Pokémon Crossroads

Pokemon GO Remote Raiding and More Coming Soon !

Some cool new features are coming to you soon in Pokemon GO!

A few weeks ago Niantic announced that raiding from home will be coming soon. Today more details about this remote raiding feature has been revealed. Plus a few more new features to make Pokemon GO from home even more enjoyable.

Remote Raiding

If you want to take part in raiding from home then you are going to need a Remote Raid Pass. This new item will allow you to take part in any raid that you see on your nearby screen. It will only cost one Remote Raid Pass to take part in a raid. Though you can only carry a certain amount of Remote Raid Passes at a time.

There are a few limitations to the Remote Raid Pass. One of them will be a limited amount of spots in the raid dedicated to trainers who use a Remote Raid Pass. Normally, only twenty players are allow in a Raid. That will still hold true but only a few of those spots will be allocated to those who wish to raid from afar.

Also, for now, those who Remote Raid will be able to battle with their Pokemon at full power as those who are actually at the location. Eventually this will change to where the attack power of those raiding remotely will be reduced. There has been no date provided for when this change will happen but it is suspected that it will come not long after the COVID-19 epidemic has passed.

A plus to Remote Raiding will be that any raids that uses a Remote Raid Pass will also count towards any Research Tasks that involve raiding.

Pokemon GO has noted that more changes will be coming to Remote Raiding such as the number of players who can participate remotely and the ability to invite friends no matter their location.

The Remote Raid Pass will cost money to obtain. Though, Pokemon GO has mention that players can expect to see this item in 1 PokeCoin bundles in the near future.

Field Research Tasks without the PokeStop Spin!

Those who wish to keep up their daily Field Research Task are in luck! That is because soon you will be able to receive a Field Research Task without spinning a PokeStop.

Trainers in Pokemon GO will receive one Field Research task daily at midnight. These task will involve completing activities that can be completed at home.

If all three of your Field Research Task spots are filled then a fourth one will appear which will be your received Field Research Task that you will receive from Pokemon GO. If all four spots are filled then you will receive a new one at midnight.

Gifts from your Buddy Pokemon!

If you are finding yourself low on Gifts then your Buddy Pokemon will help you out! That is because your Buddy Pokemon will run out and grab a gifts from a nearby PokeStop.

You will see a notification next to your Buddy Pokemon’s portrait when it has received a Gift from a nearby PokeStop. A Buddy Pokemon at any Friendship Level will be able to do this.

Power Up your Pokemon Faster

In an upcoming update, you will be able to power up your Pokemon’s CP much faster. That is because you will be able to give your Pokemon all the Candy and Stardust at once to raise their strength to the CP level that you want.

This has been a feature that trainers have been wanting for the longest time. Especially now when it takes a long time to power up Pokemon in the game by doing it one candy at a time.

Stacking Items

You will soon be able to stack items such as Star Piece, Lucky Egg, and Incense. That way you can use these items for extended amount of time without having to activate a new at the end of their duration time.

This new feature will make it easier to catch and raise your Experience up during Pokemon GO Community days or just playing at home.

Other Updates

There are a few other updates coming to Pokemon regarding battle features and User Interface.

We hope you will like these new updates coming to Pokemon GO as your battle and have fun from home!

Source: Pokemon GO