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  1. #81
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 66: Wobbu-palooza!

    "Has it hit you that you've won two Color Stripes in a row yet?" Ash asked as he finished up a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup.

    "It's starting to sink in." Brock replied as he admired the rainbow taking shape on his right vest flap. "But performing for Suzie was the best part--I finally kept my promise of performing for her."

    He was about to say more when he saw a Wobbufett emerge from the brush and announce [A-a-all is well!] before waddling off.

    "You're not gonna spoil our lunch today, Team Rocket!" Ash vowed as he set aside his dishes and angrily eyed the bush, as if expecting Jessie, James, and Meowth to appear at any moment.

    Brock wasted no time in spritzing an arrow's head with a Max Repel. "If this Wobbufet is Team Rocket's, I'll just warn it away..."

    He was just about to fire when he saw several more Wobbufetts emerge, all waddling to catch up with the first one. "Stand down, Brock--that first Wobbufett wasn't Team Rocket's at all." Misty replied as she watched more and more Wobbufetts parade by the campsite.

    [So, where would they all be going?] Tintri was intrigued.

    "Let's clean up and find out." Ash suggested before giving his dishes to River and Spritz to wash.

    After cleaning up the remains of their lunch and breaking camp, the group followed the Wobbufetts down the winding road.

    Eventually, the group discovered that the Wobbufetts had all been traveling to a festively decorated town. "Wow..." Misty gasped as she saw the line of Wobbufetts waddle to meet other Wobbufetts and people. "There must be a party or something going on to celebrate these Wobbufetts..."

    "A party!" Ash gasped. "I'm always up for a good party!"

    [Yeah!] Tintri agreed.

    "Welcome, travelers, to Wobbufett Village." a man smiled as he met the group. "So named because, well, everyone owns either a Wobbufett, or its younger form Wynaut."

    "I see..." Ash mused.

    "In fact--you're just in time for the Wobbufett Festival." the man went on before gesturing to a large stage in the center of the town that overlooked a huge Wobbufett statue. "If any of you are musicians or storytellers, the Lore Stage that kicks off the first day is about to start."

    "Really?" Brock gasped before motioning for Ash and Misty to follow him. "Where do I sign up?" he asked the man as they made their way into town...


    Meanwhile, Team Rocket heaved with exhaustion as they approached the hill leading into Wobbufett Village. "Finally, we've reached some form of civilization..." Jessie wheezed as she collapsed at the side of the road.

    "Tell me about it--I feel like a hundred Growlithes have bitten my toes..." James groaned as he sat down to massage his aching feet.

    [A-a-all is well!] Sahana announced as he emerged with pop, startling Jessie.

    "Who asked you how everything was?" Jessie grumbled at the blue blob Pokemon. "Our feet are killing us!"

    The endless stream of Wobbufetts streaming into the village piqued her interest. "Oh look, there's more Wobbufetts..." she mused, forgetting about her anger at Sahana completely.

    "Oh, are you two travelers?" a brown haired woman in a Wynaut T-shirt and jeans smiled as she approached Jessie and James. "You have a fine Wobbufett, there."

    "Thank you, ma'am." James replied with a little bow. "We indeed have traveled far, and could use the rest."

    The woman smiled. "My name's Lulu...are you in town for the festival? If you and your Wobbufett need a place to stay, I have a spare bedroom in the house."

    "Uh, sure." Jessie replied as she gingerly stood up. Why people would want to celebrate Wobbufetts is beyond me... she thought as Lulu led them into town, past the stage in the square where Brock was checking in for the Lore Stage, and Ash and Misty were tuning up to perform some pre-show music for the crowds that gathered.

    "If you're hungry, I'll make you a roast Combusken with all the fixins'" Lulu offered, snapping Jessie and James back to reality.

    "FOOD!!!" the three Rockets gasped, starry eyed as they pictured the spread their host would presumably make for them--the roast Combusken, the mashed potatoes, the casseroles, the baked vegetables, and of course, a dizzying array of cakes and pies for dessert.

    "Forget da big meal we're about ta get--if dat's good, den dere has ta be more food where our big spread came from!" Meowth sighed dreamily as he pictured an array of meat and seafood for him, with Nanab Berries for dessert.

    After tying on a yellow souvenir headband to Sahana, Lulu pointed out a large stone statue of a Wobbufett in the distance. "If you look to your right, you'll see our festival symbol, a statue made by a local artist named 'Enduring Hope'..."

    Neither the Rockets or Lulu were aware of three hoodlums looking down on the village. "Look at'em, blissfully unaware of our yearly visit..."

    "Let's do this!"

    "Leelee, Chika, Fury, let's go."


    The crowd applauded as Ash and Misty took a bow as thanks for the two tunes they had just finished. Granted, they had no time to practice, but despite a few minor mistakes, their Pokeflute and fiddle duo act had gone over very well. "Now that we're done, it's time to watch Brock kick off the competition." Misty smiled, giddy over what Brock would tell for this Lore Stage.

    "It may be no competition--Brock's a pro!" Ash smiled as he put his Pokeflute case away and invited Tintri aboard his shoulder.

    "Number K-93098, telling 'Golden Jack'." the emcee announced as Brock arrived on the stage to some applause.

    "Thank you." Brock acknowledged the applause before beginning his tale. "Once upon a time--as all good stories are supposed to begin--!"

    A girl crying got his attention. "Mama! Someone hurt Kibou!" a teal haired girl sobbed as her mother consoled her, then tended to her wounded Wynaut.

    "Some hoodlums did a number on my Wobbufett too!" a brown haired man reported as he did his best to ease a wound on his Wobbufett's head.

    "First someone made Annie cry, and then wounded Yahichi's Wobbufett...could any of our Pokemon be next?" another man worried.

    "Should I try and continue?" Brock asked the emcee.

    "Not while everyone's on edge like this...if you want to help, you can find who's injuring our Pokemon." the emcee replied.

    Brock nodded, and reunited with Ash and Misty near stage right. "I didn't expect my performance to be ruined by festival crashers..."

    "Let's go find out who made that little girl cry and hurt that guy's Wobbufett!" Ash suggested.

    "No one makes a sweet little girl cry and gets away with it on my watch!" Misty agreed as the group hurried down a street.

    They discovered Team Rocket--in disguise as maintenance workers--near the festival midway. "Ah-ha!" Ash cried. "I never thought you'd stoop so low as to make little girls cry..."

    "But we were nowhere near the stage at the time!" Jessie protested.

    "Yeah, we were fixing up the games on the midway and performing any needed repairs!" James lied to keep up their ruse.

    "I wouldn't judge a book by its cover, young man--these two and their Meowth have shown considerable character." Lulu added as she joined the disguised Team Rocket.

    Ash was about to protest when he heard more and more of the townsfolk gasping and crying over their Wobbufetts and Wynauts--so many that the commotion grew unintelligible. " maybe Team Rocket didn't hurt all the Wobbufetts and Wynauts..."

    "Well, if they didn't, who did?" Misty asked. "Let's go find out!"

    Meowth heaved a sigh of relief as the group hurried off around a corner. "Dat was close..."

    "You three go on back to your work, I'll help keep the crowds calm." Lulu assured Team Rocket before hurrying to console a boy.

    Jessie smiled. "Your ruse was perfect, James--now to keep looking for the food storage!"


    After making a circle around the village, Ash spotted the young men in leather jackets, old T-shirts, and ripped black jeans near the Enduring Hope statue. "So! You guys must be the one that crashed the festival!"

    "Yeah, we did...what are you gonna do about it?" one of the punks smirked as another Wobbufett limped away in pain.

    He noticed Brock aiming an arrow at his Hitmonlee. "I wouldn't be shooting if I were you, Robin Hood--Leelee's so quick, she could snatch your arrow right outta the sky!"

    "Really? Try me..." Brock shot back.

    "Brock, don't!" Misty gasped. "What if the guy's claim is true, and his Hitmonlee can catch arrows?"

    "I wouldn't recommend engaging with these three..." a woman cautioned, prompting Brock to stand down. "They attacked the village a year ago. Rather than training their Fighting-type Pokémon normally, they instructed them to attack the village in order to build up their strength."

    "So that's why they've been beating up all the Wobbufetts and Wynauts..." Misty mused.

    "When they reached Lulu's house, however, her Wobbuffet Taemasu's skillful use of Counter and Mirror Coat proved to be their undoing, and they fled the village, vowing revenge." the woman explained.

    An idea occurred to her. "Wait there, you three--let me see if I can find Lulu and Officer Jenny. They should know what to do to chase those hoodlums away!"

    The hoodlums laughed as the woman dashed off. "Our Pokémon are much stronger than they were last year, and we intend to beat up every Wobbuffet and Wynaut in the village to prove it!" the second punk sneered.


    "Dere...dat's da last box." Meowth smiled as team Rocket finished moving every last box of food into the brush.

    He noticed Lulu, Officer Jenny and Lulu's Wobbuffet Taemasu hurrying to the festival grounds. "Funny, what's all the ruckus about?"

    "Let's just stay put for now. " James suggested as he watched the group run to engage the hoodlums. "We'll make our move when the time is right."

    "Luce, I choose you!" Ash called, heaving a Poke Ball skyward to reveal his Flaaffy before the owner of the Hitmonlee.

    "Spritz, I need your help!" Misty called, summoning the Seadra before the Machoke's owner.

    "Hitomi, showtime!" Brock heaved a Poke Ball of his own skyward. "You have an advantage, so make that Primeape and its cohorts pay for bothering the townsfolk and ruining my performance!" he called to the Golbat.

    A whistle interrupted the impending clash. "I understand how angry you three are right now, but Pokémon battles are forbidden during the festival, in honor of Wobbuffet's characteristic of never attacking first." Officer Jenny explained.

    "Okay...come on, Luce." Ash sighed as Luce trudged along behind him.

    "Sorry, Spritz..we'll have to find another way of helping the town." Misty was equally dejected.

    [But how are we going to teach those hoodlums a lesson if we can't fight? Singing a song isn't gonna help...] Hitomi sighed as she fluttered beside Brock.

    "As much as I wish that playing my guitar and singing a song would help, I don't think it's going to here." Brock agreed. "These guys don't look like the kind to just gather 'round and sing 'Kumbaya' along with an acoustic guitar..."

    The hoodlums, meanwhile laughed as the group trudged away. "See? You three are a bunch of wimps!" the third punk called. "You won't even lift a finger to stop us!"

    "So we're gonna make ya watch as we tear down your precious statue brick by brick!" the second punk went on.


    "Why are da twerps not fightin' back?" Meowth watched, dumbfounded, as the group trudged away.

    "Or the rest of the village, for that matter?" Jessie was equally confused.

    James thought for a moment. "I think I know where the villagers are coming from, here...they are truly dedicated to their Wobbufetts and Wynauts to the point where they will wait to attack second alongside them."

    The lightbulb went off in Meowth's head. "Dat makes poifect sense!"

    "So we should do something to help the villagers--exactly what, I don't know." James went on.

    "Do we have to?" Jessie asked.

    "Rememba how well the villagers have treated us so far?" Meowth asked Jessie. "It's only fair we help dem in retoin."

    " do have a point, Meowth." Jessie sighed. "If it means that much to you two, let's help out our hosts."


    Ash watched in horror as the Hitmonlee, the Machoke, and the Primeape did everything they could to try and put a dent in the Wobbufett statue. "We have to do something to stop those jerks!"

    He turned his cap back. "I'll go give them a piece of my mind!"

    "Hold your Ponytas, young man." Lulu gently scolded as she pulled Ash back. "Remember the way of the Wobbufett--do not attack unless you have been attacked first."

    Ash was about to protest when he saw a familiar Meowth balloon. "Team Rocket!"

    "Did I actually hear a note of joy in Ash's voice?" Brock wondered. Ash had seemed almost ecstatic that Team Rocket had arrived.

    "Well, what have we here? Three punks causing trouble..." Jessie smirked as she looked down on the frightened punks and their Pokemon.

    "If you don't stop this right now, your pain will be double!" James warned as he joined Jessie in looking down on the punks.

    "To protect the world from devastation..." Jessie began.

    "And unite all peoples within our nation..." James smiled, twirling a rose in his hand. Ash just watched and growled in annoyance at the familiar motto he, Misty, and Brock had heard a million times before:

    "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

    "To extend our reach to the stars above!"



    "Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!"

    "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

    "Meowth! Dat's right!"

    "Bring it, Team Rocket goons!" the Hitmonlee's owner challenged.

    "But, battles are not allowed in town!" Officer Jenny protested as Meowth balloon landed and the Rockets climbed from the balloon's basket.

    "So? Rules were made to be broken!" Jessie retorted as she summoned Arbok.

    Meowth watched James summon Victreebel, but gasped as the large pitcher plant Pokemon came for him. "Hey! I'm ya pal, not dinner!" he screamed.

    Misty watched as the Hitmonlee used Rolling Kick against Arbok. "I can't believe it...Team Rocket's actually helping people..." she mused as Arbok responded with a Tackle.

    "Maybe some of them have a shred of honor, at least." Brock agreed as in the distance, the Machoke uses Karate Chop on Victreebel. Victreebel, however, tried to counter with Razor Leaf, although this was blocked by the Primeape.

    Ash watched as Arbok tried to use Wrap against Hitmonlee, but was knocked out by a Hi Jump Kick. "That had to hurt..."

    Jessie growled as she watched the Machoke finish off Victreebel with a Seismic Toss at the same time. "Okay, let's see what you can do, Sahana!" she called as she heaved the Poke Ball with her Wobbufett inside to the sky.

    "He looks stupid in that headband..." the first punk chucked as Sahana materialized before them, making his companions chuckle.

    He then called to his Hitmonlee "Leelee, use Jump Kick!"

    "Chika, use Seismic Toss!" the second punk called.

    "Fury, use Fury Swipes!" the third punk called.

    But neither the punks, the group, Team Rocket, or the onlookers knew what was going to happen next. "Wow..." Ash gasped as Sahana Countered the Hitmonlee's Jump Kick, followed by the Machoke's Seismic Toss, and then the Primeape's Fury Swipes.

    In a last desperate move, the punks tried to combine their Pokémon's attacks in order to beat Sahana, but only went flying off into the sky with a ping.


    "I can't even begin to thank you..." Lulu smiled as the townsfolk cheered for Team Rocket.

    "While you did save the town, that does not excuse the fact that you still broke the festival rules, and so I must ask you three to leave." Officer Jenny reminded the Rockets.

    Ash, meanwhile, noticed that the Meowth balloon was carrying a very large cargo. "Wait a second...Team Rocket's making off with all the food for the festival!"

    "Let's follow them!" Officer Jenny led the way out of town and up to a nearby hill. "Unless one of you has a sharp object, we're not getting the food back..."

    Misty grinned. "We DO, in fact, have some sharp objects!"

    She looked over at Brock. "You've got a clear shot from here, so show us your archery skill!"

    "I'm on it, Misty!" With that, the others watched Brock aim at the balloon as it drifted by the hill, then fired, a POW! confirming that Brock's shot had hit.

    Ash was the first to arrive near the punctured balloon. "You have nowhere to go now!" he called as Team Rocket sent out Arbok and Weezing.

    "Ah, but remember that you can't battle us, as battling is forbidden during the festival." James sneered.

    "Actually, now that you guys are outside the village, battling is okay." Officer Jenny smiled.

    Ash looked over at Tintri. "You know what to do, bud?"

    [Yeah!] Tinri smiled before firing a Thunderbolt, sending Team Rocket flying off into the sky with another ping.


    "Due to all the chaos, the Lore Stage is cancelled--all other first day events will still go on as planned." the emcee announced, to some "aw"s from the crowd as many of the competing storytellers chose to leave.

    Misty noticed Brock was unusually calm. "You're not mad about not getting to try for a green stripe?"

    "Not really." Brock confessed. "How were we to know those punks were going to crash everything?"

    "That is true..." Misty mused as the group returned to the Enduring Hope statue, which was miraculously unscathed, despite the chaos a few hours before.

    "Besides, if it hadn't been for Team Rocket, the mess could've been much worse." Brock went on.

    "Yeah, and at least they still have their Wobbufett!" Ash smiled. Misty and Brock couldn't help laughing in agreement as the sun sank below the trees...

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 06-25-2017 at 03:46 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  2. #82
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 67: Ariados, Amigos

    "If you don't mind, I'm gonna take Ami into the forest for a while." Misty told the boys as she led Ami towards a forest entrance. "She found a flower grove, and wants to pick some."

    "I'm sure she'll look pretty in a flower crown." Ash smiled as he watched Tintri splash in the lake with the other Pokemon.

