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  1. #1
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    [Rated T] Brave New World: Return of the Magi (Take Two- SU/OOC)

    In the universe, there are many forces. The two balancing forces that did a dance between the cosmos are the Holy Light and the Sacred Darkness. Over the billions of years, galaxies formed, worlds were created and eventually sentient beings formed. However, perhaps one of the greatest creations from the union was the birth of magic. Magic became a fundamental force on its own and worked to help advance life. To guide the universe through these times, the forces created avatars. The avatar of the Holy Light was Daema while the avatar of the Sacred Darkness was Sevuch. The two spread across the universe and helped life cultivate through the power of magic.

    Life grew and eventually much of the cosmos lived in peace and harmony. However, not all was well. Unlike those of the ethereal plane, the mortals were susceptible to corruption. Order and Chaos did not always play well and the two would take on different forms and appearances to try and dominate the other. It wasn’t long before Daema and Sevuch stepped in. However, not even they remained untouched.

    It was stated that despite their victory, nothing was ever the same for Daema and Sevuch. It was believed that Sevuch starting to become corrupt. That the Sacred Darkness was becoming corrupted. Over time, much of the universe became shrouded in the darkness that was losing its kindness. Eventually, the war between was inevitable. Worlds united under their different gods and fought. Worlds shattered, galaxies were destroyed and the amount of life lost was beyond measurement.

    Eventually, the final attack led by them atomized everything. The strike caused by them was known by many names, but its current name was the Big Bang. The universe was reset and much of what previously existed was lost. Daema and Sevuch were too tired. Most of the magic spent was used to recreate the universe and were the only beings left.

    It was then that Daema decided to leave the future to the hands of the mortals. She used Sevuch’s magic against him and by combining the light and the dark, she took the primordial elements and transformed them into superweapons. They were wielded by chosen warriors, people who survived because of their moral strength. Using it, they assisted in sealing Sevuch into a small body orbiting an infant planet, forever to slumber.

    However, much of Sevuch’s darkness remained and so Daema spread her light and she sealed herself with the weapons inside the world to slumber while her spirit fused with the nearby star. This world was Earth, 4.6 billion years ago, the body was the Moon and the star was the Sun. The survivors settled on the planet and manage to survive despite its young state. However, it was revealed that Sevuch’s forces were not finished.

    They came back and fought against many of the life forms there. These ancient civilizations were in ruin, but the people would not die. Eventually, the dark forces resorted to banishing many of the races. However, their children survived and bred with the one race immune to the banishment, humanity. Much of the structures were destroyed, but the temples survived and vanished, hiding away the secrets.

    The survivors became god-like in the eyes of primitive man and taught skills and to make civilization, resulting in the 2nd age of civilization on Earth. Some of the more influenced civilizations were those of Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican. These survivors spread their knowledge, but soon they died out and the secrets of the truth were hidden. The last survivor, the one known as the Prophet, was born of mysterious circumstances and attempted to spread the secrets, but the knowledge was distorted and after his death, it was the end of an age.
    Despite the attempts to make the great secrets lost, they still survived and one was on the Catalyst. The awakening of the ancient weapons. Using humanity’s current calendar, in the transitioning to the Winter of two thousand and twelve revolutions after the death of the Prophet, the spirit of Daema will awaken the weapons. Much of humanity, those who carry the blood of the ancients will vanish, kept in a limbo until their ancestry is revealed, leaving few survivors. However, those who inherited the will of the warriors from long ago will be called upon. They will roam the world and free Daema, so she can finally finish her duty.

    You are one of these six heroes.

    You are one of the few who can still wield magic and be called the Magi. When the Trials to decide the fate of the world and the cosmos begin, you will find yourself alone with your fellow heroes. But fear not. Spirits long dormant will awaken and guide you through your quest.

    However, young heroes, be wary. History is written by the winners and not all is clear as you commence your journeys.

    This is a brave new world.


