Cat Ines
Ryme City Entrance
Impacted RPers:
@Saraibre Ryu @Winter @Neo Emolga @Death's Spook

As the chaos of the battle began to unfold around her, Cat saw reinforcements began to roll in. Finally the Ryme City police were here which meant they could handle the situation, right? Cat looked over at Shay commanding her Pokémon with such confidence. They'd both be in trouble soon if they didn't leave the scene, since battles were strictly forbidden in Ryme City. And even if Cat wasn't directly commanding Cottonbloom, she could still get in trouble. She couldn't afford a fine and jail time would cost her not only her part time job but also a lot of subscribers, so there would go her income. Still, Shay didn't seem to waver as the the police officers sent out their own Pokémon to help, so perhaps she could linger just a little longer.

Cat turned her focus back on the Pangoro just in time to witness a very peculiar sight. As the beast was restrained by the Haxorus, one of the Ciccino got its paws on a taser. It quickly locked and loaded said taser gun, configuring the various settings before firing into the beast, unleashing thousands of volts into the Pangoro. With that large of a shock, the hulking panda was down an out. Cat zoomed in on the Cinccino. It seemed relieved until it spotted Cottonbloom filming from the skies. Pokémon expressions were hard to decipher at times, but the Cinccino seemed almost... unnerved. Almost like it was caught doing something it shouldn't have been doing. Cat began to zoom in further, trying to see if there was a collar or any other identifying features that could help her trace the Cinccino later. There didn't seem to be any, which was suspicious. The RCPD always marked their Pokémon in some form, which meant it wasn't an official police trained Pokémon. But it didn't have any sort of other markings either that would indicate it was someone's partner. So was it a stray then? Wild and stray Pokémon certainly weren't known to be able to fire tasers. This was all very suspicious.

Cat was taken out of her thoughts on the Cinccino by Shay's voice calling out to her. "Hey, what else does Cottonbloom know? I have an idea, and I know Ryme isn't much for battling, but I'm going to need your Hoppip's help..." Shay paused for a moment before adding, "... what was your name? I might have missed it when the pavilion exploded into chaos."

She smiled a little and said, "My name's Cat Ines, though most people know me as Cat Cast from Pokétube. As for what moves CB knows..." Cat furrowed her brow for a moment as she tried to recall Cottonbloom's moves. Shay was right, Ryme City was a big no battle zone. As a result, Cat was pretty sure CB only knew status moves. Ah no... didn't she know one attack? Or had she replaced that with a status move. Now was not really the time to forget these kinds of things! "I think she knows Stun Spore and Sleep Powder... then there's Cotton Spore and... I think her last move is either Rage Powder or Fairy Wind. I can't really remember since this," Cat gestured to the colliding titans around them, "doesn't exactly occur daily so I've only seen her use her moves a few times. And since I'm not a registered trainer I can't exactly readily check her status. Hopefully the moves she definitely knows will be enough for her plan right?"

Cat wasn't exactly keen on using Rage Powder. On top of the fact that she wasn't 100 percent sure CB even knew the move, Rage Powder would make CB the center of everyone's attention, which meant all attacks would be directed at her. CB could be seriously hurt with all the fire and ice attacks going around. Even if knowing moves like Cotton Spore meant she was decently high in level, that didn't mean she could take too many hits before she was fatally injured. Cat wanted that to be a last resort. Her partner's life and health were her first priority here. And that's not even considering how much the Go Pro CB was holding cost. But Cat was willing to lose that, she wasn't willing to lose CB.