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  1. #191
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    (I don't know why I got so hung up on this post. Neeegh.)

    Claressa Nissa
    Allearth Forest/Kalos
    Affected RPers:
    Isn’t there supposed to be a gem fairy here?

    Claressa sighed, frowning at the two cocoons in front of her. One was bulbously shaped, black and red with white diamonds on it, while the other was a branching, silver tree lacking any leaves and a large “x” on the front. Bountiful life surrounded the tree while a very noticeable lack of it was around the other one. It was very apparent that these were the two she was supposed to find, and their active communication also helped. She, herself, was rather scratched up from her journey to this remote forest that lie beyond Frost Cavern itself. All of her theories were based on the fact it had to be remote, and that both Xerneas and Yveltal were in the “Mountain” region of the Pokedex. Conveniently a river ran through it, which had been her ticket in, but the travel through the thick underbrush had been considerably more difficult.

    Herby stood beside her, shuddering softly as he felt the immense power. Claressa on the other hand didn’t care much for it, and instead opened her mouth to address them. “Xerneas, Yveltal, just wake up and come out already. We all know you’re just waiting to pop out.” When no reaction was garnered from them, she picked up two stones and tossed them. As soon as they struck the surface, each began to glow and pulse with horrendously powerful energy, shaking and causing the wildlife around to flee.

    From the tree emerged a blue and black dear, with tan leg guards and glorious antlers adorned with shining jewels of varying colors. It was gorgeous, to be sure, and shimmered as it shook itself from its long slumber. That being said, its design was simple, perhaps to act as a stark contrast to how complex life was. A bird came out of the cocoon, long tail and wings armed with jagged black claws while a billowing grey tuft of fur crowned its neck. Horns jutted forward, and a slimmer pair emerged facing the back, and dark streaks on the underside. She had no doubt the top of this creature was black with the same diamond pattern as its cocoon had been. A complicated appearance to suit the simplistic nature of destruction and death… How fitting.

    At first they simply stared at each other, old rivalries and natures coming forth before they turned to face her. Xerneas spoke first, and to her, his voice seemed much stronger now that he was out of his prison. <…Greetings, Claressa. You finally found us. It was quite the journey, but you did well to come here.>

    <Oh, Brother, she looks positively ragged. I can sense the disease clinging to her like the flesh does to a corpse! I have to wonder how she survived… dumb luck or stubborn will? Perhaps both?> Yveltal’s jeering commentary annoyed Claressa, and she stared up at the towering red bird.

    “Stubborn will… That and I did what I could to avoid aggravating my heart further. You both said something about healing me, right? I came here for that reason, although I admit I might be able to use your abilities to help the world. Would you agree to it?”

    The two stared at her for a moment, before seemingly allowing some words to go between them. Xerneas nodded quickly, but she noticed his brother not doing the same. <I will heal and join you. There is nothing you have to prove to me, as your dedication to your work is more than enough to convince me. However…>

    Yveltal opened his mouth, letting out a huff. <I am not as convinced. You may embody both aspects, but you shy away from death. You fear it in a way that you do whatever you can to avoid it. A noble, but futile, effort. As such, you must prove yourself to me…> He flared his wings, his body and markings gathering a glow. <Beat me in a battle, hmm? Show me that when the situation gets dire, you can resort to violence if necessary. I want to see your resolve, girl!>

    She frowned, shaking her head. “I really don’t want to, but…” Circus let out a whine, and she watched him, knowing he wanted to fight. She didn’t like it and thus had restricted him from it, but now they were being told to battle and he was more than willing. Herby stepped forth as well but was notably more nervous but just as willing to help out, letting out soft spores from his buds in anticipation. “We don’t have much of a choice though, since you’re not going to allow us to leave. Life or death…and I’ve got both right here.”

    Xerneas stepped forth, and hilariously was not too much taller than her, perhaps three feet to the top of his head but considerably more with the antlers. He lowered his head to touch his muzzle to her cranium, breathing softly as a shimmering energy seeped from his body and into her own. Interestingly, she had to note he smelled like the earth and every flower that grew from it – it was almost intoxicating with the intensity. Her body tingled with the power, and she felt her breathing improve as her heart repaired itself. In fact, everything seemed to improve as Xerneas healed damage that age and stress had done on her body, and she felt so remarkably healthier once he pulled away.

    She honestly had no idea that she had those ailments in the first place.

    Thanking him, Claressa turned to face off against Yveltal, glancing at Circus and Herby. “Hope you two are ready for a fight.” They nodded, and with a confirmation from Yveltal, they began their battle.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  2. #192
    Moribund Warrior-Poet Lord Celebi's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Raidon Makoto
    AMS Deathwing, Mirage Island
    Affected RPers: @bronislav84

    "Mister leader, sir, I require your ABH for my research. You have no use for it I think." A voice squeaked through the metal door. "Please let me have it and then the five of you can get going to wherever you need to go." Makoto looked down at his trenchoat breast pocket and noticed that he indeed did still have the Ancient Burst Heart he had used to merge with Celebi moments ago. Cracking the door open only slightly, Makoto rolled the relic out of the opening and quickly shut the door again. Feeling self-conscious, he reopened the door open again and looked at the group: "I'm so sorry. I promise I'm not normally a dick. I'm just really busy right now."

    He closed the door again and looked at Celebi, "Lay it on me. Let's go dine in hell." Celebi nodded at the world around Makoto faded. The fabric of reality rippled into darkness and a new world surrounded Makoto like a womb. The first thing the dictator noticed was that it had become very hot very quickly. "What the..."

    <...hell?> Celebi finished and laughed at the joke. <Yessir, this is hell.>

    Makoto took in the sights and sounds (sights being horrific torture by demons and sounds being their screams) with a sobering silence. It was decidedly not the most horrifying thing he had seen that day. "Jesus Christ, Celebi, you're going to make my therapist rich." The pair traveled down the shores of the fiery River Styx until they couldn't travel any more. A skeleton in a robe piloting a raft pulled up to meet the dread lord of the Deathwing moments later.

    The skeleton let its mouth hang ajar as words came out: "Raidon Makoto. My master has been expecting you. I am called Phelgyas. Please join me on my raft and I will take you to him." The demon spoke with a very comfortable slowness, as if it knew it had all the time in the world to speak. Makoto, on the other hand, was incredibly impatient and already on the raft by the time Phlegyas had extended the invitation to join him. Celebi floated above Makoto's shoulder as the ferryman rode its raft down a lavafall, navigating the River Styx and the Nine Circles of Hell.

