Pokémon Crossroads

New Update for Pokémon GO

A new patch has been released for Pokémon GO!

The next patch has finally been announced for Pokémon GO. This patch started rolling out on Android devices last week but got halted after it had a massive glitch in it but is now rolling out again. This patch brings the game to version 1.43.1 and adds a variety of features:
Added the ability to view the number of Trainers entered, and preparing, for a Raid Battle before using a Raid Pass.
Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality by allowing Trainers to search through their Pokémon’s moves using the @ character.
Resolved a bug which caused the Raid Boss to always break free from the last Premier Ball.
Resolved a bug that prevented Trainers from seeing they’d received double XP from Raid Battles when using a Lucky Egg.
Niantic has also issued a new server side update to Pokémon GO. This update has updated the connectivity with the Pokémon GO Plus device. Now, when in proximity to a Gym, it will spin the Gym’s PokéStop and receive all the items and Raid Passes obtained by accessing a Gym.