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  1. #321
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    We've hit a bit of a roadblock with all these items, too many things not enough places to put them. Let's go out and do some searching. Why don't I check out the Valley Ruins? (20)


  2. #322
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    Being a preistess, it seems likely that Yasha's abode will have information about various rituals, perhaps even the one I seek...

    [Search (36a) Yasha's Residence]

  3. #323
    Truly the Clauncher (S: Water)
    Health: 8/8| Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 12/12
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Technical | Abilities: Escort/Protect
    Trait: Charming

    Extracting myself from the strife I've stirred, I go to do my part: with these delicate claws, I will perform the autopsy of Vye the Bisharp.

    Then I will change my Battle Stance to Fight!

    Then finally, off to Rei and Pakki's cave, where I'll Escort Rei the Alolan Sandslash to (54a), the Small House in the Clutch of Decaying Houses, where hopefully, she can disable the {Magical Forcefield: +Ice-type+}

    "I'm with the out-of-towners investigating the business with the Stalkers. I need you to come with me -- err, I mean, I need your help deactivating some kidn of Ice magic, and I thought you'd appreciate... well, it made more sense to ask you to come help me out. I wouldn't ask you to lend your daughter to a stranger."

    "From what I understand, you're more available in the evenings... so I hope I'm not being a hassle asking you to come out here. But it is pretty important. I'm trying to keep the kids alive."
    IF I get time for smalltalk as we hike across the keep, then I'll ask her if her daughter goes to Shila Education and knows Dee'mang, and if Rei herself knows or has any opinions on his caretaker, Samba.

  4. #324
    "Oh god no time I can't even longpost I just have to GO"
    Search Rusty Shine units 1-10

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  6. #325
    To Me, My X-Men HorusMyDude's Avatar
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    Time to do a bit more sleuthin', by the looks o' things...

    Action: Search Imeida's Vegetable Farm

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  8. #326
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    I will search the scene of the crime, then use clairvoyance on the bootleg key half
    After the sun rises, you head to the Swollen Blister Tavern, following a rumor that Vye the Bisharp was brutally murdered here last night. Upon searching the back area, you find Vye in such a state that he was barely recognizable.

    You find his body, horrendously flayed. The bloody, stripped mess that remains of Vye's both is the grizzly aftermath of a Bisharp's metallic armor getting forcefully peeled and ripped off. And you can tell it didn't come off easily and painlessly either. Entire tendons and tendrils of flesh were forcefully yanked and ripped out throughout the entire skinning process, and you shudder to think what this must have felt like to Vye.

    You recognize this gruesome display as the work of Gravemeld, having seen this kind of murder signature after Urvanine the Nidorino was murdered.

    Where Vye's armor is now, you can only imagine, but all that lies before you now is a bloody mass of stripped flesh and sinew. It doesn't take you very long to make a note of this and then be overcome with the desire to move along and focus on the next task.

    You return back to Emissary base, making your way toward the stock cabinets before retrieving the half of the Bootleg Key that was recently found. This incomplete key seems to be made of a very unusual design, so you can only imagine where the second half of this resides.

    You sit upon your bed with the key before you in your paws. While a Stalker's dark presence weaves around it, you exile any influence it tries to have on your thoughts and focus. You close your eyes, focus on the material essence of the key half, and concentrate, allowing the ethereal vision to take you toward where the other half would be.

    Ironically, yet again, it takes you back toward where you were before. Your clairvoyance vision guides you back outside, and directs you toward Swollen Blister Tavern. The sights you just saw minutes ago have not changes since you were gone, but where it takes you is another story.

    The vision brings the Fountain Mosaic into focus, and there you see the familiar missing patches. You can sense of ping of darkness and evil coming from it, but you can sense somewhere the second half of this key is connected to this fountain. It quickly becomes clear that to get at this other half of the key, you're going to need those six patches.

    Once the vision breaks, you take a deep breath and now know what the next step is toward getting this key back to completion.

    Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 8/8 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 12/12
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Security | Abilities: Clairvoyance
    Trait: Nimble

  9. #327
    Used Thunderbolt! Arrow-Jolteon's Avatar

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    Running around
    I'd like to search Rusty Shine Units (43b) Units 11-20

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  11. #328
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lychee View Post
    Lillian didn't sleep well.
    Restless dreams of ominous cold chills reaching out to tie her down and strip off all her bunny skin. Horrible things.

