Pokémon Crossroads

Sword & Shield Prerelease Weekend and Promos!

It is Prerelease Weekend!

Grab your sword and shield because it is Prerelease Weekend for Sword & Shield in the TCG! Plenty of new Pokemon are going to be introduce into the Pokemon TCG from the Galar region! Get ready to see powerful Pokemon that march to the beat of their own drum to chilly foes that will hail down tons of damage!

Sword & Shield will be the first set based on the Generation 8 Pokemon. This set will introduce a brand new mechanic call Pokemon V and Pokemon VMAX. These Pokemon promise to have hard hitting attacks and can become even stronger by VMAX. By doing this, you can expect VMAX Pokemon to gain even higher HP while boosting stronger attacks.

The prereleases for Sword & Shield start this weekend, January 25 to February 3, 2020. Those who attend a Sword & Shield Prerelease will be given a Build & Battle Kit that contains a 23-card Evolution pack which includes an exclusive foil promo card. They will also be given Sword & Shield booster packs. Along with the energy given by the Tournament Organizer, players will be asked to build a 40 card deck.

The Prerelease Promos for Sword & Shield will be Rillaboom, Frosmoth, Galarian Perrserker, or Cinccino. Below we will go over each card concerning what they do.


Rillaboom is a Stage 2 Grass type Pokemon with a booming ability. Voltage Beat is an Energy accelerating ability that allows you to take two Grass energy from your deck and attach it to one of your Pokemon.

Voltage Beat will be useful in any deck that uses Grass type Pokemon as their main attacker. You will be able to quickly power up any Pokemon to use some heavy hitting attacks in a matter of time. Grookey will need to evolve into Rillaboom fast if you wish to use Voltage Beat. We suggest you use cards like Rare Candy to add more boom to your beat if you plan to use Rillaboom. If you are looking into playing with Rillaboom in other ways then you could look into pairing it up with Rowlet & Alolan Exeggcutor GX. That way you can evolve Grookey into Rillaboom even faster.


Frosmoth is a Stage 1 Water type Pokemon that is expected to hail above the competition. That is because Frosmoth’s Ice Dance ability allows you to attach as many Water Energy from your hand as you want during your turn. This is similar to other abilities such as Blastoise’s Deluge that do the same thing. The only difference is that now it is on a Stage 1 Pokemon like Frosmoth.

There are plenty of Water type Pokemon that would love to have it rain down Energy. Now Frosmoth can do that with Ice Dance. You will just need to be quick to evolve your Snom into Frosmoth with your prefer way to search for Pokemon.

Galarian Perrserker

Galarian Perrserker will really help Metal Pokemon go berserk thanks to Steely Spirit. This Stage 1 Metal Pokemon will allow all Metal type Pokemon do an additional 20 damage to their attacks. This ability is also able to stack if you have multiple Galarian Perrserker on the field.

You will have plenty of Metal Pokemon who would want to have Balarian Perrserker on the bench. Some of them include Zamazenta V and Zacian V. You also have Pokemon such as Lucario & Melmetal GX who wouldn’t mind the extra damage boost. All you need to do is ensure you have plenty of Galarian Meowth to evolve.


Cinccino is a Colorless Stage 1 Pokemon that has a similar ability to long time TCG fans. Make Do will allow you to draw 2 cards as long as you discard one from your hand. Though, watch out! You can only use this ability once per turn.

You can create an interesting combo by discarding an Energy and then use Cinccino’s Energy Assist to attach it to one your Bench Pokemon. Energy Assist only cost one Energy and does 40 damage. Though, we won’t blame you if you simply decide to include Cinccino on your bench simply to draw cards with Make Do.

Sword & Shield Prerelease will be the weekends of January 25 to February 3, 2020! You can find your local prereleases by clicking here. Booster packs for Sword & Shield will be on sale starting on February 7th.

Best of luck in your pulls! Have fun!