Pokémon Crossroads

VGC 2016 Has Arrived to Battle Spot

All you who have been sitting on Pokemon Showdown waiting for the day that you could once again play the current VGC season on your 3DS, rejoice! Serebii reported that Special Rules Season 14 will be the first season of VGC 2016 to arrive to Battle Spot.

This change will be taking place on January 19th, and the season will continue through March 15th. This announcement have left many battlers screaming with joy on Twitter, including yours truly.

This change will inevitably signal the end of VGC ’15 on Battle Spot, so those of us who have still been playing around with that format will have to sit our Conkeldur and our Mega Gyarados to the side and prepare for the onslaught of Primals and Mega Rayquaza that will flood the metagame. These changes have completely changed the meta and you need to be prepared to counter quite a few new teams and sets. Make sure you keep an eye out on the site for updates and Pokemon spotlights that will look into different Pokemon that may prove useful this upcoming season. Feel free to let me know some sets and Pokemon that you would like to see featured by following me and the Pokemon Crossroads official account and sending us your sets!

Until next time, battle on!