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  1. #11
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Thanks. And one more.

    Name: Janine "Angel" Price
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Team: Team Aqua

    Description: Janine stands 5'8" and has long, brown hair that flows down her back and slightly curls towards the ends. Meanwhile, she has green irises and usually wears a casual, cheerful, no worries kind of expression on her face. Meanwhile, she has a slim, healthy build, and also happens to be a vegetarian. She also undergoes a lot of cardio training by running and swimming. Meanwhile, she also doesn't mind getting a little dirty from adventure and rowdy fun.

    As Janine Price is one of Team Aqua's best scientists and chemists aside from Tyrus Hale, you'd never think she was one. She dresses in the traditional Team Aqua uniform with a blue bandana, black and white cutoff shirt, and blue jeans with black fingerless gloves. in addition, she has a brown, leather belt with her Pokéballs and a tiny plush Buneary key chain hanging from it. She also likes to carry a white backpack around as well, which contains all her stuff.

    Personality: Reckless, naive, and to some she's probably clinically insane, Janine Price is quite unpredictable in terms of behavior. Meanwhile, things she considers fun and interesting are things others would consider ridiculous and psychotic. Very rarely does she think about the consequences of her rather reckless actions in her love for adventure, but if something does go wrong, to her it's usually no biggie, as long as a lot of blood and guts aren't involved. As a result, she does stuff that gets her into trouble, thinks the consequences are always reversible or can just be easily put up with, and generally is fun-loving and welcomes the opportunity to do something wild, fun, and crazy.

    Janine adores cute and adorable things, and has a Pokémon team to match that kind of aspiration. She's one of those kinds of trainers that would rather try to win with her favorites than try to win with tough, powerful Pokémon. In addition, she loves sweet and sugary things like candy and ice cream, and her favorite colors are pink and white. While the mission for Team Aqua has put her in a spot that's probably far away from those things, she's out to have a good time with it anyway. Her strategy consists of making her enemies feel like idiots and fall under sheer humiliation.

    She's also knowledgeable in terms of science and computers, although she goes out of her way to avoid appearing to look like a geek or a nerd. She knows her biology and chemistry, but likes to use "real people" terms instead of the usual scientific jargon and avoids acronyms whenever possible. Meanwhile, she's also an expert computer hacker and programmer, usually into dismantling serious-looking government and corporate websites, and then upload something much more cheerful-looking with flowers, cute Pokémon, and rainbows. She also knows how to break into databases, but only does it when she's bored, and doesn't usually do it to be malicious or destructive, usually just to say she could do it. Usually most of the stuff she uncovers is pretty boring.

    Janine is one of Team Aqua's stars when it comes to the research and development of new drugs, chemicals, and even her latest work, mutagens. She just loves messing around with various things to help benefit Team Aqua and make every one of her enemies be subject to sheer humiliation and mayhem.

    Background: Janine was born in Driftveil City, Unova, to her father Douglas Price and her mother Karen Price. Even as a baby, Janine liked to get around, started walking at an early age, and explore unknown places in her wanderlust. As she got older, she liked to spend time outside and had a fondness for cute Pokémon.

    She hated school though, very easily bored except when she was outside during recess or during gym classes. She liked science a bit, since that also involved outside stuff at times, but she really couldn't stand reading, history, and really hated math. She'd do the work okay and she understood the material, but couldn't wait until it was over. She liked science because she liked to screw around with stuff during labs and learn all the fascinating things living creatures do. Meanwhile, she liked computer classes, but for the wrong reasons. She wasn't so keen about learning "other people's" software as opposed to making her own programs and making the computer essentially be her slave and force them do what she wanted, which sometimes included stupid, funny, or adorable things. Early on, she got into the inner groundwork of computers, trying not to be an extreme geek about it, but easily understood that computers were incredibly fast but also incredibly stupid machines, and were only as "smart" as the ones who programmed them to be.

    Going on a Pokémon journey was the best part of her life, but she got too carried away with it, taking too long to complete her journey from the endless amount of distractions she got into along the way. Two years into it and only three badges later, she had to head back to school to continue her education, and she was pretty bummed out about it. So, she majored in biology with a minor in computer science, although with a bit of regret as she was constantly in "nerd herds" with her fellow classmates. She did great in terms of grades, but after graduating, she was very badly screwed over with student loans, and had over $50K in debt. She also had trouble getting a job, as her resume looked good and companies brought her in for interviews, but it was the interview itself she screwed up, sometimes forgetting to dress formally, or just plain not taking it seriously and decided to have a fun chat with the hiring managers and human resources employees rather than talk about the positions themselves.

    The debt she owed got a little too out of control with interest and other expenses lining up to make a massacre out of her credit score, so she decided to work as a waitress for the S.S. Anne cruise liner for minimum wage to try and keep up with the monthly debt charges. However, her resume fell under the scrutiny of Team Aqua during a voyage to Slateport City, who definitely felt her skills, despite her manic and eccentric behavior, would be way better suited toward helping Aqua design new chemical agents and formulas. Their gamble paid off, as Janine was able to concoct two drugs, Jetz and Hazel, that became high money-makers which helped fund Team Aqua even further. Jetz helped Pokémon ignore pain and injuries in battle and gave them a boost of speed and manic energy while Hazel was known for putting Pokémon in a very euphoric state, similar to hallucinogenic drugs, only for Pokémon. Right now, she's working on several others that hope to be big sellers, although there are a few fellow Team Aqua members that feel she's a bit on the mad scientist side of things.


