Pokémon Crossroads

Podcast Central: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

Have you ever gone on an epic quest filled with…risk! Danger! Love! And Treasure! Of course you have! That is what Pokemon is all about. We have gone on plenty of epic adventures thanks to Pokemon. The dungeons may not be your traditional dungeons that you have seen in other types of RPG games but they sure can be dangerous! They are rigorous and filled with swarms of Zubat. Though it is all worth it when you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your team is now stronger and you are wiser. Together, you and your Pokemon are ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

Now get ready to take Pokemon to Dungeons and Dragons! We are now adding Dungeons and Dragonites to our Podcast Central line up! This podcast is brought you by PKMNcast! SBJ and his ragtag band of adventures have embark on an adventure using the Dungeon and Dragons rules in the Pokemon world. They will fight off many great dangers as they roll the die to success. Will our band of travelers be successful? Will their noble Farfetch’d guide them to their final destination? Make sure to listen in on their grand adventure of gaming!

We have a great podcast line up this week! Starting things off we are presenting our newest podcast, Dungeons and Dragonites presented by PKMNcast. We are presenting the first episode where our heroes create their characters and prepare for their epic adventures in Kanto. I hope you are ready to meet a Farfetch’d who also doubles as an accountant, a tamer who has hurt their neck too many times, a Zigzagoon that is laying on top of his dead mother, and a rich dwarf who may have joined the wrong party.

We also have great return of The Underground Podcast! Sam is back and has an story to tell that truly encapsulate everything great about the Pokemon fandom. Sam shares a story where a man has to step back from his love of Pokemon but still has the support of so many great Pokemon fans to hold him together and carry him to another anniversary for the podcast. If you want more awesome stories about Pokemon fans then join SBJ on the PKMNcast where he tells his story about how Pokemon has always been there for him as he moved from one place to another and how it made him many friends. Also you get to hear SBJ playing some Trimps.

After you get your game on, then get your anime on! Anne from Pikapi Podcast covers an episode where Misty gets all fired up because of a hotheaded trainer. A perfect character study that may show that Misty can be just like Ash when things get heated. Next, there is the Experience Share podcast where Kenny and Sorina talk about how thing went at their Winter Regionals. Did this duo of TCG players make it to the top or simply bubbled out? There is also TCG Radio where Rossy goes over all the new cards that are coming out from Japan’s Awakening of the Psychic King set. Find out which cards Rossy think could could see some play. Blue and Yellow from Kanto Cast look over the Pokemon Direct and all the hidden message in the video. Which ones of these hidden treats may end up true? Only time can tell! There is Radio Whirlwind where they do some talking about Pokken Tournament and speculate about what the Starters Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon could be based on. Lastly, we have P.U.C.L. Podcast talking about the things that they don’t want to see in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Do you want to ride in a car? How about a car that transforms? These are things that Thatch and the council don’t want in Pokemon SM.

Don’t touch that Totodile! It is time to listen to some podcasts!

Dungeon & Dragonites: So We Begin

The Underground: Four Years Come and Gone, While We Keep On Keepin’ On

PKMNcast: BONUS – Community Night Trimps

Pikapi Podcast: You’re Hot Then You’re Cold!

Experience Share: Winter Regionals Report

PTCG Radio: Awakening of the Psychic King – Leaking

Kanto Cast: Pokemon Sun and Moon

WhirlCast: Choose Your Starter!

P.U.C.L. Podcast: What We Hope Isn’t in Sun and Moon

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