" Dylam frowned when he saw Becquerel stop ahead of them. He seemed to have spotted something but what? In the distance, Dylan could faintly hear yelling, and it almost sounded like Sloane's voice. Knowing this place though, it probably was just another trick or something. Suddenly, Becquerel shot off like a bullet.

    "Ah! Becquerel wait!" The rest of Dylan's team followed after Becquerel and when they stopped, they spotted an unusual sight. A pokeball? That raised the question. Did they dare open it?
    Last edited by Noblejanobii; 02-16-2016 at 09:10 PM.
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    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  6. #16
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino with butterfly wings
    The Food Court
    Affected Roleplayers: @Noblejanobii

    So far, the yellow muffins were the only things worth keeping. I really wanted to try flying with these wings, but Sonya was being too fussy over the Foongus. So, the next item in the cabinet was a red and green juice box called "Wonder Juice," made with 100% juice from Nupa Berries and Moonfruit... whatever the hell those were. I guess I wasn't too surprised seeing there was no Nutrition Facts label on the back.

    "Here you go, try this," I told Sonya, handing her one of the juice boxes.

    She quickly grabbed it, stuffed in the straw, and began drinking. Meanwhile, I got the marker ready. Long and behold, she transformed again, turning all red and rubbery and round, transforming her into a large, red rubber ball with a face this time.

    "I know, I know, I'll get you something else, don't even bother asking," I sighed to Sonya, knowing we might have to move onto the next food station soon. And on the cabinet, I wrote:

    Wonder Juice = Big, red, rubber ball with your face. Don't drink.

    I then fed her a small apple pie turnover, having to practically toss the whole thing into her red, rubbery mouth. And all that did was turn her from a red ball into a blue ball.

    Apple pie turnover = Makes you blue, keeps form.

    "Nooo...!" She complained, really disliking this form. "Jonathan... help.... meeee..."

    And last in the cabinet was a few boxes of pink and white cupcakes. So, I pulled out one of those, and fed it to her. She totally changed from a clunky blue rubber ball and transformed into a fiery fire and fighting Infernape, which I had to say, was a heck of an improvement!

    "Oh, I... I wasn't expecting this," She said, looking at her blue hands.

    And so, I wrote on the box of cupcakes and on the cabinet:

    Pink and white cupcakes = Infernape.

    "There, that's not so bad," I told her with a smile, thinking she could do pretty well with that.

    "Oh, but I... wanted something cute like yours," Sonya told me, looking like she still wasn't satisfied.

    "What!?" I exclaimed, thinking an Infernape was totally fine. "Oh, come on, that's the best one you've had so far!"

    How could she possibly complain about this one now? But whatever, if she wanted to sample everything from the entire blasted food court, she could go right ahead. I imagined she must have been starving and recording what all this junk did would be helpful for everyone else that stumbled into this joint. Already they would know to avoid those horrible blue donuts and the Wonder Juice like it was Satan spit.

    "Bruyverne! Help me out!"

    I suddenly heard Sloane's voice calling out, and I quickly turned around and tried to get to her to see what the panic was about. I saw for some weird reason, some of the panels in the floor around the seating area of the food court had given way and a hole had opened up, trying to suck her into it while she was holding on for dear life.

    "Hang on!" I called out to her, trying to help Bruyverne the Noivern save Sloane from falling into the hole below.

    I tried to fly to her, fluttering my new butterfly wings as quickly as I could to build up speed and momentum, but I obviously wasn't too used to flying with these wings and I only maybe got about ten feet in the air before landing splat on my face. Thankfully, Bruyverne was able to save her. The purple and black dragon managed to prevent her from falling into the hole and put her back besides her Shaymin, but she still seemed very distraught.

    "You guys... okay?" I asked, wondering if anyone was hurt. "What pray tell happened?"

    Could have been anything thanks to this screwy place, but I figured I'd at least see if I could lend a hand.

  7. #17
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Sloane Jackson- Human
    Food Court
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    "You guys… okay? What pray tell happened?"

    Sloane sniffled a little and shook her head, her vision blurring from tears. She had dropped someone. She couldn't believe it. Asch, Mori, Odessa, or Dotta. One of them was stranded in this place and there was no mistaking it. She would probably never see them again. Sloane choked out a sob and put her face in her hands.

    "I'm such a fool," she whispered. Sloane sniffled then mumbled, "The floor just gave out from underneath the chair I was in. I managed to get out thanks to Bruyverne's help but I grabbed the wrong pokeball first, and I accidentally dropped it. Now one of my Pokemon… he or she is stranded… and I might never see them again!" Sloane rubbed her eyes and her body shook as she sobbed. "I can't… I can't believe I just did that. What if their pokeball broke on impact? One of them could be dead! What if I just killed one of my Pokemon?"

    Sloane sniffled again and lowered her hand to her belt. She might as well figure out who she just killed. No need to keep herself in suspense. Sloane grabbed the four pokeballs from her waist and opened them. Mightyena, Manetric, and Zangoose. Oh no. Odessa!

    "Odessa… I dropped Odessa. She's… I…"
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  8. #18
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    Xavier Hundres - Twig
    Falling in darkness -> small pond
    Affected RP'ers: @Noblejanobii

    Xavier sighed and tried to imagine what he'd turn into next when he died from the fall. Being a twig certainly kept his descent slow, but this fall was really, Really Long. He almost fell asleep. Then suddenly the darkness turned to light and found himself hurtling toward a surface of flat water. Closing his eyes, he prepared for impact and the now familiar sensation of rebirth as some other weird thing.


    He didn't die, probably because he was a twig, and instead he just splashed into the water. He floated on the surface, his face in the air. "Dammit Trick man! Let me die and be something better than a twig!" He shouted at nothing. Finally he opened his eyes and found himself looking at a mermaid.