    Welcome everybody! This is DVB here with a new topic for a 2nd attempt at this RPG. This will be for me and five other people so first come, first serve. First of all, the weapons. They will initially appear as gems as a dormant state before awakening in their weapon forms. They all share designs of ancient ruins accompanied by geometric designs and circles.

    They are the:

    The Garnet Fire Sword
    The Amber Earth Hammer
    The Topaz Thunder Lance
    The Emerald Wood Axe
    The Sapphire Water Staff
    The Amethyst Air Bow

    These weapons rely on the user’s creativity and out the box thinking, allowing for different methods of attacking, such as the Sapphire Staff capable of wielding ice and the Air Bow wielding smoke. Research your element and come up with interesting things.

    Second, the environment. The world will mainly look deserted with only hints of ruin. There will be people, but much of the population has vanished. However, as you grow close to the location of the temples, the surroundings will look more arcane and mystical. The temples themselves are hidden, but when revealed, they are large and filled with puzzles.

    Furthermore, there are the monsters. The forces take on the shapes of figures from different mythologies, depending on the surroundings, so expect some examples of research.

    As for the time period, well, we will be doing frequent time skips. The beginning of this quest takes place the 22 of December, 2012. So it is the middle of winter, but will move on to Spring and Summer and Autumn.

    Lastly, the characters. We will all be with one another, so we should all get along. Romance is encouraged so try and settle on something beforehand if you can. Power of Love tends to help out a lot here.

    I will edit in or edit out information in case I missed things that I realize over time. We will begin the RPG with you at your homes, more or less counting down the minutes until Dec 21, 2012. At midnight, everything changes and you and your fellow heroes will find yourselves in a dream being explained all of this.

    It would be best if we were all in one state as to make this easier, though we will work things out.

    I believe that is all for now.


    Current Heroes:
    Diego Vendrix (DVB)- Water Staff
    Chris Pinasco (dragonmaster715)- Fire Sword
    Halt Gao (Yubel Impact/Delta Hunter)- Earth Hammer
    Eli Henderson (Descartes)- Wood Axe
    Bethany 'Beth' McNuggie (IOTA)- Thunder Lance
    Arial Farrison (Ninaiso)- Air Bow

    The Fallen:

    Here are the sign-in sheets:

    Age: (16-21; the age range will be explained why)

    Appearance: (At least 2 paragraphs)

    Personality: (At least 2 paragraphs)

    History: (At least 2 paragraphs)
    Last edited by DVB; 11-12-2013 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    I will start things off with my sign-up sheet as an example.

    Name: Diego Vendrix
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: The Sapphire Water Staff

    Appearance: He stands at five foot, 11 inches. He has low cheekbones, a boyish face, slight stubble, and wears a pair of glasses that darken themselves in bright sunlight. His hair is black with subtle patches of very dark brown, mainly in the tips. His hair is kept trimmed and neat, however the ends on the back of his head are messy and spiky. He has slightly bigger than average eyes, which are chocolate brown. His eyes are large enough that they are noticeably larger than average, even by a margin amount. His skin is a pale shade of olive skin that could be seen from his face. His body is a slight stocky build, a bit of fat and some muscle also.

    He wears a black T-shirt with a gold yingyang symbol on front and a white silhouette of Quetzalcoatl, portrayed as an Ouroboros with the crescent moon and sun in the center of the loop on the back. He has on some black cargo pants that has pockets to carry anything he needs to and black tennis shoes with a red spiral on them. He completes this ensemble with n gray fleece "M-44 Jacket". He also has on a digital watch with him. He does change shirts to different slightly bizarre shirts, but overall this is kinda his basic attire.

    Personality: Diego is a warm and emotional person with an occasion fiery temper and an adventurous spirit. He is very empathetic and has a great desire to help people out. Beneath this outgoing personality, Diego is a shy and quiet person. He is also a very artistic individual as he will often draw whenever he gets the chance to do so. He is very loyal, but can come on as clingy, especially around girls. He also likes to cook. When in serious situations, he knows it is time for him to use his intelligence and strengths at their full capacity. He is very creative and known to be devious for his ideas. He is regarded as being very smart in many aspects.