    Lopunny (Jubilee)
    Cinccino (Cream)
    Raichu (Skippy)
    Lapras (Wish)
    Milotic (Pearl)
    Azumarill (Splash)

    Other: Janine doesn't often get into combat, but when she does, her weapon of choice usually consists of submachine guns or machine pistols. She wastes a lot of ammo, however.

  2. #12
    Moribund Warrior-Poet Lord Celebi's Avatar
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    Your other character is also accepted.

  3. #13
    Name: Zach Pierce
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Team: Team Aqua

    Description: Zach stands at 6’1’’ and has a lean, acrobatic body, suiting his fluid combat style. While he may not seem physically large or imposing at first, a look into his sharp ice blue eyes can easily cause someone to lose their train of thought and fall into fear. Zach has a fairly white complexion and short jet black hair. Nowadays he almost never wears civilian clothes and instead wears a converted Hoenn special ops uniform with some Aqua insignia on the left shoulder. This uniform is made of Kevlar armor plates. He has two pistols are holstered at his sides, and he has two combat blades that are strapped to his back. Alongside his combat belt is an assortment of grenades, each clipped tightly against his waist. Finally, three 6 inch throwing knives are clipped to the top of his forearm armor.

    Personality: Zach is a no-nonsense man. As a squad leader, and highly trained special forces member, he has become a stone cold man, with little taste for humor. His only amusement comes from the thrill of combat, although even then he has a level head suited to analyze the battle situation in front of him. Zach also seems to have little value for his own life, considering the amount of missions he has taken that seem meant for only suicide squads and those with a death wish. No one has ever known Zach to have any real emotional connection to anything, and although this hasn’t caused him to endanger squad mates, this is more because of their logistical and practical value rather than emotional connection.

    Zach has an in depth knowledge of small scale combat, infiltration missions, and other insurgency type operations. He specializes in lethal strikes and assassinations, without even making his presence known. For Zach, he is one that will accomplish his mission. Once that is done he only cares for himself and what’s convenient for him. He is hardly a man of ambition, and one that seems to be throwing himself into causes as a distraction from something else.

    Background: Zach was born in Rustboro City, however by the age of 9, his parents had both died in a fire that enveloped their building. With no family anywhere close to him, he was thrown into foster care in Rustboro and by the age of 13 was adopted by a high ranking military man in Hoenn. Zach’s new father didn’t have children because his wife had passed away from cancer very early in her life and he chose not to remarry because of his busy military life.

    However, he often had to travel around the region to different posts. Zach had already had a tough time transitioning to foster care and struggled, being unwanted for years and then thrown into what was hardly a family. He never had the opportunity to settle down and make friends, and thus he was stuck with a fair, and nice father, but one that never showed him love. His father was more of a stern coach and teacher than a loving parent. Zach was never happy as a teenager, but never unhappy. By the time he graduated high school he had almost no real interests as he never had the chance of doing anything consistently before moving.
    His father being such high military brass his most interesting opportunity was to join Hoenn’s finest military academy where he developed physically as well as mentally. In his younger years, he only had time to succeed in school and was able to transfer his focus to this and developed a tactical mind that put him in Special Forces right as he graduated the academy at 21. Covert and black ops missions became a regular occasion for him. He saw his foster father maybe once a year, and everything was on an almost entirely professional basis.

    Zach was a squad leader at 26 years of age and his father had passed away shortly after the fact. Over the next two years he became renowned for his lack of casualties as well as ability to be unnoticed. This ability was underestimated by almost all of Hoenn intelligence as Zach would occasionally keep tabs on classified information and had discovered the true nature of the Burst Hearts not long after receiving one himself. He participated in many of the operations Hoenn conducted in bullying the rest of the world.

    However, Zach’s foray into secret intelligence went afoul as he was discovered upon reading on the report on Incident 731. Zach had been placed on a wanted dead or alive notice, but wielding a Burst Heart as well as some of Hoenn’s finest equipment, escaping a facility he knew by heart was not a problem. Only a week after escaping he heard of the hijack of the Angelwing and it wasn’t long before he was one of those recruited into Team Aqua. Now he operates in the same way that he did before, performing covert missions, trying to disable and dismantle the Hoenn military that he had served for years.

    Pokemon: Greninja, Dragalge, Bisharp, Accelgor, Aegisslash, Talonflame

    Other: Is a stealth and close combat quarters master. He has a variety of tactical grenades, dual silenced M9s, and two 16 inch combat blades, and a set of 6 6 inch throwing knives. He operates with a small squad of soldiers that he leads. These will be referenced through future posts. He wears state of the art Kevlar armor meant for mobility(Think Batman’s suit in The Dark Knight)

  4. #14
    Moribund Warrior-Poet Lord Celebi's Avatar
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    May 2013

  5. #15
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?
    Warning: Long *** background is long.

