Pokémon Crossroads

Podcast Central: The Christmas Episode

Santa always delivers.

And he has brought you plenty of Christmas episodes! Maybe it is a little late for some holiday cheer. Though, we are still celebrating Christmas here! We are that neighbor who has their Christmas lights up three months after Christmas. Except we are doing it in podcast article form.

We are not featuring any new podcasts this time around. First time in months actually. Granted, I had plenty of time to listen to at least one new one but today we are just chilling around. A lot of your favorite podcasts are actually off the air for the holidays. Do not worry! We still found some great stuff in our bag and want to share with you guys!

With that said, don’t touch that Totodile! It is time for some podcasts!

Podcast Spotlight

Postcards from Pearl: A Charhuly Christmas– It is a Christmas episode! In July! I think…Well, Pearl has to deal with a sudden Christmas storm involving a Delibird from Brooklyn. Sounds like the perfect Christmas episode to share with the whole family.
Adventures in the Millennium: AITM Chirstmas Special 2019– What if you take a Coffee Shop AU and mix it with Christmas then stir in a little bit of people who shouldn’t be in a shop. Well…You get wacky hi-jinx as these people witness an arson while preforming a Christmas miracle!
Soundproof Podcast: Farewell Ultra Series!– This isn’t a Christmas episode but we still want to feature it! After all, it is the end of a saga as Soundproof bids farewell to Ultra Series like we did with 2019.

General Pokemon Podcasts

Luke Loves Pokemon: Mew– It is the end for Luke. He has finally completed Generation 1. And it ends the way it started. With the first Pokemon in many ways. Mew. Listen to this tale of love about a Pokemon that made Pokemon what it is today.
Podcast Monsters: Holiday Delibird-y!– Grace and Nathan go down the list and checking it twice to see which Pokemon has the most Christmas spirit! Who will come out on top? Now that is the real gift you need to listen for.
I Chews You: Delibird– Christmas is here and relatives are coming. The only question you need to ask is how do you prepare a Delibird. Well, the ICY Chefs got you covered!
PKMNcast: Pokémon Games Come to Facebook– Facebook gets actual Pokemon games? It is happening and SBJ is letting you know if these are worth your time on Facebook!
P.U.C.L. Podcast: Pokemon Sword and Shield from the Casual Perspective (Ft. Ryan)– Hi Ryan. Hear from Ryan on what his thoughts about Sword & Shield and why you should say hi back.
Blast Burn Radio: Pokemon Sword and Shield in Review!– The Blast Burn Crew is taking a holiday break to talk about their thoughts about Sword and Shield! It has been a month with plenty of things to say!
The Science of Pokemon: Galar’s Fairy Tales – The Science Boys are taking some time to look at some fairy tale inspirations behind the Pokemon of Galar such as a unicorn fighting a lion. Not all of them are as grim as you think they are.
A Wild Podcast has Appeared: Big Boi Pikachu Gets a Big Boi Win– Did Pikachu win a tournament? It seems like it and Jim, Megan and Christian have some words to say about that.
Victory Road: “A Pokemon Christmas Bash”– It is a Christmas party and Doug isn’t invited. Either way, they are here to talk about the Christmas album that Pokemon made long ago.

Anime Podcasts

Gotta Watch’em All Podcast: Pallet Party Panic – Ken and Adam sees how a loyal Pokemon can make all the difference with Pidgetto doing one last hurrah for Ash.

Battling Podcasts

Pokemon Champions Podcast: Malaysia Regionals (VGC and TCG Top 8)– It is a Christmas miracle as Dozer and Zac go over the last of the Ultra Series. This time we are in for a reflective episode as they look back at what was once Ultra Series.

TCG Podcasts

Tag Team: The Pidgey Eclipse– All aboard the Pidgey Express as Riley and JW talk about playing a lot of Pidgey at their tournaments. Choo choo.

Pokemon GO Podcasts

GOCast: Buddy O’Clock- Garchomp is in the news again and for bad reasons. But don’t worry! There are a lot of benefits to have one in battle now with the new changes in battling!
Pokemon GO Podcast: “Virizion: Can you hear me now?”– Virizion is ready to raid! Just bring Flying.
Lured Up Podcast: Hey Buddy– Ken has plenty of buddies to talk to in this episode along with talking about his Buddy in Pokemon GO!

Table Top Podcasts

Pokemon World Tour United: Candlenights 2019-What happens when you get cops together for Christmas? Cobalt and Victor are going to see first hand why they don’t come together often.
Pokemon Rollout!: The Beach Episode! Get ready for a beach episode like none other. Really…If you understand what happen here then please hit me up.
Pokemon Seicho: Shadow Pokemon– The showdown at Nugget Bridge revs up as shadows from the past come up as Shadow Pokemon!

The weather is chilly but nothing warms a podcaster’s heart then a review and like on Apple Podcasts!