    He has his faults, however. Some of these are being blunt, sarcastic, picking fights, laziness and often day-dreaming during certain moments and saying a weird comment afterward. Beyond that, he also has moments of self-righteousness, showing frustrated toward some of the less-than-savory characters, but holds his tongue when he needs to. He may also show some malevolent intent or hold grudges for a while. He may even show cruel moments, characterized by a crazed grins and shadows under his eyes. He is prone to snarky or blunt comments and is often unable to figure out what to do in situations with people so will often mess things up, though he means no harm. Despite this or because of it, he tries to overcome these traits so people don’t judge him on his faults and see him as a good person.

    History: Born of Mexican heritage, Diego does not have of an interesting background. Born on the West Coast, his parents move to the Southeast a few months after his brother is born. He grew up being a bright but eccentric and lonely kid. Not able to understand that he was different and why the kids viewed him strangely, he took it in stride though his short temper would come out and showed that that the neglect gave him a growing self-loathing. In his mind, for every one of his age to avoid him and not being able to make friends until much later, made him wonder if something was the matter. Believing something was wrong with him, he repressed this self-loathing with optimism. He continued moving forward, though he became sulky and aggressive during middle school.

    This coupled with his brother’s normalcy, growing contrasting personality and popularity made the two clash and a rift was created that Diego ultimately regretted and while on better terms, still views this as a shame. Regarding his parents, his father worked in Operations for a computer company while his mom was a homemaker. Diego loved both his parents but closer to his father because he was a very competent, understanding, patient and understanding man, despite his stubborn attitude and need for control. Diego loves his mom and anyone who offends her will be given the traditional Mexican treatment, i.e. a tongue lashing a chance for a beatdown. However, he views her slightly as a ditz and is exasperated by her occasional lack of practicality and frugality, though he sympathizes with her emotional side, due to being the same way.

    Being left to his own devices with no real friends until later, Diego took to some of the nerd hobbies, mainly reading, video gaming and anime and manga. Being shy around some adults and never finding a mentor in the form an older peer, he centered his principles on heroes of various fictions. Emulating some of their properties and adopting their determination, they helped Diego forge a moral code. This combined with his stubbornness and intelligence, made him come off as someone who was devious in arguing and a smartass at times. In high school, as people matured and got used to him, Diego began mellowing out. However, he still holds a grudge to many a peer. To him, they did something wrong and the right thing to do would be to apologize. He does so and has often done so. This ratio adds to the self-loathing by making him think many things are because of his fault. This gradual compilation led to the formulation of a potential dark side. Retaining his assets while thriving on anger, sadness, revenge and other suppressed emotions , this is the side of him he does his best to restrain.

    Ultimately, he finishes off high school with strong grades, the only Hispanic with honors and going to college. However, his lack of experience with social cues as well as lacking any psychological coaching until late teenagerdom, put him in odds regarding networking. Furthermore, his philosophical ways and quirky views of the world made it odd for him to decide what he wanted, viewing the world having gotten to complicated. Currently, he is studying Film and much to his surprise, a friend from high school is there, Zuri. The mysterious girl made him feel nervous, yet he felt a strange ease around her and enjoyed being around her company. He was encouraged by his father to partake in various scholarships and such and goes to a university there to study film while still contemplating on what he wants from life and hoping for the opportunity to come to live out his boyhood dreams of being a hero just like the idols of his childhood.

  3. #3
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    This is possibly the most interesting idea for a role play i have ever heard. Lets see if i can get accepted.

    Chris Pinasco
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Weapon:The Garnet Fire Sword

    Appearance: Chris is fairly tall, six feet and two inches to be exact. He has curly dark brown hair that is usually messy, with slight lighter highlights mixed in. His skin is fairly rough and tan. He has light brown eyes. He is in very good shape, being fairly strong and having the stamina to run a long distance.

