Pokémon Crossroads

Pokemon Launches College Scholarship

Do you want Pokemon to pay for your college?

Then you will need to enroll to the Royal College of Art! That is because The Pokemon Company has created a grant to fund two scholarships. These scholarships will be awarded to two second year MA students at the Royal College of Art in the United Kingdom. The two selected students will have their final year funded. They will only will also be awarded a trip to The Pokemon Company’s building in Japan.

So what do you need to do to earn a scholarship from Pokemon? Besides attending the Royal College of Art you will need to demonstrate the potential for “breaking new ground with their creative forces in the visual arts, design and communication.” This is apparently to tie into the idea that The Pokemon Company has been doing since day one. The The Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara had this to say about the scholarship’s premise:

“Pokémon evolved as a brand by embracing new technologies and collaborating with partners from new fields that range from data communication systems and geolocation-related technologies to partners in fashion and art.”

This is referring to Pokemon use of the Game Link Cables, infrared technology, wifi and recently geolocation in Pokemon GO. It looks like Pokemon wants to encourage creative thinking with technology for the next generation of great minds.

This year’s recipients for the scholarships was Jesse Cahn-Thompson, and Amir Afshar. Cahn-Thomson used minute changes in air pollution to create ‘slow music,’. Meanwhile, Afshar, works with emergent technologies.

Source: Comicbook