    After a few hours on the raft, Makoto noticed that the temperature of Hell was dropping. Much to his surprise, he felt comfortable. "What the...? Who turned up the AC?"

    "This is the borderline between the Eighth and Ninth Circles of Hell," Phlegyas explained. He slowly extended a bony to call attention to the damned that were lying on this border. "Many who escape their personal torment take refuge here, for the temperatures are much more tolerable for humans."

    <It's also called the Goldilocks Zone,> Celebi said, addressing the area with a colloquialism. The metaphor was lost on Phlegyas. The trio moved past the Goldilocks Zone and into the frozen tundras of the Ninth Circle of Hell. Once the fiery River Acheron froze over, Phlegyas pulled the raft over to the Ninth Circle's icy shores. Pointing upwards, Makoto noticed a gigantic castle resting in the middle of the Judecca.

    "That is Pandemonium, the Capital City of Hell. Inside the castle lies my master, Lord Lucifer," Phlegyas said. The dread lord bolted off towards the castle, completely unabated by the cold, tailed by the Eternal Chronarch. "I hate when they do that," the ferryman lamented.

    The Interloper
    Yggdrasil Tree
    Affected RPers: All

    Nicodemus Chess continued his trek up the mountain until he finally reached its peak. At the top sat the Yggdrasill Tree, a very large tree whose branches tickled the clouds. At the base of the tree, a anthropomorphic figure lay dormant, bound in all directions by the tree's overgrowth. As Chess approached the tree, the eyes of the figure let up a piercing red. A rumbling laugh could be heard in the distance, as the creature said, <And who are you?>

    Nicodemus Chess touched the tree trunk, transforming the Yggdrasill Tree's bark into sand. Color began to return to the gaunt figure. "Let's say I'm your savior." Diabora's fingers were the first to move, as sand ran down his body. More and more of the destroyer's body become moveable as the Yggdrasill Tree turned into sand. Feeling an earthquake, Chess turned around. He was face to face with Arceus, the Universe's creator, and three mechanical beasts. The beasts were TransTechs, natives to the multidimensional hub city of Axiom Nexus. More specifically, they were Enforcers, sent out to scour the multiverse for time criminals that even Celebi couldn't handle. Chess had to laugh, "Only three Enforcers? Clearly, you aren't taking me seriously." Removing his hat and coat, Chess revealed his true visage to the group. Chess was a Saurian, a bipedal lizardman from the planet Ramdyne.

    <Statement: Xuanwu should have destroyed the paradox dimension from which you were born eons ago,> One of the TransTechs, a robotic lion, told him.

    Another, a robotic she-wolf piped in: <Threat: We will correct his mistake.>

    Arceus launched a burst of divine energy at Chess. Chess caught it in his right hand and threw it back at the Lion TransTech. The robotic lion exploded. Chess loosened his tie and activated his final trump card: his transformation. The Alvaj-Xoc from his universe blessed several, select individuals with the power to become Legendaries. Nicodemus Chess was granted the power to become Daedalus, the sea serpent of destruction. Using its massive tail, Chess swatted away the other two TransTechs and fired a hyper-powered water cannon at the Creator. All the while, the Yggdrasill Tree continued to transform into sand.

    <No...> Arceus said, realizing what had happened. From the pile of sand behind Nicodemus Chess, Diabora emerged. It popped several of its joints and slowly approached Arceus.

    <I'm... BACK!>
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds.
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He's told us not to blow it 'cause he knows it's all worthwhile.

  3. #193
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    OOC: Rust, please have Raidon bitch-slap Satan. Thank you. XD

    Noah "Neo" Ashfield
    AMS Deathwing Mirage Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: All

    I woke up, but deep inside, parts of the dream never really ended. Qinglong still felt very real, but I wasn't sure how I would become... that form. Was it something I just needed to want really badly?

    I had gone up on deck and couldn't understand what exactly I was feeling, but for a moment, that was thrown away. I felt a sick, sinful presence in the air, and the only time I had felt that before was with the astral realm that Raidon and the rest of us had been in before. Did that mean...?


    Damn... Diabora was sending out his emissaries. All over the world, in fact. But how... how did I know that?

    <The Hollowing has come! Kneel to your new master, Daedalus, least you become a wailing meat harvest!>

    "Who the hell was that... talking in my head!?" One of the grunts exclaimed, looking like he was suffering from a severe migraine.

    So it wasn't just me. I had looked over the bow to see yup, one of the Diablos that I recalled from the astral realm. He looked like the Grim Reaper, only armed with a crossbow of death instead of a scythe. And of course two heads. But he was just one of many of them. I looked up and saw dark streaks of red light, raining down across the world to bring the message of the dark return. Sure couldn't wait to lay waste to these assholes.

    "And why the hell should we!?" One of the grunts shouted to the Reaper Diablos.

    He just looked to him, smiled what I swore was the most hideous, butt-ugly skeletal grin I've ever seen, and his voice just wailed in our heads again.

    <This is why.>

    We saw what had to be a faint, glowing white light far off into the distance. We didn't know what that was at first, but then I realized that white light was Arceus. But then, it was swiftly consumed by a shadowy darkness that I knew deep inside was Diabora. I couldn't believe what saw at first, but then it just made sense to me, though I found it hard to believe.

    Diabora had eaten Arceus.

    <Your pathetic, false god Acreus is dead. All that Arceus was destined to be... reduced to just another meal for Diabora.>

    "But he created the-"

    <NOTHING! All lies. Simply just an arrogant legendary Pokémon taking claim for creation not of his own. But now you see, not even the strongest among you stand any sliver of a chance against the wrath of Diabora and Daedalus!>

    "And who the hell are you!?" One of the grunts shouted.

    <Xente,> He spoke, nearly laughing. <Just one of many Diabora's emissaries to herald the new dusk. Those of you who pledge loyalty to Diabora and Daedalus will survive as Dread Slaves of the Sin Eternity. The rest of you who resist will be wiped from existence or have your souls become sustenance.>

    "To hell with that!" One of the grunts shouted, opening fire.

    Collectively, the grunts began to attack, but Xente was fast and was able to dodge their bullets. A grunt's Magmortar tried to blast the shadow reaper with flamethrower strikes, but he soon ended up getting shot by the crossbow right in the forehead, which caused the Magmortar's head to shake violently before exploding.