    He almost always wears plain shirts, usually duller colors like greys and whites. He often wears jeans, but in the summer he almost always wears shorts. When it gets cold he usually wears a black hoodie.

    Personality: Chris is known for getting into trouble, and he enjoys it. He enjoys doing things he is not supposed to and annoying people, particularly his teachers and other people with authority. He also enjoys fights. He has a do what he wants when he wants attitude. He is very stubborn. He is smart enough to not do anything overly stupid however, and avoids getting himself into too much trouble at a time when possible.

    Often when he talks, he sounds meaner or ruder than he meant to. To his friends he tries to be nice, But people who are not close to him often think he is rude and mean. He is not very tolerant of other peoples flaws, and is annoyed easily.

    History: Chris was born in Staten Island, New York. His father left when he was only two years old, and his mothers job kept her from being present most of the time. When he was young, he tried to get decent grades. As he got older, he began to care less and less about his grades, and by the time he reached 6th grade he was getting C’s and D’s. He began to get into constant trouble, resulting in him being expelled in 8th grade. After this he began to be more intelligent with how he caused trouble, doing things that would annoy others the most without getting in too much trouble.

    He also enjoyed fights. Whenever someone began to mess with him, he would rarely hesitate to throw a punch. This also got him in much trouble. When he reached 10th grade he began to really think about what he wanted to do, and began trying to do better in school. He began to improve his grades slightly but it did little in improving his behavior.

  4. #4
    Name: Halt Gao
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Amber Hammer

    Appearance: Halt has had a painful time growing up, and only measures, at most, a short 5’2” and weighs in around 100 pounds maximum. He keeps his head down a lot though, so he seems shorter. His hair is a shade between black and violent, appearing black unless looked at from the sides, as the dye he used wasn’t that strong. The tips of his ears are slightly pink from the dye at times, but mostly are normal shades of pale. His nose and ears are button quality, and Halt is constantly reminded of this from women. His eyes are a soft cyan, though with his low head posture, it’s uncertain when one will be able to see his eyes.

    For clothing, this is one of the few things that Halt tries to keep himself. His normal shirt is modeled after his favorite game, Monster Hunter, with the trace design of the in game Rathien icon across the back. The black shirt is short sleeved. His pants are long and black, with a blue stripe down the outside, and they cover the tops of his white and blue sneakers. However, despite that he enjoys it so much; he prefers to wear his favorite sweatshirt over it. It was imported from Japan, and its black that reaches about two inches below Halt’s waist. In the center of the back, right between his shoulder blades, is a large white star. Along the hood, right where it reaches to his left eye is the design of a cyan flame.

    Personality: Halt is a very sensitive and shy kid, and will often run away from others that try to talk to him, or flinch when hugged or touched. When hugged, Halt brings his arms in front of his face to protect himself from getting hit, which he expects after any kind of contact he has with people. Bullies and an abusive mother have left their mark on the poor kid, but they also changed him a bit for good. Halt can feel empathy for anyone in a bad situation. Despite his dislike of physical contact, he’ll still hug someone after they break down, or just need someone nearby.

    Halt is also bashful, often blushing when someone tries to compliment him on anything, which always results in him pulling down the hood of his Black Rock Shooter sweatshirt over his eyes and face to hide the blush. He’s an avid fan of anything kawaii and cute, often squeeing at the sight of a MLP plush of a filly. He also adores the Nendoroid style, a style of figures that makes possibly tough characters into adorable chibis of Japanese figures, wanting to collect them. As a guilty pleasure, he likes figma figures too, though they are often more risqué than other styles, with the females having accented chests and butts, or straight up nude. These he keeps hidden in his small room, just in case someone could see them.

