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  1. #1
    Pokemon Trainer DarkNerd's Avatar
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    Who/What Inspires You?

    So, I did a blog entry on this and as I said, I'm making a topic thread thing for it. Here's the link to the blog entry if you want it:

    So, who or what inspires you?
    I explain in that blog how my mistakes and good calls lead myself to becoming my inspiration, but considering how I fell asleep twice while typing that, I probably screwed up/made it confusing. Oh well.
    Basically, whenever I do something, I analyze it, and it's my mistakes and non-mistakes that make me want to improve myself, so I can actually be happy. There's a longer story to it, but nope.

    Feel free to talk about whatever/whoever inspires you!
    You can be inspired by other's bad deeds- Schindler saved so many lives because of the Nazis.
    Or you can be inspired by other's good deeds- Martin Luther King Jr. still motivates people to do good.
    Or you can be motivated by a coin that is attached to some part of you.
    Or whatever.
    It doesn't matter, so long as it inspires you.
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  2. #2
    I'd love to pop in here and be like "I GIVE MYSELF INSPIRATION" but I'm not my main source. I think others tend to be my inspiration. That and nature. Seeing amazing landscapes and beautiful views will often give me the urge to write stories or draw some magnificent scene (not that I could, but I would try XD). TV shows or movies that I love (and books) help to give inspiration as well.

    It's a mix of things. ^^


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  4. #3
    Kalos Champion Corey Corey's Avatar
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    I'm in the same situation as Xanthe, I think others are the ones that motivate me. I'm easily embarrassed, so I HATE losing/failing/etc because I die from embarrassment! I'm motivated not to look dumb and not to fail so I don't feel embarrassed in front of irl people (i dont care wat u online losers think). I care too much about what other people think. ;__;


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  6. #4
    Who inspires me? That answer changes very often, sometimes in a matter of months, other times in years. It all depends on what I'm thinking about. My current inspiration in a person named Gavin Free. He's only 25, yet he's worked on movies as a slow motion tech, and at his age, that's an impressive accomplishment. He now works at his dream company, that he's wanted to join or followed since he was 14, 11 years ago. His story is a great one, and I'm inspired from it.
    not that serious

  7. #5
    The Fire Fox Gijinka Braixen's Avatar
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    I am inspired by my family a lot, mostly my grand father who is a person of wisdom (both self taught and thru education) and a person of strength. He is also very healthy, active and motivated. I constantly try and emulate his actions and his ideas.

    I am also very inspired by my significant other, who is a lot like myself. When I am down on my values, or I have become negative he reminds of the person I am, and in this way we keep a fairly good balance!

    I think it's important to draw inspiration from people you know as much as it is from people who are famous for their inspirational qualities. That way you have something very realistic to refer to and have people that are regularly in your life reminding you of what is important.

    I have to also mention that music tends to inspire me on all levels. It inspires productivity in me, creativity and happiness! It's a good thing to turn to when you need some motivation but also want to keep to yourself a bit.

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  8. #6
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    When I think of inspiration, I usually think of inspiration for my artwork. My main source of inspiration for my artwork is other peoples artwork (Don't worry, no plaigarism or anything like that). Often when I look at other peoples pictures, or when I read their stories, I get ideas for my own art. A lot of times when I get ideas for stories and other art, parts of them are inspired by real places that I have been to.

    I'm honestly not sure if "Inspirational" Is the correct word to use for this one, but there are a few songs I have in mind too. Particularly this part of this one: 7:05-8:40 or so.

  9. #7
    Experienced Trainer Daughter of Mew's Avatar
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    It depends on what is being inspired. Artistically, I can get inspiration from pretty much anywhere, because the world is a beautiful place and even seemingly mundane things are actually amazing! I can be doing anything from being sat on a bus staring out the window to doing work to having a laugh with friends when I suddenly get ideas. 9/10 times it's related to something happening in my environment, even if I'm not really paying attention. I also get a lot of inspiration from other people's work - like Dragon Master said, not plagiarism, but maybe picking up on a certain detail and developing it or something along those lines.

    Really the only other area of my life I get inspired in is how to better myself as a person. That mainly comes from other people, both people close to me like my grandad and boyfriend, to completely random people. I recently subscribed to a guy on YouTube called Joseph Kendrick and he's really inspired me to start living life to the full and be more positive. There's other stuff too, like the music I'm into, Buddhist teachings and the vegan/straight edge movements.

  10. #8
    A fairy a day keeps the Hydra away The-Hydra's Avatar
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    By the painting of wookie Jesus in my living room

    I tend to get inspired by playing video games and reading comics that I like. Whenever I'm reading/playing/thinking about a good one of those, I always think "Wow! This is great! I gotta make me one of those!" I've thought of a few good original comics/games from this method. So I guess those inspire me.


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  12. #9
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

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    This is going to sound so cliche, but I'm inspired by my friends and what goes on around me. If I'm writing, I usually end up incorporating an aspect similar to something that's just happened to either me or someone I know, only adapted/amplified to make it less obvious.

    When I'm spriting, I don't even know how I get inspired... My latest sprite was a twig monster that used Flareon as a base.

    In terms of how I act, I'm more inspired by characters in books, games and TV shows (and I get compared to them a lot, too). I try acting like people/characters with strong senses of justice, who fight for what's right (like Phoenix and Edgeworth), or people who can think on their feet when in a pickle (like a character in a book I'm reading).

    I've been compared to Luigi (even though I'm the younger, less tall twin :S), and Ross from Friends (which I've never watched), so hooray for me... :D No, I'm pretty sure that they're both not good comparisons.

    P.S.: Can somebody tell me if cute is a good word or not? I've been called it like four times this week and by the girl I like a while back, so I know it's not important, but being told it by that last person could let me know if I need to be less 'cute', and start acting more like a Pikachu. :3

  13. #10
    URPG Official/Head of Contests SLC's Avatar
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    For writing, music seems to help me get inspired. Some albums have given me great ideas despite the album itself not having a story as such. Similarly, a lot of TV series are great sources of inspiration as they're so well-written, such as Breaking Bad and Lost. Gives me something to try and aim for, despite never being able to come close.
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