    "If you need anything, just call." Brock replied as he cast a fishing line into the water, away from where the Pokemon were swimming.

    "Come on, me where the flowers are." Misty coaxed her Marill as she led the way into the forest.

    [Okay...they should be over the log...] Ami explained as she and her human master climbed over a log that created a natural bridge for a small stream. [...and off to the right, in a clearing near some mushrooms.]

    Misty nodded, and followed Ami down a pathway to a small clearing filled with flowers, complete with some mushrooms growing near the entrance. "Oh my...there must be hundreds of different kinds!" she gasped.

    After spending a few minutes helping her master pick flowers, Ami noticed what looked like an odd red bush with flecks of yellow and purple. [That's weird...I've never seen a bush--!]

    She gasped when she saw the bush appear to move on eight spindly legs! [Spider Pokemon!]

    "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!" Misty's scream echoed through the forest and all the way back to the camp.

    "That was Misty! Let's go help!" Ash called as Tintri bounded out of the water and onto his shoulder.

    "Believe me, I'd know Misty's scream anywhere..." Brock agreed as he put away his rod and tackle and retrieved his archery gear. I hope Misty didn't run into an Ursaring in the forest!

    The boys followed Tintri to the clearing, where they spotted Misty shuddering in fear as the giant spider Pokemon approached her. As Brock readied a Repel-laced arrow, Ash decided to read up on the creepy Pokemon:

    "Ariados, the long leg Pokemon. Wherever it goes, it spins a thread that always leads back to its web."

    "Stand down, ite--Kumo did not mean to frighten your companion." a female voice commanded.

    "Ite?" Ash was confused as he watched Brock stand down. "Can you at least come into the light, so we can see you?" he asked in the direction the voice had come from.

    The Ariados forgot about Misty and scuttled to meet its master, a deep green haired girl in ninja's garb. "Here I name is Aya. You may have met my brother Koga before, Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town."

    Ash was stunned. "H-how do you know my name?"

    "Koga told me about the day he battled you for a Soul Badge--he remembers you and your companions fondly." Aya explained.

    The lightbulb went off in Ash's head. "Oh! So you must be the sister he told me about that day!"

    "How is Koga doing?" Misty asked, nervous and at the same time relieved the Ariados was not going to hurt her.

    "He is doing well, and is now training a daughter of his own in our clan's ancient arts." Aya explained. "Her name is Janine, if you're curious--her favorite technique so far is the Disguise jutsu."

    "I hope I get a chance to battle her one day!" Ash smiled, happy to know one of the Gym Leaders he had met was doing well.

    "So, what are you doing all the way out here, Aya-san?" Brock asked Aya as he put away his gear, giving Aya a respectful bow.

    "I'm training with Kumo to learn the special art of Pokémon Jujitsu--which is a form of martial arts." Aya smiled, flattered at Brock's respectful demeanor. "If you wish, my master is hosting a Pokethlon at the dojo today--competitors on all tracks are welcome."

    "I would be honored, Miss Aya." Misty replied, forgetting about the Ariados. "I have two medals already, and wish to try for a third."


    "All right--today's Pokethlon is a Jump type competition." the student handling check in explained to Misty as she emerged from a dressing room in her jersey. "The three events are the Lamp Jump, the Disc Catch, and the Hurdle Dash, so bring your best Pokemon that can reach for the stars!"

    I haven't seen the Lamp Jump and the Disc Catch before, but the Hurdle Dash I remember doing on water before, and now have to do on land. Misty thought as she contemplated which of her team to use.

    "So, who are you going to use for this competition?" Ash asked as Misty approached the stands.

    [I wanna try a Pokethlon! Please?] Ami begged

    Misty just grinned at her Marill's enthusiasm. "Okay, Ami, you can compete this time. Pearl and Michelle will be your backups."

    "You sure? A Marill's Jump stat isn't that good..." Brock cautioned as he looked at the stat guide Casey had given Misty.

    "Ami really wants to try, so I'm letting her try." Misty assured Brock. "Besides, stats aren't everything--terrible Jump stat or no, I'm proud of her for trying."

    She was about to say more when the lineup of competitors appeared on a screen--in addition to her and her three Pokemon, Aya and her Ariados were also displayed! "Oh am I going to handle competing against a bug?"

    "Just focus on doing your best to win--pretend the Ariados is not even there." Brock assured Misty. "Besides, Ash and me will be here cheering you on all the way."

    A relieved smile formed on Misty's face. "Thanks...I'll try to remember that. I can't let my fear of bugs get in the way of my goal."

    "That's the spirit!" Ash smiled as the doors opened to admit the audience to the event hall. "Go get'em!"


    "Our first event is the Lamp Jump." the referee announced to the crowd as a spotlight appeared on a massive pachinko-like board large enough to hold all manner of Pokemon. "Each Pokethlete must leap into the air towards our grid of lamps, touching as many as possible to score points. Each Pokethlete gets three tries, and the highest score wins."

    That board is perfect for Ami! Misty thought. "Ami, you'd be perfect for this event!"

    [I'll do my best!] Ami smiled as she followed an attendant to the launch pad leading into the board.

    "First try!" the referee announced as Ami's information appeared on the scoreboard. After springing off the launchpad up the top of the board, she curled up into a ball shape as she bounced and bumped her way down to the bottom, with any lights she touched showing the judges and the audience her path through the course.

    "Number 7's score--4800 points!" the referee announced when Ami finally arrived at the bottom some moments later.

    "How do they come up with the score?" Ash asked, curious, as a Riolu made the jump into the course for its first attempt.

    "Look closer--some of the lights are colored." Brock explained as the Riolu bounced off a red light. "Colored ones have higher values."

    "I see..." Ash smiled, applauding the Riolu as it finished its run.

    "Aya's next." Brock pointed out Kumo making his way to the launch pad.

    "But neither the crowd nor Misty expected the Ariados to curl into a shuriken-like shape, allowing Kumo to hit nearly every light in the course. There's no way Ami would be able to beat that... she mused as she saw Aya's score of 9980. Oh well...there's still two more events to go!


    [I'm sorry...I did my best in the Lamp Jump, but that Ariados was too much!] Ami sobbed as Misty and the other Pokethletes made their way to the pool where the second event would take place.

    "I'm not mad, okay?" Misty assured the crying Marill. "You did your best, and that's all that matters to me."

    [Thanks...] Ami smiled, her tears shining with hope as the Pokethletes and the spectators arrived in a room with a large pool, where a large pier was floating in the center. Aya and the Riolu's trainer were already present on the pier. which had a walkway for the competitors to reach it without swimming.

    "May I try this event?" Michelle asked. [You'll likely need power and precision, and I can do that.]

    [Sure...] Misty stammered as she carefully walked to the platform reserved for third place, acutely aware of the Ariados a few feet away on the first place platform.

    Remember what Brock said... she reminded herself as she took a deep breath and let it go. Kumo is not even can do this.

    Once all the competitors were on the pier, the referee addressed the crowd in the stands. "Our second event today is the Disc Catch. As you can see, our four Pokethletes are lined up on a small pier in the middle of the water based on how they finished in the previous event. They must catch discs that are thrown through the air without falling in the water. Should they fall, they will lose what discs they collected, and have to start again. Whoever catches the most discs in 60 seconds, wins."

    He then addressed the four Pokethletes. "Pokethletes? Are you ready?"

    Cheers went up in reply as a timer set for 60 seconds appeared on the scoreboard. "Okay...Ready? Set..." the referee called before blowing his whistle, triggering a volley of discs from launchers hidden in the walls.

    Michelle made the first strike by grabbing a disc coming from the right. She next reached for one coming from a launcher on the left wall, but Kumo grabbed it away.

    "Michelle! Focus on the discs coming straight at you and from the right!" Misty suggested over the yells of the other Pokethletes encouraging their jumping Pokemon and the cheers of the crowd.

    [Got it!] Michelle replied before leaping to grab a disc from the center launcher.

    In the stands, the boys cheered their hardest as Michelle and Kumo raced neck and neck. "Come on, Michelle!" Ash called as the Golduck effortlessly grabbed another disc.

    Brock winced as Michelle and Kumo both jumped for the same disc with twenty seconds to go, only for Kumo to splash down into the water, resetting his score. "Good thing Michelle had the power and distance to get that one..."

    "She has psychic power, and strength, so maybe she used a flutter jump to give her the boost to get it.' Ash grinned as the clock expired.

    "Okay...Kumo managed to make up some ground to come in third with five..." Brock noted as the event results blipped on the screen. "and Misty and Michelle take the gold with eight!"

    "I think your advice about focusing is helping..." Ash smiled.

    [There's still one more event to go...] Tintri reminded him. [So she still has to focus!]


    "Well done on the Disc Catch..." Misty smiled as she and Michelle arrived on the track for the Hurdle Dash. "Since this Hurdle Dash is on land, would you like to run it?"

    [Of course...I still have plenty of strength left.] Michelle assured her mistress. [You know that I'm equally fit on land or in water.]

    She knelt down to allow Misty to climb on her back. [Just climb aboard!]

    Once Misty was safely on her Golduck's back, Michelle jogged to the second lane. "Pokethletes ready?" the referee called.

    The track roared with cheers. "Ready? Set..." the referee called before the starting gun fired.

    Aya and Kumo charged ahead to start, but Misty and Michelle were not far behind in second place. After landing on the ground from the first hurdle, Misty noticed she and Michelle had overtaken Aya and Kumo. "I see...eight legs is great for a sprint or straight running, but not so good if you also have to jump."

    [Exactly!] Michelle smiled as she nimbly leaped over the second hurdle. [Now, let's give this webspinner what for!]

    With that, she powered over the third hurdle, crossing the line with ten seconds to spare!


    "Well...I am quite impressed at how well you did in today's competition." Aya smiled as the crowds departed the medal ceremony that evening. "Clearly Kumo and I have a lot to learn."

    "Aw, I just focused on doing the best I could." Misty smiled as she admired her reflection in the silver medal she had won. "Win or lose, all we can do is our best."

    "You speak with wisdom beyond your years, Misty." Aya smiled. "Know that Koga, Janine, and I will be cheering you on to the Grand Pokethlon and beyond."

    "I wish you luck, as well--Kumo really gave my crew a challenge!" Misty smiled as the boys ran to meet her.

    "Will you tell Koga I said hi?" Ash asked Aya.

    "I will tell him you send your regards." Aya replied before turning to leave. "That, and that you wish to battle Janine the next time you come to Fuchsia."

    "Thanks!" Ash waved goodbye to Aya, then addressed Misty. "Nice job on that second place were very brave for facing a bug as your competition."

    "I was surprised too, but I have to hand it to Brock--his advice on focus was what helped the most." Misty assured Ash as the three travelers walked off into the setting sun...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  3. #83
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 68: Wings n' Things

    "...a one on one tea ceremony is very special--a sign of friendship between the host and the guest." Brock read from the guidebook's chapter on the traditional tea ceremony to Ash and Misty. "Before entering the place where the ceremony is being held, the guests have to wait for the sound of the vina, an ancient harp said to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The vina playing means that the host is ready to receive the guests."

    "How pretty!" Misty gasped, starry eyed as she pictured her and Ash receiving tea from a kimono-clad lady as Brock, as the harpist, played a peaceful melody on a bow shaped harp.

    "I wonder if we can participate in a tea ceremony when we get to Ecruteak?" Ash smiled. "I still have my kimono from last year's summer festival!"

    With that, he skipped down the road with Tintri, singing the bon odori song from the festival at Maiden's Peak the year before. Haa, hanabi agareba...Ha-a, kansei agaru...

    A buzzing in the distance jolted him from his song as a tiny dragonfly-like Pokemon emerged from the tall grass at the side of the road. Interesting Pokemon... he thought as he reached for his Pokedex:

    "Yanma, the clear wing Pokemon. If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area."

    Just as Ash pocketed Dexter, he gasped as the Yanma flew over and snatched his cap! "Hey!" he cried as he and Tintri followed the Yanma into the grass. "That cap's special to me!"

    After fruitlessly chasing the Yanma around in circles for a minute or two, Ash heaved a relieved sigh when he heard a boy's voice call "Sparx, give that hat back!"

    The Yanma looked over at Ash, then its deep blue haired owner, then back at Ash again before dropping the cap at Ash's feet and flying off. "Has your Yanma always been that difficult..." Ash started, before realizing he had not asked the Yanma's owner his name.

    "My name's Zachary--but you can call me Zach for short." the boy replied as Ash dusted off his cap and put it back on. "I'm so sorry about Sparx swiping your cap--no matter what I do to teach Sparx anything, he doesn't want to obey me..."

    "Is everything okay?" Misty and Brock arrived a few moments later. "We heard this buzzing and then you screaming..." Misty began.

    "Yeah--I got my cap back. A mischievous Yanma took it." Ash assured his companions. "This is Zach, the Yanma's owner. Zach, this are my traveling companions, Misty and Brock.

    "Nice to meet you both." Zach replied. "My dad makes windows in town...and Sparx has always been a troublemaker for them.

    "Then we'd better get to town before Sparx causes any more trouble." Misty led the way down the road, making sure to keep Zach in view.


    Screams and cries filled the air as the group reached the town some moments later. "Hide your glasswares!" Ash heard a woman call.

    "Sparx is back!" a man cried, spurring many of the townsfolk to take what glasswares they could find and hide them in secure locations as the Yanma flew down the main street.

    "Seems Sparx has already built quite the bad reputation..." Brock mused as he watched Sparx fly to one particular shop, tap one finished window pane, then flap his wings enough to create that same tone, shattering hundreds of windowpanes and glass sheets.

    "I guess that old urban legend about glass shattering at a certain frequency is true..." Misty gasped, both awed and afraid at how powerful Sparx was.

    "Zachary Evans! I thought I told you that that stupid Yanma wasn't allowed within a hundred feet of here!" a man yelled as Zach arrived to corral Sparx. "That's another 200 credits worth of glass you'll have to pay down!"

    "It seems like Sparx has done this before..." Ash mused as he watched the man berate Zach.

    "But Zach doesn't seem like a bad trainer..." Misty noted as she watched the man lead Zachary before a man with similar features to Zach at a nearby house.

    "In most troublesome Pokemon, it usually is the trainer that's the problem, but in this case, it looks like a combination of the Pokemon being rebellious by nature, and the trainer not knowing how to control it." Brock explained as he motioned for the group to follow him to the house, where the two men were talking. "We just need to stick up for Zach and prove he can be a good trainer for Sparx."


    "I'm sorry, Mr. Strussel..." Zach told the angry man as the group looked on. "I've tried to keep Sparx under control, but he never wants to listen to me..."

    "Well, if you're clearly putting up an effort and he still breaks everyone's glass, then the only thing to do is return Sparx to the wild." Mr. Strussel replied, a note of anger still in his voice.

    "But--!" Zach protested.

    "As much as I hate to say this, I have to agree, son." Mr. Evans sighed. "I know you've done a lot for Sparx, but if he doesn't want to listen to you, then he may be happy back in the wild."

    Misty watched Zach trudge away towards a park. "Poor Zach...he must really love Sparx to keep training him when Sparx won't even listen to him..."

    "Let's go see if we can cheer him up!" Ash suggested.

    Brock located Zach sitting on a bench overlooking a playground. "Got room for a few more?" he asked as he sat down by Zach.

    "Sure." Zach replied, the awkward discussion from earlier still weighing on his heart.

    "If you don't mind my asking, how did you and Sparx meet?" Ash wondered.

    " all started a few months ago." Zach began. "A big storm came through the area, and at the time, Dad and I were on the way back from delivering glass to another town. Just as we contemplated finding shelter, Dad spotted a Yanma lying on the ground, battered by the wind and rain. Not being one to just leave an injured Pokemon behind, we took it home and took care of it, and I named it Sparx. However, as soon as he got better, Sparx broke all the glass in Dad's workshop. I decided to train Sparx, but to no avail."

    He sighed. "And that's where you guys came in. Maybe Mr. Strussel is right...Sparx should be back in the wild."

    "WHAAAAAAAT???" the group gasped.

    "How can you say that when you've done so much for Sparx?" Misty gasped.

    "Maybe a window maker's son wasn't meant to be a Yanma trainer..." Zach sighed before tearfully getting up from the bench.


    "Good bye, Sparx..." Zach began as he released the Yanma in the forest some time later. "I'll...I'll..."

    Finally, pure emotion overwhelmed Zach as he dashed back down the forest path, only to trip on a rock and fall right at Ash's feet! "I did it...I released Sparx. But it doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye..." he whispered before bursting into tears.

