Haha, that's okay. :] Like I said, if you need further clarification, just let me know. x) And haha, don't worry about the question mark thing! It's easy to miss. I agree with you about the time, but I mean specifically for speech. Speech should practically always be typed out in letters, not numbers. So while, I looked at the time, seeing that it was 11:51 is okay, if that was in speech, you'd need to write out the time in letters. :] Think of it like, "Mum, give me five minutes!" You wouldn't make that a 5, would you? I dunno, to me, numbers (especially singular, like using 5 instead of writing "five") seem like replacement figures...like an abbreviation for a word. It belongs in maths, not stories. xD Maybe I just have something against numbers because I can barely multiply... And yeah, I totally understand where you're coming from when it comes to the capital/pause thing. xD Just something to watch out for. :]

I know, right?! I noticed that! XD Well done! ^v^ I'm so proud! *tear of joy*

No worries. ^^ That's awesome! I need to do that again! xD Oh nice. Well that's okay. xD I mean, I suppose you can only really write as it comes to you. If you want to discuss ideas or something though, feel free to make a thread for it in the author's corner for people to input! If you wanna make it public, I mean. I did enjoy Alice's adventure so far. x)

No worries. 8D