Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Jump: Featured Match- Giratina/Lugia/Bronzong

Giratina has been a popular choice recently. Because of that, we are going to feature a match that involves him. This match is from PokeDecks and is based on a deck that David Ferreira, Portuguese National Champion, used!

This deck likes to focus on getting Giratina EX ready to battle as quick as possible. Though you have a few options if you want to get to attacking early such as Lugia EX. This great white bird of terror can attack with a single DCE and can quickly tear holes in your opponent’s forces. Once you have Giratina EX ready to attack, then you are doing at least 100 damage plus keeping your opponent from attaching special energy, tools and placing down Stadiums. It is an interesting lock that puts your opponent into a bind.

This deck even has another way to help speed up the attacking process in the form of Bronzong and Battle Compressor. When you get Battle Compressor, you want to go ahead and discard some Metal Energy and a Supporter. Later you can retrieve your Metal Energy by using Bronzong to power up the Colorless requirement of Giratina EX or Lugia EX to do some heavy damage. This especially help if you want to use Lugia as a late game clean up to do one-hit KOs using Deep Hurricane.

The Giratina/Lugia/Bronzong deck is an interesting deck that is quite flexible. It can hit hard when it has to in a quick way. Simply watch the battle below to find out.