    After dusting himself off, he led the group to a ring of rocks. "I wanted to raise Sparx to be a hero--a Pokemon would could help people, not cause trouble for them..." he explained.

    "The townsfolk may have seen him as trouble, but did YOU ever see Sparx as a troublemaker?" Brock asked as he wiped away Zach's tears.

    "No..." Zach replied. "I saw him as a friend, and my hero-in-training. But how could something that small do much of anything besides cause trouble?"

    Brock thought for a moment. "You know, there are millions of stories in the world that tell of tiny beings that did big things, including Yanmas."

    "Really?" Zach asked, intrigued by the three stripes on Brock's vest. "If you're a storyteller, do you know any stories about a heroic Yanma?"

    "Yes, actually...I learned one from a book once." Brock replied. "It's called 'How the Yanmas Defeated the Pansages'."

    With that, he began "One day, a Yanma just like Sparx was traveling from a beautiful tropical island down to another island to the south. The air was steamy, and the sun was high in the sky. After many hours, the poor Yanma was exhausted, but she still had a long way to go. She decided to rest for a while, and spotting a grove of palm trees, she flew down to rest on one. She did not notice the family of Pansages in the tree."

    "Uh oh..." Zach stifled a giggle--the first time he had laughed at all that day.

    "As she was fanning herself with her wings, resting and catching her breath, she suddenly heard a rustling sound beside her." Brock went on, complete with Ash rustling some grass for sound effects.

    "Who's there?" Misty jumps in the role of the Yanma.

    "...and a moment later a Pansage--a green monkey Pokemon native to the far away Unova region-- stood beside her." Brock went on.

    "What are you doing? You're trespassing! You'll have to leave right now." he scolded Misty in a mimic of Team Rocket's Meowth, to Zach's delight.

    "The Pansage looked enormous to the Yanma, and his voice was harsh. She began to tremble with fear." Brock went on as himself. "Still, she was tired. Her desire for rest inspired her courage, so she looked up at the Pansage and said..."

    "Please, sir, I would like to rest here until sunset. I've been flying so long, my wings won't carry me much farther." Misty fills in the dialogue as the Yanma.

    "Poor, tired wings!" Brock jeered as the Pansage. "We don't allow weak creatures to stay in our tree. Go away, now!"

    As himself, he went on "With that, he snapped a twig from the tree and brandished it as if it were a sword. Try as the Yanma might to beg for mercy, the Pansage threw the stick at her."

    "That's not very nice!" Zach cried, appalled.

    "Now, the Yanma was tired, but as we know, Yanmas are quick, and before the stick was out of the Pansage's hand, she was flying away, flying towards her homeland." Brock went on. "When at long last she reached home, she went to tell King Yanmega--what Yanma ultimately becomes--the story of the Pansages in the palm tree."

    "So what did King Yanmega do?" Zach asked as Ash showed him a Yanmega's picture in the Pokedex.

    "When King Yanmega heard the story, he was furious. He decided the Yanmas had to confront the Pansages, and he sent three of his best warriors to speak to King Simisage--what Pansage ultimately becomes." Brock went on. "The Yanma warriors flew to the palm tree, and asked to see King Simisage."

    "Your Pansages treated one of our own cruelly. Our king has decided you must make amends or we will declare war on you." Ash jumps in the role of a Yanma.

    "War, you say?" Brock shoots back as King Simisage. "Tell your king to come back here, and we shall see who wins this war!"

    Brock then interjects as himself "The Yanma warriors understood that winning a war against the Pansages would be difficult, and so they said..."

    "Sir, you never know how these things might end. Perhaps you wish to reconsider? An apology would be fine." Ash suggests as the Yanma.

    "Go now and tell your king my answer! War it shall be!" Brock vows as King Simisage, to Zach's delight at how the group played off of each other.

    Brock continued the story as himself "And so, the Yanma warriors flew back to their king and told him what King Simisage had said, so King Yanmega ordered his whole army to fly to the palm tree for battle. The Yanmas carried no weapons but their wings, and they flew as fast as they could, in strict formation, all the way to the palm tree. As they approached the tree, they saw an army of Pansages wielding branches and sticks."

    "And then?" Zach was interested now.

    "When King Simisage saw the Yanmas approaching, he gave the word to attack." Brock intoned As the Pansages began to scatter down their tree, waving their sticks in the air, the Yanmas flew directly at them. Just as their king had commanded, they landed on the Pansages' foreheads. The Pansages quickly raised their weapons and struck, but the Yanmas were so quick, they flew away, and so the Pansages struck their own foreheads. One by one, the Pansages fell from the tree."

    Zach giggled as he pictured the comical scene. "And so it was that the Yanmas won the war." Brock concluded. "All the Pokemon--and the people, too--learned to admire and respect speed, agility and wit."

    "That was pretty good!" Zach smiled as he applauded. "Maybe I was wrong about releasing Sparx...let's go take him back!"

    The group eagerly made their way back to the clearing, but were crestfallen when they saw Sparx was gone.


    "Now where could the twerps have gotten to?" Jessie wondered as Team Rocket climbed through the forest underbrush.

    Just then, she saw Sparx lands by a river to get a drink. "Well well, what have we here? They say a Yanma's wings can produce a tone that shatters glass."

    "Jus' tink of all da havoc we could cause!" Now Meowth was excited. "We could have da Yanma break all da windows somewhere, den we could charge da townsfolk for glass at super-high prices!"

    "Then what are we waiting for?" James asked before taking a net, tiptoeing up to the unsuspecting Yanma, and dropping the net on it!

    [Let me go, you hoodlums!] Sparx demanded, taking advantage James inspecting the next to fly away.

    "Not so fast!" Jessie heaved a rope in the direction the Yanma was flying, which wrapped around Sparx's body.

    "Nice lasso, Jessie." Meowth grinned as Jessie pulled back the struggling Yanma. "Now for part 1 of our plan--go find some windows ta smash!"

    [Get me out of here!] Sparx screeched before flapping his wings, creating a ringing Eb note that rang through the forest, shattering the windows in a nearby empty cabin.

    "Looks like that story about the Yanma's wings is true..." James mused. "Let's go bilk the townsfolk!"


    "Mr. Strussel? Have you seen Sparx anywhere?" Zach asked some time later.

    "Course I have--you've allowed him to break almost all the windows in town so those glass hawkers can sell us overpriced glass!" Mr. Strussel grumbled, pointing out Jessie, James, and Meowth--in disguise as glass merchants--in the town square. "I can't believe you'd fall in with hucksters like that--if you try anything funny, I'm onto you!"

    Moments before Mr. Strussel could take Zach by the arm to his father, the others arrived. "HOLD EVERYTHING!" Brock called. "First of all, why are you accusing Zach of something he didn't even do? Those glass merchants were actually Team Rocket!"

    Jessie happened to overhear Brock trying to defend Zach. "How nice of you to say that, it sure saves us the trouble!" With that, the Rockets threw off their disguises, to the gasps of the townsfolk.

    "And because of your generosity, we'll make your pain double!" James agrees, just as Meowth and Sparx arrived back by his side.

    "To protect the world from devastation..." Jessie began.

    "And unite all peoples within our nation..." James smiled, twirling a rose in his hand. Ash just watched and growled in annoyance at the familiar motto he, Misty, and Brock had heard a million times before:

    "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

    "To extend our reach to the stars above!"



    "Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!"

    "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

    "Meowth! Dat's right!"

    Ash growled in anger as he picked up one of his Poke Balls. "Luce, I choose you!"

    "Spritz, go give those Rockets what for!" Misty was not far behind in summoning one of her own Pokemon.

    "Wait!" Mr. Evans cried. "If you all must battle, can we do so in a different place? Sparx would destroy the stained glass. I've worked hard on these windows, and I don't want them ruined!"

    "Is that so?" James smirked before telling the group "Listen up, twerps--if you even so much as attempt to attack, our little friend Sparx will destroy all the windows here."

    "And just to make sure you won't attack, I'll bind you both!" Jessie added before summoning Arbok, who wasted no time Binding the Flaaffy and the Seadra.

    [We...have to do something...] Luce gasped as Arbok's coils squeezed both Pokemon tighter and tighter.

    [I know...but the windows...] Spritz wheezed.

    Just then, Misty got an idea. "Zach...can you try to return Sparx to you? That way you can show Team Rocket you are Sparx's rightful owner."

    "Okay..." Zack then held out a Poke Ball. "Sparx, return."

    Everyone gasped as Sparx was returned to the ball. "He did it!" Ash cried.

    He paused to turn his cap back. "Luce, use Shockwave!"

    "Spritz, use Water Gun to make the Shockwave even stronger!" Misty commanded.

    Zach watched as the massive lightning bolt sliced through the water and shocked the Arbok, forcing it to let go of the Flaaffy and the Seadra. "Sparx, I need your help!" he called, moments before Victreebel used Razor Leaf to wound Luce and Spritz.

    "You want to try battling with Sparx?" Ash paused to retrieve Dexter. "Here, this should help..."

    "Yanma's Known Attacks--number one, Sonic Boom..." Dexter reported.

    "Sparx, use Sonic Boom!" Zach commanded.

    The group watched as Sparx began flapping at a very high speed, creating a loud boom that knocked out Arbok. "Razor Leaf incoming!" Brock warned, pointing out the flurry of sharp leaves headed for Sparx.

    "Yanma's Known Attacks--number two, Double Team..." Dexter continued.

    "Okay Sparx, use Double Team to dodge!" Zach commanded.

    Misty watched as the Razor Leaves went straight through the copies of Sparx, leaving the real Sparx unharmed. "Spritz!"

    "Luce!" Ash called.

    "Sparx!" Zach called.

    "Yanma's Known Attacks--number three, Tackle..." Dexter reported.

    "USE TACKLE!" all three trainers chorused.

    [HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!] Luce, Spritz, and Sparx barreled at Team Rocket, the resulting impact sending them flying off into the sky with a <i>ping</i>.

    "I don't believe it...Zach and Sparx saved the town!" Mr. Strussel gasped.

    He looked over at Zach. "Look, I jumped to conclusions before, and I'm sorry I accused you of something you had no part of...will you ever forgive me?"

    "Sure..." Zach replied. "It's always better to forgive and forget, right Dad?"

    "Yes, that's right." Mr. Evans grinned.

    He gestured to a window that he had finished moments before, depicting Ash, Misty and Brock as fantasy heroes with a Yanma flying overhead. "As thanks for all you've done, we're hanging this window in the Pokemon Center to remember you three by."

    "I told Dad to make your fantasy self a minstrel, as thanks for the story you told me." Zach explained to Brock. "I think it inspired Sparx too."

    [Oh, it did!] Sparx buzzed. [I want to do all I can to be the greatest Yanma the world has ever known!]

    "Know that you three are always welcome here any time." Mr. Evans smiled. "And you're welcome to come share your stories, too." he smiled at Brock.

    "Aw, it was nothing!" Misty smiled.

    "Yeah--we'll try and come back sometime." Ash agreed. He waved goodbye to the cheering townsfolk as he, Misty, and Brock set off into the setting sun...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  4. #84
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 69: The Grass Route

    The sun was high overhead as the group rounded a bend in the road to see an array of Grass type Pokemon romping around what Ash assumed were fairgrounds. "Hey guys...check out all the Grass Pokemon!"

    "I see..." Brock looked up from the guidebook and smiled when he saw a Sunflora, savoring a memory of his first Lore Stage. "I see Sunflora, Oddish, Bellsprout..."

    "Is that a Gloom?" Misty asked, pointing out a Gloom in the crowd of Grass Pokemon. "Reminds me of your battle with Erika..."

    "Don't remind me..." Ash shuddered. Being disguised as a girl to enter the Gym was bad enough, but he had at least rescued Erika's Gloom when Team Rocket had attempted to burn the Gym down--so it was worth the humiliation.

    He was snapped from his memories by Brock's voice. "If Saria was here, she would love getting to know all these exotic Grass types."

    Ash smiled at a memory of his beloved Bulbasaur as he read up on a small pink deer Pokemon playing with an Oddish:

    Deerling, the season Pokemon. An exotic Pokemon from the Unova region, the turning of the seasons changes the color and scent of this Pokémon's fur. People use it to mark the seasons.

    "Cool..." Ash smiled before scanning a small bud-like Pokemon dozing near a desk:

    "Budew, the bud Pokemon. An exotic Pokemon from the Shinou region, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun's warm touch."

    "I'm sure that must be pretty..." Ash mused to himself as he looked for another exotic Grass Pokemon to scan.

    "What's this cute little owl Pokemon here?" Misty asked as she joined Ash in the field.

    Ash located the brown and green owl Pokemon sunning itself in a tree and scanned it with the Pokedex:

    Rowlet, the grass quill Pokemon. An exotic Pokemon from the Alola region, this wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night.

    "Interesting..." Ash mused as Brock joined him and Misty, just in time to see a small green Pokemon with a yellow flower on its head. "Huh?"

    As the group followed the little Pokemon, Ash looked it up on the Pokedex:

    "Skiploom, the cottonweed Pokemon. It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats in the air to get closer to the sun.

    "How pretty!" Misty gasped as they followed the Skiploom down the path to where a line was forming at a food booth.

    "There you are!" a dull blue haired boy smiled as he hugged the Skiploom, then looked at the group. "Oh, hi! I haven't seen you guys around before...I'm Ephraim, and this is Skippy, my Skiploom."

    [Hi!] the Skiploom smiled.

    "Nice to meet you...I'm Ash, and these are my companions, Misty and Brock." Ash replied, making a grand gesture to his companions, who waved hello upon being introduced. "We're traveling through the region, and couldn't resist stopping by when we saw all the Grass Pokemon."

    "Are any of you guys trainers at all?" Ephraim wondered.

    Ash revealed his three badges, neatly sewn to his right vest flap. "I am, at least--here are the three badges I have so far."

    "Wow...three badges?" Ephraim was impressed. "Is it okay if I can have Skippy battle one of your Pokemon?"

    "Sure!" Ash replied as he watched Brock draw the shape of a Poke Ball in the grass.


    "Okay, Ephraim...which side of the Poke Ball do you want to take?" Brock asked.

    "Gold--in honor of the bud on Skippy's head!" Ephraim smiled as he dashed to the left side of the Poke Ball, with Skippy close behind him.

    "Then I'll take Silver." Ash replied before taking the Poke Ball with Aina inside. "I'm not sure how strong Skippy is, so I'll use one of my weaker Pokemon, okay?"

    "That's fair." Ephraim smiled.

    Ash then heaved his Poke Ball skyward. "Aina, time to make your debut!"

    "Since this is just a friendly match, I'm not going to go through the whole introductions, like a referee would do at a real tournament." Brock explained as he hung his referee's whistle around his neck. "So, are both sides ready?"

    Cheers rang across the grounds in reply. "Okay! And"

    As soon as the whistle blew, Ephraim called "Okay, Skippy! Start with Double Team to confuse the Machop!"

    Aina balked as what seemed like hundreds of Skiplooms appeared before her. [Oh my...which one's the real one?]

    "Try Brick Break, and hope it's the right one!" Ash suggested.

    [HAIIIIIIIIII-YAH!] Aina cried as her left hand glowed, allowing her to chop through the duplicates and hit the real Skippy, sending the Skiploom flying backwards several feet.

    Both trainers watched in awe and surprise as the whistle blew again. "Game Set! This match goes to Silver!" Brock announced, to some light applause from some onlookers.

    Ash realized what Aina had just done. "No way...Aina won...her first battle?"

    A euphoric smile formed on his face. "YA-HOOOO!!!!!!" AINA WON A BATTLE! AINA WON--!"

    "ASH!!!" Misty's angry voice brought Ash back to reality. "I'm surprised at you--steamrolling a kid's Pokemon like that, and then celebrating over it?" she snapped. "You should be ashamed of yourself for battering that poor Skiploom--you have higher standards than this!"

    Ephraim, however, was unusually calm about losing. "It's okay...Skippy's taken bigger beatings than that before." he assured Misty as Skippy came to.

    As Skippy flew into his arms, he went on "If you're needing a place to stay, I can ask my mom and dad about using the guest bedrooms at the house. It's not far from here."


    "Mom, Dad, I met some new friends at the fairgrounds today!" Ephraim called to a man and a woman with similar features to him having coffee at the kitchen table. "Meet Ash, Misty, and Brock." he smiled, making a grand gesture to the group as they came inside.

    "Nice to meet you three...are you in town for the Grass Tournament?" Ephraim's mom asked.

    "Grass Tournament?" Ash was confused.

    "This was why I wanted to battle before--I'm training Skippy for the tournament." Ephraim explained. "The Grass Tournament is a special competition for Grass-type Pokémon only, with a large collection of Leaf Stones as the prize."

