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Thread: Foraminis [RP]

  1. #11
    New Trainer absols's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Mount Lanakila
    Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Cole; Needles
    Location: Her apartment, Lower-East Side Manhattan
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Cassandra huffed as she turned her desk chair away from the screen of her laptop, the Demon's Run video paused in the Facebook window. The attack yesterday was troubling, many of the vigilante that frequented forums made their own posts, further denouncing Demon's Run and expressing the wishes that fear would not take the minds of the public as it certainly would. Cassie sighed as she spun her chair to face the glowing screen of her laptop once again, flicking to another tab on which was a popular Foram forum. Her own post about the Christmas Day attack was still in her drafts, she wasn't a well known vigilante in any way, but she couldn't just leave the matter as it was.

    Her hands hovered over the keyboard again as she contemplated what she should say. Then, her keystrokes deliberate and assured she typed her own post about the attack. She expressed her distaste for the attack and her assurances that her vigilante alter-ego would continue her activities, trying to promote a positive image of Foram. Needles would be out tonight again, trying her best to keep the peace.

    After posting the statement, she pulled her keys toward herself with a tugging gesture, as though she were pulling on an invisible string. Her room was littered with fabric and unfinished accessories, pieces of metal here and there, waiting to be attached to fabric and made into cosplay.

    Needles' costume is kept in the hidden trap door under her closet. The mask laying on top of the carefully folded garments. She had sewn them herself, and hidden them there to keep herself from arousing any suspicion.

    Her keys flying into her hands with a jingle, Cassandra walked out of her room after grabbing a hoodie, her wave of brown her unrestrained. “Nana I'm going out for today!” She called as she rounded the corner of the door frame and headed toward the front door of their apartment.

    “Alright dear, be careful. Try not to get involved with anything today. It's rather troubling, those Demon's Run.” Her grandmother said as she moved around the kitchen. Her wizened voice showing her worry.

    “I know Nanna. I'll be careful.” Cassie smiled reassuringly at her grandma, the gears working in her head as she walked out the door of their apartment and into the stairwell leading to the ground floor. Today would be hard, she would have to try to scout areas for Needles to patrol that evening. All Cassie had ever wanted was to help people, as a vigilante she could.

    But first, Cassandra needed her caffeine.

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  3. #12
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Jonathan Miller
    Location: Demon's Run Outpost, NYC Vladeck Houses, Jackson Street
    Faction: Demon's Run
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine

    I had taken up Craig on his advice. He told me that my own plant manipulation powers might be accelerated if I stayed in that flower form I liked to use. I didn't really notice a difference until I really started training at it just a few weeks ago. As a human, the power itself had a sort of "cap" to it where it was hard as hell to make it any stronger. But in the alternative flower form I had, it was possible to rise above that. I could get stuff to grow faster, respond quicker, and do whatever I wanted it to do better than before.

    So once I was done with "Cuatro," I decided to get back to training the Foram powers I had and take on the flower form I liked to use. I always had to make sure no one was around as if I didn't take off my clothing before had, this would just rip everything apart. Thankfully, I was getting better and faster at changing forms. It got easier and faster once I found something I liked and just stuck with it rather than trying something random.

    I'd probably stick with this form all the time if it wasn't for everyone else. I sure as hell couldn't be walking around midtown like this and there was no way I could cover flowers and flower petals this size and not have it stand out besides being an awkward fit. Still, once I was in it, it felt even more natural than being human. I actually felt less and less like reverting back and I was convinced one of these days I'd just say to hell with it.

    This cellar wasn't the best place to train, either, but I had to work with what I had. It would be nice if there was an abandoned greenhouse somewhere, but nope. Real estate around here was expensive and there weren't too many abandoned places to begin with. Central Park would have been perfect if it weren't for all the people there. Heck, I was convinced I could turn that place into a jungle in a week if I really wanted to.

    It was another reason why I wanted to help Demon's Run take over Manhattan. Once it was ours, I wouldn't need to worry about crap like that. I could hit my fullest potential and not have cops in my face. Not that I was all that afraid of cops, but if you fought them, then they'd bring in SWAT, and if you fought them, then the National Guard and the FBI, and everything else I really didn't feel like getting shot with. Once they had you in their sights, there wasn't much running away.

    Within just a few seconds, I could refill all the empty potting containers with just about anything. Flowers, vegetables, fruits, and even plants that shouldn't exist but now did because I felt like creating them. But it was getting too damn easy. It was like weight training with only ten pound weights. Eventually your body gets used to it and you're not longer strengthening up. But Craig was right at least. If only I had more open areas to work with. Ones that wouldn't get scrutiny. I wanted to see if I could make stuff taller than redwoods, fruit fifty times its normal size, and flowers that were bigger than a city bus. Just for the hell of it. Just to see if I could do it, because there were a lot of neat things I could do with that.

    I decided to get on the phone with Cole. I wanted to know what the next target was. Maybe that could be a good place to start. Plus if we wanted to take Manhattan, we needed to move things along. So I decided to dial his number.

