Pokémon Crossroads

TCG Podcasts to Host Charity Stream

The holidays are here which means it is time to give!

The Slowpoke Well Podcast are going to be hosting a charity stream. They are going to be hosting a Mega Pokemon TCG Stream Charity Stream!

The goal of the stream is to raise money to help spread the Pokemon love to those who are less fortunate. All proceeds will go to buy Pokemon toys that will be given to those that are less fortunate.

Benji and Shai from the Slowpoke Well Podcast will have plenty of guest on during their stream. Some of the guest expected to come on stream include Jack and Joe from Omnipoke, Nick Pearce, Super Rod Cast and many more! There will be plenty of fun as Benji and Shai put their guest through the ringer. There will be ice breakers, games, TCG games and more! All in the name of charity!

You can get more information about the event by clicking here. You can watch the stream by clicking here.

The Mega Pokemon TCG Stream Charity Stream will be on December 21st. It will start at 6pm UTC (Noon US Central) and end at Midnight.

Make sure to give and watch!