    "Wow!" Misty was impressed.

    "I bet Ethan and Lyra will be here for the tournament--maybe after we settle in for the night, we can head back to the fairgrounds and see." Brock suggested.

    "Explore all you want--the fairgrounds have plenty to do even if you're not competing." Ethan's father smiled. "The guest bedrooms are upstairs on the left."


    "Wow..." the group gasped as they returned to the fairgrounds that evening. Carnival rides, a midway, and food stands had been set up as even more people converged on the fairgrounds for the tournament. What trainers were signing up for the tournament were checking in near a large dome, while everyone else rode the rides or tried their luck at winning Pokemon dolls or other prizes.

    "Aw, what's this Pokemon?" Misty asked as she admired a doll of a small blue duck-like Pokemon with a lilly pad on its head as one of the prizes for the pyramid game.

    "Here..." Ash invited Misty to look as he scanned the doll with his Pokedex:

    Lotad, the waterweed Pokemon. An exotic Pokemon of the Houen region, it looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can't swim."

    "Fascinating!" Misty smiled as Brock set down a hundred credit bill in an attempt to win one of the Lotad dolls for Misty.

    Both Ash and Misty held their breaths as Brock heaved the ball with all his might...and sent the milk bottle pyramid crashing down some seconds later. "Easy as pie." he smiled as the barker gave him a small Lotad doll.

    "How did you do that? I thought the game was rigged!" Ash gasped, amazed that Brock had won a prize on the first try at a carnival game.

    "Actually, the milk bottle pyramid is in fact winnable if you know what you're doing." Brock explained. "You want to aim for the middle of the bottom row, and throw as hard as you can, like I did."

    "Ah..." Misty smiled as she hugged her new Lotad doll.

    "That's actually fascinating!" a voice called. "Any other tips you can share, guru of the midway?"

    Brock whirled around to find Ethan and Lyra approaching them from the other direction. "Oh, hi! Are you guys just here for the carnival, or are you gonna compete in the tournament tomorrow?" he asked.

    "I'm competing with Hana." Lyra replied. "Just for fun, and see how she'd do in a tournament setting."

    "Having seen Hana battle before, I do you're gonna do great!" Ash smiled.

    "We'll be there to cheer you on, even if you don't win it all." Misty smiled.

    "And for the record, if there's any midway game you DON'T want to play, steer clear of the plastic tubs, and the swinger game is all but impossible thanks to basic physics." Brock replied.

    "Point duly noted." Ethan smiled as the new group of five continued down the midway...


    Elsewhere, Kamon and a small lizard Pokemon with a leafy tail made their way down the road. "Huh?" Kamon mused as he found a dropped flyer advertising the tournament and the carnival. "Grass tournament...all ages and skill levels welcome...500 Leaf Stones as the prize..."

    He smiled at the little lizard Pokemon. "Well, Donna...tomorrow's the day of your big debut. Maybe Wonder Boy and pals will be there--this kind of thing is just up their alley..."


    "Gold side ready?" the referee announced.

    Lyra and Hana cheered in reply. "Silver side ready?" the referee asked, prompting a boy and his Gloom to cheer. "And"

    Lyra struck first as the whistle blew. "Hana, use Razor Leaf!"

    Ash and the others gawked as Hana landed a critical blow, taking out the Gloom in one hit! "Wow...Hana's gotten way stronger since I saw her last..." Ash gasped.

    "Remember that Hana's been through a lot of major battles, so it makes sense that she be this strong by now..." Brock reminded Ash as the group watched Lyra shake hands with her opponent.

    "I don't know...a lot of these trainers look pretty tough." Ethan mused as the arena was cleared off for the next match.

    "Our next match, Ephraim and Skippy vs. Sterling and Donna." the announcer reported as Ephraim arrived on the Silver side with Skippy.

    Misty, however, balked at Ephraim's opponent. "Is that who I think it is?"

    "Even if it's not Kamon, it sure looks a lot like him." Ethan muttered as a familiar red haired boy approached the Gold side with the small lizard Pokemon.

    Ash fumbled for his Pokedex to read up on the strange lizard Pokemon:

    "Treecko, the wood gecko Pokemon. An exotic Pokemon from the Houen region, the soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings."

    In the arena, Ephraim shuddered as "Sterling" approached. "I know you're scared, Skippy, but I know you can be brave!"

    [Yes I can!] Skippy charged at the Treecko, knocking it backwards.

    "Donna, counter with Agility!" Kamon called.

    As Kamon's Treecko raced around Skippy, Ephraim "Try to get Leech Seed on him, and then use Double Team!"

    "Yes!" Misty smiled as Skippy paralyzed the Treecko by firing hundreds of life draining seeds from its bud, then flummoxed the lizard Pokemon even more by creating multiple copies of himself.

    "Didn't Lyra try something like that before?" Ash asked Ethan.

    "Yeah--Kamon believes in raw power above all else, so the best way to stymie him is put up defense." Ethan replied as the whistle blew to signal that Ephraim had won.

    The group did not expect Ephraim's parents to hurry down to the arena. "My little boy--great job on your victory!" Ephraim's mother gushed.

    "You're getting better with Skippy every day!" Ephraim's father agreed as he pulled out a camera to take a picture.

    "Mom, Dad, you're embarrassing me!" Ephraim protested as he did his best to shield his eyes from the camera flash.


    "Lyra and Hana vs. Sterling and Donna." the announcer began as Lyra and Hana made their way to the arena to kick off the second round some time later.

    [Funny...this Sterling guy looks a tad familiar...] Hana grumbled as she stared down the Treecko.

    "Don't worry...I have a plan for exposing you-know-who's little charade." Lyra smiled as the referee counted down.

    As soon as the whistle blew, Lyra called "Hana, use Razor Leaf!"

    [Got it!] Hana replied as she fired a flurry of Razor Leaves over the confused Treecko and onto "Sterling" and shredding his silver suit, exposing him as Kamon, to the gasps of the crowd.

    Even Ethan was surprised. "No way! That Sterling character WAS Kamon!"

    "You have to give Lyra credit for a clever idea though." Misty grinned as the crowd waited to see how Kamon would react.

    "Okay, I admit it--I solely entered this competition thinking Wonder Boy would be there." Kamon smirked. "And I see him right..."

    He smiled when he found the section Ash and the others were sitting in. "...there..."

    Gasps and screams filled the air as Kamon leaped into the stands and dashed to the row Ash and the others were watching from. "I found you, Wonder Boy...and today, we're gonna battle, right here, right now!"

    "But I don't even--!" Ash protested before some screams and a cry of "Stop!" from a security guard clued him in that Kamon had forgotten about him and was heading for the door with the box holding the 500 Leaf Stones.

    He motioned for Lyra to join him in the stands. "Brock, Lyra, I have an idea...Lyra, tell Hana to charge a Solarbeam..."

    [Right!] Hana smiled as she started absorbing the sunlight from a window.

    "You declared your archery gear before?" Ash asked Brock.

    "Of course." Brock smiled as he retrieved an arrow and nocked it.

    "When I give the signal, fire your shot through Hana's Solarbeam--the resulting bright light should blind Kamon long enough for him to drop the Leaf Stones." Ash explained, noting that Hana had finished charging the bright yellow beam, and was patiently waiting for him to give the signal.

    He waited for Kamon to approach a white line in the arena, then called "NOW!!!"

    The crowd watched in awe as the arrow flew through the Solarbeam, enchanting it with a bright flash of earth energy that caused Kamon to trip, making him drop the box of Leaf Stones.

    "Good riddance...that guy was using his Pokemon like a tool, not a living being." Ephraim grumbled as Kamon was led away by security.

    "Don't worry, Ephraim...he will get his just desserts, and learn that Pokemon are to be loved and cherished, sooner or later." Lyra smiled. "I believe you're the next match..."

    Ethan smiled as a familiar song started over the PA system to pump up the crowd. "Shall we?"

    "Yeah--let's inspire both Ephraim and Lyra with 'Glory in Our Story'." Misty suggested.

    Ash led the singing as Ephraim and Skippy faced a trainer with a Turtwig. We all have a dream inside our hearts that we will follow to the end...

    When you make a wish upon a star, the power flows, inside of you! Misty sang as Lyra faced off against a trainer with a Servine.

    Everybody listen to this song and sadness will just disappear! Brock sang as Ephraim won his match, only to receive more pictures and kisses.

    My wishes, dreams and hopes go forth into the world... Ethan sang as Hana sent her opponent flying, winning her the match.

    Come along and take my hand, come with me for the ride,
    Together we will step through the door
    And see the light shining from our own heavenly land!
    the four friends sang as both Ephraim and Lyra plowed through the field, easily winning against every opponent they were pitted against.

    Come with me and we will see the wonders of the world!
    All of the glory, is in our story!

    As we make our way to heaven, take it step by step
    And get the glory, upon the great stage!

    We can go anywhere, so long as we're together
    I truly believe it with all of my heart...
    The cards here in my hand,
    Show you the way...


    "Our final match--Ephraim and Skippy vs. Lyra and Hana." the announcer called, to the roar of the crowd as Ephraim and Lyra met in the arena.

    "Here we go--Ephraim has proved himself a great opponent...." Brock mused as Ephraim struck first with a Double Team, confusing Hana.

    "Now do you feel bad for beating him down with Aina earlier?" Misty asked Ash as Lyra told Hana to use Razor Leaf, only to hit all the copies and not the real Skippy.

    "I've felt horrible ever since that match." Ash sighed. "It didn't help you had to yell at me about it..."

    "It's okay to want to celebrate when your Pokemon wins their first match, but it shouldn't come at the expense of another trainer that is way overmatched." Misty explained as she watched Hana put up a Reflect aura, then heal herself with Synthesis from the battering Skippy was giving her. "Think about all the times you went up against trainers you were overmatched against--how did you feel when you eventually lost?"

    "Angry...and saddened that I lost despite giving my all." Ash replied. "If anything, I want to tell Ephraim I'm sorry for giving Skippy a beatdown yesterday..."

    "You'll get your chance in a minute." Misty assured her friend as she turned her attention back to the match.

    In the arena, Lyra noticed Skippy was starting to tire, and signaled time out to the referee. "'re doing very well, but I don't want to hurt Skippy any more than necessary. If that means you have to concede the match, I'll understand."

    Ephraim looked down at Skippy, who was wheezing with exhaustion. "Skippy, do you have the strength to keep fighting, or do you want to stop?"

    [I didn't come this far just to give up...] Skippy replied. [I want to see this match through to the end, win or lose.]

    Ephraim nodded. " whatever it takes to win!"

    [HAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!] Skippy cried as he unleashed a Solarbeam, much to the group's and the crowd's shock. The bright yellow-white beam hit Hana head on, sending her flying.

    No sooner did Hana hit the Gold safety barrier, did Skippy knock her down with a Tackle. "Game Set! This match's winner is...GOLD!!!" the referee announced, to the cheers of the crowd...


    "I'm impressed...Ephraim was named one of the youngest winners in the tournament's history..." Ethan smiled as Ephraim received the winner's cup, to cheers.

    "Remember this, Ash--pride and power aren't the only things a trainer needs to win a battle." Lyra reminded Ash. "If that's all you rely on, it will cost you dearly in the end."

    "I know--that's why I want to apologize to Ephraim for what happened yesterday." Ash assured Lyra before locating Ephraim and his parents in the crowd. "Hey...I just wanted to say congrats on your big win--you and Skippy make a great team, almost like me and Tintri."

    "Thanks..." Ephraim smiled as Tintri bounded on Ash's shoulder.

    "But I mainly came to apologize for yesterday...I felt horrible about beating Skippy down like I did, and I'm sorry..." Ash explained. "I let my pride and honor get the better of me--so can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

    "Of course I forgive you--if that Machop was your weakest Pokemon, I can't wait to see what your strongest ones are like!" Ephraim cried.

    "You did well yourself." Ash went on as he rejoined the others and Lyra. "Hana could very well be League material, if not tournament worthy.

    "Thanks." Lyra smiled. "I had a great time here."

    [Yeah--I look forward to the next time!] Hana smiled as she admired her reflection in Lyra's silver medal.

    "Bye, you three! Until we meet again!" Ethan called as the group parted ways...

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 06-25-2017 at 04:04 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  5. #85
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Born;

    Episode 70: The Apple Corp

    "Lyra did great in that Grass Tournament--I think she and Hana could go all the way to the Pokemon League if she wanted to." Misty smiled as the group continued down the road. It had been a few days since they had cheered Lyra and Hana on in a tournament for Grass Pokemon, but a young trainer and his Skiploom winning it all and Lyra's gracious reaction to coming in second had also taught Ash a lesson in humility, as well

    "Last I checked, she and Ethan are just exploring the region--there's no rule that says you have to compete in anything while on a Pokemon journey." Brock explained as he pocketed the guidebook. "Although winning things certainly does make it more exciting, there are some trainers that just want to explore the world and see all it has to offer without the pressure of having to win a certain number of trinkets, knick knacks, and whachamacallits."

    Ash was about to respond when a sweet smell got his attention. "Hm...does anyone else smell something nice?"

    "I do's coming from that huge apple orchard over there." Misty pointed out what looked like hundreds of apple trees in the distance as the group rounded the bend.

    "Let's go take a look!" Ash suggested. "Maybe if we asked very nicely, the owner would let us have some!"

    "Ooh, and then maybe Brock could bake us an apple pie!" Now Misty was excited as she followed her friend to the orchard.

    "I do have an apple pie recipe, actually." Brock smiled as he followed his companions and Tintri. "Plus, I have ice cream in case you like it a la mode."

    Tintri, meanwhile, noticed that some of the apples at his eye level had tiny bite marks in them. [Funny...something seems to be eating the apples...]

    He gasped as some apple cores came crashing to the ground. "Tintri, did you eat those?" Ash sternly asked as he, Misty, and Brock caught up to him, noticing the pile of cores on the ground.

    [Uh-uh--they came from up there!] Tintri pleaded, pointing up in the direction where the cores had fallen from.

    "I don't see anything..." Brock noted as he looked up into the trees.

    "Me neither." Misty agreed. "Are you SURE, Tintri?"

    Tintri was about to answer when another apple fell into his paws, triggering a net hidden in the soil! [Gah!] he gasped, dropping the apple.

    "Ah-ha!" a girl with neatly braided purple hair cried as she hurried to inspect the net. "I've gotcha, you little apple thief!"

    "But how could Tintri be the thief when he was nowhere near the scene of the crime?" Ash asked, all the while trying oh-so-hard to not explode in anger on the girl.

    "Because the apple was nearby when my trap went off, and it had bite marks that matched many of the others that had been stolen." the girl explained as she undid the net.

    "Tintri, could you open your mouth for a second?" Ash asked. "I have an idea that could prove you innocent."

    [Ah...] Tintri complied, allowing the girl and the group to see his teeth.

    "Notice how large Tintri's teeth are compared to the apple bite marks..." Ash explained as he showed the girl the apple Tintri had dropped. "Tintri couldn't have made the bite marks on the apple, as they’re too small to be a Pikachu."

    "'re right!" the girl smiled before pulling the net off Tintri. "I owe you an apology, then, Tintri--your master's brilliant observation proved you were nowhere near the apple trees at the time of the crime."

    It then dawned on the girl she had not introduced herself. "Oh, look at me rambling on without introducing myself! My name's Charmaine--allow me to formally welcome you three to Wildflower Grove."

    "Wow..." the group gasped as Charmaine made a grand gesture to the orchard, the surrounding forest, and a large farmhouse that overlooked the orchard. "It's beautiful..." Misty gasped as she glanced around the elegantly trimmed apple trees, as well as a processing facility to make juice and butter from the apples.

    She noticed Brock thinking hard as they approached the large farmhouse. "What's the matter, Brock?"

    "Tintri being innocent begs the question...if Tintri didn't take the apples, who did?" Brock wondered as the group followed the girl inside the house.

    "We can talk more about the mystery of the missing apples over lunch, okay?" Charmaine offered. "No guest ever leaves hungry when they visit!"


    " look after all this by yourself?" Ash gasped as he set down his silverware. "Wouldn't that be hard to do without any help?" he asked as Charmaine cleared away what remained of the roast Combusken and vegetables they had just enjoyed, and set out dessert plates and clean silverware.

    "Yeah--this land has been in the family for years, so I don't mind doing all the work myself." Charmaine smiled as she arrived with a tray of freshly baked apple turnovers.

    "We can help out for the day, as thanks for the food." Misty offered before biting into a warm turnover.

