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  1. #51
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    I feel so unprofessional. I know nothing about the military ^^'

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  2. #52
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmander009 View Post
    I feel so unprofessional. I know nothing about the military ^^'
    Don't feel bad. Most of my military knowledge comes from action movies and games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Metal Gear Solid, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Counter Strike, and so on. Basically, a Hollywood and gamer education. :P

    Don't fret about the military stuff. If you need stuff for Arianne to do, I'd say trying to capture the remaining legendaries would be the best bet.

  3. #53
    DLN-000 TheProtobabe's Avatar
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    Also I'm gonna have Jace be in charge of the recruits/privates in that facility, so maybe I'll give you a sense of direction :P

  4. #54
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Alright... I just worry about sounding too immature xD Then again, that is what I was kinda going for with Arianne ^^'

    But thanks, Protobabe, yer my hero xD

    Hmm, I'm wondering about an uprising in Virbank... At the edge of Unova, seems like a probable place... but IDK ^^'

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  5. #55
    Junior Trainer haybalebarn's Avatar
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    Edited in my second character to my post on the 5th page. I'll probably make a post in the rp before finishing my 3rd SU, I'm itching to get into it.

  6. #56
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmander009 View Post
    Alright... I just worry about sounding too immature xD Then again, that is what I was kinda going for with Arianne ^^'

    But thanks, Protobabe, yer my hero xD

    Hmm, I'm wondering about an uprising in Virbank... At the edge of Unova, seems like a probable place... but IDK ^^'
    Ooh, I wanted to do something tha gave an excuse for Shay to use water chariots [I don't care if they're from Alto Mare, Virbank has canals and it makes sense] for some means of running away from something.

    Also I shall read over hay's second character.

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  7. #57
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Name: Captain Martin "Razorhawk" Mendez
    Age: 32
    Role: ENDoG Commando
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: The dude in the center

    Martin is six feet, four inches tall and weighs in at about 230 pounds. He has a fairly large, muscular build that has been built up over the course of twelve years of intensive combat and weight training. His body also has plenty of scars, but none of them are truly severe or crippling. He has short, dirty blonde hair on his head, though most of it is covered by a black bandana. Meanwhile, he has a gruff five o' clock shadow for a beard.

    For clothing, Martin wears typical ENDoG soldier urban combat armor, consisting of a pair of dark gray pants with kneepads, utility buckles around the ankles and thighs, and a utility belt around his waist. Meanwhile, he wears an armored combat vest, elbow guards, and black fingerless gloves.

    Martin isn't very fast or agile, but his strength lies in his physical prowess and his endurance, able to take several hits and just bite through the pain. While being a specialist in heavy weapons, Martin is still very capable with smaller arms, and he can definitely handle himself in a rough fist fight. He also handles gunner positions of armored vehicles exceptionally well, although he is a very capable driver.

    Personality: Tough, gritty, hardcore, Martin has seen plenty of combat action and he always thirsts for more. Martin doesn't fear death and he doesn't fear Pokémon either, which he knows will never be up to snuff with humans as long as Pokémon don't know how to use weapons or drive vehicles. To him, they're simply expendable dogs of war. He feels anyone who thinks Pokémon are equal to humans is a stupid idiot who knows nothing about comparing actual mental capacity. He also doesn't see the legendaries as being any kind of deity or god. To him, they're just like all the others with a bit more power, but they're still under humans and always will be.

    Martin doesn't crave subtlety either. He's better at resourceful improvising than planning, but he isn't stupid and at least tries to be familiar with the basics. Still, Martin doesn't like stealth approaches. He is more like the charging bull than the sly fox, and he'd rather fight the resistance with as much firepower as possible. He personally likes it when the odds are horribly stacked against his enemies and the resulting battle is nothing but a massacre. He also gets a kick out of overkill, such as using rocket launchers to take out small, unevolved Pokémon or using a tank cannon on a single enemy soldier.

    In combat, Martin likes humor, sarcasm, and enjoys taunting his enemies. He treats war and combat like a game, and he doesn't care for formalities. A lot of his methods are definitely unorthodox, and he doesn't care about showing his enemies any respect or dignity. To him, there's only one rule of war: there's only one winning side and that's the one that can kick the asses of the others the hardest.

