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  1. #2
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!
    Episode 1: The Masters of Kikuzu Dojo

    For a while, the path up the hill was relatively uneventful. But an Alolan Vulpix wandering in a patch of flowers made Ash do a double take. What's an Alolan form doing all the way over here?

    "There you are, Alba!" a female voice called. The Alolan Vulpix seemed to recognize the young woman in breeder's garb, and romped into her arms. "One Alolan Vulpix down, 150 more to go..."

    "How did you get that many Alolan Vulpixes, miss?" Ash wondered as the young woman checked the Alolan Vulpix over for injuries.

    "My name's Kaimana--I came here some years ago because I fell in love with the cooler climate--that and the Alolan Ninetales that came with me loved having a proper winter with snow. the woman explained. "So I started an Alolan Vulpix and Ninetales sanctuary, where people can see this beautiful Pokemon up close. From the original four Alolan Ninetales I brought with me, I ended up with twelve as the years passed."

    She assured Ash "I'm very careful to breed my Alolan Ninetales ethically. The mothers are treated well, and not overbred. This year turned out to be very productive--all my active females had large litters. All the babies added up to 151."

    "That explains the big number..." Brock mused.

    "Two weeks ago, a huge storm came through, and one of my apprentices forgot to close the main outdoor pen." Kaimana went on. "A huge thunderbolt startled the babies, and they all scattered around the island to Arceus knows where. It would mean the world to me if you could keep an eye out for them as you travel around the island."

    "We'll do our best to find them--don't worry." Ash assured Kaimana.

    "Do any of them have defining features, such as a marking, clothing, or fur color?" Brock asked.

    Kaimana gave Brock a list with the names and pictures of the missing Alolan Vulpixes. "Here's a list of all of them. They know my name and scent, so if you tell them I'm waiting for them, they should find their way back to me."

    "Well, the one we found is already marked as found..." Misty smiled as she noticed Alba's entry on the list had been stamped with a "FOUND!" stamp.

    "Now to find the other 150..." Brock agreed.

    "Good luck!" Kaimana called. "If you show me how you're doing on your search, I can reward you with some Alolan Pokemon dolls you can use to befriend Pokemon, or make someone happy."

    "Deal!" Ash smiled as the group turned to leave.

    "If you can find five of them, an Alolan Meowth doll is your first reward." Kaimana explained, showing the group a plush Alolan Meowth.

    "Aw..." Misty admired the doll. "Someone would likely enjoy that..."

    Ash nodded in agreement. "Let's make sure all the Alolan Vulpixes make it home safe."


    "This must be the dojo Gloria was telling us about..." Brock mused as the three friends approached a majestic building with a sloped roof some time later.

    Some familiar characters at the top of the main entrance got his attention. "These are Kantonian monji, all right..."

    He studied the three characters for a moment. "Ki...ku...zu...yeah, this is it."

    About then, a brown haired woman in a majestic green robe came out to meet the group. "Hello! It is indeed an honor to welcome the Heroes of Galar as students."

    "I'm--!" Ash started.

    "Your exploits have even reached this far, Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town." the woman smiled. "The world was watching when you rained rainbow thunderbolts on the primal dragon Eternatus--was that a unique power waiting to be awakened?"

    Ash didn't know what to make of the woman seemingly knowing of his adventure on the Galarian mainland "I guess you could call it a unique power--that was me combining my Swanna Song with the Hero's Sword Zacian, and the Guardian Shield, Zamazenta."

    "Basically, the Swanna Song can be traced back to ancient times, where it was actually used to beseech Arceus directly if prayers were seemingly going unheeded, resulting in unleashing great power at the cost of the singer's strength." Brock explained. "Over time, the song made its way into countless folkloric traditions, but the rise of radio and TV introduced the song to a wider audience, usually as a desperation spell or finishing spell."

    "People that can actually harness the song and its power usually have a deep bond with a Pokemon, have met a Legendary, or both, but they are fairly rare." Misty added. "The three of us can use it, but to my knowledge, Brock is one of the few that can sing it for show without any ill effects..."

    As the group continued to visit with the woman, they did not see Klara listening in from a bush. How come they're all buddies with Master Mitsu all of a sudden? Why do THEY get superpowers, and I don't?

    She gritted her teeth. You three claim to know a superpower song? I'm gonna find a way to have you demonstrate the song before the whole dojo!

    Up on the dojo's roof, a tiny bear-Pokemon with a red headband observed the group visiting with he woman. So these three are the Heroes of Galar...maybe they can guide me on my journey!


    In the dojo's main training room, the woman addressed a group of students. "Everyone--we are honored to have the Heroes of Galar join our ranks. But just because they saved the world does not mean they should get any special treatment--for our purposes, they are no different from you."

    "Yes, Master Mitsu!" the students chorused as they bowed before their teacher.

    Master Mitsu smiled at the group as a man with wispy pale purple hair in a deep yellow robe joined the others in the room. "Why don't you three introduce yourselves to Master Karashi and the students?"

    "I'm Ash Ketchum, of Pallet Town!" Ash proclaimed as Tintri bounded on his shoulder. "...and my faithful Pikachu, Tintri."

    [Hi!] Tintri squeaked as he waved to the students.

    "I am Misty Williams, of Cerulean City, in Kanto." Misty smiled. "A pleasure to meet you all."

    "I'm Brock Harrison, of Pewter City, in Kanto." Brock began. "Though I am mainly a musician, storyteller, and folklorist, I'm proud to include martial artist among my talents.

