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  1. #1
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    [PXFIRE TEAM] The Order of the Sun: Unafraid to live in the light

    The Order of the Sun

    The Sun shines on all of us equally.
    Let each person live in this warmth in their own way,
    without fear of judgement nor enemy.
    For each of us must do as the sun
    and see each day to the fullest,
    living a life only we can live.
    Never bringing down another to raise oneself,
    but rising into the sky together
    and setting beautifully together.

    As you finish reading the poem, which had been beautifully carved into a large Oak sign, you realize a pokemon had approached you from the wooded path the sign stood in front of. At first you don't recognize the pokemon, being of a species unknown to you. Your confusion must have shown as the pokemon smiled and chuckled slightly.

    "greetings and salutations." he says in what was clearly his personal greeting style, and offers you a paw. You shake it, and the pokemon introduces himself as Theo, the head guide of the order, and a Typhlosion and Luxray fusion. The Head guide invites you down the path and the two of you walk side by side under the golden green shade of the leafy sunlight. For a moment ther's silence, but your curiosity gets the better of you and you inquire into just what you're getting into here with the order of the sun and the meaning of the poem. Theo's smile broadens -clearly he likes explaining things- and launches into an explanation.

    "The order of the sun is a coalition of people and pokemon. We come together not for one purpose but rather each of our individual purposes. Each person in the order believes in living life to the very fullest, to suck the marrow out of life if you will. Or perhaps one could say to go through life with a fine tooth comb, to understand the full extent of the wonders of living in this world. No one imposes their way of living on to anyone else here. Of course there are those that are inspired by the lives of others, but forcing a lifestyle onto another individual is one of the few forbidden things in the order. We are all free here, all equal in the warmth we receive from the sun, and as such we must use and interpret that warmth and freedom into a life that no other person could lead. Our founder, who one day was inspired by the rising and setting of the sun created this order to bring people and pokemon together to support each of our individual lives day and night. Many things in life are impossible alone after all. We come together to build each other up to reach those impossible heights. We come together to give each day the sun gives us with our all, never pushing another person down in our pursuit of living free but offering a helping hand so that you may rise higher in the sky, just as the sun rises every day."

    The paused in his explanation for a second then added on, "I suppose the over all goal for our order is to create and expand a culture and society where people aren't afraid to show the things that make that make their lives enjoyable. There are lots of people who sacrifice their own personal interests for some grand scheme or lofty ideal, but there are also too many people who sacrifice their own happiness merely because of the basic expectations of others. Our order is here as an unending statement that there's no reason we must hide in the shadows to do the things we love. Those in the shadows are there because they have something to hide, but the order strives for the opposite. To be allowed to stand in the light proudly and live life to the very fullest with the things we love in the way only we can live.

    As Theo had explained, the two of you arrived at the end of the path, revealing before you a bustling, energetic village. A few people cheerfully greeted Theo as the head guide as you walked. The atmosphere was incredible as the two of you walked through the busy streets the liveliness of the people and pokemon was practically overwhelming. At practically every turn some new interesting thing seemed to be spilling out of a shop or springing up in someone's front yard. It was as if all the secret creativity and individuality that had been pushed away by what average society considered normal and proper had been let out into the light to create a paradise of life and color. No one here was afraid to like and love the things they did, to build the things they wished, to admire the things they found beautiful.

    "Indeed," Theo said, nodding at the wonder in your eyes, "we have no need here for hiding ourselves in the shadows. The sun has given us life. And life... life is good."

    Theo hands you a form and a multi-colored pen. "The members of the the order generally refer to each other as colleagues. Those in charge aren't really leaders but rather guides, who help keep things orderly. I'm the head guide. If you're going to be joining with us we'll need you to fill out a form. We can't keep track of everything otherwise, with everything going on here. There's also a part for applying to be a guide as well!"

    Colleague application form:

    Name: (username)
    Nickname/Title: (any preferred names/titles to be used during PXFIRE?)
    The Life I will live: (What sections will you definitely participate in?)
    The Life that could inspire me: (what sections will you maybe participate in?)
    What are you not allowed to do to get ahead?: (the basic philosophy of the Order of the Sun, it's mentioned in the introduction and the poem)
    What's your life motto: (show us a saying that inspired you to live life in your own way!)