    In the morning, another death. She sighs, still not ready to face the body. She has a quick chat to Clauncher and Lita, organising them to work together, then scoops up $150$SP and the remaining enigma berry from the team inventory. She rolls her shoulders and stands up straight.
    Right, it's time to get to work.

    Lillian will consume the enigma berry.

    First things first, following up on the death of Vye. She heads over to wherever Holly the Lycanroc is, and challenges her to a "friendly" battle. ....

    "You're in the mercenary guild, right? And you knew Vye. I'm sure you'll honor his terms- if I beat you, you let Vyes captive go." Lillian demands, and then dumps $150$SP at Holly's feet.
    "And, I wager this much that I'll beat you."
    She takes a fighting stance, obsidian dagger in her paw and ears out like boxing gloves.
    "If you want to talk do it with your claws first, and use your mouth after we settle this."

    ... except Holly isnt around in the daytime!!

    Confused and frustrated, Lillian ends up at the training ground where Bixas is most likely hanging out. Still armed and berried up for battle, she wanders up to him.
    "Meela Tey fought well, but now she's been killed. Let's sort out this petty contest of strength before anyone else dies." Lillian says, voice hard but eyes teary. "If I lose, take these $150$SP. I wager I won't lose."

    Lillian will challenge Bixas to a friendly battle, in memoriam to Meela-Tey.
    Feeling a sense of dread about the recent death of Vry, you feel the need to take action, and preferably in a way that gets your focus on something else. Feeling the longing for battle in your blood, you see no better option than to give Bixas the showdown he is not going to be expecting... (especially after you realize Holly seems to be MIA).

    You aggressively eat up that Enigma Berry, grab your Obsidian Dagger, and track down Bixas. He's expecting a challenge and with your track record, he's going to be in for a lot.

    As expected, you find the Pinsir at the Training Grounds. The fact he's wearing chain armor specially custom-made for him doesn't intimidate you in the slightest. You stomp your way into the arena as a cold, desolate wind blows around you, weaving through your fur and battering your long ears. Eyes narrowed, you set your sight on Bixas, approaching him. He looks at you, exchanges a glare, and almost instantly knows exactly what you're here for.

    "Meela-Tey fought well," you tell him, cluing him that you were the last one to engage her in combat and defeat her, "but now she's been killed."

    "Indeed," Bixas replies. "I pity what's going to come to the Stalker that did that to her."

    "Let's sort out this petty contest of strength before anyone else dies," you tell him in a firm tone, fighting back your anger and sadness. "If I lose, take these $150$SP. I wager I won't lose."

    "That confident, eh?" Bixas replies, crossing his crossing his arms and giving you a narrow, aggressive glare. "I've battled brazen Pokémon like you before and it didn't end very well for them. Let's just say they were humbled and educated in the way things work when it comes to battling me. But not to worry, little Lopunny..."

    "...pain can be an excellent teacher."

    The other Pokémon training in the arena suddenly realize what's about to go down between you and Bixas. They stop what they're doing, back away, and just watch, wondering if you're going to end up just as another victim... or maybe it's your day to kick Bixas off the throne...

    For your battle audio pleasure

    Bixas, Medium, Bug type. 10HP, 20% dodge rate, 1d6 attack die. +2 Defense 75 Speed.
    Lillian, Medium, Normal type. 10HP, 30% dodge, +2 Dam. Res, 1d4+2 attack die. 135 Speed.

    Lillian strikes first!


    As the battles opens, the fact that speed kills has become your credo. It served you well against Meela-Tey, and now you're ready to deploy it again with strikes so fast and deadly, you swear they could break thunder.

    You race in, wind nearly searing through your fur, weapon in your paw, and a ferocity that would make even a Lugia sweat. You strike fast and hard, ripping through the air with your blade.

    Lillian rolls 81%, hit! 2 points of damage, +2 from Obsidian Dagger, -2 Bixas Chainmail Defense = 2 damage.
    Bixas: 8HP Remaining.

    Your ferocity causes the dagger to piece through his armor, ferociously jabbing Bixas. He suddenly recoils from the unexpected pain and then readies his claw with a reprisal of his own.

    Bixas rolls 36%, hit! 1 - 2 from Enigma Berry = 0 damage!
    Lillian: 10HP Remaining.

    Despite Bixas's experience and training, his light scratch upon you is something you don't even feel thanks to the Enigma Berry. Not even giving him a moment to recover from his wild swing, you thrust your foot into the ground and spring toward him like a bolt of thunder, ready to drive the dagger into him again.