    "What style did you train under?" a boy asked.

    "I'm a second dan black belt in Raikou kung fu." Brock explained. "This means I can fight unarmed or with a number of weapons."

    This got Master Karashi's attention. "Second dan black belt? That's impressive for someone so young...would you be willing to showcase your skill by sparring with me?"

    "I would be honored, sensei." Brock replied as he exchanged a bow with Master Karashi. "How shall we battle in this friendly match? Unarmed, or with weapons?

    "Unarmed--the best form for a friendly match." Master Karashi replied, aware of the crowd of students gathering to watch the match. "If you need to change into a uniform, the dressing rooms are down the hall."

    Even Ash was excited. "No matter how many times Brock battles, it's a thrill to watch!"

    "I know--but I'm sure Master Karashi knows a thing or two himself." Misty mused as Brock emerged in the black robe of a kung fu master, complete with a gold Raikou kanji on the chest. "But Brock knows what he's doing--he takes everything he does very seriously."

    On the sparring floor, Master Mitsu explained the rules. "Okay! Brock and Master Karashi will battle for two minutes, with the goal of knocking down or ringing out their opponent. The first person to knock down or ring out the opponent, or the one with more stamina at the end of two minutes, wins."

    "Go, Brock!" Misty cheered as Brock faced Master Karashi on the floor. Ash whistled in agreement.

    After a few tense seconds, a gong sounded to start the match! "Seiryu Emerges From the Water!" Master Karashi charged at Brock in preparation for a spin kick.

    "Raikou Moves the Mountain!" Brock braced himself, then intercepted Master Karashi, pushing him backwards.

    "Nice move!" Ash smiled as Master Karashi collected himself.

    Misty balked as Master Karashi appeared to create copies of himself. "Did Master Karashi just use Double Team???"

    "Nope--it's actually one of many different martial arts that replicate the effect of Double Team." Ash explained as he watched Brock land a jump kick on the real Master Karashi, dispelling the copies. "Keep in mind they're not even going full tilt, here--they're on a time limit, and this is just a friendly match."

    In the arena, Brock watched as Master Karashi lifted his hands and appeared to rise in the air. That's the Swanna move 'Swanna Spreads Her Wings'...if I can just channel my ki...

    He focused for a moment, charging some thunderbolts in his hands. "Thousand Thunderbolts Rain Down!"

    The audience, Ash, and Misty watched in awe as thunderbolts rained from Brock's hands, knocking Master Karashi to the floor. "We have a winner!" Master Mitsu called, to cheers from the students.

    Master Karashi smiled as he got up from Brock's final blow. "Well done! Your sensei in Pewter has taught you well in the way of Raikou. I see why you are second dan--you have learned much on your martial arts journey, but there is still more you can learn. Maybe I and Master Mitsu may be able to teach you something."

    "Thank you, Master." Brock smiled as he and Master Karashi exchanged bows.

    "As for you two...have you ever thought about studying martial arts for yourselves?" Master Karashi asked Ash and Misty as the students dispersed.

    "I wanted to, but the local dojos' lessons were too expensive..." Ash replied.

    "After seeing all those cool moves in the movies, it looks like fun." Misty smiled.

    Master Karashi smiled. "It is a challenging, but very rewarding journey."

    "What styles can you teach us?" Ash asked.

    "Well, which Pokemon's path do you desire to walk?" Master Karashi asked. "If I know that style, I will teach you. If I do not, I'll find a dojo with a master that does."

    Ash thought for a moment. "My dream style would be power and speed based, with some defense."

    "Based on your courage, dedication, and noble heart, you would do best walking the path of Arcanine." Master Karashi smiled. "Arcanine moves quickly, and hits hard. Ever vigilant against evil, and a fiercely loyal companion, he strives to protect the world."

    "Sounds like me, all right!" Ash grinned.

    "In addition to unarmed fighting, Arcanine can wield swords and bows, as well." Master Karashi explained.

    "What about you, mizushi?" Master Mitsu asked Misty as she joined Master Karashi and Brock on the floor. "Which Pokemon's path would you prefer to walk?"

    "If I had to pick a style...I'd want a balanced style, since water can both hurt and help in both its forms." Misty replied, flattered she had been called a master.

    Master Mitsu nodded. "You would do well on the path of Suicune. As the Guardian of the North Wind, Suicune can battle evil with the fury of a tsunami, or the bitter cold of a wintry chill. Yet he is not all power like his cousin Raikou--Suicune understands that sometimes the best offense is a good defense, and supports his allies if they need help."

    "Works for me!" Misty grinned as both she and Ash accepted white student uniforms, complete with a white belt. The only difference between the two uniforms were the kanji on them--Ash's had a red Arcanine kanji, and Misty's had a blue Suicune kanji.

    "This is very comfy..." Ash smiled as he admired himself in a mirror.

    "Now then, Nincadas..." Master Karashi began. "As students here at Kikuzu, do you promise never to misuse your skill in a rash battle, fight fairly, respect others as you respect yourself, protect those that cannot protect themselves, stand up for truth and justice, and battle evil in whatever form it presents itself?"

    "We promise." Ash replied as both he and Misty exchanged bows with their masters.

    "I renew my commitment to do likewise, as a Raikou master." Brock agreed as he too exchanged a bow with Master Karashi...

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 06-28-2020 at 02:28 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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