    Halt’s father, unlike his mother, was a great mentor, and gave Halt lessons on how to defend himself and other as well as teach him about the ‘right to live’. Similar to the Bill of Rights that was passed by congress, the right to live is a universal right given to all living creatures, and is universally understood. Cows have the right to live, but this same right gives humans the chance to kill them for meat, a favorite food of Halt’s. However, to kill something of your own species not for the sake of living is unacceptable. Halt embraces this idealology, and it becomes his berserk button. To see someone forsake the right to live from someone else is the same as forsaken the killer’s own right to live. Halt becomes dark at these moments, and will beat the killer into the ground, till they are on their last legs.

    History: Halt was born along the East Coast, up in Maine, to what appeared to be a normal family of a mother and a father. However, behind the closed doors of the large house they inhabited, Halt was the outlet for his mother’s frustrations at the world and workplace. Even as a little child, at age three, Halt was subjected to beatings. In order to keep moving every day, Halt began to talk to imaginary friends, and when he did, he found himself being the cause of the punishment, and that his friends told him that he shouldn’t fight it. Halt had no other choice, so he simply accepted every beat to his face from the bottle or fist of his mother. Halt’s father wasn’t affected as such, but merely bandaged Halt’s wounds and told Harry about the ‘right of life’.

    At the age of eight, Halt began to be trained by a few of his school friends that knew about his issues, in martial arts. He took to it fairly well, but three years later, his mother found out. He was forced to stay at home for schooling, and every time he asked for something, he got a swift and painful beating. It was his life for years, something Halt can never forget. Nor can he forget the mangas he began to read on the internet. Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul was the first manga he ever read, and the main character, Black Rock Shooter, became his first crush. She was always so brave and noble, and she believed in the innocence of every desire. Halt loved her, and that detail about her, which he tried to bring into his own being. His mother, finally having enough with Halt, sent him with his father to California, Santa Carina. This was a good idea for poor Halt’s wellbeing.

    Halt began to have a normal life with his father in Santa Carina, and eventually started to go to high school again. He started off at the school as a freshman, but was kept back till now as his mental state seemed to fluctuate constantly, as the second someone tried to scold him or put him in a physical situation, he would break down and hide his face and body, scared. Because of this, he had to held back, as letting him go forward might have had very poor backlash. Halt clung to anything he could to make himself feel better and feel good, so he turned to the kawaii, which makes him feel nice and warm.

  5. #5
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    Both are accepted! We need three more people!
    Last edited by DVB; 11-11-2013 at 02:35 AM.

  6. #6
    I'll just repost my old one.

    Name: Eli Henderson
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male

    Weapon: Emerald Wood Axe

    Appearance: Eli is built like a scrapper, just a hair under six feet and built from lean muscle. He's trying to grow a beard, but so far all he has are faint bristles on his face. On the top of his head he has plenty of hair, which is natural Scottish red and made up into a euro-hawk. His born skin tone is quite pale due to his Scottish lineage, but he's slightly darkened from spending most of his waking hours under the sun.

    He's never seen without his aviator sunglasses, which he even keeps on during the night due to the strange belief that there's things in the world that will eat your soul on eye contact; with this Apocalypse he might just be right. Eli wears cargo shorts for their ever handy pockets, and combat boots for their sturdy practicality in all environments. A tad less practical is his denim jacket, which has the sleeves cut off and is left open to expose the wife beater he wears underneath. The back of his denim jacket has “Creedence Clearwater Revival” stitched in black yarn. On his left breast side of his jacket he has two small pins, one of a peace sign and one of a hand grenade.

    Personality: Eli is one part free spirit and two parts rebel. He's spent his life doing what ever he wants, confident that he can handle the consequences once they come around. He would got out mud bogging instead of studding for the big math test, and would cheat without getting caught to just barely pass. He wouldn't just smoke in the boy's bathroom, but also drink. It's a strong belief of his that you just need to live life, and tackle each issue that comes up once it rears its ugly head.

    This isn't to say Eli is a jerk, far from it. He would always share his drink with anyone that walked into the bathroom, teachers included, and after every test he'd make sure to slip a twenty dollar bill into the backpack of the kid he cheated on. Life is give and take for Eli, and he's quick to show others his idea of a good time.

