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  1. #11
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga

    (You would likely enjoy the theater in this world...sometimes the plays will have clues for your quest! So if you're stuck, a night at the theater will help.)
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  2. #12
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    The Elder's House

    All this attention and ceremony was starting to make her nervous. Fuyuse hadn’t expected it to do so, though she hadn’t ever really volunteered herself as a center of attention before, either. Normally it was Waka that took up everyone’s attention when they had traveled to a new town--he was the doctor, the extrovert who thrived on helping people as much as he possibly could. Her? She was content to keep position behind him, doing whatever he asked of her.

    But Fuyuse had made the decision to step out from behind him, and she needed to learn to live with it. She watched and listened to the elder with an expression that was purely impassive on her face as he detailed the goals of their journey before looking to Juno and asked her if she was prepared to undertake the journey and the perils that would come with it. Of course, she accepted.

    And then her turned his attention to the bodyguards, and asked if they were prepared to do their best to protect Juno, no matter what they faced. Her ears perked up when the man mentioned yokai, having heard stories about the creatures during her travels with Waka, but never having seen any herself. It hardly mattered, though, Fuyuse would see Juno to the end of her journey regardless of what danger they faced--she wanted the ability to search for answers, and this was her best shot at getting them. Fuyuse watched and listened as first the other woman, Nakano, responded with an “I do.”

    This was followed by a much more enthusiastic “You bet, all set to go!” from their only male companion, and Fuyuse watched in perplexion as he winked at Juno. She wasn’t sure that boded well, but she resisted the urge to sigh, instead willing herself to reply to the elder.

    “I do as well,” she said, her soft voice filled with determination.

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  4. #13
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Winter @Neo Emolga @Noblejanobii

    The elder nodded. "Very well--may the Legendaries watch over you all, and grant you their favor."

    Cheers went up at this. "Your journey begins by crossing the Great River, and Juno receiving a hamayumi--the sacred bow of miko and heroines-- from the archers at the nearby keep." the elder explained. "From the Great River Keep, you will get on the Road of Ten Thousand Miles--your main route."
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  5. #14
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Nakano Tanaka
    The Elder's House

    "Great River Keep," Nakano mumbled, "seems simple enough." She turned to her father and said, "Guess it's time for goodbyes then. She exchanged a quick hug with him and as she pulled back, Nakano noticed that her father seemed teary eyed. And yet, Kazan had never looked prouder at the same time. This was a great honor after all, and one that while Nakano would not have to bear alone, it was still something far greater than someone her age should really be handling. Still, she was up to the test. The fate of Ransei depended on it after all.

    Nakano glanced over at the other two bodyguards that would be joining the journey. First her eyes settled on Fuyuse. She seemed frail at Nakano's first blush, but she spoke with determination, a good indicator of hidden strength. Given the weapons she had her disposal, Nakano could trust her to be a fellow warrior in arms even if it wasn't necessarily the art of the blade. Fuyuse had more potential range to her attacks though, and a lot more stealth capabilities, so all in all while they both were weapons specialists, they covered different areas.

    Kaze, on the other hand, was a bit of an interesting fellow. Nakano definitely did not miss that wink at Juno. She wasn't quite sure if he was just messing around or actually trying to flirt but either way it was eye roll inducing. Still, he was the team's only magic user, so she hoped he was as reliable as he was goofy. Or perhaps her first impression would be prove wrong as they made their way down the road. Either way, Nakano could only hope that Kaze would prove reliable in the long run.

    Nakano looked at Juno and the others and said, "Well? That Great River won't cross itself. Shall we be off then?"
    / / / / / / / /
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  6. #15
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    (will wait on the others' responses before we continue.)
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  7. #16
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Kaze Burakku
    The Elder’s House

    “Very well,” the elder nodded to Juno and her bodyguards, “may the Legendaries watch over you all, and grant you their favor.”

    Well, please let them know it’s totally okay for them to look away while I’m in the bathroom, relieving myself. Thanks!

    There were cheers, and the air was full of optimism. Kaze felt compelled to wave to the crowd and get them excited!

    “Your journey begins by crossing the Great River,” the elder instructed, “and Juno receiving a hamayumi, the sacred bow of miko and heroines, from the archers at the nearby keep. From the Great River Keep, you will get on the Road of Ten Thousand Miles, your main route.”

    So in other words, I hope you like walking!

    But Kaze was thrilled. It just sounded so interesting! He tried to picture what this sacred bow of miko and heroines looked like. Was it gold? Or silver? Or one of those sparkly crystal ones? Did it glow in the dark? Did it make any nifty sounds when it shot an arrow? Who knows! He could imagine he could think of a million different possibilities, but would the actual bow be one of them he was dreaming of, or something that even took him by surprise?

    And sure, most others would groan and moan about the thought of a “Road of Ten Thousand Miles” like a tired kid who got tired of walking and wanted mommy or daddy to carry them on the way home. But Kaze was more curious to know where and what kinds of scenery would they see on this road? Deserts, valleys, swamps, mountains, maybe even jungles or tundra? It was anyone’s guess! As Kaze always liked to say, those who use maps don’t like surprises. Let’s get lost together!