    Guide Application Form:

    Name: (username)
    Nickname/title: (your Colleague name/title)
    Why I want to be a guide: (no need for a deep reason or purpose, just why you felt like applying for a guide rather than a normal colleague)
    How available will you be to help problems: (how often will you be around on PXR to offer advice and help?)
    Do you have a preferred section to guide over: (is there a specific section you want to be in charge of guiding, or be a general guide that helps run the order?)

    Head Guide

    None Currently, Looking for applicants!

    Last edited by Morzone; 06-26-2018 at 09:54 PM.


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  3. #2
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Section Participation

    A quick summary of which colleagues are participating in each section. Sections can be picked up or dropped at any time, but colleagues are encouraged to participate as much as possible. Names with an asterisk on their name (IE: *Morzone*) mean that their participation is under "maybe" and could depend on the requirements of each judging period.


    Creative Writing


    Caption Contest

    Drawn Art

    Graphic Art

    Pixel Art




    Last edited by Morzone; 06-26-2018 at 10:09 PM.


  4. #3
    Hello there! I found this forum through URPG, haven't been active on it much but would like to change that.

    Name: evanfardreamer
    Nickname/Title: Evan is fine
    The Life I will live: Creative writing, Role play, Caption contest.
    The Life that could inspire me: Comics, Drawn art, Humor. I'm no great shakes at drawing but can certainly try it!
    What are you not allowed to do to get ahead?: Bring people down for your own gain, or force others to fit your notions of life.
    What's your life motto: “I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” Robert A. Heinlein
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  5. #4
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Welcome, colleague, to the order of the sun! I hope your writing and roleplaying do yourself proud! I'm quite happy to use my PXFire team to help you get into pokemon crossroads. I myself only discovered this site because I was invited from an entirely different comics website to come participate in WAR II (which is what PXFire used to be) and I have never regretted accepting it.

    Would you be interested in having a banner made for your signature? I was planning to put people's quotes in them, though yours is quite long. (and a great quote mind you, it really does capture the spirit of the order) I expect I could take a piece of your quote and make it work though, so let me know if you have a particular part you'd like. Also, the banners will mainly have a sun-based design, but if you have anything more specific you'd like in there -a favorite pokemon or a hobby or just something you find cool- then let me know!


  6. #5
    Thank you! I'd actually like to try my own hand at making a banner/buttons, do you have any guidance outside of those points?
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  8. #6
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Not really, the whole kind of point of the order is to encourage you to do what you want, rather than having to put some big goal or ideology before your own interests. So just kind of make whatever you feel like :)

    You're participating in creative writing right? what kind of ideas do you have for the prompt?


  9. #7
    Afraid work was too busy this week, I couldn't shake enough time free for the creative writing. I did get caption contest and comics submissions made though, and will tackle creative writing next week.

    I did make a button derived from yours but couldn't find where to put it to get it on the left, so it is in my signature for now.
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  10. #8
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    It's a nice button! Just talk to one of the admins and they should be able to put it under your avatar for you!

    Unfortunately I only got something in for the caption contest, I was going to do an entry in humor too, but I seem to have missed the deadline. It's too bad, I finally worked out how to make the food pun I was planning to use work too.


  11. #9
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Hey Evan, what plans do you have for the RP?

    I'm thinking of having two characters who run a pokemon conservation park. One of them is essentially the "good guy" protector who actually wants to protect the pokemon from government use and abuse from people. The other is actually the head of the poaching/black market trade system for selling pokemon. He's going to be part of a large scale evil organization intent on taking over the continent by causing mass fear and destruction for them to rise up and destroy the various governments. Kind of a yin-yang kind of deal. Probably even going to be brothers, I'm not sure yet.

    Anyway I wanted to know if you wanted to coodinate so we could start in the same place or have some relation through both being members of the same order.


  12. #10
    I don't have any plans - all my roleplay experience is D&D, so this is going to be a bit new. I like the sound of the plot for our team and am happy to make someone who's working towards those goals - any suggestions?
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