First off I would like to stress that here at PXR we respect each other's opinions. As such, any disrespectful comments will be reported. Arguing in this thread will lead to it's deletion.

Right, now that's out of the way...

I'm really interested in demographics (sad? yes) and PXR is no exception. As such, I was wondering what religions you guys are, or if you're non-religious (e.g. atheist, agnostic...). Is there any reason why? What do you like about your religion/lack of it?

Personally, I'm atheist. I'm not entirely sure why to be honest - I was brought up religious but I was never interested in it. I guess it's a bit like how some religious people say they "just believe" in their god(s). I just don't believe. However, I do draw extremely heavily on the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, because I love the way it emphasises having a clear mind and being compassionate to others!