    "Well?” Nakano asked. “That Great River won't cross itself. Shall we be off then?”

    “Hey, I’m all for it!” Kaze smiled. “What are we waiting for?”

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  9. #17
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Noblejanobii @Neo Emolga @Winter

    The Great River--so named because it seemed to wind for many a mile down to the sea--formed the natural northern border to the village. Just across the bridge stood Great River Keep, a fortress built before Nobunaga began his conquest to protect the village. Not surprisingly, many still loyal to the Imperial Family kept watch from the keep.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  10. #18
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Elder's House -> The Great River

    It had been...interesting, seeing the other female bodyguard, Nakano, saying her farewells to the man Fuyuse assumed was her father after the elder gave them the first stop on their journey and explained what they would find there. She considered her own farewells said before she joined the group, though she impulsively found herself making a few shy gestures to where she'd spotted him in the crowd, likely intent on watching the group until they left. I will stay safe. Carry you in my memories. She found herself smiling slightly as he repeated the motions back to her--I will stay safe. Carry you in my memories. It was such a curious phrase, but it had come to her the first time Waka had felt confident enough to leave her with only Hanzo and Hitomi for company while he ran an errand, and they'd been using it here and there ever since. Meanwhile, it seemed as though the only male bodyguard had no one in town to bid farewell to, in fact, he seemed eager to leave.

    "Well? That Great River won't cross itself. Shall we be off then?" Fuyuse blinked herself out of her thoughts as Nakano spoke to Juno.

    Seemingly a ball of energy, Kaze spoke up next, saying he was all for heading out and asking what they were waiting for. Not much for words herself, Fuyuse simply nodded and started walking, Hitomi hovering close to her side while Hanzo directed his attention to Daisho, a sound like an eerie, hissing laugh issuing from his mouth before Daisho moved ahead. After having taken a few steps, she turned back to the group and inclined her head towards their intended path as if to say Well? Come on, then.

    The Great River, mercifully, wasn't far, serving as the northern border to the village, and as the group neared the river, Fuyuse found herself eyeing the Great River Keep, wondering if their task to help Juno retrieve this sacred bow from the keep was going to be as simple as the Elder had made it sound. When they got close enough, she turned to the others, starting a sweeping gesture to indicate entire group before stopping herself, shaking her head. Old habits were going to die hard, it seemed. With a sigh she willed herself to speak. "Do we know if the people here are friendly towards our cause? Should we be wary of trouble this early on?" she asked, her gaze shifting between the Juno and the other two guards.

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  12. #19
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    "Have they given you any reason to believe they have less than noble intentions?" Juno asked, her voice calm and reassuring. "The residents of the keep have provided protection for the village for a long time. It would be very out of character for the elder to send us to a dangerous place."
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  13. #20
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Nakano Tanaka
    The Elder's House -> The Great River

    As the group left the village and began to venture towards the Great River Keep, Nakano found herself starting to contemplate what sort of trials they might face ahead. Although the Elder made it sound relatively easy, Nakano knew things were rarely as they seemed. Perhaps the Great River Keep might hold a test or trial for Juno or perhaps the entire party to partake in before they retrieved the bow. The Elder had been sparse on the details of it so she couldn't know for sure with these kinds of things. It appeared she wasn't the only one contemplating this possibility though, as Fuyuse stopped and spoke up.

    "Do we know if the people here are friendly towards our cause? Should we be wary of trouble this early on?"

    Before either Kaze or Nakano could respond, Juno came back with a quick response in a calm voice. "Have they given you any reason to believe they have less than noble intentions? The residents of the keep have provided protection for the village for a long time. It would be very out of character for the elder to send us to a dangerous place."

    This response admittedly irked Nakano a bit. How in Ransei was she supposed to have that knowledge? Keeping a level voice, Nakano responded, "With all due respect, Rainbow Goddess, with Nobunaga as powerful as he is, who's to say there isn't a spy hidden amongst their ranks waiting to harm you? As our bodyguards, it's our duty to be skeptical since it may be a matter of life or death to you, especially when we lack any sort of background information about the location beyond what you've told us just now. I'm not from the village. This was actually my first time visiting. And my assumption is that might be the case for uh...." Nakano fumbled a moment, the realization hitting her that she didn't even know the names of two of the people she was traveling with. "...the other two bodyguards. So at least for me, I don't really know much about this location at all and was a bit wary of it myself."

    "Dew dewott," Kichirou spoke up while tugging on Nakano. Nakano glanced over at her partner and nodded after a moment. He had a point.

    "We barely know each other at all so I can't really blame any of us for assuming the others do or don't have knowledge of certain things. I know we're in a hurry but maybe we could take a moment to introduce ourselves and where we're from? Because I just realized I don't actually know either of your names," Nakano said as she looked at her fellow bodyguards, "and if I need to call for assistance that would probably be essential."

    "I can go first." Nakano and Kichirou bowed towards their comrades. "I am Nakano Tanaka and this is my partner, Kichirou. We are from the kingdom of Fontaine."
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