    Lillian rolls 76%, hit! 4 points of damage, +2 from Obsidian Dagger, -2 Bixas Chainmail Defense = 4 damage.
    Bixas: 4HP Remaining.

    The fierce defiant strike is SAVAGE and causes Biaxs to stumble back, angered and frustrated. The pain is SEARING to him and it causes him to get enraged...

    The spectator Pokémon are outright shocked at how fiercely and how quickly you're ripping Biaxas a new one. Several gasps of awe echo among them, and now things are getting very interesting to them.

    "You better god-damn scream real good for me when I'm done with you, bunny!" Bixas taunts you.

    "The only screaming you're going to hear is me shouting in victory, Bixas!" You taunt right back at him.

    He charges in, attempting to rip through your fur with his claws.

    Bixas rolls 89%, hit! 3 - 2 from Enigma Berry = 1 damage!
    Lillian: 9HP Remaining.

    His claws rake against your back, and at this point, you feel the pain weave and fork its way through your nerves. It catches you off guard, but you aggressively keep your focus. You've had worse. You can deal with this.

    You race circles around Bixas, causing him frustration as he just doesn't have the speed that you do. You can tell Meela-Tey's warning was right. Bixas is a Pokémon with a LOT of pride on the line and right now, you're a direct threat to everything he holds dear.

    You leap in and make your strike, ready to make that even more apparent.

    Lillian rolls 34%, hit! 2 points of damage, +2 from Obsidian Dagger, -2 Bixas Chainmail Defense = 2 damage.
    Bixas: 2HP Remaining.

    Again, another powerful and savage blow is unleashed upon Bixas, causing him to grunt and scowl with rage. He takes another wild swing at you with his claws in his anger and frustration.

    Bixas rolls 38%, hit! 3 - 2 from Enigma Berry = 1 damage!
    Lillian: 8HP Remaining.

    His wild and aggressive attack strikes you again, tearing through your brown fur. You suddenly yelp with shock and pain, hoping you would have been able to break away before he got the chance at a reprisal like that. Still, despite the damage he's done to you, he's terribly in pain, running only on the fumes of his adrenaline.

    "You can do this..." you tell yourself.

    No more games. Playtime is over, you're DETERMINED to end this nonsense here and now.

    As you race toward Bixas, your feet stomp the battleground like the reply of the thunder. Your blade shines in the sunlight, and you shout your battle cry. Wind flying around you and through your fur, you jump and fly through the air, ready to ram your blade down deep into your adversary.

    You call down the thunder and charge down right at him.

    Lillian rolls 39%, hit! 1 point of damage, +2 from Obsidian Dagger, -2 Bixas Chainmail Defense = 1 damage.
    Bixas: 1HP Remaining.

    You manage to get a glancing blow off Bixas, but he still stands. Barely standing, but still standing nonetheless.

    "I don't think so!" he shouts at you as he counter-attacks.

    Bixas rolls 39%, hit! 5 - 2 from Enigma Berry = 3 damage!
    Lillian: 5HP Remaining.

    The claws tear in deep, causing you to cry out in pain. Bixas snarls with satisfaction, ready to unleasy another savage blow against you. But this isn't over yet. The other Pokémon watch, holding their breath. They haven't see a battle like this unfold here in a long, long time.

    You race through the wind, swiftly dashing as the air flows around you and across your large ears like quicksilver. Bixas, panting, growing, and grunting, tries to keep up with you, using every last ounce of energy he has left. You dash across the firm battlefield, zig-zagging toward him like his worst nightmare. Weapon in your hand, you cry out in fury as you thrust your forceful defiant strike against him.

    Lillian rolls 91%, hit! 2 point of damage, +2 from Obsidian Dagger, -2 Bixas Chainmail Defense = 2 damage.
    Bixas: -1HP Remaining.

    Like a thunderous spear of anarchy piercing the clouds, you RAM the dagger hard into Bixas, ripping out the last energy he had left. Like an assassin, you eviscerate his pride, his honor, and his reputation. All in that last, swift, final blow that will be talked about for many years to come in Salvage Keep...


    QUEST UPDATED: A Contest of Strength

    "That was for you, Meela-Tey."

    "You... won't... ever... stop... m-me!!" Bixas growls after falling to his knees, trying to avoid collapsing to the ground.

    You look down upon him, gently put your foot on his forehead, and then thrust it forward, causing the Pinsir to fully collapse to the ground, face down in the dust of his defeat. He rolls over, growling, humiliated, and furious, but far too weak to get back up again.

