Pokémon Crossroads

The Sky Jukebox #11: Nostalgic Medley

We’ve taken yet another long break, but it’s time once again for the Sky Jukebox! To make up for lost time, I got ya an extra-long piece—prepare for trouble, and make it double! Triple! This week’s featured video is twenty-six minutes worth of golden RBY/GS remixes, brought to you by hapi⇒.

I’m a fan of a wide variety of music, although I am a little picky about remixes at times. But when I found this video, I had to add it to my personal playlists. It might be long, but none of the tracks are the least bit boring—it’s full of great beats and sweet sounds from start to finish. Hapi’s truly a master at remixes! But don’t take my word for it; if you got the time, pop in those headphones and listen for yourself!