    As tempting as it was to try gunning down Xente with an M60, obviously my attempt to gun this prick down wouldn't be any more successful than what the rest of the Aqua grunts were doing. One of the Chimeras even tried to take on Xente, but was sliced in half at the waist with some hidden weapon I couldn't even see.

    I tried to concentrate to become Qinglong, but it just wasn't working. Even though Xente was being ganged up on by the grunts on the Deathwing, he was still taking them out one after another without even taking a scratch.

    C-come on... why can't I make it work!?

    Still, this was bad. I could see these emissaries of Diabora causing all kinds of hell in the streets and the cities, wiping out civilians and militaries if they didn't submit and worship Diabora and Daedalus. In the meantime, I needed some kind of strategy against Xente... and then I realized no one had tried to take him out with explosives yet. I quickly grabbed a nearby rocket launcher and figured it was time to blow this bastard up into kibble.

    And that would be one down... God knows how many left to go...

    Janine "Angel" Price
    Royal Pearl Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: All

    Royal Pearl island was just the perfect place to try out AMAXA. It was a pretty big island and we had been using it to create Shadowfall tanks before, but production was offline for now since we had all the tanks we needed. No need to keep pumping those out! But yeah, in the meantime, this was a great spot to test to see if AMAXA was working.

    So I decided to go with the angel bunny form again, but with one badly needed modification. The Whimsicott fluff... yeah, that had to go. It was cute and fun, but if I kept that and evolved that continuously, I could see that becoming way too much fluffy stuff! Like a Mega Altaria after getting zapped!

    So in the end, it was Lopunny with a Furret tail times nine thanks to Ninetales. It would also have the white fur coloring and wings of a Togekiss, a Zoroark hairstyle, and a Shedninja halo. Also, the fluff of a Cincinno with slightly larger ears. Still totally cool and cute! But yeah, this would work way better than that other mess!

    I jabbed myself with the mutagen, and the transformation wasn't really all that different from before. Now this, I could totally see evolving into something really cool and awesome without too much cotton puffy-stuff going around. I was a bit concerned about the tails though. Ah, whatever, I could worry about that later! But yeah, it was totally awesome to have wings, huge bunny ears, and an awesome and big hairstyle with a ponytail at the end!

    "So you went with the white, winged bunny again..." Kaede muttered, unimpressed.

    "Heck yes!" I winked at her, speaking in my sweet, cute bunny voice. "See, this is the Chimera form you should have gone with!"

    So... now to see if I could trigger evolution with AMAXA...

    I was just about to give it a shot when the sky had gone dark, like it was about to rain. Ah, rain was no biggie, but that's when red bolts of fire came crashing down instead. Whoa. Suddenly Kaede snapped to attention and we realized something really dark and gloomy was going down.

    "What on earth is going on?" Kaede asked.

    And that's when one of those red fire bolts landed right near us, and out of the weird red and black fire emerged what looked like some kind of crazed werewolf! He was pretty tall, a foot taller than the average human, and man, did he look pissed. His eyes were glowing red and his teeth could probably grind up a steak in just one bite! Who was this guy?

    <My name is Vrell,> He spoke in a really ultra-serious tone as he walked through the flames totally unfazed. <We are the harbingers of Diabora and Daedalus. Sin Eternity is at hand. You will hear and obey the dark mandate of our masters, or your soul will simply be used to feed them instead.>

    "Hey, no one touches my soul, got it?" I exclaimed at him. "And hey, I'm busy! Apocalypse is just gonna have to wait!"

    "Janine, this guy's serious!" Kaede jumped, totally backing off. "You'd better be careful!"

    Ah, whatever, Vrell was just a glorified puppy.

    <Observe the fall of your 'god' as the age of light fades,> Vrell laughed, gesturing toward something.

    I looked toward where he was pointing to, and saw some kind of glowing white light far off in the distance get swallowed up by some crazy, deranged creature or something. I could hear the shriek from here and wow, it sounded awful! Was that...?

    "That... was that Acreus!?" I exclaimed, knowing only he could make a cry like that!

    <Precisely,> Vrell snickered. <But the truth is Arceus was a haughty fool, not even a real god! Powerful... somewhat, but it was not he who created the universe, and not even this world! But no matter, for it will all be consumed by the night's shadow very soon!>

    "That... THING just ate Arceus!?" Kaede freaked out. "Just like that!?"

    Oh boy, this was going to be rough. These guys really were serious about just making it really dark and hard to see where we were walking! Yeah, I wasn't crazy about a whole future of that. Someone had to try and see if this could be stopped.

    <Now then, what happened to the false god doesn't have to happen to you,> Vrell told us, talking to us like a used car salesman! <Your pitiful lives may continue as Dread Slaves, but only if you pledge the rest of your existence toward serving our unholy masters.>

    "Nah, that sounds like a really poopy kind of deal," I shrugged at him. "Dread Slaves... wow, I bet those are kind of like zombies. Yeah, not interested. Now just scram, go find a bone to chew or something."

    <Ha, ha, so foolish,> Vrell sneered. <I'm afraid it's not so easy. But then again, what would simple prey like you understand, rabbit?>

    Okay, nobody, especially not Mister puppy chow here, insults my awesome bunny form and gets away with it. If he wanted a fight, he was going to get one, but becoming some dimwit zombie was NOT on the agenda, ever!

  4. #194
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    ((OOC: These two posts are the suck before the awesome, so bear with me and them. Especially Dr. Prop's-I was too tired of waiting for the special fight I had planned for him, so it's ridiculously short.))

    Yarvick "The Raticate" Xelsez
    Team Aqua
    Mount Coronet Northern Cave, En-Route to Celestic Town, Sinnoh.
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Two men in a dark, totally deserted cave through a mountain. It was cool, very cool, and the stone walls, though confining, had a clear path. With only annoying Zubat and other cave nuisances to distract the duo, which didn't really do that even after Calvin got irritated and whipped out a Repel, Yarvick decided to pop his questions now.

    "What is his deal?!" Yarvick asked.