    "Sup, it's NB," I spoke into my smart phone, figuring he would know that 'NB' stood for Night Blossom. "I wanted to know if there's a new 'prospect' we should look into. If you have one in mind, count me in for delivery. I'll be there."

    You could never be too sure about who might be listening in, but I was sure he would know what I meant by "prospect" and "delivery." But to anyone tapping the phone, we could be anything from UPS to a god-forsaken laundry machine delivery service.

    Hopefully he had something in mind, because I was getting eager. Not just for action, but to see how much more I could go.

  4. #13
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Name Cole Dyson
    Location: Cole's Apartment, Tribeca
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    "S**t." I muttered to myself, as Amy hung up on me. I heard what was said in the background. She was being mugged.

    I logged into my laptop and opened up iCloud, and Find My iPhone. Whilst for an extremist group, tracking members seems foolish, we knew that Apple had refused to break into iPhones to allow the FBI information in the past, so we believed it to be safe.

    The app located Amy in an alley on the lower east side of Manhattan, two blocks south of one of our safe houses, where Jonathan was currently located.

    As if destiny, my phone rang, displaying the caller as NB.

    "'Sup, it's NB." Jonathan said casually, "I wanted to know if there's a new 'prospect' we should look into. If you have one in mind, count me in for delivery. I'll be there."

    "Come to my apartment in an hour and we'll discuss it there." I replied, "But first, Catherine the Great is in trouble. In an alley two blocks south, one east of you. Make sure she is alright, then both of you come here. Iketani out."

    I hung up. I knew that calls didn't take long to be traced, so kept it brief.

    "S**t..." I muttered to myself.

  5. #14
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Robert Barett and Cecilia Morris
    Vigilantes (Independent)
    Hardware and Binary/Their Home, Downtown Brooklyn
    Affected Rpers: None

    Ceci was angry. Not at him, mercifully, but angry nonetheless. The glass window they used to communicate through when his best friend was holed up in her soundproof workroom was vibrating so violently that he suspected she had the music in the room turned up so loudly it would have made any hearing individual just as deaf as her after a minute or two of similar exposure--on any other day, he would have been amused at the similarity, that just like a number of hearing teenagers, the young woman had locked herself in her second favorite room in the building and started blasting music as loudly as she could stand. Right now, it just worried him.

    She’d been in a foul mood since the video had been released--the Demon’s Run video that had gone viral since it’s first posting earlier in the day, that had played over and over again on the news stations, the radio, had dominated almost every social media platform by this point. It had initially made her so angry that sign language had failed her at first when she had tried to ask Rob for permission to borrow his ears so she could hear it. Instead of telling him what she had wanted after tapping on his shoulder to grab his attention, she had yanked on his shirt sleeve like an impatient child, and shoved her phone into his hands, pressing the volume key until until it reached its max setting. Taken aback, he’d glanced at her and asked her name aloud, almost forgetting to sign the one-word question, and she didn't wait for him to correct himself. Instead, she made the gesture they’d agreed upon to use when she wanted to describe something involving her power, lifting a hand level with her left ear and making a quick turning motion, like she was adjusting a dial. This, however, was less a question, and more a statement--not a, “May I borrow your ears,” but more of an, “I’m borrowing your ears,” not that he had any objection to it, and hit the play button on the video as soon as (he assumed) she had tapped into his hearing.

    She flinched as soon as the sound began, but that was the only indication she gave that she was now able to hear, and then stood motionless as she continued to watch. At that point, he hadn’t yet seen the video himself, and stood in shock as Demon's Run declared the city would be theirs by the end of the year. Once the video had ended, however, she quickly snatched her phone from his grasp and began moving towards the soundproofed room she used as a workroom. Once the door was shut, locked, and the “do not disturb” light was on, it was a matter of minutes before the glass began vibrating.

    Oh great, he’d thought as she thumped down into her rolling chair. They’ve gone and made 1984 angry. It was hard not to see the girl’s pro-vigilante pseudonym as another person entirely, given how sly and confident 1984 was, wiping away evidence of vigilante activities where they were best left alone, and bringing evidence of Demon’s Run and other nefarious Foram activities to the attention of the authorities. Where Ceci had come alive in the past few years since moving out of her parents’, 1984 was someone entirely different. They were calm, collected, they didn't trip over themselves when they wanted to express how they felt about Foram, or even how they felt about those who were different. Cecilia Morris on the other hand? Couldn't even properly articulate how she felt about her own deafness most days, even in her native tongue, sign language. Not that he faulted her for it, or found the fact particularly negative--just an odd distinction between the young woman and her online, pro-vigilante persona.

    Rob suspected that he’d be seeing her handiwork in due time, as she seemed to be putting in overtime on her self-imposed security camera duties. They couldn't really fight like the rest of the vigilante forces, heck, they’d never even knowingly met a vigilante Foram, but that didn't mean he and Ceci didn't silently do their best to ensure that their abilities were put to good use trying to protect the innocents they could. Except in this case, his best friend hadn't left her room in the hours that followed. She’d refused to so much as unlock the door when he’d told her that dinner was ready, and he was starting to get worried. At least he had the ability to annoy her to no end by jiggling the light switch, for all the good that did him.