    As for interests, Eli can't think of anything better than driving fast in his beat up pick up truck while blasting Creedence Clearwater Revival. He doesn't mind cheap alcohol as long as it puts hair hair on chests, but he does prefer the finer trees. He also loves archery, but is horrible at it to the point where he would never depend on it for defense or hunting. His favorite video game series is tetris, and he always carries an old gameboy with an old copy of it to play when he gets bored and isn't able to run around.

    He does have one quirk that stands in contrast to the rest of his character. Eli is a conspiracy theorist. He believes he sees things that most people just refuse to accept. That beneath society there's two side fighting it out, one of darkness and one of light. He honestly doesn't care what the sides stand for, just that they need to get their own planet and stop screwing up the world with their war. On this note Eli considers himself a mild misotheist. He doesn't truely hate the gods, but he thinks they really need to butt out and take chill pill.

    History: Eli was born into a dysfunctional family. His father was a drunk, but even on the booze he was not a violent man. Momma Henderson was high strung, both by her husband’s drinking and her son's terrible habit of lighting fires. After the third time Eli burnt down the house, he was sent to live with his dad's brother.

    Uncle Henderson turned out to be a conspiracy theorist. To him, everything that went wrong could be traced to some government plot to control the masses. This rubbed off on young Eli, though he took it to a different level. Just by looking at the world around him Eli would conclude that the government was too incompetent to maintain an evil plot. If it failed to rule itself, how could it hope to rule the masses? No, Eli saw that there was bigger things out there than men and the government, and that they best well bugger off. Here Eli spent all his preschool, elementary, and most of middle school life.

    The clearest memory Eli has of this time was watching a Dracula movie with his uncle. Eli had never heard of Dracula's before, and he asked his uncle if they existed. Uncle Henderson nodded his head, and hold him, “ye bet they are, the main fangeled MAN is keepin' them a sekriet.” Then the door bell rang, seemingly in time with the dracula biting into a oddly willing woman's neck. Eli jumped from his seat, and dear uncle told him to check the door while he was out of his seat. He opened the door, and a well groomed man in a suit was smiling down at him. “Hello young man,” the suit wearer said, “would you like a copy of the book of mormon?” Uncle told him to slam the door; Eli obeyed. Since then Draculas and Mormons always had a weird, opposing connections. Possible at war? He'd investigate further.

    It was shorty after his thirteenth birthday that Eli received a surprising letter from his father. He had divorced his mother long ago, and was recently married to a new woman. Right in his letter he wrote that he wasn't ready to take him back home until he married again. In short sighted rage Eli burned the note, but quickly got over it and packed his bags. He said farewell to his uncle, and moved back with his father.

    His father had married a hippy, and considering the how he had come out of a marriage with a high strung woman Eli wasn't too surprised. What did surprise him was that he now had a step-brother. His name was Kevin, and he was the chillest guy Eli had ever met. Kevin and is the one that brought three very important things into Eli's life. Homemade shine, smoking, and lawn gnomes. The latter was more of a secret enjoyment. Eli and Kevin would steal lawn gnomes from their neighbors' lawns and stash them in the bomb shelter Eli had started to dig in their back yard. In that bomb shelter they had their own secret kingdom, of lawn gnomes. The step brothers were as thick as thieves. And actual thieves.

    But good things never last. During their first week of highschool Kevin went missing. There was a community search at first, but eventually that fizzled down. People started to guess that maybe Kevin ran away, but Eli would never believe that. He remembered the draculas, and how they stalked and kidnapped prey to feed on, and the mormons who were ever suspicious. Could these two secret entities be responsible for Kevin going missing? This is a question that's kept Eli up many a night.

    Other than that, Eli lived a relatively normal highschool life. He cheated on tests, skipped classes to go mud bogging, and would share his homemade brew with his history teacher, who he had an understanding with. I don't know what time the world went to hell, but I can promise you one thing. Eli will be in his smoke filled truck, listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival at full blast.
    "A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed."
    "The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues."
    "Ladies, I put the STD in stud; but most of the time, I just put the D in U."
    "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."
    "I think; therefore I am."

