Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Jump: Featured Card- M Mewtwo (Y) EX

It is now time to break through into unimaginative power! We have taken a break from Featured Card but now we are going right back into it! The Pokemon we are going to feature has always been a strong one. It is as if the people who created this Pokemon wanted it to be the strongest across all formats. Now time has passed and this Pokemon must evolve in order to stay the strongest. Today on Featured Card we are going to look at a Pokemon whose power has no cap. This Pokemon card can be ruthless and will surely punish those who dares get in it’s way. It is now time to put the spotlight on M Mewtwo EX! The Y Variant!

M Mewtwo EX is a Mega Pokemon with 210 HP. It is a Psychic type Pokemon that has a weakness to Psychic type Pokemon and a two energy retreat cost. Once it evolves from Mewtwo EX, M Mewtwo EX has access to Psychic Infinity which cost two Colorless energy. The power of Psychic Infinity grows in power with every energy attached to M Mewtwo EX and the opponent’s active Pokemon. Psychic Infinity has a base power of 10 but it does 30 more damage for every energy attached to M Mewtwo EX and your opponent’s Pokemon. That means if you have two energy attached to M Mewtwo EX and one on your opponent then M Mewtwo EX will be doing 100 damage. If there are more energy in play then the damage output can go even higher!

The Pros
The Y variant for M Mewtwo EX is quite strong as it can easily hit big numbers quickly for just two energies thanks to Psychic Infinity. It is quite similar to Mewtwo EX from Next Destinies who was famous for it’s X Ball attack. The only difference between X Ball and Psychic Infinity is that Psychic Infinity has a base damage output and doesn’t hit for weakness. Either way, if you are going face-to-face with M Mewtwo EX then you will need to be careful with how much energy you are attaching to your Pokemon because it could hurt you next turn.

Another thing that makes M Mewtwo EX even better is the fact that Psychic Infinity cost two colorless energy. That means it could fit into almost any kind of deck that loves and can pile on energy. There are a few decks in the format that can do that so it won’t be too hard to fit a M Mewtwo EX into them if space can be made.

Another option that you can do is just attach a Double Colorless Energy onto M Mewtwo EX and start attacking that way. This kind of easy set up makes M Mewtwo EX a dangerous Pokemon to battle against.

The Cons
The first con with M Mewtwo EX is that it is a Mega Pokemon. That means you will need to right cards in your hand such Mewtwo Spirit Link and M Mewtwo EX. That kind of set up could slow you down as you are trying to rush over to use Psychic Infinity.

The second con is that M Mewtwo EX may not like to be match up against certain Pokemon. One of those Pokemon is part of a popular deck that is marching forward in League Challenges and Cities. The Pokemon I am referring to is the Pumpkaboo who can attack with Night March that is used in Night March. Pumpkaboo is a Psychic type Pokemon that can hit M Mewtwo EX for weakness quite cheaply and quickly. A Pokemon like Pumpkaboo wasn’t around when Mewtwo EX from Next Destinies was rampaging the format in 2012. Now we are in 2015 and we have decks that are using a Psychic type Pokemon who can hit for over 100 damage quite quickly. So this could scare off some people who want to start running M Mewtwo EX decks.

How to Play It
There are a few ways to play M Mewtwo EX. We are going to talk about at least three of those ways.

The first way to play M Mewtwo EX is with Psychic energy. This way is maybe the most basic but offers a few interesting tricks. The first interesting trick is that you get to use Mewtwo EX with Scatter Shot and Damage Change. This Mewtwo EX offers a second attacker with access to Scatter Shot to take advantage of all the Psychic energy attached to it. Also, if you opponent fails to knockout Mewtwo EX then you can always swap the damage on Mewtwo EX with the damage on your opponent’s active Pokemon. This could be used to knock them out or simply heal up your Mewtwo EX before you Mega Evolve into M Mewtwo EX. You also have access to various stadiums such as Dimension Valley to make your Mewtwo EX’s attacker cheaper, Silent Lab to turn off abilities and Memory Shrine to have access to Mewtwo EX’s attack as M Mewtwo EX.

The second way to play M Mewtwo EX is with Steel. This maybe the most popular way to run M Mewtwo EX because it can uses the Bronzong Metal Links engine to power up. You will be running the Mewtwo EX which has access to Photon Wave for only two energy. The idea of this deck is to discard Metal energy by using Battle Compressor, Ultra Ball and other means. Next you will use Bronzong and it’s Metal Links ability to attach Metal Energy from the discard onto M Mewtwo EX. Once you have enough energy attached to M Mewtwo EX then you can start using Psychic Infinity with your full metal M Mewtwo EX. This deck also has access to all of the Metal Pokemon who are quite handy such as Aegislash EX, Heatran and Dialga EX.

The last way to play M Mewtwo EX that I will mention is using Fairy. This method involves using Xerneas’s Geomancy attack to pull energy from your deck and put it on your bench. You will then use Aromatisse’s Fairy Transfer ability to move the energy around. The idea is to simply use Geomancy enough times to get Fairy energy on your field and then simply move it to M Mewtwo EX to fuel Psychic Infinity. There are a few cool tricks to use in this deck such as preventing your opponent from taking knockout by using AZ. If a M Mewtwo EX is getting heavily damaged then simply move the Fairy Energy off of it and on to another M Mewtwo EX. You can then use AZ to bring up that damaged M Mewtwo EX back into your hand and promote your new M Mewtwo EX. That way you can heal up a M Mewtwo EX without losing your energy. This Fairy version of M Mewtwo EX also has a good match up against Giratina variants as it has Fairy Pokemon such as Xerneas who can knock it out with a single attack thanks to Rainbow Spear and weakness. If you are worry about Night March then you can simply use Xerneas EX’s Break Through attack to knock out the active Night March Pokemon and a bench Joltik.

If you want to play M Mewtwo EX in Expanded then you will want to swap out your BREAKthrough Mewtwo EX with your Next Destinies Mewtwo EX. That way you can use X Ball to hit for weakness and Mega Evolve for more HP or to hit harder. You may also want to play Gardevoir from Next Destinies to take advantage of it’s Psychic Mirage ability. This ability allows all Psychic energy attached to your Psychic Pokemon to be counted twice.

M Mewtwo EX can be a powerful Pokemon that can blow away your opponent’s forces with a single attack. It could leave your opponent asking why but you know how you were able to take all your prizes. Just know that if you see the Y variant of M Mewtwo EX then be prepare to see it break through all your forces if you are not careful.