    "That's okay--I made you lunch expecting nothing in return." Charmaine replied. "I've got the means to do things on my own, so I've never thought of hiring help."

    "Since you went to the trouble of cooking all that for us, we want to help you in return for your efforts--I'm sure it gets hard doing everything by yourself." Brock smiled.

    A smile formed on Charmaine's face. "All right--since you've asked so nicely, I'll let you help me out for today in exchange for a little pocket money for your travels."


    "'ll notice I've rigged some of the trees with alarms to try and capture the apple thieves." Charmaine explained as she pointed out an array of wind chimes in several trees. "When something takes one of the apples off the trees, the chimes will ring, letting me know that something's been there."

    "That's pretty clever." Misty smiled as she arrived to harvest the apples from a particular tree.

    "But this has only complicated the mystery even more--I never see what is taking the apples, even when the chimes ring..." Charmaine sighed.

    Just then, Ash heard ringing chimes not far from the tree Misty was harvesting from. "I think you've caught something!" he called as he saw three tiny yellow mouse Pokemon he remembered as Pichu dash away into the brush.

    He picked up the apple the Pichus had dropped, and saw the same kind of bite marks in it as the one that landed in Tintri's arms before. "I think we found our apple thieves..."

    [Let me go find them, and try to teach them that stealing's not right.] Tintri offered as he bounded off Ash's shoulder and into the nearby forest, making sure to follow the route the Pichu had taken.


    There they are... Tintri smiled when he found the three Pichu huddled by a bush. [Why are you taking those apples?] he sternly asked the Pichus. [The lady that runs the orchard needs them for her own livelihood.]

    [But, the berry trees in the forest didn't produce enough berries this year, and we had to get food somewhere.] one Pichu explained. [Otherwise, we would starve!]

    [That still is no excuse for stealing.] Tintri began, before a high-pitched cry interrupted him. He whirled around to see hundreds of Pichus huddled in the bush--and that a large brown bird Pokemon with large wings was trying its hardest to try and capture one of the Pichus in its long beak!

    [Ash! I could use some help over here!] he called as Ash, Misty, Brock, and Charmaine arrived in the clearing.

    "First rule of battling, bud--know thy enemy." Ash assured Tintri as he showed Tintri the Pokedex:

    "Fearow, the beak Pokemon. It uses its long beak to attack. It has a surprisingly long reach, so it must be treated with caution."

    "Tell that to the Pichus..." Misty mused as she watched three of the Pichu jump onto a nearby tree and combine their power to zap the Fearow.

    Ash noticed the three Pichu fall to the ground with a plop, exhausted. "I get it--most Pichus faint after attacking due to their lack of skill in storing electricity."

    "Key word here--most Pichu." Brock reminded Ash. "Some Pichu do manage their power well on their own, but it's fairly rare in the wild. Most Pichu than can often have an owner."

    The Fearow coming to snapped the group to attention. "On top of that, that Pichus' attack only had enough power to stun the Fearow!"

    Tintri growled as he heard the Pichu's frightened squeals. I have to do something to help these little guys...but what?

    Seeing Brock's bow gave him an idea. [Hey, Brock...can I electrify an arrow for you, so we can scare this Fearow away?]

    "Sure...come on." Brock retrieved an arrow from the quiver on his back and set it down on the ground, allowing Tintri to send sparks into the arrowhead.

    The group watched as Brock aimed the sparking green arrow at the Fearow, then fired it into a tree, making a large electrical explosion that engulfed the Fearow in thunderbolts.

    "That's actually a clever idea--enchanting a projectile to frighten away intruders." Charmaine was impressed.

    [According to the Pichus, this year was a bad year for wild Berries, so they had to find food somewhere, so they wouldn't starve.] Tintri explained to Charmaine.

    "Then that explains everything--the hungry Pichus had no other choice but to come to the orchard." Charmaine gasped. "Maybe now I know their side of the story, I can help them out a little."


    The group groaned when they returned to the orchard to find Pidgeys helping themselves to the fruit. "First we dispatch one bird Pokemon, only to find another bird Pokemon problem?" Misty sighed.

    [Okay, you guys! This is your chance to show the lady of the orchard that you can help her out in return for food.] Tintri explained to the Pichu. [So go protect the orchard!]

    [YEAAHHHHH!!!] The Pichu cheered as they hurried to attack the Pidgeys. What Pidgeys were not dispatched immediately, the Pichus jumped on to shock.

    Misty smiled as the zaps of tiny Thundershocks and Pidgey cries filled the air. "It's working--you had a clever idea, Tintri." she smiled as the Pichus continued their electrical assault. When one Pichu fainted, another one would take its place.

    After a while, Charmaine watched as the remaining Pidgeys flew away in panic. "Well done, little guys! I'm impressed you managed to protect the apples instead of taking them..."

    [You're not mad we took any?] a Pichu asked.

    "If you guys are willing to pitch in around the orchard, I'm sure Charmaine will forgive you for taking the apples." Ash offered as he motioned for a group of Pichus to follow him.


    "Okay, guys...this is what a ripe apple is supposed to look like." Ash explained to the group of Pichus as he showed them a picture of what Charmaine's apple cultivar looked like when ripe. "What I want you to do is look for as many apples that look like that as you can, and put them in these baskets. If it has any bruises, blemishes or bite marks, leave it alone--another group's taking care of the bad apples."

    [Okay!] the Pichus chorused as Charmaine brought over some baskets.

    Misty joined Ash and Charmaine some moments later. "I taught another group to find the reject apples and prune the trees..."

    "...and I've got a few groups working on turning the good ones into juice, butter, and other treats." Brock reported as he glanced over at his team of Pichus happily operating the juicer in the processing facility.

    "You guys are amazing--maybe I don't have to do everything by myself." Charmaine smiled. "I have all the help I could want right here in the Pichus."

    "They make quite the happy worker if you treat them well--and this way they're earning their share of the apples." Ash agreed.

    "Divide them up into teams, let each of them have a turn with each job if they want to, and they will have more than earned what they took." Brock explained. "Although there will be some that prefer certain jobs."

    Charmaine then got an idea. "Okay, Pichus! Which teams need a break right now?"

    [MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!] the Pichus cried as they rushed onto the house's spacious front porch, where Charmaine had prepared hundreds of trays of apple slices for them.

    "Here you go, little guys--as thanks for your hard work, you've more than made up for all the apples you took." Charmaine explained as she gave each Pichu a tray. "So here's some of your earnings for today--fresh apples with a selection of three dips--honey, chocolate, and peanut butter."


    ...Just as the retinue arrived, and Orla was in place,
    As the sacrificial Mareep, even then with a peaceful face...
    Brock sang to the Pichus as Ash and Misty played accompaniment to his guitar.

    A shout went up from all the crowd as a knight came into view,
    Twas Brian and Epona! They had come to her rescue!

    We'll go no more a roving, a roving in the night, Even Charmaine couldn't help joining in on the ballad's chorus.
    We'll go no more a roving, let the moon shine so bright
    We'll go no more a roving...

    The earth began to rumble as a dragon did appear, Brock started the next verse.
    But though he roared and rumbled there, our hero showed no fear!
    Through all the fire and the smoke, the crowd looked on in awe
    As Prince Brian and Epona fought the dragon to a draw!

    A crash got the three performers' attention, making Ash and Misty stumble over wrong notes. "What in the world...?" Charmaine gasped as a large humanoid mecha lumbered towards the house.

    "Team Rocket!" Ash growled, pocketing his whistle as sure enough, Jessie, James, and Meowth emerged from a compartment near the mecha's head.

    As Misty and Brock looked on dumbfounded, Ash called "You know what to do, Tintri!"

    "Not today, hat-twerp!" Meowth purred as he triggered one of the mecha's arms to grab Tintri. "We're gonna borrow ya Pikachu for a bit, if ya don't mind..."

    Ash growled as the arm holding Tintri began to glow yellow, and Tintri grew weaker with every passing moment. I see---that mecha arm is leeching Tintri's electricity to power their battery.

    Moments after he watched Tintri close his eyes in exhaustion, the mecha stomped off, stomped to uproot a tree, deposited all the apples into a storage compartment, carefully put back the tree, then stomped off to the next tree.

    One Pichu, who had on a red cloak and a matching red hat with a white plume, rallied the other Pichu to her side. [Okay, guys--we have to save our Pikachu friend.] she explained. [So shock that mecha as hard as you can so we can recharge him and scare those hoodlums away!]

    [Yeah--we need some good fight music too!] another Pichu agreed as he looked back at Ash, Misty, and Brock. [Every good fight scene in a movie has to have cool music!]

    "One round of fight scene music, coming up." Brock grinned before counting Ash and Misty off into a frenetic reel-like melody.

    With the guitar, the fiddle, and the whistle playing them into battle, the Pichus charged for the mecha, with the red mage Pichu leading the way.

    "What good could you little rats do anyway?" Jessie called down to the horde of Pichu.

    [We can do anything if we all work together!] the red mage Pichu shot back. [Right, guys?]

    [YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!] the other Pichus cheered as they began unleashing volleys of Thundershocks on the balloon.

    Meowth, meanwhile, engaged a large fan on the mecha. "So, ya wanna play rough, do ya? Two can play at dis game!"

    [WAUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!] the Pichu screamed as many of them went flying into the grass and against the tree trunks, just as the group finished their fight song.

    "I think the fight song's helping!" Misty smiled as she watched the battered and beaten Pichus gather their strength and charge back into the fray.

    "The one that looks like a red mage is acting like their leader!" Ash agreed as he watched the red mage Pichu give a jolt to a Pichu, giving him more strength to fight. "She's making sure every Pichu does their part to defend the orchard."

    "Let's keep playing then--to let them all know we believe in them." Brock smiled before counting his companions off into another rendition of the song.

    As the frentic fight song echoed across the "battlefield" again, the red mage Pichu located Tintri in the mecha's arms and called to the other Pichus [I see him, you guys! Let's all form a chain so we can revive our friend!]

    Though many of them were exhausted, each Pichu grabbed onto the tail or ears of another one, creating a chain of Pichus that amazingly managed to reach up to the mecha. When the last Pichu was in place, the red mage Pichu skittered up the Pichu chain and grabbed onto Tintri's foot. [Okay, everyone--send up the biggest shock you can!]

    [HAAAAHHHH!!!!!] the Pichus screamed as an arc of electricity streaked up the Pichu chain and into Tintri, jolting him awake!

    [mm-what?] Trinri sputtered as he woke up and saw the red mage Pichu. [You really...rallied all your friends to save me?] he smiled as he slid down the Pichu chain to safety.

    [Of course--you did so much for us, we came to do something good for you in return.] the red mage Pichu replied as the Pichu chain disassembled itself. [So let's give these hooligans what for!]

    [HIII-YAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!] With that, Tintri and the Pichus combined their power to send Team Rocket and the mecha flying into the sky with a ping...


    "Well done, you guys...and thank you for saving Tintri." Ash smiled as he petted the red mage Pichu.

    Charmaine smiled. "It's decided--the Pichus and I will be partners from now on."

    She addressed the red mage Pichu. "In exchange for helping me and protecting the orchard, you guys can have all the fruit you want. You've more than made up for all the apples you took."

    As the Pichus cheered, Charmaine approached the group with three thousand credit bills and a small basket of apple products. "And here's your wages for your help today--you're always welcome back any time."

    "Thanks." Ash replied. "We enjoyed ourselves too, even if it did get hairy for a minute or two."

    As the group waved goodbye to Charmaine and the Pichus, the red mage Pichu watched as Ash, Misty, and Brock disappeared down the road and into the setting sun. One day, Mr. Story-singer...I will adventure by your side!

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 06-25-2017 at 04:11 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  6. #86
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Scytherwolf; @Born;

    Episode 71a: A Ghost of a Chance! (part 1)

    "Welcome to Ecruteak City...a historical city where the past meets the present." Brock read the signpost as the group rounded a bend in the road, with the city in the distance.

    "I can see why!" Misty gasped as she admired the Oriental-esque buildings in the distance. "I've always wanted to see a live Gekijou theater performance!"

    "I've always wanted to learn to play the ancient harp that was usually used by the narrator in a Gekijou play, the vina." Brock smiled. "Or any kind of harp, really--I've felt it would add a bit of a fantastic feel to my performances."

    "You definitely wouldn't be a spoony bard by any stretch!" Misty smiled, giggling as she imagined Brock, as a minstrel, serenading her, as a princess, in a fantasy land.

    "What's the name of that instrument that's always playing all these high trills and runs in traditional Kanto and Johto music?" Ash wondered as the group made their way into the city. "I know it's some kind of flute..."

    "That's because it is." Brock explained before turning to the chapter on traditional music and the theater in the guidebook, specifically the section on the ancient instruments used in the Gekijou orchestra. "There were actually two different flutes used in the Gekijou orchestra--the end blown kidi which has a darker and more mysterious sound, and the instrument you're thinking of, the side blown bansi."

    Ash looked over at the picture of an ornately decorated side blown flute in the guidebook. "Wow! I wanna learn to play one of those!"

    "You sure?" Misty asked. "Not only would it take a ton of practice, you'd have to learn a new way to blow and new fingerings."

    Ash just smiled. "I really want to learn...almost as much as I wanna battle for my next badge!"

    Brock noticed that during their conversation, they had managed to discover what looked like one of several majestic towers that loomed over the city. "This must be the Gym..."

    "Let's go!" Ash led the way inside.


    "This Gym isn't like any of the others we've seen before...." Misty mused as the group looked around the inside of the tower. It had clearly seen better days, if not outright damaged somehow, judging from the chaired doorframes and dusty tapestry on the walls.

    "Maybe it's not a gym, but something else entirely?" Brock suggested.

    "Or maybe we've walked into a dungeon straight out of Zelda?" Ash shuddered. "Maybe there's something you can hit with an arrow to show us the way!"

    "If there is a switch I can shoot, where do you think it is?" Brock asked his companion. "I can't shoot at a target that's not there..."

    Ash was about to suggest potential locations for a target when suddenly, a small blue flame flared up before him. 'WAUGH!"

    "I think the dungeon guardians know we're here!" Misty agreed as more ethereal flames appeared around them. "They're obviously blue, so we need something hot to douse them..."

    She looked over to see a gaggle of ethereal cloud Pokemon laughing at the group's fear. "Okay, so those flames were a bunch of Gastlies..."

    Inspired, Ash heaved a Poke Ball skyward. "Aina, show us where all those Gastly are!"

    The Machop materialized on the cracked wooden floor seconds later. [Doing a little Ghost Pokemon busting? Let me help you find them.]

    The lightbulb went off in Misty's head as Aina's eyes glowed red, revealing many more Gastly in the room. "Oh, Machop can learn Foresight too, just like those Hoothoots we met before!"

    "In some cases, Pidgeys--and by extension Pidgeottos and Pidgeots--can learn it too, but I'm not going into a long discussion about genetics here." Brock explained.

    "Yes, let's have science class later." Misty nervously stammered, aware of the Gastly approaching them.

    "Aina, now that you've revealed the Gastlies, start Tackling them!" Ash almost screamed as he jumped to avoid a blob of purplish black energy a Gastly had fired at him.

    [You got it!] Aina called before ramming a Gastly, sending it tumbling backwards.

    "Who knew that a Fighting type could do anything against ghosts?" Misty mused as she watched Aina ram Gastly after Gastly, making them disappear.

    "Foresight must expose them, allowing physical moves to hit them!" Ash proposed as some of the remaining Gastlies flew off in terror.

    The group swallowed hard when they saw the Gastlies return a few moments later with larger purple phantasms Ash remembered as Haunters. "They just left to get reinforcements..." Brock broke the uneasy silence some moments later.

    Ash looked over at Tintri. "Get ready for a big fight, bud..."

    [Which of these ghosts do I need to bust first?] Tintri asked as he charged a Thunderbolt.

    Moments before Ash could command Tintri to fire his attack, he saw a large ghost that somewhat resembled a Clefable walk out onto the floor. [The boss! The boss is here!] he heard some Gastly say.

    [Ah, the Gengar must be who all these other ghosts report to!] Tintri recognized the large ghost Pokemon floating in their direction.

    "Then maybe if we defeat the boss, all the others will leave us alone!" Ash suggested.

    "Stop." he heard a voice call. He whirled around to see a blond haired young man in a kimono-like outfit on a catwalk above them "You should understand that the Pokémon here were not trying to harm you guys, but merely trying to protect their home, because they felt threatened by your appearance." he explained as the ghosts, including the Gengar, circled around him.

    "W-who are you?" Ash called up to the man, a note of fear in his voice.

