Pokémon Crossroads

More updates come to Pokémon Masters!

New Pokémon, New Pairs, and UI updates are coming!

The Next Update for Pokémon Masters has been announced and with it comes a lot of new changes. That said, for some of the upcoming changes, the company behind Pokémon Masters has made it clear that they will be taking feedback so be sure to let them know what you think of these changes once they are implemented.

Bug Type Egg Event

The first update comes in the form of more egg events! With the egg mechanic having been released recently to good reception, there has been a promise of more egg events in the future. With this, the first egg event is set to be a bug type egg event, making bug type eggs more common. This allows for a greater chance at the Weedle, Scyther, Venonat, and Pinsir sync pairs. In addition, it is possible for Scyther and Pinsir to hatch shiny in some eggs. If you want more of a low down on egg mechanics, be sure to check out one of our previous articles where we go more in-depth with it.

Summer Seasonal Scouts

Just like in the winter, two new sync pairs are receiving seasonal outfits. While we don’t know what the other sync pair will be, the first confirmed pair is Steven and Alolan Sandslash. Personally, this was a bit of an unexpected pair, since we’ve never seen Steven with an Alolan Sandslash before. But I really like the idea that Masters is giving us a chance to see our favorite characters with new Pokémon we’d never expect them to pair with. Plus this ice type will be a great way to cool off from the ever increasing summer heat. We’ll be sure to bring you more news once more information on this seasonal pair is released.

Stamina Function

This is by far the biggest update out of the ones we have to discuss today. A stamina function will be added with the next update on a trial bases. They are listening to feedback and may remove it if it is not well received. Skip Tickets will be introduced that allow you to skip the battle and just receive rewards. It also adds Player Rank which will increase as you use Stamina and allow you to use more Stamina. Some items will be made redundant and so can be exchanged in future times. As such, all players will receive 3000 Gems, a Skip Ticket, and Stamina when the update is out. We’re aware that many players are skeptical of the inclusion of a stamina function, so be sure to let Pokémon Masters know any feedback you’ll have on it once it is released.

Other Updates

Moves and Passive Skills will now be automatically activated and Level Cap for first three levels removed so initial level cap for all Sync Pairs will be 100 with items required to unlock level caps removed. Type Skills are being added. If you have a team of two or more Sync Pairs of the same type, it boosts the Sync Pairs
There will be a Legendary Event in Mid August featuring Palkia, presumably to pair with the player but at this time it is not known. Late August will include the update of the Champion Stadium which lets you take on Elite Four and Champion from various regions.

So with so many updates out there, let’s get out there and become Pokémon masters!