    "That guy, his name is Year Velvetine. Nobody knows his REAL name, natch, people in the business don't call each other by their REAL names. I'm not actually 'Calvin,' for instance, and for sake of being clever about it...Let's refer to your dad as Steven Heck-full name basis. Anyways, Velvetine...Well, yeah, talking 'bout it isn't good for your health, but I know that Velvetine was part of Steven Heck's crew, but somethin' pissed him right off and he left. It's all I've got, but Velvetine's been trying to make Steven Heck's life hell for it, whatever it is." Calvin said. "I have a bad feeling he's starting to piece together who Steven Heck REALLY is-it's something Velvetine doesn't even know, nobody knows who the f*** Steven Heck is-and now we've gotta ditch the region before the Clockwork Coalition-Velvetine's boys-come after our a**es."

    "And 'our a**es' are?" Yarvick asked.

    "That's...Very sensitive information. Information you have the right to know, but the timing isn't right." Calvin said. "Saying it aloud would be bad for the health. All you need to understand is, Velvetine would have Sinnoh law enforcement in love with him-in absolute f***ing love-and it is really critical we don't say the name aloud. As it stands, there is no proof this group exists outside of a crazy swordsman in a Cthulhu mask. If he gets a confirmed name, we're all f***ing screwed, man. GG." Calvin said.

    "...Wait, so, let's say you guys ditch the region early?" Yarvick said.

    "You'd have to take that up with Steven Heck himself, but we've got nowhere to go-this was our backup base, the last base, our primary base was...Compromised. Political reasons." Calvin said. "Point is, we can't afford to f*** up this."

    "OK..." Yarvick said.

    He didn't have many more questions on THAT subject, as Calvin seemed to be hiding too much. There was a lot he didn't understand. What kind of people would be so despised that the sword-wielding manic in a Cthulhu War mask would have Sinnoh Law Enforcement in love with him? What kind of person was his father, to be part of a faction THAT bad-and what power did he hold to have people looking for him like this?

    He'd find out.

    He also make sure to keep a hand near the P90 at all times. His trust with Calvin was better than initially, but Mr. YYings would be gravely mistaken if he STILL didn't think this was all some complex ploy to get the ABH that Yarvick didn't have at all.

    ...Hey, wait.

    it just occurred to him. He almost felt amazingly stupid. How did anyone know it was HIM who had the ABH? The Mega Deoxys form had no face, just eyes, and there were a lot of people with eyes like his. Otherwise he was indistinguishable. The one time he debursted during the fight was inside a ship, and he was not in sight range of any camera nor enemy when he initially bursted.

    Yet, the email had practically spelled out that Yarvick and the Goldenrod Massacre were definitely related.

    "...So, how did you guys know about me?"

    "I don't know. Steven Heck plays cards close to his chest." Calvin said. "I just know it had something to do with Goldenrod."

    "Then, how did you know I was at Goldenrod?" Yarvick queried.

    "I don't know! I'm not the only spy he's got. He's got quite a few, and our group has got some of the best-if not THE best-espionage action going on ever. We're not perfect, as our surprise visit with Velvetine suggested to you, but we've gotten in-depth knowledge of stuff that most people wouldn't even have known scraps about." Calvin said, looking very pleased with himself. "We know people down to the size of their-"

    At that point, a Zubat decided to acquaint itself with Calvin's face.

    "-Ah, f***, get it off get it away!" Calvin screamed, flinging his arms wildly in a rather silly attempt to get a bat away from his face. THAT was definitely not just a reaction to the fact a very annoying creature decided to get in real close...

    Yarvick would keep the fact that he really hated Zubat in mind.

    "...Let's not talk about that." Calvin said.

    "Talk about what?" Yarvick responded.

    That gave Calvin a good snort.

    The fun ended there, though...Some kind of odd aura filled the air, some sinister feeling they couldn't put their fingers on...


    Doctor Propizio Wasser Te Haurangi, aka Dr. Prop.
    Team Aqua
    The Skunkworks, AMS Deathwing, Mirage Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Firing guns was not exactly a PASSION of his...Except when he made the gun himself, or took part in it, and the only OTHER time that happened was with that prototype flamethrower. He decided to ignore that he burned himself with that flamethrower for that comparison.

    Just like with that prototype flamethrower, though, he was testing out the best of his various gun designs, and weeding out which, in practice, were the most flawed and removing them from the design list. He'd only made one of each design, and he only came up with nine, more than he anticipated he'd make. Dracaria made quite a few oddball designs for such things totally viable...In theory. In practice, he quickly ditched two because they didn't cover recoil enough, and having a lot of power and bullets was totally worthless if said power and bullets couldn't be controlled.

    Further firing testing proved that at least one design was kind of crummy when it came to controlling the spread of the bullets; keeping a precise grouping of bullets was important, as if it was not precise, there was no way it would be accurate. So, he was down to six by two magazines worth of bullets for each gun.

    Four magazines later, and three more were gone; Dracaria had many special properties, but its resistance to heat was not among them, and the trio of guns he disposed of suffered from overheating, one visibly so. Having a gun get overheated caused all sorts of problems and accidents.

    So, three left.

    After one more firing each, two of the remaining three broke in his hands-one fell to pieces, another cracked. This left one deisgn, which Prop had his doubts on. However, several firings later, and the thing didn't give way an inch...

    ...He'd test it further, he decided, in the sands of route 111.

    He didn't make ceremony of it. He quickly grabbed permission from Yantil, got a small defensive convoy consisting of twenty human grunts(the scattered remnants of the Hoenn military were still completely capable of destroying people), and took four hellcats and flew away.

    They could easily feel the nasty aura and see the read streaks of light when it happened, but by that time, they were beyond the sight range of the Deathwing, unable to see the battle unfold...

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

    My VPP Stats! - My Prism Stats! - My URPG Stats!


  5. #195
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    OOC: Neo casts revive!

    Noah "Neo" Ashfield
    AMS Deathwing Mirage Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Xente was a fast bastard, but with something like a rocket launcher, getting a direct hit wasn't necessary. I had him distracted for a moment while the SRAW rocket exploded right next to him, obviously ripping off some kind of flesh or piece of him. Black blood was sprayed everywhere, and the weirdest feeling came over me.

    <...Yoouu!!!> Xente snarled at me.

    That was when I whipped out my Desert Eagle magnum, probably the only kind of pistol I'd ever stand using. I aimed right for the maggot's head and fired. It blasted his head open, but something about it felt so satisfying. I fired again. And again. Over and over until there was not a single bullet left in the magazine or the chamber. It even clicked a few times before I decided he was dead enough.

    "You... you okay, Cap'n?" One of the grunt asked me.

    "Yeah, I feel... better now," I told him, stuffing the magnum away.

