Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Jump: Featured Card- Deoxys EX

This week marks when Plasma Freeze hits the streets with one of the most wanted cards being Deoxys EX. This Pokemon is expected to make a big splash in the metagame due to it’s ability and interesting attack.

The main draw for Deoxys EX is it’s Power Connect ability. This will give all attacks from Team Plasma Pokemon a boost of ten more damage. The best part about this ability is that it can be stacked for every Deoxys EX in play. If you have three Deoxys EX cards on the bench then now your Thundurus EX is able to do sixty damage with a single Lightning Energy. That is pretty big in this metagame.

The best part about this card is how easily compatible it is with other cards. The big deck that we may see this card in is Deoxys-Thundurus-Lugia. The idea is to power up a Lugia EX on the bench and use Thundurus EX’s Raiden Knuckle to regain Plasma Energies that were discarded by Lugia EX’s Plasma Gale. Where Deoxys EX falls into this is being able to boost all of these attacks. Add in Hypnotoxic Laser and with the right card you can knock out any EX Pokemon without Eviolite.

Another popular deck that could use Deoxys EX are Darkrai EX variants. Slap on a Team Plasma Badge to any normal Pokemon which will make them into a Team Plasma Pokemon. Now you have a Darkrai with the potential to do a hundred plus damage with Night Spear. The same thing can be done to any other normal card as long as you have Team Plasma Badge in a deck.

Lastly, Deoxys EX could be used as a counter to Mewtwo EX. If you give Deoxys EX a Plasma Energy then it is possible to knock out a Double Colorless Energy Mewtwo EX with his Helix Force attack. Deoxys EX’s attack does thirty damage for each energy on the opponent’s active Pokemon. That would be ninety damage plus double for weakness to be enough to knock out Mewtwo EX. There is always the chance that another Mewtwo EX could revenge kill but every card has a risk.

Good luck with your pulls this week from Plasma Freeze. Hopefully you can get Deoxys EX to help expand and strengthen your Team Plasma army of Pokemon.