    History: Martin was born at Fort Winterfield in Western Johto, near Olivine City. His mother, Janet Mendez, was a military research scientist while his father, Warrant Officer Logan Mendez, was a sniper for the Johto Special Forces. He was born to a family of five, with a younger brother named Hank and a younger sister named Martina. Today, Hank is a Lieutenant for ENDoG's naval forces, and Gunnery Sergeant Martina is currently an ENDoG military reconnaissance specialist. His parents are still alive, but they've both retired from their positions.

    As a child, Martin wasn't focused on academics as much as physical training. At times, he was sometimes a bully to younger, weaker kids at the academy, but he stopped wasting his time with them by the time he was a teen. When he turned 16, he enrolled into military training, and even from the start, he grew to just shrug off pain and physical hardship. Crawling through mud and obstacle courses felt completely natural to him, and he liked rope climbing. However, his true love was firing ranges and combat training.

    Martin was not very keen on becoming a closely bonded companion to his Pokémon. He doesn't use them for much and he certainly wouldn't give up his life to save them either. To him, they're just dogs of war that need to look after their own hides when the bullets start flying. If they die, they die and that's just how life goes. He also agrees with the ENDoG mission that Pokémon are definitely not like humans and are definitely not for civilians to be walking around with.

    Martin has completed over forty-three missions, thirty of which were with the Johto Special Forces, and thirteen of which were completed under the ENDoG Special Forces. He finds the resistance against ENDoG quite pathetic and under-equipped, but he doesn't let his guard down and still handles them like he would approach any enemy soldier. He'd bully them all the same.

    Name: Grind
    Species: Mightyena
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Rugged, unkempt, and savage, Grind is a true dog of war, often released and left to fend to himself in the middle of combat, seeming to live only to destroy and kill whatever's on the opposite side. He has plenty of scars and a damaged left ear.
    Personality: Grind is simply a destructive beast who lives only to satisfy his ravaging hunger for combat and warfare. He cares nothing about his own personal safety, only to destroy whatever enemy is in front of him in the most grizzly way possible. On occasion, he gets especially blood-drunk after a lot of slaughter, making him go berserk. At that point, Martin recalls him before he might turn on his own allies and would have to be put down.
    Other: Grind is deaf in his left ear, mostly due to the fact this was where a Machoke struck him with his fist.

    Name: Slag
    Species: Skuntank
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Darker than most others of his kind, Slag also looks rugged and rough, definitely not mindful of personal appearance. He's also larger than most Skuntanks, and as a result, throws his weight around.
    Personality: Slag simply likes to make others suffer, often with making them deadly sick. He laughs at the misery of the others, never takes anything seriously, and loves making enemy Pokémon absolutely irate.
    Other: He often likes defiling things, like enemy corpses.

    Name: Kold
    Species: Blastoise
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Kold is a beast of war, covered with various scars and marks of combat. His claws also show evidence of having been using many times, but his eyes still have that wild, berserk look in them.
    Personality: Kold is simply a monster that goes all out with fighting with the belief that there is no better death than a death in combat. While he's been injured more times than he can count, he has yet to find anyone or anything that has been able to stop him.
    Other: Kold has developed the habit of spitting on every kill he makes.

    Name: Visor
    Species: Raichu
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Bigger and tougher, Visor could be a bully to even other Raichus, but he hasn't run into too many of them. Like the others, he has a couple scars.
    Personality: Visor is a bit different from the others in the way that he serves more as a scout than as a fighter. He aspires to be respected, but he knows the full story behind ENDoG's mission in the way that he'll never be regarded as important as a human. Regardless, he likes watching combat and death from afar.
    Other: Visor has basic drawing skills, which he uses to report his scouting finds to Martin by drawing symbols, such as squares and rectangles for buildings and circles for enemy unit locations. He also knows a little about numbers, as well as basic addition and subtraction.

    Rank: Captain
    Other: Martin has full proficiency in large, two-handed heavy weapons. He is also very skilled with explosives and demolitions, knowing where to hit when it comes to structural weakpoints.

  8. #58
    DLN-000 TheProtobabe's Avatar
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    All righty, working on a post now. Cobalt and Char, hold off writing for Myra and Arianne for a bit until my post is up, please. Thank you! Sorry I'm such a slow writer D:

  9. #59
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    No worries, we'll wait ^^ I'm looking forward to seeing how this interaction goes! :D

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  10. #60
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmander009 View Post
    No worries, we'll wait ^^ I'm looking forward to seeing how this interaction goes! :D
    I secon this, especially because Myra can't use her Gallade and Jace has a Gallade ha ha


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