    Name: Alastair Harper

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Team: Team Awesome


    Everything about Alastair looks absolutely disarming. He is large, standing about two meters tall, but while he isn’t overweight, he clearly has a bit of pudge to him, making his face look more babyish. His wide eyes are a soft gray, and his shock of dark auburn hair often threatens to cover his eyes. When he smiles, he dimples, and the world seems to light up around him. His skin is a healthy olive tone, slightly darker because of exposure. He wears a loose gray hoodie that still fails to completely cover his arms, and a relaxed pair of jeans. However, the gray hoodie manages to conceal some of the best modern (and hidden) body armor money can buy.

    Everyone’s first reaction upon meeting Alastair Harper is “Oh my God, he’s so nice!” Each interaction after that only reinforces this impression. Anyone who cares to look deeper will find a very loving and caring soul, one that looks out for everyone and is filled with compassion. People and Pokemon tend to trust him implicitly, and he returns their trust with a level of care and kindness that would make even the most bitter cynic smile. His level of caring for others combined with his powerful position has led to him becoming a focal point in Johto politics, as very few want to hurt him, both out of personal desire and out of self interest.

    However, very rarely does anyone notice that the man with the heart of a saint also has the mind of a brilliant commander. Alastair has a gift for tactical thinking on and off the battlefield. He can read people extremely well, to the point where it’s usually a pointless endeavor to try to lie to him. While he’s not vicious about it, he knows exactly how to position his pieces so that they best suit him in combat. But he really shines when it comes to inventing new tactics. Combining Brine with Rain Dance to make salt water fall from the sky, clearly attempting to bait someone into a bunch of Spikes only for them to avoid it by tripping a more hidden Stealth Rock instead, tuning the frequency of a Bug Buzz to precisely shatter certain materials are not even the beginning of what he can invent on the spot in the battlefield or in the broader context of manipulations. When diplomacy doesn’t work, there’s violence, and when violence fails, there’s diplomacy, and when both are unavailable there’s an ability to BS his way out of situations with both improvisations and plans within plans within plans.

    However, if one manages to pierce through his kindness and his deceptions and his kind deceptions, they might be able to see a hint of a pain and sorrow so deep it could drown the world. Alastair, despite being friendly and benevolent, does not trust anyone. He uses his lies to shroud himself from even the people who should be closest to him, always wary and watching. He may smile to your face, but he always has a knife positioned near your back, even if he doesn’t intend to use unless he learns that you’re trying to hurt him first. It’s messed up, he knows it’s messed up, and his inner practicality and his innate goodness have been warring with each other to yield an impossible guilt. For though he apparently has it all, there is /something/, a secret or circumstance, that has clearly deeply affected his life, and it is clear to any who seem him in earnest battle that he has /experience/ with life or death circumstances. Though he is benevolent no matter how deep you peel back his facades, it is increasingly clear that he is nowhere near being merely the naive rich boy most people assume him to be.


    Alastair would argue his story began not when he was born, but when he was seven years old. Though he will never say what happened that made him mark it as the first significant event of his life, it has just as clearly deeply affected him and caused a significant amount of distance between him and his parents, his mother in particular. Though it was never overt enough that Alastair could call her out on it, his mother began to abuse him: not physically, but emotionally. Subtle put downs, lauding his accomplishments just a little less, focusing on his flaws just a little more, pressure that Alastair could never actually qualify, give a name. Alastair grinned and beared it, never telling Oliver and especially never telling Lance how much it bugged him. Though Alastair began to grow distant from his parents, he never once deviated from Lance. For though Alastair was very friendly and he had people at his school he could hang out with, Lance was the only person he saw as being absolutely on his side, and so Alastair took every bit of care to be friends with and protect his older brother.

    So, to cope with the stresses of home, Alastair threw himself into his school work, his companions at school. He grew an extraordinarily thick skin and /learned/. He pulled off excellent grades in school, and he had a charisma that made him seem likable to nearly everyone he met. He was already perceptive, and with his growing leadership talent, he began to learn the ins and outs of social interaction as well as foster a slowly but surely growing amount of academic knowledge. Combined with just who his family was (and the money that entailed), Alastair was shaping up to become a very powerful person before he had even turned ten.

    And of course, that attracted the attention of “Uncle Van”, aka Giovanni.

    You see, Giovanni was beginning to grow old, and while Lance was in position to take over the company, Alastair appeared to Giovanni as being far more suitable to take over Team Rocket, especially since Giovanni’s son Silver was far less impressionable and far more dangerous to attempt to use in Giovanni’s opinion. But Giovanni worried about Alastair’s “softness”, i.e. the fact that he actually gave a damn about others. So, in attempts to see what Alastair was really made out of, Giovanni began to arrange “incidents”.

    Starting with Alastair turning ten years old.