    Joshua Kanz - Human
    A bakery

    Joshua examined the bread that surrounded him. His stomach growled. "I haven't eaten anything since I got in here." He murmured. Opening his pack, he grabbed some berries and a water bottle, then proceeded to release his pokemon. He fed them each a berry and let them drink from the water before having some himself. Once he was done he put all but his Pichu away. "Better restock, Don't want to go hungry." He said. He grabbed a roll of bread from the bakery, one with little berry pieces in, and put in his bag. He had his own loaf of bread, a plain one, but he felt having more couldn't hurt him.


  9. #19
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino with butterfly wings
    The Food Court
    Affected Roleplayers: @Noblejanobii

    I found out the grim news. Sloane had dropped one of her PokéBalls in the chasm and was afraid it might have killed the Pokémon named Odessa inside. But then again, this place has a thing about it where it doesn't want you to die. I wasn't sure if that was out of sympathy or out of sadism.

    "Well, you don't know for sure..." I told Sloane, thinking there might still be a way to get her back. "Don't give up hope, you know. And I'm sure it wasn't your fault. Heck, I lost my entire belt of PokéBalls when I got turned into a Shroomish from eating a tree nut before tripping and falling down a hole. I haven't given up looking for them, and hey, you shouldn't either."

    I wrote "Warning, floor may open up unexpectedly. Be careful!" on the tiled floor with the marker. That way, the chances of this happening to someone else were far less than before.

    "Jonathan, help!" Sonya cried out again. "I ate one of those... things and...!"

    Oh come on, I couldn't believe Sonya wasn't satisfied with the Infernape form and ate something after that. I just looked toward where her shouting was coming from and just sighed. But I just shrugged and looked back to Sloane.

    "Say, what Pokémon is Odessa?" I asked Sloane, figuring Sonya could afford to wait after yet another blunder. "If I find her Pokéball, I'll keep her safe until we meet up again. This girl... ugh, I swear she's never going to be satisfied with what these things transform her into. It's up to you if you want to wait around for us to figure out what's best to eat around here, but if not and you'd rather search for Odessa, I definitely don't blame you and wish you the best of luck. But man, this Sonya girl sure is fussy. Anyway, in the meantime, here, take one of these yellow muffins. They make you grow a pair of butterfly wings like the ones I have, which... you know, might be helpful in a pinch if you ever need to fly."

    I offered Sloane the yellow muffin, knowing that while the wings might have prevented her from falling into the hole in the first place, it would at least prevent the same kind of thing from happening again. However, if she never ate it out of fear for what food does to people here, I couldn't blame her. But then Sonya cried out again.

    "Jonathan, pleeeassee!!"

    "I'm coming, I'm coming," I sighed before calling out to Sonya, quickly rushing over the "Quadratic Formula" serving counter to get to her. "Hey, what you had before wasn't-"

    And then I saw what she had become. A ceramic, green clown head with swirly eyes and a tongue that was sticking out. Holy crap, that was just abysmal!

    "Good lord, what did that to you!?" I exclaimed. "Whatever it was needs to burn in a fire, never mind get a warning label!"

    "It was the crackers!" Sonya complained. "Oh, please, just feed me something else! Quickly!"

    Yeah, wasn't this just a barrel of fun...

  10. #20
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Brian Evans -Currently: Human
    Location: Forest of Giant Trees

    *also a slight clarification in case, Brian's Eevee is in her pokeball right now*

    Three days.....three days in this place and so far it's been nothing but like walking around in a nightmare. Eevee and I never did reach our far as we can tell at least. All I remember hearing before we made our way here was a rumor. A rumor of a place with a wonder beyond any dream. Supposedly it's right where this house sits, but that can't be right after seeing all of this. You'd think it would be an artist's dream to find such a sight right? Sketching out a wonder beyond any other. All I've seen here are a few mystical creatures and talking Pokemon. All which so happened to once be a human. *Brian lets out a sigh*

    The only thing keeping me awake telling me it's not just a dream is this aching feeling I have in my stomach. I'm so hungry, but Eevee and I have to hold out and keep rationing our ood...or else something like what happened to that girl back there might happen...and I'd hate to have to deal with that or depending on anyone else that might happen to pass by someday to save us.

    Speaking of her...I need to get back on track. Focus and find her someone that can take back without exposing myself.

    Brian gets to a small clearing. In the clearing is moonlight. After all this time in the forest he hadn't even noticed it was night in this area. The only thing here was a few branches hanging over the center where the moonlight shine down, a few apples, flowers around in a circle and in the center was a large pile of leaves. Brian attempts to get closer, but stops when he hears multiple voices all yelling something different at the same time. He could only really make out one important one.

    "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" the voices shouted

    "Agh...again with these mysterious voices. Where are they coming from this time? Who or...what are you?" I said

    "We're all in this pile of leaves." the voices said.

    "Oh so you're in a trap? Is that why you said to stop? There's a trap beneath the pile of leaves?" I ask

    "No, we ARE the leaves! These flowers once we got close enough sprayed something out at us and then suddenly each one of us turned into a leaf! We can barely even move!" They try to explain

    "Look, look...I have an idea." One of the voices from the pile of leafs exclaimed. "There's a small stream to your left. Take that path and get some water. PLEASE tell me you have something to carry water in?" The small voice pleaded.

    Hmm, you know I didn't think about that. Consuming anything even meant water, not just the food. DUH! I thought to myself. How could I forget that. I've got plenty of old water bottles just in case. Not just that, but some containers in which I use for painting. Luckily I carry around an old one.

    I thank the leaves and try and slowly make my way down the path where the stream is supposed to be. Hopefully this place won't play anymore tricks. I've already made 2 promises to help others in this one area alone!

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..


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