    After shooing away the Gastlies and Haunters, but shepherding the Gengar close to him, the man replied "My name is Morty, Leader of the Ecruteak City Gym. You seem to have met Rocko, my Gengar partner, already--the other ghosts here consider him the leader."

    "No wonder the Gastlies and Haunters were calling him 'the boss' before..." Misty smiled, a little relieved that the ghost Pokemon meant them no harm.

    After taking a minute or two to collect himself, Ash motioned for Tintri to climb back on his shoulder. "I am Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town...I come to challenge you for the badge you hold."

    Morty just smiled, bemused in Ash's politeness. "As much as I would love to battle you in an official Gym battle, we can't do that here. This place was and has been confused as the Ecruteak City Gym by many different trainers that pass through the city."

    "So, just what exactly IS this place?" Brock was intrigued.

    "It used to be a place of brightness and hope; now it's a place of darkness." Morty replied as he came down to the ground floor to meet the group. "That's why so many Ghost Pokémon have come to live here."

    A sick feeling welled up in Ash's stomach. "Now I feel bad for attacking them..."

    "Poor ghosts..." Misty agreed.

    A faded plaque on a nearby wall depicting a familiar phoenix-like bird piqued Ash's attention. "What's this?" Ash asked as he hurried over to get a better look at the bird on the plaque.

    "The Pokemon depicted on that plaque before you is Ho'oh, one of many ancient legendary Pokémon." Morty replied.

    Ash balked at this. "It may be legendary, but I saw one!"

    He proceeded to tell Morty all about how he had met Ho'oh some years before--in an attempt to outrun some Spearows, he had lost Misty in an attempt to get away, and had made the decision to sacrifice himself for both him and Tintri. Tintri, however, did not wish to see his trainer die, and had unleashed a huge Thundershock to save them both. When they had some to moments later, Ho'oh flew overhead as a rainbow appeared in the sky.

    Morty raised an eyebrow at Ash's story. "Are you SURE that it was Ho'oh you saw? She has not been seen for three centuries, when a great hero used the Swanna Song to call her directly."

    "Are you saying you don't believe me?" Ash gasped.

    "No, but I'm going to need more evidence to back up your claim than just one account." Morty assured Ash. "There's a tower that was rebuilt not too far away from the burned out building we're in right now. The tower is a copy of this one."

    "Well, what happened to the original tower?" Ash asked.

    "To answer your question, we need to go back many years ago..." Morty began as Rocko conjured a series of paintings that told the story of the burned tower.


    "Long ago, this tower was built to promote understanding between humans and Pokémon, and allowing people to unlock the legendary power of Mega Evolution." Morty explained, referring to a painting depicting a female trainer receiving a ring, then her singing some gibberish runes, inducing a Venusaur to Mega Evolve. "My ancestors protected it for generations." he smiled, showing the group a portrait of who Ash assumed was either Morty's father or grandfather.

    Morty then showed Ash the next painting, depicting Ho'oh and the tower. "Over the decades, the Tin Tower became a special place for another reason. It was the only place in the world where, as well as learning the secrets of Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves, Ho'oh, the rainbow phoenix, made contact with humans. Ho'oh's visits were a sign of peace, but she would only appear to a select few--only those guarding the tower and those proven worthy to see her."

    "Oh..." the group replied as Morty showed them the next painting, depicting a ninja ambush.

    "Then, one day, invaders came who sought to use Ho'oh's power for evil!" Morty announced, displaying the next painting of the tower ablaze. "In the ensuing battle, the Tin Tower was set ablaze! Ho'oh fled... she stopped visiting humans... and she has never returned."

    He showed the next painting of a crowd of people around the charred remains of the tower. "Some wanted to rebuild the tower, but my ancestors insisted that it be left as a witness for future generations of man's brutality -- but they also decided to build a new Tin Tower."

    Morty then displayed the last painting of the current Tin Tower. "Their hope was that Ho'oh might return, to a new place of peace, and the people of Johto could once again have a place to learn to master Mega Evolution and the mysterious Z Moves. So far, these hopes have been in vain....we've waited so long that some people say that Ho'oh was a legend that never really existed."

    Ash contemplated Morty's tale for a moment. "I know I saw Ho'oh that day... it isn't just a legend."


    With Ash occupied defending himself, Tintri spotted Ami heading for a hole he noticed only small Pokémon like Marill would be able to fit through. Uh oh...I've known Ami is very curious, and loves to explore, but this isn't a good place to do it--I'd better do something before she gets hurt!

    He jumped from Ash's shoulder and bounded over to stop the curious Marill. [Ami! I know you like exploring, but--!] he started before he ended up accidentally pushing Ami and squeezing himself through the hole at the same time!

    Misty noticed Tintri and Ami had squeezed through the hole. "Uh oh...where did Tintri and Ami get to?"

    "They went through a hole that leads to the upper part of a room in the basement." Morty assured the group. "The room in question is not far from where you first enter the basement."

    Ash swallowed hard as he followed Morty to a stairwell. Tintri...I hope you and Ami don't get into too much trouble!

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 05-18-2017 at 12:35 AM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  7. #87
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Scytherwolf; @Born;

    Episode 71b: A Ghost of a Chance! (part 2)

    Previously, on "Pokemon Moonlight Silver"...

    Misty noticed Tintri and Ami had squeezed through the hole. "Uh oh...where did Tintri and Ami get to?

    "They went through a hole that leads to the upper part of a room in the basement." Morty assured the group. "The room in question is not far from where you first enter the basement."

    Ash swallowed hard as he followed Morty to a stairwell. Tintri...I hope you and Ami don't get into too much trouble!

    "Wow...this place is like a maze..." Ash mused as Misty, Brock, and Morty wound through the old tower's many rooms in an attempt to find Tintri and Ami, who had both disappeared into a hole in the wall.

    "Well, you have to remember that because of the fire, a lot of the support beams weakened and fell, making it so that venturing further than where we are now would be too dangerous." Morty explained.

    "But what about Tintri and Ami?" Misty worried. "What if they are too far for us to safely explore?"

    "There are other ways to find your friend's Pikachu and your Marill that don't require human skill." Morty assured Misty before addressing his Gengar. "Rocko...rally the other Ghost Pokémon here and help us find a missing Pikachu and Marill...the Pikachu's name is Tintri, and the Marill's name is Ami."

    [Got it, boss..those should be easy names to remember.] the Gengar smiled before disappearing into the darkness.


    Back outside, Team Rocket followed the beeping of a radar-like device to the steps of the tower. "I thing we found something!" James cried as the radar-like device he carried beeped frantically.

    "Personally, that fire breather that gave you this Itemfinder was a fraud..." Jessie sighed as James hurried onto the tower's rotted porch to claim another bottlecap. "We've been finding nothing but bottle caps."

    "Yeah, all dat ting eva finds is junk!" Meowth was equally frustrated.

    "Call it junk if you wish, but there is a collector's market for bottle caps, particularly for brands of soda, water, and juice that don't exist anymore." James explained. "Sometimes these caps sell for millions upon billions of credits.

    He was about to say more when he spotted Ami emerging from a pile of rocks. "Well, well, well, look what we have here..."

    Jessie gasped as Tintri emerged from the rocks moments later. "It must be our lucky day if the little electric rat comes to us for a change!"

    "And with no twerps in sight!" Meowth was equally excited. He wasted no time snatching Ami, making her cry in fear and surprise.

    [Let Ami go!] Tintri arrived moments later, sparking with anger as he charged a Thunderbolt. [Or I'll--!]

    "Forgittin' somtin'?" Meowth warned Tintri. "If ya zap us dis time, you'll hoit Ami too, as she's a watta-type!"

    Angry tears welled up in Tintri's eyes as he stayed his attack. Ami...I WILL rescue you! he vowed as Team Rocket dashed away, laughing gleefully all the while.

    [Cry not, little one...I will go inform Sir Morty and your master what happened here.] a Gastly assured Tintri before warping away.

    [Thanks...] Tintri mustered a weak smile as his tears shone with hope.


    [I have found the Pikachu and the Marill] the Gastly reported to the group. [However, before I could lead them back, two hoodlums with a Meowth had Poke-napped the Marill.]

    "What?" Misty gasped.

    "You did well, Tsuki, but this is indeed troubling." Morty replied. "Is the Pikachu still where you found him?"

    [He is...this way.] the Gastly replied before motioning for the group to follow it.

    "How can you understand what the ghost Pokemon are saying?" Ash wondered as he followed Morty and the Gastly through the ruined and cluttered rooms of the tower.

    "Practice." Morty smiled back.


    Meanwhile, Team Rocket laughed joyfully as they made a break for the city entrance, with Meowth carrying Tintri and Ami. "At last, we have the electric rat!" Jessie was the most excited. "Imagine how the boss will handsomely reward us!"

    Just then, all three Rockets tripped on something in the road, and went tumbling to the ground. 'did you trip me?" Jessie asked Meowth as she eased herself to her feet and dusted herself off.

    "Nuh-uh...I tripped too, rememba?" Meowth replied.

    "Well, I don't see anything we could've tripped on..." James mused as he examined the road for a moment.

    About then, Rocko materialized before the Rockets, making them gasp in fear. [It was me dat tripped you lot...] he growled as Morty and the others arrived. [Ya got some 'splainin ta do, see?]

    "Team Rocket!" Ash gasped.

    [Give back dat Pikachu and dat Marill, and nobody gets hurt,'kay?] Rocko warned.

    "You? Making threats? That's just asking for trouble..." Jessie warned.

    "Even though you're a ghost, we'll still make the pain double!" James agreed.

    "To protect the world from devastation..." Jessie began.

    "And unite all peoples within our nation..." James smiled, twirling a rose in his hand. Ash just watched and growled in annoyance at the familiar motto he, Misty, and Brock had heard a million times before:

    "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

    "To extend our reach to the stars above!"



    "Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!"

    "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

    "Meowth! Dat's right!"

    "You heard the Gengar, just give back Tintri and Ami!" Ash was unfazed from hearing the Rocket motto for the umpteenth time.

    "I'll give ya sometin' ta tink about!" Meowth retorted before leaping onto Ash, making him stumble backwards into the grass by the road. Before Ash could attempt to get up, Meowth leapt onto him, delivering a volley of Fury Swipes.

    Jessie smiled as Ash's cries of pain echoed into the air. "Nice work, Meowth..."

    "We kin make a break for it while the twerps play docta!" Meowth smiled as Brock arrived to clean and dress the many scratch wounds on Ash's arms and face.

    "Rrrgh...I demand a duel to pay you guys back for hurting me!" Ash roared, mostly out of anger, but also out of pain from Meowth's attack. "You'll pay for taking Tintri!"

    Jessie was about to answer before Meowth interjected "Yanno--every time we try ta battle da twerps, we end up losin' badly ta them. I tink runnin' for it's a better idear."

    "Good point! Let's go!" James agreed before the Rockets made a mad dash for the city entrance.

    "Come back here! No one takes our Pokemon and gets away with it!" Ash and the others were not far behind.


    "Rocko! Rescue the Pikachu and the Marill!" Morty commanded as the group hurried to try and catch Team Rocket.

    [Okay, boss!] Rocko replied. But he stopped in his tracks when he found that Jessie and James had summoned Arbok and Weezing to block the grop from catching up. But Rocko just grinned and warped away.

    "Where'd Rocko go?" Misty wondered as Arbok and Weezing looked around, confused. She smiled as Rocko appeared behind them, and knocked them into a nearby thicket.

    [Now that the hoodlum's Pokemon are taken care of, now ta deal with dere masters!] Rocko assured Misty before warping before the human Rockets and Meowth [Hold it!]

    "How can people who are Pokémon trainers steal other peoples' Pokémon?" Morty asked as he joined Rocko and the others. "Answer me that."

    Minutes seemed to tick by like hours, but when Morty figured that Team Rocket was not going to talk, he told Rocko "Use Night Shade to free the Pokemon."

    [Comin' up!] Rocko smiled before firing two black beams at the packs holding Tintri and Ami, breaking them free!

    A Haunter and a Gastly caught both Pokemon and brought them to Ash and Misty. [Here you go...] the Haunter grinned as he gave Tintri to Ash.

    [She's a little banged up, but okay.] the Gastly assured Misty as she delivered Ami to Misty.

    [You okay, Ash?] Tintri asked, concerned by the many bandages all over Ash.

    "Yeah...Meowth got me good back there." Ash replied as he gently hugged his companion.

    "Ami...thank Arceus you're okay!" Misty was equally happy to see her Marill again.

    The group watched as Arbok and Weezing dove for Rocko, only to crash into the ground as Rocko warped away.

    "Arbok, try to Wrap up that Gengar!" Jessie commanded as Rocko reappeared in the sky...only to balk as Arbok only wrapped thin air!

    [Missed me!] Rocko taunted as he reappeared by Morty's side.

    "Let's end this, them your Shadow Ball." Morty commanded.

    [HAAAAAAAAAH!!!!] Rocko growled as he formed a massive ball of dark energy and hurled it at Team Rocket, sending them flying into the sky with a ping.


    "Wow...Shadow Ball's pretty powerful!" Ash gasped when he saw the crater that the Shadow Ball had created.

    "I hope that crater spurs you to be careful during your match, now that you know what your opponent is capable of." Brock warned.

    Morty just smiled. "We could have our match right now, but I imagine that you three and your Pokemon must be tired from a long and adventurous day."

    "You're right...resting up will make it a better battle." Ash agreed. "Since we both will bring our A game!"

    "All right...I will see you in the morning." Morty replied before departing.

    " sure you know what you're getting into?" Misty asked as the group started towards the Pokemon Center.

    "How do you plan to handle someone powerful enough to make a crater in the path?" Brock was equally concerned.

    Ash, however, was unusually calm as the three travelers made their way into the Pokemon Center. "I do have a plan to beat Morty...but as to what it is, you'll just have to see tomorrow!"

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  8. #88
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Scytherwolf; @Born;

    Episode 72: From Ghost to Ghost!

    "Gengar, the shadow Pokemon. It hides in the shadows. It is said that if a Gengar is hiding, it cools the area by nearly 10 degrees." Dexter explained as Ash studied the Pokedex the next morning.

    "Wow..." Ash mused as Nurse Joy arrived with his Pokemon. "Talk about getting chills..."

    "Unless you have a Pokemon with Foresight or Defog, good luck trying to physically hit a ghost." Nurse Joy cautioned. "Far too often I see a lot of Fighting types try to take on Morty and they end up devastated."

    "What other types should I avoid or use?" Ash was interested.

    "Normal types won't do a thing, but Dark types and Dark type moves are your best bet." Nurse Joy explained. "Failing that, you can focus on special moves."

    "I know Foresight can reveal a ghost, but how can Defog help?" Ash was intrigued by what Nurse Joy had said about Defog.

    "While it can't reveal a ghost completely like Foresight, Defog can give you a general idea of the ghost's location if it has turned invisible, by clearing away its foggy aura." Nurse Joy replied. "Your Pidgeot seems to be one of those that inherited Foresight from its parents, and learned Defog if you plan to take on Morty, she's your secret weapon!"

    "Okay!" Ash smiled. "I'll let you know how the battle goes!" he called to Nurse Joy as he hurried off to meet Misty and Brock by the front desk.


    "Okay, Rocko, use Confuse Ray on this training dummy." Morty instructed, gesturing to a Meowth training dummy on the Silver side of the arena.

    [Gotcha!] Rocko smiled before charging an orange ball in his hands, which formed into an orange beam that went flying at the training dummy.

    Morty smiled. "Now, if this were a real Meowth, its eyes would swirl, or sometimes turn red, and it has a chance to--!"

    Just then, the door to the arena opened, and Ash led his friends inside. "Forgive me for interrupting your lesson, Morty, but I'm here for our match, as we agreed yesterday."

    "Would it be okay with you if my students watched the match?" Morty asked. "Then they can see how a Ghost Pokemon battles firsthand."

    "Sure!" Ash was even more excited. I've never had an audience for a Gym match before!


    "Tea ceremony...the Gym...traditional theater...lots of tradition here." Kamon smirked as he strolled through the city.

    A smile formed on his face when he saw the Burned Tower before him. "Well, who knew this place had ancient ruins one could tour! I'll have to see if I can find something valuable among the ruins." he mused before walking off.

    He noticed Ash and Morty about to begin their match as he passed by the Gym. Good luck, Wonder Boy...You're gonna need it!


    "Tsuki, I choose you!" Morty called, summoning a Gastly on the Gold side.

    "Take flight, Mina!" Ash called as he heaved Mina's Poke Ball skyward.

    "Are you sure you want to use your best Pokemon against one of Morty's weaker ones?" Misty called.

