Pokémon Crossroads

Kyurem: Theories and opinions

If you’ve played gen 5 or are just a pokemon fan in general, you should know who Kyurem is. You should also know that in B2/W2, Ghetsis tried to harness the power of a “complete” Kyurem. Is a complete Kyurem actually possible? The idea behind a “Perfect” Kyurem has fascinated me, and I can’t wait to share some of the theories I’ve dug up. Check out more after the break

So let’s start with the beginning: What is Kyurem and where did it come from? To start off it is said that Kyurem is a pokemon that came from space on a meteor, with the meteor crash resulting in the creation of the Giant Chasm. First thing this story makes me wonder: “Does this mean there’s pokemon on other planets?”. Of course there’s Deoxsys’ case where it was a space virus that BECAME a pokemon as it entered our atmosphere, but alien pokemon just sounds a little absurd to me. So I ruled that out as a possible explanation, even though that’s the “official” origin story for kyurem. So where did he come from? Kyurem is actually just a soulless discarded shell of the original dragon. It’s said in Unova legends (can’t find any actual quotes, but I know it’s there somewhere) that Zekrom and Reshiram were once a whole, and were servants to two brothers. The two brothers were always in a debate over truth and ideals, and so to avoid further conflict, the dragon split itself in two to match each brother’s beliefs, thus creating Zekrom (ideals) and Reshiram (truth). So Kyurem is simply an icy cold shell of a once powerful dragon, furthermore explaining why Kyurem can fuse with the other two when the DNA splicers are used. The creation of the Giant chasm is the one loose end in my theory, but I would simply assume that the Giant Chasm is where the events above took place, the reasoning for Kyurem’s location in game. With this theory/ knowledge in hand, I can start getting to the real part of this theory: Is the ultimate dragon from legend achievable? and if so, how? I’ll start off with some links (Images are massive) of what a “Perfect” Kyurem might look like. All credit goes to the original creators.

Taijirim (Kyurem’s PF final design) by Nash-The-Mutt

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From acrooneffox on Photobucket

From Pokemon Stadium

I feel that the first and last ones are not the greatest representation of what the original dragon looked like for one good reason: the icy parts of “shell” Kyurem are retained. The sole reason Kyruem is covered in ice is because of the lack of energy inside him, seeing as the two parts of his original form have left him. Black and white Kyurem still have icy bits because they are still not a whole dragon. The big question is is it possible for Kyurem to truly be complete? We already know the DNA splicers are no good as they will only fuse 1 of the dragons with Kyurem. So is it possible for the original Kyurem to be one again? I really don’t know. Kind of a lame conclusion, but I have no evidence to back anything up. It’s simply a mystery. I don’t know if A new Kyurem forme will be added with the next Pokemon games or not. Feel free to leave your opinions and ideas on this matter in the comments below. I hope you enjoyed reading my little article!