    Traps began to suddenly and inexplicably spring around Alastair, forcing him to use cunning and strength and cunning to get out. Fights would erupt and people would choose him as a target, forcing him to either attempt to defuse them or flee very quickly. Even people at school were encouraged to make Alastair’s life unpleasant, forcing him to use an already growing social ability to leverage them into social non threats. These incidents began to really hit their stride about six months after they started, when Alastair stumbled on Team Rocket starting up a Pokemon mill filled with exotic Pokemon from Hoenn and Unova. A ten year old Alastair hardly fancied getting into a huge fight with Team Rocket, and instead managed to discreetly free a pair of Pokemon, a Snorunt and a Larvesta, to present as evidence for the authorities to come swarming in.

    Thankfully, the direct evidence right in front of police’s faces combined with the fact that they were getting this evidence from the son of some of the most powerful people in world managed to spur them to act extremely quickly. The responsible members of Team Rocket were put away with extreme prejudice, and pretty much all of the Pokemon who were captured to be used there were checked and released back into their natural habitats.

    All except the Snorunt and Larvesta whom Alastair removed directly. The both of them were young and had lost their parents in the process of being captured, so not only did they have nowhere to go, they latched onto Alastair and refused to be separated from him. At first, the police were worried about the complications of this (after all, they were both rare Pokemon not native to Johto), but Alastair managed to point out that his family easily had the resources to take care of them both 5 times over without missing anything from their enormous fortune. Of course, the police needed to talk to a legal guardian, so Alastair both made sure they did not talk to his mother and called Lance ahead of time so his big brother could help convince Oliver with Alastair. After that incident, Alastair doted on the pair as much as he could. But the “incidents” only increased in number and severity, and so he was made to train them so that the three of them could survive the increasingly nasty situations.

    Alastair trained his Pokemon very well, of course, but he hardly had the luxury to just sit around in between incidents, hoping he would stay alive the next time they happened. The incidents gave him an advantage of being owed lots of favors, and he knew that they happened too often and in far too quick succession to be coincidental. So he began to leverage his growing amount of power into discreetly attempting to figure out who was the cause behind these events.

    The same day he found out about “Uncle Van” was the same he “spontaneously” decided to go on a Pokemon journey. He felt bad about leaving a returning Lance behind, but decided that self preservation was more important than guilt. Of course, he made sure to stay in contact with Lance, but it wasn’t the same.

    His journey made him a fair amount of friends, including a trainer named Lenore. He built up a reputation as being powerful in both position and combat, using his powerful Pokemon extremely creatively to devastating effect. Both before and after the fall of Harper industries, he’s had his fingers in all sorts of pies, from the stock market, to the police, to the underworld, and he’s been worrying Giovanni with his competence. After the death of Mary and Oliver, he returned to Goldenrod with Lenore in tow (hired as a bodyguard for Lance), fighting a war that is secretly on two fronts, not one.


    Froslass (Onna, F)
    Honchkrow (Simurgh, F)
    Garchomp (Behemoth, M)
    Volcorona (Abaddon, M)
    Starmie (Leviathan, n/a, referred to as M)
    Roserade (Kodama, F)

    Other: n/a
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

    Banner by Neo Emolga!

  6. #16
    Moribund Warrior-Poet Lord Celebi's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Welcome to the RP, Death's Spook.
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds.
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He's told us not to blow it 'cause he knows it's all worthwhile.

  7. #17
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Name: Lenore Valdis.

    Gender: Female.

    Age: 23 years.

    Team: Awesome.

    Description: Lenore is fit, and it shows. She stands at roughly 6’, and she has a broad build. While there is a little bit of natural chub around her lower body, hiking, Burst Heart training, and plenty of physical exercise have left her overall muscle tone far from unimpressive. She has several small scars from miscellaneous Pokemon encounters. Her skin, a mix of her mother’s deep brown and her father’s pale white, appears a rich, dark tan color; her eyes are dark brown, and her blond, ringlet hair is usually kept in a ponytail (for skin tone and hair color, imagine someone similar to this woman). While she enjoys looking good, she typically dresses for field work, wearing plenty of pockets, well-insulated clothing, and shoes good for walking or running. Her well-stocked backpack is pretty much ever present.

    Personality: Strength seems to be Lenore’s defining trait in will, mind, and body. She is constantly learning, constantly chasing knowledge; she hates to be still or contained, both in terms of location and character. Because of this, she has a tendency to come into conflict with those of a higher status than her, as her natural confident and independent nature makes her less than endearing to her social, academic, or vocational superiors. Although her pride is a stumbling block in her relations, it is not entirely unfounded - thanks to her upbringing she brings a wealth of information to the table.

    Other side effects of her upbringing include perceptiveness, quick wit, and cool emotionlessness, especially in battle. While Lenore is rarely cold or emotionally distant in interpersonal relationships, she is capable of masking her emotions quite well, an ability that comes in handy when one is constantly battling for cash in the streets or playing bodyguard to a man caught up in incredibly dangerous war. To most people, she’s friendly, warm, and kind, even playful, but she takes her work seriously and has very sharp focus. Her aspirations run high, and she honestly believes that she and her Pokemon can change the world.