  7. #7
    Gunna reserve the thunderlance since I lost the fire sword.
    Resident art jerk

  8. #8
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Okay, rserve and application accepted. Air Bow is now reserved by a new person
    Last edited by DVB; 11-11-2013 at 02:57 AM.

  9. #9
    Name: Arial Farrison
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Amethyst Air Bow

    Appearance: She is an Albino, standing at 5'3" and weighing 101 pounds. Her skin is milky white and her eyes are a shade of mauve. Her hair is white, thin, and straight, going to her waistline. She has bangs that go two inches past her white eyebrows that she usually parts to the left and clips back with a hair clip. Her face is round and he cheek bones rest moderately high on her face. Her nose is sharp, but not large to her face and she is small boned, making her build scrawny. Her chest is also rather small, A-cup.

    She always wears her glasses, thin black rimmed oval shaped. Her clothes are usually soft colors and very modest. Lady like as well, such as skirts and dresses. Her usual outfit is a long sleeve sky blue shirt and long flowing white skirt, along with white socks and black dress shoes. She also wears a black hair clip for her bangs. When allowed, she'll accessorize with Amethyst jewelry, as it is her favorite jewel.

    Personality: She is very serious and stiff, always following the rules and obeying her superiors, being what adults would call very mature for her age and what kids would call really boring. She is frustrated inwardly as she always has to deal with the pressure of being her families idea of the "perfect child". Being stressed she has a few anxiety issues and suffers from Atychiphobia, fear of failure. She also suffers from self esteem issues and has to be reassured by others that she is doing a good job or she feels she's not. Due to these factors she can come of as cold and harsh if she does speak. She most of the time holds her tongue and opinions, staying silent which only frustrates her further and causes her to be even more bitter.

    She does her best to help others, but can take on the problems of others as her own, adding unnecessary weight to her shoulders. She feels she must be responsible for everything and can come off as meddling to others. When told she has done something wrong she will do whatever it takes to make it right and correct her mistake. Though most of the time she tries to keep away from people, feeling her best when alone and at peace, where no one expects the world from her. She greatly enjoys reading and painting, and she is quite good at painting as well. Like reading, music is one of her escapes and she adores all kinds, loving to listen to it. She has very little physical strength and that is something she struggles with often.

    History: She is the daughter of Simon and Beatrice Farrison, wealthy lawyers that have taken on the family law business Farrison Law. After three miscarriages, Beatrice finally gives birth do a baby girl she names Arial. But she was three weeks mature and albino. She was in NICU for many weeks until she was healthy enough to come home. When she was home, her parents raised her up to be a very mature and lady like girl, making sure she got straight A's to get into the best law school they went to when they were young. However, as Arial grew, having access to her own TV and laptop, she discovered all sorts of neat things, including art. She developed a passion for it and aspires to be an artist. Though when proposing the idea to her parents, she was shot down, told that artists never make in the real world and end up starving and broke. They pushed her harder than ever to keep up her grades and ditch the art, but she still loved it and kept doing her hobby in secret, as it was her true sorce of peace and happiness, next to reading the fantay and romance novels in the library.

    When she turned 18, and had skipped a grade due to her high grades, her parents signed her up for a Law School at a prestigious high end college. On her first day, she bought herself plenty of painting supplies and plans to follow her dream to be a painter. Though she is internally struggling with this, as she doesn't want to let her parents down and disappoint them. She also wants to do many different and other things like dye her hair and wear shorts, but of course the looming threat of disappointing her parents is holding her back. Hopefully in college she will learn how to be her own person and live her own life. She can't help but feel this isn't what she is supposed to be doing with her life, like she is destined for something greater, something more... Free.

    {my sig is a work in progress.} { My Gallery } {banner by XaiakuX eep thank you!}

  10. #10
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Very interesting! She'll experience something new all right...


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