Hello Pokemon Fan Community,

My registration to this forum is pretty straight forward. My sol intention is finding a programmer to partner up with on a Pokemon MMO 3D game I am creating.

I come from an applied arts background and specialized in Product Design. I've been a fan of Pokemon ever since the first episode aired in France and although I'm not a gamer, I have always wanted such a game with endless possibilities.
I'm at a point in my life where I have the chance to try and create something like that.

I am designing the game in Unreal Engine 4 which uses a system of blueprint to code making it a lot more accessible than diving into raw C++ code.

The criterias for the job is motivation and competence / brightness. Being 18 isn't a golden rule but would be preferred.
Feel free to leave me a message or leave me a message on the forum. Experienced is preferred but I am looking for a partner before looking for a programmer.

Here is the game's FB page for further information.


Feel free to contact me or leave a comment here. I'd love to here what you have to say :)

P.S Note to the moderators, My apologies if this post is in the wrong category.