Inuyasha: The Final Act

Episode 22

Sin Total: 76 Sins

-They have this little filler thing at the end of each opening. It's been like this since Inuyasha and I'm not sure what purpose it serves but it's stupid.
-There's a blowing wind sound to remind both us and Sango just how eminent Miroku's death is.
-Sango states that the sound is the sound of Miroku's wind tunnel as if none of us that are binging these episodes can remember what the sound is.
-Miroku has no idea why Sango is so worried.
-Sango starts to tell him but they are suddenly interrupted by an ominous fog.
-An ominous fog is used to create an illusion, like it has literally every other time there's been an ominous fog of sorts in this series. The fact that the characters still don't understand this after literally almost 200 episodes is utterly astounding.
-The illusion is of a familiar location, like usual. Again, this shouldn't be surprising to these people.
-We are able to identify that a character is another character's parent because he's literally wearing the same clothes and holding the same staff as the character. So this raises multiple questions from me. If Miroku's father died in those clothes and with that staff just like it was just shown, then how did Miroku get them? Did they just have spares in the temple prepped and ready to go or did they have to be specially made? Actually, looking more closely at the illusion you can see a child Miroku and he's wearing the exact same robes just smaller so do they have a seamstress for this? Or is it just lazy character design? I mean, at least Sango has two outfits, which is more than I can say for anyone else in this show.
-While in his demon state, Inuyasha is forced to relive his worst memories, while we are forced to rewatch the scene where Kikyo shoots Inuyasha for like the thousandth time.
-Also I'm still made they never updated the animation for this to the newer style. It looks amazing, don't get me wrong, but whenever they show parts of the show from previous episodes, it's easy to see a distinct difference in the animation style. At least Pokemon updates their stuff.
-Inuyasha still mourns Kikyo despite the fact that he and Kagome literally almost kissed a few episodes ago. I get this is a big dilemma and all but it got old really fast. It's probably one of the main reasons I hadn't Kikyo so much at the beginning. It wasn't until they started implementing scenes with her where Inuyasha wasn't constantly in a struggle between she and Kagome that I actually grew to respect her character.
-Inuyasha is mad because Kikyo died, but she was pretty much the Japanese equivalent of a ushabti, which I'm pretty sure don't live forever. It was also shown she needed a constant supply of souls to survive so what did Inuyasha expect, really?
-Inuyasha suddenly thinks of Kagome and somehow this snaps him out of his demon trance.
-Creepy Naraku heads
-Inuyasha goes into denial about hurting/killing Kagome despite having her blood on his hands
-Inuyasha starts to get his original wish of becoming a full demon and doesn't seem too happy about it.
-Kagome's voice actor is different and while it's already been twenty-two episodes since the change, I'm still ticked about it.
-Kagome sees Sesshomaru and recognizes him but says his name just to make sure it's actually him, because that's a viable test or something.
-Sesshomaru is immediately able to guess that Kagome's wound was delivered by Inuyasha despite the fact that any number of demons could have delivered it. I'm not sure if this is because Sesshomaru's really smart or he just hates his brother that much but either way, it's a sin.
-Sesshomaru is able to also guess exactly what happened despite there being no way he could have known what happened since he wasn't there.
-Kagome's in denial about Inuyasha hurting her.
-Miroku contemplates using his wind tunnel.
-Despite having Kirara as a viable mount because she can fly much faster than they can run, Sango and Miroku only start to ride her now.
-They call her Kilala instead of Kirara and I'm not sure if this is meant to keep with the Japanese pronunciation or to make fun of the whole "L" and "R"s deal in Japan.
-Miroku uses his wind tunnel instead of letting his girlfriend deal with the problems because he thinks his life is worth less than the possibility that Sango will be able to handle herself.
-There's a color inversion to let us know that Miroku did something truly damaging to his wind tunnel.
-Also if you pause at 8:16, Miroku's facial expression tells us all that he realizes he just screwed up bad.
-More wind blowing
-Miroku is worried he's going to be consumed by his wind tunnel, which begs the question of why he keeps using it if he's worried about this.