    That was only one Diablos down, though. From the looks of it, there were thousands more, and then Diabora himself. I looked back toward where he had killed Arceus, and only now, I could see a city in the distance bathed in a fiery, hellish glow. Almost looked like someone called in the four horsemen of the apocalypse early.

    I wasn't sure if that city was Mauville or Slateport, but some poor town was getting fried off the map. I was a big bummed out the plan to become Qinglong didn't work. I could have saved the lives of a few of these grunts if I could have squashed Xente like a bug a few minutes earlier before he sliced a few of them in half, but at least we lit him up. I looked toward the body again, and his body was half-blown apart with nothing but a black spray of blood where the head should have been. Or at least used to be.

    I needed to figure out what we needed to do next. Fortifying this position for now seemed like a good idea, at least to make sure no more of these Diablos decided to give us another "submit or die" rant. I heard it once, sure didn't feel like hearing that anal crap over and over again.

    "What's the plan?" One of the grunts asked me.

    "I hate the idea of this Sin Eternity," I told him, knowing while Diabora and his cronies had power, we certainly weren't a little girl's dolls when it came to combat. "Let's go to the source of the mayhem and we'll see can do something about it. Get every weapon you can, I have a funny feeling there's no such thing as overkill in this kind of situation."

    "Seriously?" The grunt asked me. "Funny, I didn't think it would be us playing the roles of heroes now."

    "Don't forget about what we might reap if we pull this off," I told him, knowing this wasn't just for community service hours. "Saving the world is not a debt that's easily paid off. And that, my friend, is a nice, hearty source of leverage."

    He nodded. Yeah, good, I was glad he could see where I was going with this. But in the meantime, we still needed to punch a few holes in this army. As for Arceus, I wasn't surprised he wasn't actually the creator after all. Something about a llama with a vertical hula hoop creating the freaking universe never sat well with me in the first place.

    Janine "Angel" Price
    Royal Pearl Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Yeah, I sure wasn't too crazy about the sound of becoming a Dread Slave. It did seem like Vrell was expecting to fight more than he was expecting to just lasso a bunch of people to turn them into zombies.

    "Kaede, take the AMAXA stuff and head back to the ship!" I shouted to her, keeping an eye on Vrell to make sure he didn't try and sneak attacks while I was distracted. "Just give it to whoever wants it! We'll work out the details later!"

    "Yeah, no kidding!" She shouted, making a run for it. "Good luck!"

    See, this is why I was never all that crazy about keeping things crazily regulated. Sooner or later those regulations would need to get broken anyway! But in any case, there was Vrell the werewolf, having no idea what AMAXA stuff was or what it could do. I mean heck, I hadn't even fully tested it yet, but there just wasn't time with all the chaos going on.

    Vrell tried to quickly tear into me with his shadowy claws, but I quickly jumped into the air and flew overhead! Ha, ha! He didn't have wings of his own, so already this was pretty comical. Up until he jumped into the air and landed on my back. Yeah, I didn't think a heavy, muscular werewolf like him was capable of making the most epic basketball slam dunks ever.

    "Hey, get off!" I shouted, trying to fling his body off of my back. "You're too heavy!"

    I couldn't fly when this big lug was on me. I started descending too rapidly and then before he knew it, I ended up crashing into the water and only a few seconds before crashing did he jump off, only to end up in the water as well. It seemed like he was jumping on my back to try and slug me, but he wasn't suspecting a sudden crash landing.

    I struggled to swim to the surface, and once I did, there he was again, just bobbing up and down in the water.

    "Great job, genius, look at me!" I shouted at him. "I'm all wet! Do you have any idea how long it takes to dry off fur with... actually, maybe you do."

    <That will be the least of your problems soon enough!> Vrell shouted, lunging at me again.

    I quickly swam toward the island to get away from him, and long and behold, I got to dry land while Vrell was swimming around like a puppy dog. I quickly hopped away to make distance between him and I, and once I did, I figured I brought myself enough time to try and use AMAXA to evolve. Just... needed to... concentrate.

    And like that, I grew to be really big, fifteen feet in height. Those nine tails quickly became nineteen tails with one center tail surrounded by six others, and those six were surrounded by twelve. Meanwhile, the Zoroark hair had gotten extra long and huge, splitting into two large ponytails instead of one. I now also had two pairs of wings, a complete and brighter halo ring over my head, and the two bunny ears had gotten longer and wider. It felt awesome and I could only imagine how cute it must have looked on the outside! But man, this giant bundle of nineteen tails kinda felt like a lot!

    Of course... the evolution process needed a recharge. However, now it was me looking down at Vrell and suddenly, after he stepped out of the water dripping wet, he realized I had become bigger and tougher. And he had no idea how!

    <Bigger and stronger now, eh? It still won't save you!>

    He lunged at me with his claws ready, but I clasped my paws together and focused my energy to unleash a powerful blazing white Holy Beam right in his face! It was like a kick to the teeth and then he went flying backwards, head over heels! He rolled over a few times, but got back up on his feet. Again, he leapt in for another swift strike, but I got him caught up in a celestial cyclone of white holy energy, spinning him around like I flushed him down the toilet! It then contracted and then enveloped Vrell in a holy explosion. All that was left of him was just a flurry of twinkling white stars. Not a bad way to go!

    Still, I looked around it I could definitely tell we weren't out of the frying pan yet. Oh man, it was going to take a lot more than just a fifteen foot tall angel bunny to handle these guys...

  6. #196
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Doctor Propizio Wasser Te Haurangi, aka Dr. Prop.
    Team Aqua
    En-Route to Route 111
    Affected RPers: N/A

    "Dr. Haruangi...Do you watch politics, by chance?" Dr. Massadar yelled.

    Dr. Prop looked up from the inspection of the lucky prototype that got to the field testing stage. The whirl of the helicopter blades and the rush of the air more than justified the loud voice. There was nothing else to do.

    "...No, I dislike those droll things. It's mostly just a very dressed-up way of saying something that people don't want to hear, and in any case I prefer working." Dr. Prop responded.

    "...Hrm. I was just wondering, because...Well, I just heard of this...Interesting rumor. You see, apparently, the late President of Hoenn had often traveled here...For no recorded reason. Nobody knows what he did. It's the most mind-boggling thing, too, there just isn't a reason, do you understand? Like some phenomena you cannot find out for the life of you!" Dr. Massadar said.

