Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Jump: Featured Battle M Ampharos EX Deck!

This week we will be featuring a shocking match from ABlueGolflBall using a deck that is electrifying. This match takes place in the Expanded format where it can charge up easily. This week we will be featuring a match using M Ampharos EX.

This deck revolves around using M Ampharos EX to do all the heavy attacking. It has an attack that is called Exavolt which does 120 damage normally but can do 170 and paralyze your opponent’s Pokemon at the cost of 30 damage to M Ampharos EX. Exavolt cost a two Lightning and two other energy but to help that there is energy acceleration in the form of Eelektrik. Just set up a few Eelektrik on the bench and use Battle Compressor to drop Lightning Energy into the discard. Then use Eeletrik’s Dynamotor to attach discarded Lightning energy on to M Ampharos EX. Once you do that then you can knock out any 170 HP EX with a single attack. If you can’t knock them out then {paralyze them to stall for time and knock them out next turn.

Now that you know how the deck works, go ahead and watch the video below to see how ABlueGolfBall plays it!