Pokémon Crossroads

September Community Day Announced

Time to get back to your regular scheduled Community Day.

Niantic has revealed the date for the next Community Day and featured Pokemon. The next day for Pokemon GO Community Day will be from September 22nd and will feature Chikorita. So expect to see plenty of green as you catch Chikorita!

The event will run from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time on both September 22nd. It was also reveal that the special bonus will be three times experience for all captures. Full details for the event can be found by clicking here.

There will be also plenty of Chikorita for trainers to capture on both days. This will give trainers the chance to catch several Shiny Chikorita. There has not been an announcement on what will be the exclusive move during the event. Though, if I have to guess then it will be Frenzy Plant. This move is the signature move for all Grass type full evolved Grass starters.

It has also been revealed that Community Day in October will be on October 21st 2018. Meanwhile, it will fall in November on November 10th

So make sure to show up and catch on!