    Background: Once upon a time, a young woman named Cecilia entered the Ecruteak Gym and dealt its leader a sound defeat. Her spirit and grace attracted Morty’s attention, and the two of them began to date. A few years later, rings on their hands, they began to watch their little daughter Lenore grow up. They gave her her first Pokemon companion at the tender age of seven - a young Absol named Micah, whom Cecilia had found skulking about near the base of the Burned Tower. That was the time Lenore began to train Pokemon, but it was also the time her eyes were opened to yet another world of wonder. Her father’s brother, a cloaked, showy man by the name of Eusine, paid Morty regular visits, and Lenore would stay up for hours while the adults shared stories of huntings for and sightings of great Legendary Pokemon. She quickly became enamored; rainbow-winged birds, fire-spitting lions, and leopards with the wind in their paws filled her dreams. Morty and Cecilia warned her not to pay too much attention to uncle Eusine; they believed in the Legends, but they also believed that the Legends only appeared in times of need to the worthy and Eusine was “definitely needy, but just as definitely unworthy”.

    However, Lenore saw an opportunity in Eusine that would not have been present otherwise - all traveling scholars needed protection in wild places, after all, and through her parents’ coaching Lenore had grown more than skilled enough for the job. Furthermore, she believed that such a journey would be much richer in opportunity and learning than the travels of a normal Trainer. She convinced Eusine to take her on as a partner and protector at the age of eighteen, and left home.

    Eusine was a wonderful storyteller and a well-versed scholar. Thanks to the old money running through his family, who had a history in the well-paying industry of Gym leading, he had no problem paying Lenore a decent salary. However, he was also egotistical, arrogant, childish, and - though not, thankfully, to his niece - an obnoxious womanizer. Lenore worked for him for about a year and a half before she decided that she absolutely could not stand him anymore, then quit and tried to strike out on her own as a solo researcher.

    A combination of her youth, her independent nature, and a general lack of need for her particular skillset left finding work difficult. More and more often she discovered herself battling her Pokemon, using winnings from the bets as a source of income. It was a tough lifestyle to manage, but her team grew ever stronger and larger, and soon she found herself winning more and more frequently; her earnings ranged from cash to supplies to even one of those strange, rare stones called the Burst Hearts. Slowly she began to build up a nest egg for herself, one that she planned to use to find her own expeditions in hunting for the Legends.

    That plan was shattered when the war broke out. By all accounts Lenore could find, the Legends fled once Johto came under attack; what’s more, the ordered League battles began to fall apart as fewer and fewer had the money to gamble with. Lenore was forced to hunt for solid work and was on the brink of signing onto the Johto military when an old friend contacted her. Alistair Harper, whom she had met shortly before she left with Eusine after he tore through her father's gym, offered her a position as the bodyguard of his brother, the heir to Harper Industries. Lenore had dozens of questions about the situation in general, but she held her tongue, resolving to keep her mouth shut and learn by watching, if at all. After all, her main objective - the money - was not in jeopardy. Now she resides wherever Lance resides - Goldenrod City, currently - while she builds up funds and information enough to track down the Legends and bring them back to Johto in the hopes of restoring the nation's pride and peace.

    Pokemon: Micah/Absol/M/Pressure/Docile/Alert to sounds.
    Deborah/Xatu/F/Synchronize/Lonely/Often lost in thought.
    Miriam/Feraligatr/F/Torrent/Adamant/Loves to eat.
    Amos/Nidoking/M/Poison Point/Quiet/Capable of taking hits.
    Asiyah/Arcanine/F/Intimidate/Rash/Likes to run.

    Other: Niece to Eusine; the two do not get along particularly well, but they still collaborate and share findings while keeping their face-to-face interaction minimal. Is acquainted with most of the Silver League members and some of their immediate family but is not close with any of them. Has a good relationship with Morty and Cecilia Valdis, and they try to keep in touch where it is practical.

    Lenore prepares for pretty much any situation. Her bag includes a camera and backup batteries, notepads and pencils, a Swiss army knife, matches, and a first-aid kit for human or Pokemon use. She also carries a nine millimeter pistol and a spare magazine; at one point she kept it concealed but has recently begun wearing it openly.

    Lenore's backstory as pertains to the canonical characters has been greenlit by Xaiku, if that matters.
    Last edited by VeloJello; 07-18-2014 at 07:04 PM.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  8. #18
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    Feb 2013

    Name: Claressa Nissa

    Gender: Female

    Age: 45

    Team: Awesome

    Description: Well, to be frank, Claressa isn’t much of a “fashionista”. Her normal garb is essentially the standard white, sleeved overcoat on top of the v-necked pink scrub shirt and drawstring pants, made of the finest Whimsicott cotton (Mareep used to be the norm, but the unfortunate side effect of it doubling in size when there was static electricity present quickly annoyed doctors). The overcoat does button in the front and on the wrists, and it also has a small pocket protector for at least three pens that she constantly carries with her. Her shoes are worn white sneakers, constantly cleaned but showing signs of age. She carries her brown hair up in a bun, and sometimes beneath the typical bouffant surgical cap.

