Oh, it's fine, it's just... Faustian deals CREEP THE FRICK out of me, I don't care about what context they're in. Break the fourth wall, oh, that's fine. Deadpool does it all the time and I've never had a problem with it, despite that it sometimes can be a bit cheesy, which is okay in small quantities. But (Break the fourth wall) + (Faustian deal) = NO FUNKING WAY, HANDS OFF AND GET LOST. And that... essentially leaves your game completely dead in the gutter permanently... unless you start messing with stuff. Sure, if you mess around with enough stuff, you'll reset the game, but all the stuff you've seen, heard, and experienced... yeah, those memories can't be wiped. And this just sounds like the kind of guilt stuff that would EAT at me after a while.
I'll take Sans's word for it. I seriously don't think I'd have a good time with this. There's been a lot of games where I've forfeited the "evil campaign/character" content because the sheer amount of GUILT they make you feel is painful. Some people are like "oh, why didn't they make it so you can kill the children in Fallout 3" and I'm like I never even knew about that because trying it never even crossed my mind. And forget about blowing up Megaton with the nuke. I watched my brother do it and I was like "yeah, I just can't do that." I didn't even like that town and still. It's actually very RARE I do any of the evil stuff and I honestly dislike it when the game forces you to, such as instances where you need to shoot at cops and civilians, attack angels (I didn't enjoy doing this at ALL in Darksiders), and has caused me to avoid playing certain games altogether (Bayonetta for one, even though I heard it's good).
Undertale is a fantastic game and is an "IN YOUR FACE" to anyone that says good games need great graphics. It's full of great characters, has plenty of funny dialogue and goofy humor, I've already gotten 11 hours into it, and I still feel like there's a lot of cool secrets that I probably missed along the way. Even if I don't ever explore its much darker sides, I definitely enjoyed the game and I'm glad I gave it the chance. Easily ten bucks very well spent.