Pokémon Crossroads

Podcast Central: A Year in Review


Hey y’all!  Welcome to this segment of Podcast Central.  I hope you had a great holiday and or break, or a great end of 2014, however you swing. After the high of ORAS and Super Smash Brothers for Wii U, I don’t know how Nintendo will one up itself for the next release.

This week, many of our friends are looking back on the year, and preparing for the next (or this) year.  Check out the best, the worst, and of course, the funniest collection.

Check out the full list of updated podcasts

P.U.C.L Podcast: Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS– Did you play Super Smash Brothers yet?  Do you enjoy it?  Because this one will really blow your mind.  And if you have, did you play with 8 people yet?  It’s a bit big, but maybe it’ll turn into a 40 man brawl in 5 years?  Who knows, but PUCL’s got their Pokemon discussion.  Because as they say… it has Pokemon right? Relevant! Also, make sure to check out the PUCL UUTC.

Pikapi Podcast: Highest Form Of Flattery!– Check out their commentary while they watch Ash get his 4th (or… 12th?) badge. Maybe you didn’t catch up on all the Johto adventure yet?  Then catchup with the crew at http://pikapipodcast.blogspot.com

Podcast Monsters: Sparks Fly For Magnemite/Dig Those Diglett– Check out their last podcast of the season and year, where they watch two episodes of Pokemon with Alex Ptak.  Inept nurses and Pokemon activism?  Or maybe figure out why Andrew likes the energizer bunny (or maybe an active Buneary).

The Dex! Podcast: Battle Resolutions!– In a new year wrap up where hosts Alex and Kellz have a chat without Jimmy, they answer some fan mail, reminisce on the past year, and look forward to the next with New Year (Battle) Resolutions.

PKMNCast: Hoenn to the New Year- The crew wraps up this week’s news, with chats of GameFreak’s new game, more TCG card talk, and discuss Pokemon World’s 2015 in Boston.  They also provide more impression and problems with ORAS and introduce a new segment:  Item of the Week!.

Radio Whirlwind: How Thirsty Was 2014? (feat. TheGuitahHeroe)– The guys at Radio Whirlwind are joined by TheGuitahHeroe for a chat on GameFreak’s next game release and discuss what may come from generation seven. They also reflect on the best and worst of 2014.