Pokémon Crossroads

Spotlight Hour: Charmander

This hour is going to be lit!

On July 13th the Spotlight will shine on, Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. To fully prepare you for this hour long weekly event, let’s go on a journey to discover everything we can about this Fire Type Pokémon.

About Charmander

Charmander is 2’00” and weighs 18.7 lbs. Charmander’s hand has an inconsistent number of fingers in its designs. The original sprites featured three fingers, while the artwork Ken Sugimori drew based on those sprites had four fingers. Currently artwork unrelated to games and merchandise use the three-fingered hand design; while the 3D models and the artwork based on those (such as the ones made for LG: PE feature the four-fingered hand design.

It’s name is derived from char and salimander.

In Pokémon GO

Charmander, in its base stage, has it’s strongest moveset in Ember & Flamethrower and it has a Max CP of 980. Charizard, the final evolution in this line has it’s strongest moveset in Fire Spin & Blast Burn and it has a Max CP of 2,889.

The Shiny form of Charmander was released on May 19, 2018 during it’s Community Day.

Tips for Spotlight Hour

This Spotlight hour, which runs form 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time will also feature 2x the Candy when catching Pokémon. Use this hour effectively to boost your Charmander Candy so you can power up your strongest Charizard.

See you around, Genesect!