    On the other side of the glass, Cecilia had lost herself among the world of security cameras and code. The idea that a group of someones intended to take Manhattan--her neighboring city by force--and use it for their own playground was enough to make her burn in anger. She wasn’t a proper vigilante, she couldn’t go out and fight crime like many of the other Foram could, even if she wanted to, but this...this was something she could do. At the very least, she could put her skills as a hacker to use, trying to protect those Foram and individuals who might protect the city, while exposing others who might do it harm. So far, she’d hadn’t seen much tonight, though she’d also had several different matters vying for her attention. Ceci had been working on a program that was meant to identify violent crime and alert her, but she hadn’t had much luck with it so far--she supposed that was what she got for not going to college, but it was a small price to pay for escaping the grasp of her father, and into Rob’s home. With a sigh that was inaudible to her own ears, she slumped back in her chair

    Rob, she thought, must be worrying by now if he hadn’t begun to already. He had tried to get her to come away from her computer for dinner earlier, but she couldn’t bring herself to step away from her pair of screens--she could miss something important, Cecilia told herself, but after several hours with almost nothing to show for it except for a few petty crimes the cops would surely see later, she was beginning to wonder if anything was going to happen at all tonight. No rest for the wicked, her brain reminded her as she turned her attention away from the camera feeds to the video yet again. She’d done her best to try to track the source of the video down, but it seemed the group had their own capable techies behind them. Curiously enough, though, it appeared that others were trying to hunt the source of the video down as well, not that it surprised her. A few of the forums she dug through for information regularly (some for hacking information, and others for Foram information), had theories and some others trying to hunt down the source, but so far, it seemed as though no one had succeeded.

    For a moment, Ceci closed her eyes and let her blaring music envelope her, savoring the way the sound made her desk and the floor beneath her tremble, delighted in the way the sound she was unable to hear shuddered over her skin. After what felt like a minute or two, she opened her eyes again, and leaned forward, hunching back over her keyboard again.

    No rest for the wicked, after all, meant no rest for the righteous who hunted them down. She wouldn’t be able to sleep soundly until this was over.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  6. #15
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Jonathan Miller
    Location: Lower-east Side Manhattan
    Faction: Demon's Run
    Affected RPers: @Desolate Divine

    "Come to my apartment in an hour and we'll discuss it there." he replied, "But first, Catherine the Great is in trouble. In an alley two blocks south, one east of you. Make sure she is alright, then both of you come here. Iketani out."

    "I hear ya."

    And then I hung up. Now this was really bad timing. I only debated changing back for a second before deciding to hell with it. Finding and keeping Amy in one piece was more important than concealing this. I quickly grabbed a blanket on the way out, wrapped myself with it, and tried to cover as many of the flowers as I could, but it was a really half-assed effort. There just wasn't any time to change back to being human.

    Following Cole's directions, I headed down the two blocks south and searched the alleyways. Fantastic. Some short schmuck with dirty clothes who probably burned through every last dime just for drugs. Boy, hadn't I seen plenty of these kinds of freaks before.

    "You heard me!" he shouted at Amy. "Just put them both on the ground, walk away, and don't make any sudden movements or I'l..."

    "You mean like this?" I asked him as I attacked from behind.

    Throwing out the vines around his throat was a quick way to lasso and get this chump to drop his weapon that he stuffed into his pocket. And I almost cried with laughter when I saw the "heat" he was packing in his pocket had fallen out and landed on the ground. A god-forsaken banana. I figured he was hoping someone might think the bulge in his pocket would be mistaken for a pistol.

    He couldn't breathe as I dragged his body away from Amy so she didn't have to deal with this druggie. He looked at me and his eyes went wide as he saw I wasn't the human he was probably expecting to see. But he couldn't talk and instead just gurgled for air.

    "Don't... killll... meeee..." he begged with the last bits of air he had left.

    I decided to recall the vines and he collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees, trying to fill his aching lungs with air again. He looked up and began to get really nervous.


    "No," I told him, kneeling to his level and looking him in the eye. "You ever think about touching her or anyone else like that and I'll end you.

    He nodded, slowly got to his feet, and then just ran like hell. Idiot, for sure, but I couldn't blame him for being a coward. Not every day you nearly get choked to death by a guy who looks more like a flower than a human.

    As much as I wanted to get the story about what the hell just happened, I couldn't act like I knew Amy. In fact it was better if I pretended to not even notice her. If she wanted to follow-up about this, fine enough, but out here in the open air wasn't such a good idea. Who knows how many people out in the streets saw me like this already.

    For now, I figured I'd head back to meet up with Cole. Thankfully the only harm that came out of this was just a loss of subtlety, and that was something I was willing to deal with.


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