-More flashbacks
-Miroku warns Sango to stay back.
-The guy about to die leaves behind his beloved to save her life cliche
-The girl chases after him cliche
-Kagome makes a suggestion that if Sesshomaru was as smart as we all know him to be, there's no way he didn't think about it since it's a practically common sense suggestion.
-Sesshomaru doesn't answer Kagome, further emphasizing the stupidity of her suggestion.
-Kagome blames it on mentioning Inuyasha rather than realizing there's no way Sesshomaru didn't think about the suggestion she just made.
-Naraku is like one of those houses you're always impressed by as a kid, waaaay bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
-Sesshomaru thinks someone's trying to mock him cliche
-Character awakens from passing out right as the story finds it convenient cliche
-Rin doesn't even seem to notice the differences to Inuyasha's face until she is within killing range.
-Rin, for some reason, thinks that despite everything but his face being the same, Inuyasha is not Inuyasha
-Evil Laughter
-Character says another character's name in a mourning tone as if they are dead right before a flashback cliche
-The outside of Naraku's body looks like something out of a 3-D horror film, which is hilarious compared to everything else because while his body looks three dimensional everything else is two dimensional and the contrast is very evident.
-Shippo Flashbacks
-Jakken claims the reason he was left behind was because he wasn't notified everyone was leaving for battle but we all know the real reason.
-Jakken makes a reasonable suggestion about Shippo taking him up there because the fox demon can fly. What's annoying is that Shippo hadn't thought of flying up there until now.
-The midgets get into a slap fight.
-Kohaku shows up with the dragon that's been able to fly this whole series and was last seen in Jakken's possession. So, again, what's annoying about this is that no one thought of using either Shippo or A-Un before this little conversation occurred.
-Kagome questions the fact that Sesshomaru knows where both Rin and Inuyasha are. Apparently she doesn't trust his sense of smell enough despite that she was the one who made the suggestion about it earlier in the episode.
-Inuyasha tries to attack Magatsuhi despite it being well established by now that only Sesshomaru can touch Magatsuhi.
-Rin disappears right as Sesshomaru arrives.
-Sesshomaru points out the huge flaw in Magatsuhi possessing Inuyasha for the fight against Sesshomaru since Sesshomaru wants both of them dead. If anything, Magatsuhi made Sesshomaru's job that much easier.
-Shippo points out the whole Jakken and A-Un thing that I pointed out earlier.
-Shippo bashes Kohaku for coming along because Sango told Kohaku not to but if I remember correctly Shippo was strictly told not to come either so…
-Convenient Meido zangetsuha creates an opening for the late members to the party to enter Naraku's body
-Jakken and Shippo freak out about going inside Naraku. I'm not sure what else they expected since they were both really ticked about not being able to fight in the first place. Did they think they were just going to provide announcer commentary?
-Hole closes right after the group enters.
-Despite having an obvious advantage once Inuyasha has lost his sword, Sesshomaru decides to sheath his sword as well and fight claw to claw. I'm not sure why he would do this other than it being a plot device to give Kagome time to figure out how to fix Inuyasha because otherwise Sesshomaru would have never done that.
-Despite being injured, Kagome is able to climb this mountain of flesh pretty easily.
-Sesshomaru unsheathes his sword again but I'm still not sure why he ever sheathed it in the first place.
-Sesshomaru claims Inuyasha is not his brother cliche
-Sesshomaru draws Tensaiga and Magatsuhi points out the total absurdity in this until he realizes that Sesshomaru actually took a stop at Koro Sensei's classroom and picked up the ultimate assassin trick of distracting your opponent with one blade then attacking with another.
-Kagome reaches Tetsaiga and proceeds to reenact the sword in the stone.
-Sesshomaru quotes Excalibur from Soul Eater.
-Kagome's blood again somehow partially snaps Inuyasha out of it.
-Inuyasha is confused. It hurt itself in confusion.
-Sesshomaru refers to Inuyasha as "the half demon" cliche
-Inuyasha doesn't seem to remember how Magatsuhi was able to possess him because he gives the guy a prime chance to possess Kagome and literally everyone else but he and Kagome realize this.
-One of the many unique versions of Inuyasha's sword is the solution to the problem cliche