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  1. #11
    #daveswagger Fizz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    J-POP. That's really all I listen to nowadays....
    will you be my
    h e r o ?

  2. #12
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!
    I'll listen to almost anything, but I draw the line at too much screaming guitars, explicit lyrics,"music" that is just noise, opera (but I do have some exceptions to this), and anything that doesn't have an enjoyable melody.

    That said, I have a particular soft spot for Celtic, Asian, jazz, 80's and 90's pop, and anime and game music

  3. #13
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I like a wide variety of music: pop, rock, the occasional country song (NOTE: OCCASIONAL), but I especially love orchestral pieces; movie soundtracks, video game music... and something I've just come to call "epic music"--songs by companies like Future World Music, Two Steps from Hell, Audiomachine, and the like ^^ They make music for movie trailers, and, as part of the business, it's made to be loud, dramatic, and, well, epic! :D

    Right now I'm on a Celtic kick, thanks to EmeraldSky, actually, lol

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Charmander009 View Post
    ...and something I've just come to call "epic music"--songs by companies like Future World Music, Two Steps from Hell, Audiomachine, and the like ^^

    OH MY GOSH YOU AWESOMECAKE. I LOVE THEM TOO. And Immediate Music, and X-Ray Dog isn't bad. Also West One Music has decent stuff. ^^ But TSFH most prominently. I love you even mooooooooaaaarrrrrr now. <3333333 That music is so good for stories. xD

    As for my music, well symphonic/gothic metal is my favourite genre; I like one metalcore band; I have a lot of older favourites from the pop genre (Tina Arena, Delta Goodrem (not any of her new music...)). Although I listen to basically nothing on the radio since I dislike it all. I also have a soft spot for some indie rock, and then of course, as stated above by Char, trailer music by awesome companies. xD And also soundtracks from games and TV shows.


  5. #15
    URPG Official/Head of Contests SLC's Avatar
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    In general, I'm pretty open to most genres. My main genre is rock, though. I wouldn't say I like metal that much, but I do like post hardcore stuff. I'm also a fan of indie music, and to a lesser extent electronic music, which I love when mixed into any of the forementioned genres.

  6. #16
    d r e a m e r Felly's Avatar
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    In the cardboard box in front of your house.
    Like SLC, I'm pretty open about what I listen to as well. Most of my stuff is soundtracks or pop right now though.

  7. #17
    I enjoy Dubstep, Electro, Drum & Bass, Drumstep, Rock, Hip Hop, Glitch Hop, Metal, Orchestral, Trance, Ambient, Chill Out, Downtempo, House, Grunge, Filmscore, etc.

    Everything really. Except country music. Country sucks. If I wanted to hear about a person's high school drama/heartache, I'd watch Dawson's Creek.

  8. #18
    Cosmic Toa Professor Cosmos's Avatar
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    On my way to Andromeda
    I'm into Jazz, VGM, Classical and a little bit of Kpop and Jpop.

    Although, I enjoy all types of music, but I can't stand bad music, no matter the genre.

  9. #19
    ♥ Sexy Kitties Caite-chan's Avatar

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    Vermillion City
    I can listen to just about anything really...but I love Techno/Trance/Electronic and will listen to Smooth Jazz at night when I sleep.

  10. #20
    ಠ_ಠ Elbub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hoenn, currently
    I will listen to pretty much anything providing it has decent lyrics and an agreeable tune. My iPod probably favours Rock music over all, but I think I've got every genre of music imaginable on there, unless you get really obscure.
    Completing Generation III

    Heartfelt thanks to Neo Emolga for my avatar!


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