TCG players may notice an interesting change when they start opening packs from the upcoming Sun & Moon expansion.

Sun & Moon booster packs will now have 11 cards instead of the usual 10 cards. The 11th cards will be a Basic Energy card similar to how each pack from Base Set use to have at least one Energy card. That way everybody who opens a booster can now start collecting the newly redesigned Basic Energy cards. These energy cards will be unnumbered unlike other Energy cards from the past. It is unsure if they will continue this for future sets of the TCG. This could be something they plan to do for just Sun & Moon.
These packs will contain 5 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 reverse holo, a rare, a PTCGO code card, and the additional Basic Energy. GX Pokemon will take the place of the rare card in the pack while full art cards will take one of the common cards’ slots.
Below is an example of the newly redesigned Basic Energy cards.

This set also have a new reverse holo pattern. It will feature a huge version of the card’s type in foreground with miniature version of the typing in the background. Below is an example of reverse holo for Pokemon and Trainer cards.
Prereleases for Sun & Moon will start this weekend. The set will be release on February 3rd. The pricing for the boosters will remain at $3.99.
Source: PokeBeach
The post Changes to ‘Sun & Moon’ TCG Boosters appeared first on Pokémon Crossroads.

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