    Her normal appearance has her hair let down or in a ponytail, falling to a length on par with her shoulder blades. She stands at a solid 5’3”, and weighs in at around 123 lbs. She swaps her sneakers out for brown leather sandals, which compliment her peach skin tone nicely. She has a green skirt that sits well below the knees and has an illustration of red roses and white daisies upon it, while her shirt is a simple white necked red blouse that has flowing sleeves that go to the elbow. Glasses sit and shield her amber eyes, and while she may be older she shows only the slightest hint of wrinkling and Murkow’s feet.

    Personality: Claressa is, in one word, blunt. She doesn’t really believe in sugarcoating a situation since it inevitably leads to more harm being done in the future, and any attempts she makes come off as undeniably awkward and forced. That being said she does not have a cold heart, as she genuinely follows what she believes is right. Don’t like it? Too bad, your feelings are taken into consideration but if the benefit outweighs it, she’ll continue what she was doing. She tries to avoid loss of life but understands that sometimes it is necessary for the survival of others.

    Hand in hand with that, however, is a severe stubbornness. Claressa is known for having a head that is harder than an Aggron, and a temper that can be as bad as a Charizard. She prefers to do things her way since she often sees it as being the most effective, and convincing her otherwise can waste valuable time and energy. There are times she will cave and give in if the evidence vastly outweighs hers – or if she is overruled by, say, the chief medical doctor – but most of the time she doesn’t. To be fair, her intelligence often means her decisions are around the best options available, so going her route generally doesn’t result in much harm to begin with.

    If pushed to extremes, she can become violent, although she much prefers to throw things from a distance than physically punch. She’s not exactly Wonder Woman, and relies more on her intelligence than strength to get out of a sticky situation. If she doesn’t know something, she will do whatever she can to learn about it if she deems it important to know – baking the perfect cake would not be on the priority list compared to learning a new technique to deal with blood clots. Her mind can be encyclopedic with whatever interests her, but she can be forgetful with many other subjects, leading to some exasperation from colleagues and family. Yes, she has forgotten to get the turkey for Thanksgiving before, and no, she doesn’t like to talk about it.

    Background: Claressa Nissa was born to the Azalea Town ranchers Don and Lillian, who raised a large majority of Pokemon for food and important products. This included but was not limited to honey, milk, meat, berries, apricorns, as well as famous racing Rapidash. Perhaps more famous than their Rapidash was the aprijuice they often blended, serving as both a potent drink for people and Pokemon alike, as the ranchers had found a way through fertilizer to create large trees that grew the nuts (thus allowing harvesting of many a day rather than only one per tree). They were modestly successful, refusing to industrialize so as to preserve the land around them.

    As much as Claressa loved working on the ranch, she was more interested in how their juices affected people. Those who were physically weak were given that which increased strength, the mind was sharpened by skill…So many effects, so little time. She adored the health classes she had to take in school, and quickly settled on a medical career. Graduating from high school with a 3.9 GPA, she attended Goldenrod University, quickly pursuing a medical student path. Undeniably she began to work at the hospital in that very same city, and when she was twenty-two, was helping the lead doctor deliver a child from a Mr. and Mrs. Harper. Two years later she helped deliver their second child, which proved to be slightly more eventful.

    Pursing her Ph.D. when she was 30, she studied the effects of aprijuice and helped diagnose the effects it had on growth in infants as well as the cost of overuse. She developed and created a book, “To Juice or Not To Juice?”, which became popular among health professionals as well as dieticians, coaches, trainers, and breeders alike, leading to a decent amount of money that promptly went into more research, such as combining the effects of apricorns and berries into one. Seriously, she was surprised no one else had thought of that already.
    Harper Industries helped support her research – as well as the hospital itself – as well, in part due to her watchful eye on their children for checkups and a general desire to help the human race. When the two founders were brutally murdered, Claressa attended the funeral, and although she did not speak much she did express grief over such needless loss of life that only wanted to support the world. In the next instant, the company was failing and the hospital lost a very good amount of supportive money – which had helped it be one of the more technologically advanced medical facilities out there – and then…war.

    Some idiot in Hoenn thought it’d be a good idea to flex power and start causing trouble all over something called a Burst Heart. Claressa wasn’t convinced about these items in the first place – it did not seem much research went into the long term effects it had on people, and as far as she was concerned anyone who used them often was a walking health hazard. Money was a funny thing however, and it made people focus on short term gain rather than long term problems. Before she knew it, Kanto and Johto – having long since been allies – were suddenly fighting each other over brutal accusations that could have been solved if Kanto had simply sent over a squad to help investigate the explosion rather than jump to conclusions. It did not help that someone was hiding in Johto apparently with a more powerful Burst Heart, and now every single region in the friggin’ world was knocking on their doorstep.

    War is pointless, and now Claressa spends her time in the hospital helping the wounded people and Pokemon alike. Goldenrod was an immediate target due to being such an economical powerhouse for Johto, but the hospital was not. Perhaps some humanity had remained so that a place for the wounded was not to be touched, but their supplies on the other hand were another story. Her parent's ranch had so far escaped unharmed and was still supplying them the best they could, but the hospital is getting full and sickness is spreading. She researches the Burst Heart's effects and ways to nullify it while doing her job and praying to Arceus that some common sense will get drilled into everyone's head.