    "I guess some people have odd habits is all..." Dr. Prop responded. "Speaking of odd things, what is with all of that?!" Dr. Prop said, pointing out the side door, where more of those fiery streaks of red hit the ground. One hit awfully close to them...

    "This phenomena is beyond me...It's so perplexing...I honestly would rather not find out, but considering the widespread impact, we might be finding out shortly." Yantil said.

    "<Why did I do this why did I do this why did I do this->"

    Something practically yelled in his mind, and it was NOT a very fun voice-booming, dark and with a hint of low empathy. He look out of the helicopter, quickly pinpointing the likely source: The world's most demonic-looking falconer EVER, at least ten feet tall, a red tail ending in a point and a jaw of sharp teeth and limbs ending in sharp points...His arm clutched tightly by a Braviary that was only JUST able to hold him and keep flying.

    "...Not the most dignified position..." Dr. Prop said.

    "<Shut it, Mortals! I hear your thoughts, and-Oh f*** don't look down don't look down-augh!>"

    "I never thought I would see something so...Hideously demonic fail to be intimidating." Dr. Massadar replied, equally frightened and bemused from the looks of things.

    "<You idiots know NOTHING of what's going on, NOTHING! Welcome to the Sin Eternity!>"

    That declaration was punctuated with the scream of something...Powerful. Dr. Prop whipped his head around just in time to see a bright light give way to a massive darkness, the latter eating the former.

    A nasty silence fell over the group as the Falconer, now beside the helicopter, looked like he had himself devoured that light.

    "<THAT was your pathetic 'god' Arceus being eaten by Diabora, the ultimate destroyer!>" The devil falconeer said. "<THAT was light gone! Your new masters-Diabora and Deadalus-have arrived! Normally I'd give you the choice to bow and become Dread Slaves or die to become fuel, but I think that, given your tones...>"

    One of the grunts just started shooting at the thing the instant that thought got into their heads.. The falconer was surprisingly sturdy and was almost about to laugh when one of them hit his partner's leg. The Braviary instinctively flexed its talons outward, which meant letting go of his partner.

    "<F*************************************!!!!!!>" The devil falconer yelled as it plummeted towards the ground.

    The grunts got a good laugh out of it. Dr. Prop was tempted to laugh about it as well, but he was looking at the demonic Braviary. The demonic Braviary that carried the falconer certainly did NOT find it funny. A ghastly, heart-chilling energy formed in its now-empty claws, and was shot sideways into the spinning blades. Predictably, they broke.

    There was a second of silence. Then gravity got working, the Braviary making a loud call in triumph at precieved revenge.

    Dr. Prop wasn't the fastest-witted man in the world, but he managed to grab the Poke Ball for Annabeth the Swanna, and it took no time to figure out what service Dr. Prop needed of her. He practically leaped aboard as the thing flew away from the helicopter, perhaps seconds from it's fiery crash. Heat, light and sound penetrated his senses like a spear through armor.

    He could see survivors, though-lucky winners who grabbed parachutes before the thing totally fell. Dr. Massadar was among the winners, as were several grunts and the pilot.

    That was considerably better than Dr. Prop expected. He feared he was the only survivor for a second. He wiped his (dry) brow in relief and looked up to the sky further...There was sand in the air.

    "...Well, I'd say-"

    Dr. Prop was about to say that they may have escaped it.

    "Dr. Haruangi, I would hate to ruin the party, but the Braviary moved towards where the devil falconer fell...It could be that he survived. Considering he took bullets pretty easily...His fear of heights may have been an exaggeration..." Dr. Massadar said. "Our best hope of not being spotted twice-assuming that they don't have some countermeasure..."

    He pointed north.

    "Is into the sandstorm."

    "...Well, today has an interesting way of making everything work out!" Dr. Prop said.

    He wasn't sure if it was lucky they were going to their intended destination...

    Yarvick "The Raticate" Xelsez
    Team Aqua
    Celestic Town, Sinnoh.
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Yarvick left the caves and was greeted by an absolutely abominable sight.

    He never went this way before, but he had an EXCEPTIONALLY good feeling that a hot crater with what was best described as a black hovering eyeball of something best described as EVIL reeking out of it over said crater was not part of the typical scenery.

    "<...Hrmph. What pathetic resistance those old-fashioned light-clingers had...Not even a Pokemon capable of harming me...>" The thing thought, possibly thinking it only meant to itself.

    His eyes twitched but never fully blinked. He could not take this much in.

    Calvin came out and had to clearly bite his own tongue quite literally to keep his mouth from going.

    "<...Lucky I do not have ears...Else I would have certainly been able to hear their annoying death wishes personally. Telepathic AND Regular hearing...Ugh. Disgusting. Ears are disgusting on their own too...>"

    It wasn't looking towards them.

    Yarvick's first instinct was to run like a coward. Yarvick's second instinct was to sneak AROUND it...Possible...

    "<...So...What do I do now, milords...I see-no, wait, that's a bloody pun, aguh-I get you. I'll keep-I'll make sure nobody comes...Bloody eyeball puns, and they're so pathetically easy to make!>" The devil eyeball thought to itself, as Yarvick tiptoed around the edge of the crater. "<...Still...It feels like this place was effectively abandoned already...All that were there were the elderly and children...Hrmph. No credible threats...Ah, what am I saying?! Even a man stuffed to the gills in weaponry could never take me on!>"

    Yarvick was willing to trust those private thoughts of the crazy eyeball monster. Slowly and steadily, he was a quarter of the way there already...The Eyeball was moving towards the town as well, allowing him to advance...

    "<...Hrmph. Now that I think about of them pulled that one on me...It felt like a tiny little sliver of flesh from my master just dropped off and got life of its own as a Pokemon...But it's own attack meant nothing to me...In any case, the thing was near-to-mindless...May be worth loo-I mean, investigating! Bah! Sight puns!>" The thing thought, moving slowly, almost painfully slowly...

    ...Halfway around the crater...

    "<...Hrmph. You idiots think I can't tell when people are trying to sneak by?!>" The eyeball said. "<Unfortuantely, I don't need to have ears to sense you with psionics!>"

    It turned towards them, and Yarvick was almost instantly reminded of the crazy eye of Sauron (or whatever Pokemon equivalent would exist in the world of Maridia). It stared directly at them, rage and pride brimming. He was practically frozen in place.