    "If you're not careful, Mina may not have enough strength left to face Rocko." Brock warned.

    "Just trust me, okay?" Ash assured his concerned friends. "I know what I'm doing."

    Misty sighed. "Okay...we'll trust you. You've tried some pretty harebrained strategies before, and somehow you've managed to come through most every time."

    Ash, meanwhile, focused on the Gastly before him. "Okay, start with Featherdance!"

    [Hah!!!!] As Mina rained glowing feathers in the room, the Gastly disappeared. [Wha...where'd my opponent go?]

    "Use Foresight to find Tsuki." Ash assured Mina.

    Mina nodded, then focused on the room, easily spotting the ethereal ghost Pokemon trying to circle back behind her. So that's the ghostie's little game, is it?

    She folded her wings and dove at the Gastly. She won't know what hit her now!

    But Mina gasped when she found she had gone through then air! [Missed me, miss birdie!] Tsuki taunted as she flew to the spot where Mina had been moments before. No matter how hard Mina tried to Tackle Tsuki, Tsuki would only dodge the attack again and again.

    [All right, new plan...] Mina sighed before firing another flurry of glowing feathers into the room.

    "Tsuki, close your eyes to avoid the feathers, and then Lick the Pidgeot!" Morty commanded.

    [WAUUGGHH!!!] Mina yelped as Tsuki's prehensile tongue licked her, sending her tumbling to the arena floor.

    "That looked like it hurt..." Misty mused as Ash returned Mina.

    "Actually, this was a good strategy on Ash's part, since the feathers will keep Tsuki from disappearing." Brock explained as he heard Ash whistle for Tintri. "Besides, Ash can use Mina again to make more wind if he needs to."


    [HAAAAAAAAH!!!!] Tintri cried as he rammed into Tsuki with a Quick Attack, knocking Tsuki backwards. He then fired a Thunderbolt at the dazed Gastly, but Tsuki recovered. After veering to avoid the Thunderbolt, she fired a Night Shade at Tintri, hitting Tintri point blank.

    [Ash...I'm sorry...] Tintri wheezed before collapsing with exhaustion

    "You did well, okay?" Ash assured Tintri before heaving another Poke Ball skyward. "Cyndy, let's go!!"

    [Time to turn up the heat!] Cyndy called before heaving a Flamethrower. Tsuki tried to counter with Night Shade, but Cyndy jumped away thanks to a Quick Attack. Moments before Tsuki could like her as well, Morty watched in shock as Cyndy ran up Tsuki's tongue and Tackled her.

    "Very clever, I will admit, but let's see how you do against Seirei." Morty grinned as he summoned a Haunter into the arena.

    [He'll be feeling the heat!] Cyndy cried as she heaved another Flamethrower...only for Seirei to warp away. [What the...]

    She was startled by Seirei appearing before her with an angry look in his eyes. [AUGGHHH!!!]

    "What was that?" Ash asked.

    "That was Mean Look, which forces you to use Cyndy until the end of the round." Morty explained. "Your move."

    "Be brave, Cyndy! Try a Swift attack!" Ash called.

    [Yeah!] Cyndy cried as she sent a flurry of shining stars at Seirei.

    Seirei, meanwhile, tried to hypnotize Cyndy. [You are getting sleepy...] he commanded as his eyes swirled with a mystical power.

    [Not today, ghostie!] Cyndy countered before creating a Smokescreen in the room.

    She did not, however, expect Seirei to grab her and Lick her, and she collapsed with a plop on the arena floor. "Silver has one Pokemon remaining!" the student serving as the referee announced.

    Misty swallowed hard. "This is bad..."

    "If Mina has both Foresight and Defog, Ash may have a chance!" Brock assured Misty as Ash welcomed Mina back to the arena.

    [I've got my eyes on you, ghostie!] Mina taunted as she dove in to Tackle Seirei, only to veer out of the way of Seirei's hands, and then dodged his tongue!

    [You are getting sleepy...] Seirei tried to hypnotize Mina.

    [I think not!] Mina shot back as she flung a wave of sand against the wave of ghostly energy Seirei was casting.

    The two attacks exploded in the center of the room, but after a few sense moments, the Sand Attack was blown away. A familiar orange beam hit Mina seconds later. [Look Ash...FIVE Torchics!] she wheezed before hitting the floor with a plop.

    "Mina!" Ash gasped. "Try to snap out of your confusion!"

    [Game over, birdie!] Seirei smirked as he fired a Night Shade at the vulnerable Pidgeot. He did not expect Mina, now surrounded in a dark purple aura, to come charging at him! "What was that?" Misty gasped as Mina circled back to Ash's side.

    "It looks like Mina has learned Pursuit..." Brock explained. "If used on a Pokemon trying to flee, switch out, or otherwise escape, its power doubles."

    Ash grinned when he opened Dexter and saw the "NEW!" icon and the move on Mina's long move list. "Bring it, Rocko! I'm ready for you!"

    [Ya want me ta bring it? I'm bringin' ya everyting I've got, see?] Rocko taunted as he materialized in the arena.

    Ash watched as Rocko formed a Shadow Ball. "Mina, Pursue the Gengar!"

    [YAAAAAAAAHHH!!!] Mina cried as the purple aura, now with stars flecked in it, appeared around her, protecting her from the impact of the Shadow Ball, which exploded with a POW!!!

    "Wow..." was all Misty could say as she brushed off the shadow energy the Shadow Ball had left behind.

    Brock, meanwhile, watched as Mina frantically tried dodging an invisible Rocko's rain of Night Shades. "How can Gengar attack while it's invisible?" Misty wondered as Mina desperately tried to use Defog to find Rocko's aura, dodging Night Shades all the while.

    "Mina won't win without using Foresight, Defog, or something similar." Brock mused as Mina veered one way, and then another, trying to avoid the dark beams raining around her from seemingly nowhere.

    Ash, however, had an idea. "Mina, pursue Rocko through the building! He may be trying to escape and catch you off guard!"

    [I got him!] Mina reported back as her Foresight revealed Rocko across from her, charging another Shadow Ball.

    She streaked at the grinning Gengar, disrupting the Shadow Ball! The force of Mina's impact sent Rocko flying, ultimately hitting the ceiling and falling to the floor. [Boss, she got me good...] he wheezed before he fainted.

    "Gold is unable to battle! Silver wins!" the student referee announced, to thunderous cheers.


    "Well done, Ash..." Morty smiled as he handed Ash a ghostly bubble shaped badge. "Your team is stronger than I thought. Your ability to think on your feet and outside the box will take you far."

    He went on "After thinking about it, and seeing you battle firsthand, I think you may actually have seen Ho'oh as you claim. How else could you have such skill?"

    More cheers filled the room, as Ash and Mina couldn't resist taking a bow for the students...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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    Episode 73a: Trouble's Brewing! (part 1)

    "Well done on your fourth badge, Ash." Brock smiled as he bit into the sandwich he had just bought. "What else would you like to do, since this place has so much to offer?"

    "Oh, learn to play a bansi, watch the Kimono Girls perform, explore some of the many temples, take part in tea ceremony..." Ash smiled as he unwrapped a pound cake. "Although not necessarily in that order."

    "I think a tea ceremony would be beautiful to see, much less take part in." Misty agreed. "I still have my kimono from last year's festival too..."

    "And mine." Brock agreed.

    Misty was about to say more when she noticed an Eevee hesitantly approaching the group. "Hello there...are you looking for someone?" she asked the small brown fox Pokemon as she set aside the wontons she had bought.

    [Have you seen my master?] the Eevee asked. [We were walking in the marketplace, and I lost her in the crowds.]

    Misty was about to ask the Eevee for more information when a dull magenta haired girl in an eye print lavender kimono dashed up to the Eevee. "There you are, Satomi!" I was wondering where you went!" she giggled as she hugged the Eevee.

    She looked up at the group. "My name is Sakura-- I can't thank you enough for finding Satomi for me."

    "Aw, it was nothing--Satomi just came to us." Misty replied.

    "If you wish, my sisters and I are holding a tea ceremony today, and a Lore Stage is being held afterwards." Sakura explained. "Would any of you like to come?"

    Ash, meanwhile, was thinking hard about Morty's tale of Ho'oh a few days earlier. "Misty...would you want to venture back into the Burned Tower to leave a memorial gift at the top, in memory of those that died when the tower burned?"

    "I guess...provided we can find where memorials are left." Misty replied. "That's actually very sweet of you, Ash... "

    She addressed Sakura again. "Thank you for your offer, but I must respectfully decline."

    "Yes, my thanks as well, although I must decline." Ash replied.

    Brock, however, gave Sakura a little bow. "I actually would be honored to join you for tea."

    "Save us some of the gifts you get afterwards!" Ash called as he and Misty started off toward the south end of town, near the Burned Tower.

    "All right--the tea house is not far from here." Sakura told Brock as she and Satomi turned to leave.


    "Welcome--please, wash your hands while you wait to be received." a navy haired girl in a water drop print kimono smiled as Brock--now in his leaf print kimono from the year before--arrived at the tea house some time later.

    "Thank you--is there a proper way to wash? This is my first time taking part..." Brock confessed as the girl led him to a large washbasin.

    "Just gently submerge your hands in the water a few times, being sure not to splash." the girl assured him. "When you are done, dry your hands with the provided towel, take a seat in one of those chairs and wait for the vina's sound."

    "All right." Brock replied before submerging his hands in the slightly warm water, letting them drip dry, then submerging them again. After repeating this process five times, he accepted the towel and dried his hands, then settled in one of the chairs in the tea house's foyer.

    He did not have to wait for very long, as a strangely beautiful melody drifted into the room, and the door leading into the main hall opened. After kneeling down before a black haired girl in a moon print kimono, he watched as the girl, with help from a black fox like Pokemon with red eyes and gold rings in its fur, carefully cleaned the tea utensils.

    Once the girl had finished, Sakura and six other kimono clad girls arrived in the room. Sakura carried a beautiful bow-shaped harp, while the other girls brought in the ingredients for the tea and the various treats Brock and his hostess would be enjoying.

    "Thank you, again for joining us for this sacred ceremony." Sakura smiled as she cradled the harp in her arms. "My sisters will be assisting in the various steps of the ceremony...Sayo will be your hostess..." She gestured to the girl before Brock. "Kuni assisted you with the ceremonial washing earlier..." The navy haired girl from before waved hello as she set down some towels and napkins. "Miki has prepared the ingredients..." A blonde haired girl in a thunderbolt print kimono smiled as Brock as she set down a box full of the various tea ingredients. "Naoko will be helping in the tea preparation..." A dull red haired girl in a flame print kimono waved hello as she looked over Sayo's utensils, to make sure they were all present. "Yuki will make sure you are comfortable during your stay..." A dull cyan haired girl placed a pillow near Brock's knees, so the kneeling position wouldn't be uncomfortable during the sometimes hours long ceremony. "Ayame has provided the flowers for today..." A dull green haired girl in a leaf print kimono waved hello as she hung up a bouquet on the wall. "...and Rei has prepared the treats you will be enjoying with your tea." A dull pink haired girl in a star print kimono set down a large tray piled high with traditional candies and baked goods.

    "Thank you all for your hard work." Brock replied, trying with all his willpower not to burst out in a euphoric ballad in praise of the girls.

    "Have you heard of the seven beautiful Ancient Sisters?" Kuni asked as Sayo started the tea preparation.

    "Wait a minute--what about me?" Sakura gasped, appalled she would be left out.

    "You are our sister, true, but you're not beautiful enough yet." Miki replied.

    "Then when can I be beautiful enough?" Sakura shot back.

    I see...Sakura has the same problem as Misty. Brock thought as Sakura and Miki argued. Both of them are the youngest, and their sisters focus on themselves....


    "Wow..." Misty gasped as she and Ash emerged at the top of the Burned Tower some time later. "You can see the whole city from here!"

    "That, and the observation deck apparently didn't get too much damage from the fire." Ash mused as he examined a few charred tiles near where he and Misty had emerged.

    She noticed a memorial stone with an eternal flame nearby "This must be where the memorials are offered..."

    The sound of wings got her attention. "Is that...."

    Ash looked up to see a familiar gold phoenix Pokemon fluttering down to meet them both. "Ho'oh!"

    We meet again, Young Master. Ho'oh began as she perched on top of the memorial stone before Ash and Misty. I salute you both for coming all this way to see me, and paying your respects to those that fell here many years ago. As a reward for your bravery, wisdom, and kindness, please accept these gifts from me.

    With that, she unleashed a mighty cry, making a white gold ring with a teardrop shaped ruby inside drop into Ash's hands, and a gold ring with a sapphire ringed by diamonds dropped into Misty's hands.

    "No way...this is a Mega Ring!" Ash gasped as he admired the ring he had received.

    "We thank you for your generous gift, and promise to use the power in these rings respectfully." Misty smiled, bowing before Ho'oh in respect.

    "Yes, thank you." Ash agreed as he too bowed before the beautiful gold phoenix.

    Some footsteps got his attention. "Who's there?"

    "Oh, it's you." Kamon replied as he emerged onto the old observation deck and saw Ho'oh. "You must be here to catch the legendary Pokémon to make yourself look strong."

    "What?" Misty gasped. "Ho'oh is one of the many Pokemon that watches over us all--what makes you think we'd want to catch her?"

    "That is only a dream." Kamon smirked. You see, the legendary Pokémon suits a trainer like me who has sworn to become the strongest trainer."

    "But strength is not raw power!" Ash pleaded as Kamon summoned Spike. He quickly reached for a Poke Ball. "Mina, come on out!"

    Focus, Young Master--I have a better idea than emotional pleas. Ho'oh suggested as the Pidgeot materialized on the deck. Use the song in your heart to defeat your foe.

    "The song in our hearts?" Misty asked before the lightbulb went off in her head. "Oh, our Heart Songs!"

    With that, she lifted her right hand with her ring on it to the sky. Rou iitsa ron selga vichii...

    Kamon watched in awe as Michelle was engulfed in a bright blue light and waves. "What in the..." he gasped as Michelle emerged from the cocoon of light some moments later. Her skin had gained magenta armor-like rings on her arms and legs, and a "necklace" of cyan and magenta stones had formed around her neck. Her head spikes had lengthened into flowing blue "hair", and the ruby on her forehead had transformed into a teardrop shaped sapphire that glowed with holy light.

    [What this the miracle of Mega Evolution?] Michelle gasped as she admired her new appearance.

    "It show this punk the power of Mega Golduck!" Misty smiled.

    [Hah!] Michelle unleashed a powerful water spray, sending Spike flying as Ash watched in awe.

    Them, something occurred to Ash as he watched the ruby in his ring glow and fade, as if awaiting his command. The song I sang to induce Blaze back in the Charific Valley...and powered up Luce to save Fluffy....and that Tintri uses as his Disarming's my own Heart Song!

    "Helena, let's do this!" Kamon summoning his Gastly snapped him back to reality.

    Ash turned his cap back, then lifted his left hand skyward, confidently singing the holy words of his Heart Song. Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul...

    This time, Kamon was shaking in fear as Mina was engulfed in red light and flames, emerging with a majestic yellow and orange crest on her head, blue tips on her wings, and flowing tail feathers. [Oh yeah! I feel like I could take on a Legendary and win!]

    But no one was happier than Ash. "We did we can use the same power Brock has to induce our Pokemon!" he smiled at Misty.

    He turned to Kamon again. "Behold the power of Mega Pidgeot!"

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 05-28-2017 at 02:40 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  10. #90
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    Episode 73b: Trouble's Brewing (part 2)

    Previously, on Pokemon Moonlight Silver...

    Ash turned his cap back, then lifted his left hand skyward, confidently singing the holy words of his Heart Song. Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul...

    This time, Kamon was shaking in fear as Mina was engulfed in red light and flames, emerging with a majestic yellow and orange crest on her head, blue tips on her wings, and flowing tail feathers. [Oh yeah! I feel like I could take on a Legendary and win!]

    But no one was happier than Ash. "We did we can use the same power Brock has to induce our Pokemon!" he smiled at Misty.

    He turned to Kamon again. "Behold the power of Mega Pidgeot!"

    The Burned Tower's observation deck rumbled with the sound of battle as the Gastly and a newly evolved Mega Pidgeot battled. Crowds were even gathering down below, hoping to get a glimpse of the battle raging up above.

    "Helena, use Night Shade!" Kamon commanded.

    "Mina, dodge and use Air Slash!" Ash countered, smiling as the Mega Pidgeot looped over the black beam and fired a volley of air sickles that knocked the Gastly backwards.

    [Need help?] Michelle asked as Helena recovered from Mina's attack.