    Sympathy (Audino, F)
    Joy (Blissey, F)
    Herby (Bayleef, M)
    Circus (Pyroar, M)
    Rayne (Alomomola, F)

    Other: NPC’s include her parents and family, as well as a fighter pilot named Tony Shoater who, basically, has a giant crush on her and has for years. He’s a bit injured and is at the hospital for the time being, and she has given her Burst Heart – obtained from a dying smuggler that had arrived in it – to him, so she can study effects as he uses it. His Pokemon will be revealed eventually but he has a Dragonite as a main companion.

    As for weapons…she doesn’t use any. She’s a doctor, so I suppose if she did, she’d know where to hit. The worst you have to worry about is her throwing beakers at you or maybe coming at you with a syringe or scalpel if really threatened, but yeah.

    The hospital treats ANYONE. Doctors can’t turn someone away who asks for help, and frankly by showing some hospitality to people from other regions it might turn the general feeling of “BURN THEM ALL” to “SAVE THEM ALL”.

    And who needs a car when you have a Pyroar you can ride? :3


    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  9. #19
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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  10. #20
    Experienced Trainer bronislav84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    Name: Karai "Kar" Horoshi

    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Team: Aqua

    Description: First of all reference pics. I don't know who the authors are because I found these on Goggle Image Search, but I will say that I don't own these pictures. They're not 100% to my character and she's only based on Hikage, but I will explain the differences where applicable. Warning: May be NSFW.

    She's 5'6". She has brown eyes, black hair, and average Caucasian skin.

    She has a small nose, high cheekbones, and luscious lips that you just want to kiss and never stop kissing. Her black hair is long down to her hips, a little puffy due to hairstyle, and has wispy bangs that hang low enough to barely cover her eyebrows. The bangs and hair wave when she walks. She also has a tattoo which looks like a necklace. See reference picture.

    From the shoulders to her fingers, her skin is incredibly shiny. The reason for this is it's 100% scars from cutting herself. When a scar heals it makes the skin shiny. She sometimes has new cuts, but lately she stopped cutting herself so it's not often she has new cuts anymore.

    She is extremely top heavy, and her official size is 40I. She has the same tattoos as Hikage, but hers are on the right instead of the left. She exercises as often as possible so she has a thin waist and wide hips. She has the average amount of muscle on her arms and legs. She's basically very lean and curvy in all the right places.

    Now the clothes.

    See pic for shirt. It's sky blue where Hikage has hers yellow. It has a snake pattern in black and white.

    She has gloves which don't really cover anything, from the middle of her arms down to her hands. They look like belts. Disregard the knives as weapons. Although she uses many weapons, her primary weapon is a pair of gauntlets with three metal claws that retract into the gauntlet. See picture for the what the "gloves" look like.

    For pants she wears ripped jeans with a snake pattern, and belts below the knee like on her arms. The jeans are very tight-fitting. They aren't fully closed and only stay on her just because they're tight. She wears a belt but that's not closed either. The jeans cover what needs to be covered.

    She also has basic black shoes that make no sounds when she walks, so she can sneak up on anybody.

    The colors change from day to day, but the outfit really doesn't.

    Personality: Karai pretends to have emotions, but doesn't really have any anymore. Her personality boils down to "I don't care" unless money is involved. She pretends to be nice to others if that's part of the job she's on, but really she doesn't care for anything or anybody. In reality she only cares about what it would do for her bottom line. If you want her to feel for you, show her money. Otherwise the REAL Karai is unemotional and uncaring. If she goes on an infiltration mission or just needs to break in and charm people, she can act like a normal person and play a role. She's an extremely talented actor, and those who know her only think they know her for as long as she needs to act that way to do what she needs to do. She can pretend to have any personality or pretend to feel any emotion she needs to in order to complete her mission. Those who really know her know that she uses her acting talent all the time to fit in and not creep people out, and that many things she says to others are lies. She can fabricate intricate back stories as alibis on the drop of a pin. Of course people who know this are either no longer alive, are former/current employers, or are Hebijo graduates.

    When around team members she usually isn't acting, lying, or pretending, and depending on if they were creeped out by her lack of emotions and feeling might be acting normal for them to not be creeped out. It's still just an act though.

    Under her facade of not caring about anything is a very damaged person who was taught to be an unfeeling machine since the early teens. She would like nothing else than to learn to feel something again and care about people, but knows it would compromise her job integrity. For now, she doesn't attach to anybody except fellow Hebijo graduates. Everybody else is probably just going to end up a corpse anyway, so why get attached to the walking dead? Maybe this will change when Aqua takes over the world.

    Background: Karai came from pretty humble and normal beginnings. She was born to pretty average parents from Ekruteak in Johto. She went to a regular school until grade 5 when she was 11 years old. No major events, just a happy childhood. Her life changed when she was to attend high school. Her parents revealed the family legacy: They were members of a secret line of shinobi and everybody in the family attended Hebijo Clandestine Academy. She was enrolled for next year.

