Pokémon Crossroads

Mewtwo enters Pokémon GO raids!

Kanto is back in full swing for the rest of the month!

Following the successful Global Challenges tying in with the Safari Zones in Dortmund & Yokosuka, as well as Pokémon GO Fest, Niantic have announced the Ultra Bonus for Pokémon GO. This bonus is from September 13th to September 20th, the Legendary Birds will be in raids and until September 30th Kanto Pokémon will have increased spawns

However, that’s not all. Previously exclusive to EX-raids, Mewtwo will now appear in Raid Battles from September 20th to October 23rd. This provides a unique opportunity for all those who haven’t had the chance to catch the legendary pokémon yet.

But Mewtwo isn’t the only exclusive to be widely available. In addition, all Kanto Regionals will be in 7km eggs until the end of September. This means that Tauros, Farfetch’d, Mr. Mime, and Kangaskhan are now much more widely available.