    "<Shortsighted as a mayfly-no, d**m, eyepun, bah! No matter! You get no choice! You are dead! DEAD! DEEEAAAAD!>"

    "CHRISTMAS TIME IN HELL!!!" yelled a voice, jovially and madly.

    The eye turned towards the source, directly opposite the duo of Yarvick and Calvin.

    If Yarvick could have seen it, that would have made his day, but effectively what the eyeball saw made it take a look best described as 'Oh c**p' in pure eyeball form. Yarvick heard a rocket, then...

    The Eyeball messily exploded, getting its demonic guts all over the duo. On the other hand, Yarvick felt free to move-and the first thing he did was go to the nearest untouched grass and defile it with demon guts.

    "F*** this s**t! Literally f*** this s**t!" Yarvick yelled.

    "...You'd spoon demon guts? THAT's...Interesting by all standards!" The mystery man said, equally as happy and crazy as before.

    When Yarvick got a satisfactory amount of demon goo off of his clothing, he actually turned to his source.

    Therein was a blue-haired, 50-year old something man in a santa suit with a rocket launcher, at least a whole foot taller than Yarvick, sporting an absolutely MAD grin and devilish red eyes, as well as pale skin.

    "MERRY CHRISTMAS IN JULY!" He yelled. "Your present is...Well, not horribly dying to a demonic eyeball of doom and getting loads of demon s**t in your clothes! Also a family reunion, BUT WHO CARES?!" The crazy man said.

    "...OK, what the f*** is with the Santa Suit?" Yarvick said, flabbergasted quickly.

    "IT'S CASUAL TUESDAYS!!!" The man yelled.

    Calvin almost seemed sweaty-more panicked than when he saw the crazy disembodied eye of hell.


    "...You're seriously not-"

    The crazy man ripped off his santa suit to reveal a snazzy business suit-black with a sharp red tie.

    "In a business suit?!"

    "No, not in a buisness suit, you're seriously not the boss around here, right?" Yarvick said, almost cautiously.

    "OF COURSE I AM!" The crazy 50-year old man said. "Oh, but just so you're not asking stupid questions the whole way through...Yes I'm also your daddy who could never visit you because mommy was a b**ch and ran away and I was busy-"

    Yarvick just looked like he was slammed with a freight train at full force.

    "...Yeah, long story! But, against my better judgement, I decided to blow up a demon! Like a thousand more to go, if the news is any indication, but first, inside the evil lair!" The crazy man said, taking him by the arm and marching soundly towards the town.

    "...Your name, dad?"

    "...Oh, yes...Forget to say that sometimes...I FORGET TO SAY MY NAAAAAAAAAAAAME!!! But, seriously, I am Ardos Xelsez...Third Leader of Cipher. Charmed." He said, the devil-like qualities of the grin now fully apparent.

    ...Yarvick was now fully aware why his mother thought this man was definitely not going to be interacting with her son.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

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  7. #197
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Noah "Neo" Ashfield
    AMS Deathwing, Mirage Island, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Xente was a dead carcass now, but we were just getting started. Meanwhile, it seemed all kinds of hell was breaking loose on the mainland. I figured heading over there to see what could be done about it might be a good idea. Every now and then, we could hear and feel a rumble from some kind of explosion or building collapsing.

    And that was when I suddenly saw Kaede rushing at me with a whole box full of syringes. Well, if she was hoping to pass around Chimera mutagens for the fight, it was already a bit too late for that.

    "Noah, there's really no time to explain, but you need to take one of these AMAXA syringes and use it while you're human," She told me. "Janine and I made it, it allows Chimeras to evolve and devolve without ever having to rely on a FES or reversal agent ever again."

    I took one, looked it over, and after looking up again, she was gone. Dang. Well, I trusted her, so I figured I'd just give it a go. I jabbed myself in the arm with it and pushed down on the plunger to inject the chems. It felt weird for a moment, but it didn't seem like there were any real physical changes. Definitely nothing on the outside, but maybe the whole thing worked on the inside instead.

    In any case, we needed to head over to Slateport to see what pray tell was going on. I figured I could take the AMS Fairy Dragon over there to see if we could save the town and profit from the reciprocity.

    But in the meantime, the Qinglong transformation I was trying to pull off was still not working and I didn't know what pray tell I was supposed to do to trigger it. It was definitely making me sick and impatient, so I figured to just work without it for now and go with a Chimera form. And at the moment, I didn't feel like trying to get used to something new, especially not with this crisis going on, so I figured I would just go with Janine's black ninja bunny form again and work with that. Until I figured out how to become Qinglong in reality and not some dream, I needed to work with something else.

    After getting on the Fairy Dragon, I got a hold of the same Lopunny/Furret/Ninetales/Zoroark/Umbreon/Honchkrow mutagen I had used before. It would be definitely be more helpful in the inevitable fight than just being a human. Until I figured out this Qinglong thing, if it even was for real, I needed something that would handle the Diablos army that Diabora was puking out all over the place. Xente was bad enough, and the last thing I wanted was to die at the hands of some dimwit minion that was nothing more than some expendable grunt.

    The transformation back into a black, winged, multi-tailed Umbreon-colored bunny wasn't any different from the first time, though transformation into a Chimera always feels weird. In just a few seconds, I was covered from head to toe with black fur, save for the glowing yellow bands. Two giant bunny ears sprung out of my head and folded over along my sides and my hair grew long while nine huge tails grew out of my rear. Only took a minute to get adjusted to it, but according to Kaede, I supposedly could evolve this form now without an FES syringe. She really didn't give me any instruction on how that actually works, but hopefully it wouldn't take too long to figure it out. In the meantime, we needed to get this thing moving.

    "Let's go, people, I'm not letting this bastard incinerate the planet," I told the Fairy Dragon crew on the intercom. "Plus, more importantly, I feel like killing things."

    And they liked the sound of that. When you mix Team Aqua, weaponry, and enemies to kill, that was a combination as good as graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. We were off.

    Janine "Angel" Price
    Slateport City, Hoenn
    Affected RPers: N/A

    It was clear... AMAXA couldn't be used in rapid succession, as cool as that would have been! I wasn't sure if Kaede had made it back to the ship and was getting AMAXA around. Heck, at this point, we couldn't really care who got it and who didn't, we just needed to stop whatever craziness these evil guys were doing!

    There really wasn't any way to tell how long it would be before the accelerator gland was ready with enough FES for another evolution. I was really hoping it wouldn't take too long, because if it did, we might not be able to stop these guys in time!