    "NnnooooooOOooo!" he shouts.

    But there's nothing he can do. After much frustration, he swallows his pride, and sighs heavily. Thoroughly weakened, he just barely manages to stand again. Just as you prepare to get into combat stance again, he assures you that he's not going to try to continue this fight.

    "I... I didn't think this day would come..." he mutters, flustered about the reality of what just happened. "But, as much as I hate to admit it, you've... you've bested me. And I'm not about to turn back on my promise."

    He hands you a whopping 500 splinters, which is definitely not chump change. In addition to that, he gives you a very colorful and beautiful gem in addition to the splinters. Meanwhile, the other Pokémon are thoroughly impressed and applaud and cheer.

    Added $500 SP$ and [Rainbow Gem] to the Lillian's Inventory.

    "You, Lopunny..." he mutters with a hard sigh. "You're one hell of a warrior. I swear, strikes like that could break thunder. With your skills and expertise, you should be a teacher here."

    You smirk to yourself, feeling like "Lillian the Thunderbreaker" does have a nice ring to it. But you want to think a little more on that call sign before committing to anything.

    Lillian the Lopunny (M: Normal)
    Health: 10/10 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Diplomacy
    Trait: Lucky
    Equipment: Obsidian Dagger, Enigma Berry (until Day 7 Day Cycle)

  12. #329
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I'm a little late, but time's officially up for Day 6: Day Cycle action submissions!

  13. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by Scytherwolf View Post

    I think I'll search (40) Vehicle Yard (Abandoned).
    Steeling yourself before you head out in the early morning, you begin thinking about the location you think would be best to start investigating. The abandoned vehicle yard pops into your mind, and you set your sights there, figuring it would be a good place to scope out.

    You flit close to top speed towards the vehicle yard, arriving in almost no time at all. The first thing you notice is that this place, true to its written status on the map you are going off, looks abandoned. There are upturned chassis leaning against other twisted metal, some piled up several metres high. Every scrap of metal you can see is rusted or corroded in some way, and you gather that these have been here for a long time. Weeds sprinkle the ground, reaching up the sides of decrepit vehicle shells, a semblance of nature reclaiming what once it lost.

    You zip through the rows of scrap and debris, rising over particularly high mounds and inspecting what may lay within. Nothing particularly interesting catches your eye, so you head closer to the outskirts of the plot, where you find the makeshift workshop where Neo, your fallen comrade, found Marisha upon the Emissaries' initial arrival. You hover low to the ground, barely noticing the dust clear beneath the rapid beat of your wings, and head under the shelter which looks like it was thrown together in haste, then tweaked and upgraded to form a suitable workspace. You begin rummaging through some of the storage, most of it full with tools, but some containing other items and objects too. Amid the collection, you find various tools, as well as secateurs, a watering can, fertiliser, weed killer, and a few different board games. You also find a number of trinkets and small mechanical devices, such as a compass.

    Eventually you come to a safe which rested behind a sheet of corrugated iron. You begin inspecting it, noticing that it looks somewhat broken. You frown a little, clicking your mandibles in thought as you consider the best way to proceed. You put your technical knowledge to use and begin tinkering with the safe, using some of the materials and tools around you to work on it. At one stage you hear a noise and whirl around, only to watch as one of the corners of the overhead tarp flaps against a post in the gentle wind, which you then disregard and get back to work. It takes you a good while, but you eventually manage to work your way around the safe's functionality and break it open.

    {Faulty Safe: <Repair> / <Technical>}

    You open it, finding a number of seemingly useless things. There's a blank notepad, some maps and brochures, an old instruction manual for a machine, and some magnets. You have no idea why these are important enough to put in a safe, but shrug, figuring they're important to whoever put them in here. Just as you go to shut the door, you notice something pinned on the inside of the door--a paper. You pull it off and unfurl it, your skin immediately turning cold as your eyes fall upon what looks most certainly to be something Stalker-related.

    =Basal Maze= was added to the Team Records.

    You have no idea what this leads to or what it means, but you're simultaneously keen to find out, and terrified to find out. Regardless, you know that it will have to be solved.

    Searching the rest of the workshop brings nothing further to your attention. While you know that this is Marisha's workspace, you can't help but wonder if someone else also frequents it, whether she knows about them or not. Regardless, you're glad you found something, and bring it with you back to the clubhouse.

    Carly the Yanmega (L: Bug/Flying)
    Health: 12/12 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 8/8
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Technical
    Trait: Nimble


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