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VIDEO: (PART 1) Hopes For Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Remakes

DP Remakes
Ready for some Diamond & Pearl remakes?

Then go ahead and join DannyRFN! He is excited for these possible games and has made a video about them!

As part of a brand new series, DannyRFN is going to discuss what he wants when it comes to Diamond and Pearl remakes. The best part is that he isn’t wasting time talking about recent Pokemon faults and other things. DannyRFN is getting straight to the point and sharing what he wants. He is talking about what some fans may want. Though, DannyRFN also brings up a reasonable idea on how Mega Evolution and Dynamax can exist in the land of Sinnoh.

Go ahead and give DannyRFN’s video a watch. It will surely get you wondering on what would happen if we do see Diamond & Pearl remakes in the year 2021.

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