    [Sure--that Air Slash only nicked the Gastly.] Mina replied.

    Kamon just smiled as Michelle charged a Water Pulse. "Oh, so now you want to double battle? I can arrange that..."

    He then heaved another Poke Ball skyward "Nightwing, I need your help!"

    Misty gasped as a Golbat formed by the Gastly's side. "Oh boy...Kamon's Zubat evolved too..."

    "Although two Mega Pokemon can easily take down two unevolved Pokemon, I'm not sure if Mina and Michelle will be enough--this is Kamon, after all..." Ash cautioned.

    "Where's Brock when you need him?" Misty worried.

    Her fearful look turned to joy when she heard a familiar voice sing Imultaos, ame no hao bakezo... followed by a flashing green light and the pops of what seemed like hundreds of Poke Balls as Argent emerged from the green cocoon as Mega Steelix.

    Ash looked back behind him to see Brock--now in his normal clothes--Argent, all eight Kimono Girls, and their Pokemon--each of them an appropriate form of Eevee, joining them on the deck. "Did someone call for reinforcements?" Brock smiled.

    "Am I glad to see you!" Misty smiled.

    Kamon growled at the fact he was horribly outnumbered. "Don't think sheer numbers can save you..." he warned. "I'll be more than happy to show you how strong I can be with an army of two!"

    "Let's do this!" Brock cried before blowing his referee's whistle--his agreed signal for the Kimono Girls to unleash an Eevee assault.

    "Lei, use Shockwave!" Miki commanded her Jolteon.

    Ash watched as Miki's Jolteon unleashed a huge shockwave, stunning Nightwing for a moment. "Mina, try Air Slash again!"

    As Mina moved in to attack, he reached for his Pokedex to read up on the four other forms of Eevee he had not seen before:

    "Umbreon, the moonlight Pokemon. When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby." Dexter explained as the rings on Sayo's Umbreon started glowing, making Helena rear back in fear.

    "Yuzuki, use Pursuit!" Sayo called, prompting the Umbreon to charge at the Gastly not unlike how Mina had done to Morty's Pokemon the day before.

    A cry got Ash's attention. "Satomi!" he cried as he hurried to another corner of the deck, where Ayame was assessing a scratch wound on Satomi as Sakura looked on with tears in her eyes.

    "While you guys were busy with that punk's Gastly, his Golbat got Satomi good..." Sakura explained.

    "Samui, create a barrier around Satomi so she doesn't get hurt even more." Yuki instructed her Glaceon. The cyan and blue fox Pokemon nodded as she formed an icy barrier around the injured Eevee.

    "Glaceon, the fresh snow Pokemon. It can control its body temperature at will. This enables it to freeze the moisture in the atmosphere, creating flurries of diamond dust."

    "Neat!" Ash smiled as Mina slammed into Helena, sending her flying even farther back.

    "Yume, stay with Satomi while she recovers." Rei instructed a pink fox Pokemon with pale blue eyes and ribbon-like feelers.

    "Sylveon, the intertwining Pokemon. Its ribbonlike feelers give off an aura that weakens hostility in its prey, causing them to let down their guard."

    "At least some of Sakura's sisters care for her..." Brock smiled as Argent tried to use Rock Slide on Nightwing, only for Nightwing to dodge.

    "Midori, use Grasswhistle to put the punk's Pokemon to sleep!" Ayame called to her Leafeon.

    "Leafeon, the verdant Pokemon. Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air."

    "Nice..." Misty smiled as the greenish fox Pokemon used one of its leaves to produce a flute-like sound, putting Helena and Nightwing to sleep.

    "Now to finish off Kamon once and for all!" Ash smiled before directing Mina "Use Pursuit!"

    "Michelle, use Ice Beam!" Misty commanded.

    The two attacks collided in a dark ice explosion, but Kamon seemed unusually calm about losing the epic battle. "I'm not fighting with another weakling ever again. It's just too much playing around." he sighed before departing in a huff.

    "Good riddance..." Misty grumbled as Kamon disappeared into the darkness.


    "Thank you for showing us your skill in protecting Ho'oh from that punk at the tower." Miki smiled as she offered Ash a flute with a red tassel tied to one end. "As a reward, please accept this bansi. I hope you will gain many hours of enjoyment in playing it."

    "Thank you..." Ash replied before he quizzically looked at the ornate flute Miki had given him. "So, how do I play this thing? Where's the mouthpiece?" he asked as he looked for a place to blow into the instrument.

    "Oh, no--a bansi is blown from the side, like the silver concert flute." Miki explained. "Have you ever tried blowing across the top of a bottle?"

    "Yeah..." Ash replied, grinning a little as he remembered annoying his parents at diners by blowing across the tops of soda bottles.

    "Playing a side blown flute works in a similar manner--when playing a side blown flute like the bansi, we do not blow the air directly inside the mouthpiece, as we would do with a Pokeflute or a whistle." Miki explained. "We are instead directing the airstream over the top of the embouchure hole, very much like blowing across the top of a bottle."

    She smiled as Ash managed to produce a weak D note that was trying to become a C#. "Very good--now let's try to get it in tune..."


    "As a reward for your bravery, I want you to have this vina." Sakura smiled as she gave Brock a harp similar to the one she had played at the tea ceremony. "This one has never been played, so I'll give you some lessons in how to play it."

    "Wow...this is way more strings than I'm used to." Brock mused as he looked at the twenty-four stringed bow-shaped harp in his hands.

    He noticed a few colored strings as he put on the fingerpicks that came with his new vina. "What do the colored strings mean?"

    "The red strings are do's, and the blue ones are fa's." Sakura replied. "This way you know which octave you're in."

    Piqued, Brock started from the top string and worked his way downward, smiling a little as he heard his instrument's range, from bell-like high notes, to the rumbling low notes. "Nice, pentatonic scale." he smiled, running his finger down the strings again.

    "Now, are we ready to try learning a song?" Sakura asked. Brock nodded. "We will use the simple melody 'The Scent of Flowers Everywhere' as our example."

    "Oh yeah--what you played to welcome me to the tea ceremony earlier!" Brock smiled as he recognized the tableture Sakura had put before him.

    "Proper finger technique is very easy." Sakura assured him. "All you have to do is raise your hands and wave all your fingers together, the way a baby does. The fingers, as a unit, open and close, and the thumb stays relaxed."

    "That is easy..." Brock smiled, softly picking out "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in fits and starts....


    "Number K-93098, performing 'Justin and the Three Beasts'." Sayo announced to the crowd that had gathered in the Dance Theater some time later.

    Brock acknowledged his applause, then readied his guitar to play. "The wind roared through the tall fir trees, and swept the snowflakes in masses against the windowpanes; the rafters rattled and the casements clattered; but dismally, above the roaring and the clattering, sounded the howling of three beasts at the cottage door; for their master lay on the bed inside, his time to die close at hand, and no more would he urge them on to another adventure." he begins as he plays his lament. "After what felt like an eternity, he raised his weary head from the pillow, and told his only son..."

    In a gentle yet pained older man voice, he tells Ash, who is looking up at him through feigned tears "Justin, my son, don't forget to pray for your father when he has left this world."

    He quickly interjects as himself "All Justin could do was sob in reply." Ash lets out a fairly convincing feigned sob to illustrate his point.

    "Justin," Brock continues as the old man, "you know fortune has never favored me in this world: you are my noble boy, and I would have left you rich enough to be a great man, as your looks would have you—but it was not to be!"

    "Father, you have taught me to work hard, to be honest, to face danger with courage and bravery, and above all, to fear the Great Lord Arceus!" Ash almost screams in feigned anguish, so much so Sakura, watching from the wings, isn't sure if Ash's sorrow is real or pretend. "That was the best inheritance you could leave me."

    "Well said, my noble son," Brock replies as the father. "But you are old enough to brave the world's dangers by yourself; and I have nothing to leave you but the Legendary Beasts—my faithful companions—they are howling in sorrow just like you are. Let them in, Justin—they are all you have now in the world!"

    As himself, he continues "Just as Justin went to let them in; and as he did the old man closed his eyes for the last time. The Legendary Beasts calmed down when they saw Justin's grief, came and nuzzled him and licked his hands. For three days they mourned together; and then the father was buried. After the funeral, Justin packed what little he had, left the cottage, and left to explore the world, with the Legendary Beasts going before him."

    The guitar's song turns to a hopeful traveling song. "Whenever there was a day's work to be done, Justin was always ready to do any job asked of him." Brock narrates as he plays the simple melody. "What he earned he shared with the Legendary Beasts, who whined and fawned as if to say, 'We may eat your bread now; but the day will come when we will earn you yours.'

    He stops his song for a moment. "But when there was no work to be had, when the storms raged and the winter wind howled, Justin was hard pressed to share a peasant's meal where he could find pity, and there were many people who said, 'Arceus bless you, my son,' when they saw his face; but the Legendary Beasts slunk away, as if ashamed that their master's son had to beg, not only for himself, but for them as well."

    He then plays a C major chord. "Better times came with spring; and with it the hay cutting, the harvesting, and the vintage, and Justin found plenty of work. But still he journeyed on, with the Legendary Beasts going on before him."

    Excited whispers fill the air as the guitar's song turns to a majestic melody. "One day, he saw in the distance the towers of a great city, and he hurried on, for all his life he had lived in the mountains, and had never seen a town that big before." Brock narrates.

    Ash excitedly dashes onstage, but then his enthusiasm tapers off with the guitar. "But when he got there, he found that though it was a large city, it was almost a ghost town." Brock explains over the audience's laughter. "Broad roads criss crossed it, but they were more deserted than the mountain paths. There were workshops, and smithies, and shops of all kinds, but they all sat silent and empty, without a sound to be heard!"

    Ash then looks up towards stage right as Brock continues "Then he looked up, and saw that every house was draped with black, and black banners hung from the towers of the castle and the manors of the nobility. But there wasn't a soul in sight, either in the town square or in any of the houses; so he still wandered on, and the Legendary Beasts went on before him."

    Just then, Ash spots Sakura, in the role of a traveler, approaching him. "Finally, he spotted a traveling merchant on the road, and asked why the city was so empty."

    As Sakura pantomimes a conversation with Ash, Brock narrates "The merchant explained that for many years, a great Salamence had brought terror on the land, eating anyone and anything in the way, so that everyone was once afraid to even leave their homes. But, she added, it was safe for her now, because it had been discovered that if every morning someone was sacrificed as a meal to him, he would leave them alone. A lot was cast every day, and whoever the lot fell to was sacrificed."

    Fearful murmurs go up as Brock mimics a typical trumpet call on the guitar. "Just then, a herald appeared on the street, and proclaimed that the lot that day had fallen on the king's daughter, Princess Natalie, and that the next morning she would be sacrificed to the Salamence. The people, who had come to the windows to hear what the herald had to say, started coming outside in droves for the first time in a long time. Everyone was shocked to think that the lot had fallen on their beautiful young princess, that they all came running into the streets to mourn her gruesome fate; and the old king himself joined in, tearing his clothes and plucking out his hair, while the tears ran down his cheeks and into his venerable beard."

    He adds as an aside "When Justin saw that, it reminded him of his own father, and he could not bear to see his tears."

    Nervous giggles go up at Ash's angry face. "Then the king sent the herald out again to proclaim that if anyone could fight the Salamence and save his daughter, he would have her hand, and all his kingdom to boot." Brock explains. "But the fear of the Salamence was so great, there was not one that would venture to encounter it, even for the sake of such a prize. All day the herald went out and repeated the proclamation every hour, on the hour. But everyone was too scared of the Salamence to make the journey, and Justin, though he felt he had the courage to meet the Salamence, could not find it in his heart to come forward before all the people and promise to do what no one else would do. So the hours went by all through the day and all through the night, and no one had appeared to rescue Princess Natalie."

    He then plays a fearful chord. "Then daybreak came, and with it the mournful procession leading the princess to the outskirts of the city; and all the people came out to see it, crying all the while." Brock narrates as the other Kimono Girls come onstage feigning tears as Ash looks on. "The old king came down the steps of the palace to turn his daughter over to the guards; and it took all the people's willpower to hold him back from sacrificing himself in her place."

    Just then, Sayo, who is escorting Sakura, freezes for a moment. "But when the moment of parting came, the thought was so dreadful that he could not bring himself to make the sacrifice; and only held her even tighter in his arms." Brock narrates as Sayo hugs Sakura, now playing Princess Natalie, close to her. "The people began to wonder if their king had gone nuts, and this only increased the distress and terror the king felt."

    Sayo slumps to her knees in feigned sorrow. "When Justin found matters as bad as this, his courage overrode his shyness, and making his way through the crowd, he asked permission to go out to meet the Salamence." Brock narrates as Ash does this.

    "And if I fail," Ash adds as Justin, "at least I will have prolonged the most precious life by one day at least."

    "With that, he bent down and kissed Princess Natalie's hand." Brock narrates, to some "aw"s as Ash does this to Sakura. "When Princess Natalie heard his words, she took heart, looked up, and was glad to see one of such noble character for her rescuer. But the old king, without stopping to look at him, threw himself on his neck and kissed him with delight, called him his son, and promised him that if he succeeded, he would receive everything the herald had proclaimed and more. The people's confusion and annoyance turned into admiration; and they accompanied Justin to the city gates with shouts of encouragement as he went forth to battle the Salamence..."

    "... with the Legendary Beasts going on before him." the audience says along with Brock.

    Ash breaks character long enough to ask the audience "Have you heard this one before?" to some laughter.

    A fearful chord from the guitar quiets the laughter. "It was past the time when the Salamence usually received his victim, and he was advancing rapidly towards the city walls, roaring horribly, and swinging the scaly horrors of his folded tail." Brock narrates. "The monster's fury might have made a more experienced arm tremble, but Justin thought of his father's desire that he be a great man, and do brave deeds, and his courage only seemed to grow as the danger approached. He walked so straight towards the Salamence, with a step so firm and so unlike the trembling stagger of his usual victims, that it almost disconcerted him. When they had approached each other within a hundred paces, Justin sang to Raikou..."

    Karuto, iichiida shou... Ash fills in the spellsong.

    "At the first sound of his voice, Raikou sprang to attack, and with such speed that the Salamence had no time to decide how to meet his opponent." Brock narrates as he plays the Zelda theme to simulate a battle.

    Seios, higarima laisido... Ash sings again.

    "At this song, Suicune, following close on Raikou's track, sprang on the Salamence's neck, and held him to the ground with an Ice Fang." Brock narrates.

    Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul... Ash sings again, making his new Mega Ring glow in response to his voice.

    "...and Entei ran to join the others in a flash of fire, and fixing his great fangs in the Salamence's flesh in a massive Fire Fang, snapped his spine like a twig, and bounded back with delight to his master's feet." Brock narrates, playing the Zelda "got item" stinger to signal a victory.

    Cheers go up at the Salamence's demise. "Justin, only stopping to congratulate his companions, drew his knife, cut off a Salamence scale; and then returned to the city with his trophy, with--what?" Brock prompts the audience.

    "...the Legendary Beasts going on before him." the audience repeats.

    Brock grins as he plays a festive song. "Imagine the cheers when Justin returned to a hero's welcome! The king and Princess Natalie heard the noise in the palace, and came down to meet the hero that had saved the city."

    "Behold my daughter, Princess Natalie!" Sayo announces as the king, gesturing to Sakura. "Take her; she is yours, and my kingdom with her! I owe everything to you, and in return I give you all I have."

    "No, sire," Ash replies as Justin; "Just the fact that you give me permission to approach Princess Natalie is all I ask.I am only a poor boy, and have never had anything to command but my Legendary Beasts: how does that make me worthy to rule a kingdom?"

    "The king and all the people, and Princess Natalie most of all, were pleased with his modesty and grace; and they sang his praises, and those of his Legendary Beasts too, and led them with him to the palace, where Justin received a suit of embroidered clothes and made a duke, and was seated next to Princess Natalie." Brock narrates as he resumes his festive song. "The king, finding that Justin refused to accept the crown, decided to adopt him as his own son; and had him instructed in everything a prince had to know, so that he might be fit to succeed him. The Legendary Beasts were assigned three kennels and three collars of gold, with three pages to tend to their every need; and whenever Justin went out hunting, his Legendary Beasts had priority over all the king's Arcanines."

    "Wow"s go up as Brock concludes "As time went on, Justin had other opportunities to make a name for himself; and little by little, he came to be acknowledged as the most accomplished courtier and the most valiant soldier in the kingdom. But what those opportunities entailed--that is another story for another day!"

    The crowd roared as Brock took a bow, and Sakura arrived with a green stripe for his rainbow...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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