    On the surface, Hebijo was a normal school. A combination of American High School and College, students would have classes and learn like other schools. But the day was much longer and school didn't let out until 8pm. When she graduated the High School portion of the Academy, she went on to major in Mechanical Engineering. She proved quite smart and capable of designing machines and weapons.

    Why did school end so late? After normal classes let out at 3pm, students were trained to be shinobi for hire. This part of the school wasn't open to the public, and the only ones who knew about it were the students and faculty. From 6th grade onward, Karai was conditioned to feel nothing for anybody. To complete the job no matter the odds, consequences, laws, or rules in place. A specialist doesn't care and doesn't get attached. Only the pay motivates them to complete their mission and keep trying.

    At age 11 when she was in 5th grade her teenage development picked up extremely. Like many teenagers, she hated these almost continuous changes. Finally at age 14 in 8th grade she started feeling extreme back pain. To the point that pills didn't help kill the pain and her spine actually started to get damaged. Her doctor told her that either she would get surgery to fix it or she would soon not be able to use her legs because her spine would literally snap in two from the weight being put on it. By this time she had resolved to love her body and wouldn't change it. She needed alternatives, and Madame Hebijo was glad to oblige. The descendant of the founder and principal of the Academy had some very good connections. While Hebijo was legally funded by the Johto government, the after-hours programs needed outside funding because they weren't really all that legal. In return for their funding the partners received graduates to work for them, and it was a very good deal. Most of the funding partners were military, but a couple were less than legal. She contacted one of the big funding partners for the school named Mr. Makoto and explained the problem: An extremely talented student needed to have her spine repaired. Makoto agreed to fund the project in return for Karai and 4 others joining up with his organization upon graduation. Karai had no choice but to agree if she was to continue living the life she had gotten used to.

    After several days in bed a package arrived at the school with a new form of metal. Well, sort of new. It was the rare metal Dracaria mixed with other chemicals and elements. It was grafted to her spine under the skin. The graft was found to be non conducting and non magnetic. It was also completely invisible to x-rays and would look like it's not there. Metal detectors didn't notice it either. But she had to take pain killers for life and while it was made to function with her spine and she could bend down it would take a couple of years for the bones to completely mix with the graft. Until then she had to be careful to not hurt herself and was carefully monitored. Working for Mr. Makoto would pay for her painkillers and expenses.

    Over the years Karai was trained in the use of all forms of martial arts, agility, stealth, infiltration, melee weapons, and army weapons. This means she knows many ways to take down an opponent bigger than herself and doesn't need to expend energy fighting them. She can wield anything from a wooden stick to a RPG launcher, assuming she could carry said weapon around. She was also trained to drive most vehicles, from bicycles to tanks and planes.

    A mastery of disguise, vocal manipulation, and alibi fabrication allowed her to be anyone in any location. Though not an expert at hacking and relying on programs to do it for her, she could easily research a target and ask people for information. She could be right next to her target but they wouldn't know it until their head was separated from their body and it was way too late.

    The perfect multifaceted ninja assassin that doesn't ask questions. Or so she was taught. In private, Karai had been losing her sanity. To keep from completely losing it, she took to cutting herself. She needed to feel something, to make sure she was still alive. The training taught her much, but it also came at a great cost. Did she lose her soul? Her humanity? Was she like the machines she designed in the college years? She had to cut herself to make sure she was still alive and could feel things, even if it was just pain.

    Eventually it was time for graduation and fulfilling her obligation to Makoto, now more or less heading Aqua. When the world war started Hebijo Clandestine Academy was annihilated in a staged arson on an off day and rebuilt in Lillycover City in Hoenn, closer to Makoto's location. No trace of the school was left in the original location and no leads were ever found in the investigation. All students and faculty were evacuated and are now Hoenn citizens, with the regular school part continuing the run off government funds as a legal school and the shinobi part being funded by funding partners. As before, the school hides in plain sight, looking like a completely normal school. Though Karai has had a couple of employers and gone on missions as training during school, Aqua is her first longterm employment. She may not have joined when the organization was founded, but she has been employed for 2 years now.

    Pokemon: Blaziken (F), Raichu (M), Lapras (F), Hydreigon (M), Gardevoir (F), Venusaur (M)

    Other: Travels with a squad of four other Hebijo graduates. Names and genders TBD. Default weapons are her claws, dual handguns, and a pair of katana. She also carries a laptop and smartphone for hacking and data retrieval if the mission calls for it. She has her Pokeballs in her pockets or a backpack if she's already carrying too much.

    NOTE: This character might be better against NPCs, and I have no idea how she would operate in a PVP scenario.

    Self Notes:
    College 4 22
    College 3 21
    College 2 20
    College 1 19
    12 18
    11 17
    10 16
    9 15
    8 14
    7 13
    6 12
    5 11
    Last edited by bronislav84; 07-04-2014 at 01:43 AM.

    Banner by Pokemon Trainer Sarah/Ava by Neo Emolga

    R.I.P. August 13, 2007 3:45AM EST
    Simkha "Dosha" Bakman
    I loved you, Grandpa

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