    I decided to get moving and head toward where the action was. I wasn't so sure if it was Slateport or Mauville, but as I flew closer and closer, I definitely began to see Mauville was really where the chaos was getting unleashed, but Slateport wasn't exactly peachy either! Those Diablos things were attacking innocent people left and right! But considering how far away Diabora was but how much carnage he was unleashing, this guy was HUGE! Wow, geez, this was going to be rough, but hey, I at least picked a great way to enjoy it!

    Once I landed on the beach, I could hear the screams, smell the fire and smoke in the air, and taking a look around, I could see people running away from the city and cars were in pile ups and parked randomly all over the place. I didn't catch sight of any of the Diablos as first, but man, sure didn't take long before I suddenly saw a car go flying by and when I looked toward where it came from, there was some huge black hydra thing or dude with four scissor arms and a tail that looked like some kind of crazy weed-whacker! That thing had eight heads and every one of them was armed with some crazy fire-breathing thing and loads of crazy teeth! Oh, and they had a huge pair of leathery dragon wings.

    Again, I tried to evolve, since this dude was still even a little bigger than I was. Nope. Darn it, I wanted to stop him from forcing people to submit auto insurance claims, but I was going to have to fight him like this for a while.

    "Hey, snake heads, knock it off!" I shouted to him... it... they.

    And the hydra just snarled. Well, guess they weren't capable of speaking, but they took flight and started to head toward me. And they started spitting fireballs. I managed to dodge two of them but then the third hit me right in the belly and I went flying backward from the explosion. I landed on my giant bundle of tails, which cushioned the crash landing pretty well, though my chest was still hurting.

    The hydra then tried to unleashed a killing blow by flying overhead, but they wasn't suspecting a sharp Holy Pyrotechnics attack to suddenly burst from my paws and then hit their wings. Their black wings were suddenly burnt away and they started to nosedive right to the ground!

    I quickly rolled out of the way before they crashed into the beach, sending dust and sand flying everywhere. Quickly, I got back up on my feet and backed away a bit while they tried to get back up and recover. Once they did, they snarled loudly and were really out for revenge!

    Looks like I made them angry!

  8. #198
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Claressa Nissa
    Allearth Forest/Kalos
    Affected RPers:
    I’m a doctor, Jim, not a battler!

    Well, this was a lot harder than she had thought it would be. Legendary really didn’t do Yveltal justice, considering he was batting away ill timed attacks with a swipe of his massive wing. He still took damage, however, and it was beginning to show after repeated streams of fire from Circus. Herby played the role of support, putting up screens and healing when necessary, as well as crippling the opponent. He had extreme difficulty dodging Air Slashes, however, and was bleeding from several wounds. Circus was not much better but the repeated healing had him considerably less damaged, although his energy was flagging.

    Yveltal was both burned and poisoned, and badly at that. Herby had gotten a lucky Toxic in and through the opens wounds it had taken effect quickly. It was a losing battle on both ends, but Claressa had more Pokemon to call upon if needed. Yveltal would receive no such add from his brother in this battle. Claressa couldn’t believe they were even still going, frankly – the odds had been so unanimously stacked against her that the fact both of her Pokémon were still standing was simply astounding.

    And yet, something felt horribly off. There was a sensation in the air, tense and threatening, that said horrors were about to unfold. Nothing good could come from it, and it seemed the others had caught on as well. Yveltal, having been charging up what appeared to be a rather focused attack, suddenly stopped and let it dwindle to nothing as his head turned. Xerneas did the same, and with some mental prodding, Claressa did as well. In the distance, a bright light shone, a beacon for all to see. It hadn’t always been there – it couldn’t have – but it was encouraging to see all the same.

    Then, quite suddenly, dark tendrils wrapped around it and consumed it.

    <Oh my my… Seems Arceus…met his untimely demise.> Yveltal’s speech was exhausted, yet cold and calculating. Claressa choked a bit at those words, suddenly realizing that…perhaps not all was as it seemed. That light had been Arceus? Then what had…devoured him? What was so powerful to kill a god?

    <That, Claressa, would be Diabora.> She turned her head as Xerneas spoke, stepping forth as he turned his head toward her. Evidently, they knew she would be wondering that. <It is sad to see Arceus go…but as time ebbs and flows, situations change. One life is exchanged for another.>

    “You aren’t sad that you lost your father? Your creator?”

    <Ooooh, hahahaha, that is what humans think of us? Children of Arceus? No, we are not. We were born from the energy of death and life itself. In some ways, we are even stronger than Arceus, for you cannot kill death, and life can constantly revive itself. Zygarde is the third, who keeps the balance in check. Balance is eternal. We three used to be one, you know.>

    Well, that was new. “Right, so Arceus didn’t create you. Got it.” Glancing up, red streaks were filling the sky from the source of darkness, and the feeling of dread escalated. “…Those…can’t be good. What is going on?” She didn’t have to wait long before one crashed down before them, sending up a flurry of smoke. What crawled forth could only be described as an armored centipede, bones jutting out to form the claws and mandibles… and several red eyes gleaming as it clacked its jaws together.

    <Ahahaha, prey… The end is here, for your pitiful “god” has fallen. The reign of Diabora and Dae…eh…?> It froze at it seemed to finally observe Yveltal and Xerneas, and began to jitter nervously. <What? WHAT?! WHAAAAAAAT?! They are already awake?! This was not part of the plan!>

    “And what would that be, Icky?”

    It rattled a bit as Claressa spoke up, cackling. <…Oh, wouldn’t YOU like to know? No matter! One is already severely weakened… It will be easy enough to infect. Get ready, for the end is nigh!> Claressa rolled her eyes. What was it about evil creatures and their monologues?

    She crossed her arms. "Sorry Yveltal, but it seems the battle is over. I don't think I need to prove my worth to you anymore, all things considered." Now she addressed the giant centipede, snorting. "I'm a doctor, so there isn't going to be any infection happening around here. That being said, you're being rather rude, so maybe a bit of tough love is in order. I promise to patch you up afterward."

    It clicked in amusement, preparing for fight, although she could tell there was a hint of nervousness. Even injured, Yveltal was a force to be reckoned with, and Xerneas wasn't even hurt. It would be a tough fight, that was for sure... but Claressa made sure to tell them - somehow through telepathy, but they were connected - to not kill Icky, as she dubbed him.

    No, she wanted him alive, because they needed answers.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~


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