Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
Wow, I love the expression Ral gives Grey when he's grabbing his scarf! O: Intense. And yep...he did it. Self-destructed. I suppose that's one way to get things done, haha. I'm glad Ral was understanding. I also like the point he brought up about people not taking him seriously because he hadn't evolved. I imagine that would be really frustrating for him.

Interesting about the poke balls too! But they're soooooo big! Either that or the other two are sooooo small. XD Interesting that they were infected by a porygon virus. O: What a cool detail. I wonder what they're doing there!
Hmm first time ever he's been drawn with such an expression, probs cause he hasn't had to be really angry or tilted about anything so far. Also let's just say he won't be allowed to use that move anymore.

They're indeed a bit big, they're supposedly 3.15 inches in diameter (8 cm in my books). So that'd make them a fourth of Ralts size, here it's more like a third to 2.5... But Ral and Grey are still small as well in their own rights. They're there cause someone stored them there ofcourse!

Quote Originally Posted by Noblejanobii View Post
Intriguing. Though this seems to be a bit of sticky situation for Gray.
Eh give it a few moments and he'll be back out, right after being captured ofcourse, unless Ral breaks it potentially...