Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Jump: Featured Match- Diancie-EX & Xerneas BREAK Deck

Get ready to see a powerful card take center stage! It can hit anything hard and take hits from all. That is the power of Diancie EX!

Today we are featuring a match that uses Diancie EX as the main star. This Pokemon may have low HP but it makes up for it with the Sparkle Veil ability which reduces all damage it takes by 30. You can attach a Fighting Fury Belt to Diancie EX so it can take even more hits. Surely you will be playing Diancie EX with Fairy Energy so go ahead and use Fairy Drop to heal up Diancie EX. That way you can make one Diancie EX last a long way and annoy your opponent.

Diancie EX is more then just a defensive Pokemon. It has serious attack power once you attach a Fairy Energy and Double Colorless Energy to it. If you do this then Diancie EX will be able to preform Wonder Stage which does 60 base damage but 50 more if a Stadium is in play. Luckily there will most likely be on when Diancie EX takes the stage. You can quickly two hit KO any EX Pokemon under the right conditions.

You can even play Xerneas BREAK who synergize nicely with Diancie EX. Diancie EX can hold a lot of energy and when you need a quick attacker that only close you one prize then Xerneas BREAK can do that. It just needs two Fairy energy and a lot of energy on your bench to hit nice numbers to continue two hit KOing your opponent’s Pokemon.

Ready to see this deck in action? Check out Poke Fam as he gives this deck a spin!