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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    [SUDS] Modern Mythology

    What if everything you knew wasn’t true?

    What if vampires and werewolves and faeries and almost every other mythological creature you were told weren’t real actually were? And what if they were living among you?

    Well, they are real, and they are living among you. Except their existence is supposed to be a secret…the key word here is “supposed”. Not all creatures agree with the idea of being confined to secrecy, and believe that they should be able to roam the world as they truly are—that humans should know of their existence and fear them. Others disagree; fear on the humans’ part could only lead to more chaos and crusades against even the most harmless, even helpful supernatural creatures. Currently, secrecy of the mythological creatures is enforced by a handful of parties—special human groups like vampire and werewolf hunters, as well as groups among the mythological creatures themselves. With these groups working separately (and very rarely, together), both secrecy and a fragile peace have managed to exist for quite some time…

    And then creatures began disappearing…and reappearing, murdered or mutated in some of the most grotesque ways. Every party imaginable began pointing fingers, and just like that, the peace among the groups shattered completely. Unsure of who to blame, some believe that the existence they have fought so hard to keep secret has been uncovered, others believe that the human groups are turning to mistreating the mythological creatures. Some cry for the discovery of those responsible for the deaths and mutations so that they can be eliminated and the secret of their existence kept intact while others call for the revealing of their existence to humankind in order to appeal for rights of their own.

    Welcome to modern times, where mythological creature are real, and they have a problem. What happens is up to you.

    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: For the love of RPs--NO GODMODDING!!!
    2: No one's invincible, take a hit every once in awhile, more often than not.
    3: For the sake of the RP--PLEASE be active, and if you can't be active, let me know!
    4: Don't constantly make fun of RPers, if they make a mistake, kindly let them know, don't bite their heads off.
    5: No bunnying without permission.
    6: Please limit use of profanity.
    7: Keep things PG-13. (Both romance and violence)
    8: Try to have decent spelling and grammar, I can understand typos, but not anything really bad.

    ~SU Form~
    Age: (Please make this appropriate for your character)
    Race: (Human, Vamp, Were-whatever; what your character is, please give a small explanation of what “rules” apply to them, as there are tons of different kinds of mythological creatures)
    Affiliation: (Who are they with, group-wise? Are they for or against secrecy?)
    Appearance: (Simple paragraph describing you character’s appearance, if they have multiple forms, please describe them as well—this applies to mythological creatures who need a human disguise.)
    Personality: (Simple paragraph describing how your character acts)
    History: (Some basic background on your character; paragraph minimum)
    Weapons/Abilities: (Does your character carry weapons? Know magic? That kind of thing? Put that down here)
    Other: (Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else in the SU)

    Winter- Aileena Crowfeather, Laura Blackwood, Reine Gisela, Straton Sinclair, Skylar Boschtallen, and Damien Wright
    Socratic Sarcasm- Micheal Mikulak and Mira
    Haybalebarn- Tiel, Celeste, and Rise
    Sabi- Ira Gaylen
    Cobalt-Dalton, Flint, and Azrael *has Chandler and Soren on hold
    Velocity- Manus Flynn, Cathleen Flynn, Heracles, and Achilles
    ChibiStar- Ajax Vale, Ashfinger, Corvina Raenwood, and Lyceina Astaravkiulaet

    Last edited by Winter; 06-06-2013 at 05:10 AM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    And here's a quick post reserve for my SUs simply because I can. XD

    Name: Alieena "Leena" Crowfeather
    Age: A few centuries old; she kind of lost count...
    Gender: Female
    Race: Warlock; Immortal creatures capable of using magic due to their half human, half demon lineage, though they are consequentially incapable of having children and bear a "mark" that reveals their nature as warlocks.
    Affiliation: Aileena is pro-secrecy, but does not attach herself to any one group, instead acting on her own and helping other groups when asked to
    Appearance: Despite her age, Aileena doesn't look much older than twenty, with a lean body that hides her enormous magical strength, covered in clear, fair skin. Wild, almost rust-colored hair, tumbles down to her mid-back in soft waves and is rarely pulled back. Thick lashes frame pale green eyes that seem to testify that Aileena has seen quite a bit in her lifetime. Up until this point, she seems fairly normal, however a pair of large black crow wings sprout from her back, near her shoulder blades. Due to her wings, Aileena tends to wear clothing that leaves her shoulders free, and it she wears anything to cover her arms, it's just a simple pair of sleeves or connected by a little bit of material that crosses her back above her wings...meaning she's most often found wearing things like camisoles and jeans along with a pair of worn looking combat boots that she appears to have a sentimental attachment to.
    Personality: Aileena isn't the most outgoing person out there, but she isn't necessarily antisocial, either. She's kind enough to offer her help where it's asked for, though it may come with a price for those who aren't friends of hers. She has a strong protective instinct, but isn't the mother figure most would think would come with that instinct. Actually, she likes sarcasm, really trusts very few, and considers even fewer her friends. She doesn't talk about her past much, and while she is on fantastic terms with her father, don't bring him up. If you value your safety, don't bring up Aileena's family without her bringing them first. She's a bit inquisitive by nature, as well as a touch solitary; preferring the company of birds to other living creatures. By the way, she also has an intolerance for idiocy.
    History: Born from the unholy union between a human mother and a demon father, Aileena's had quite the life. It has been made easier from time to time by her father, particularly when she was little, but those instances have been few and far between. As her father is a demon, she's never met the "real" him, though she has very faint memories of a man with dark hair and eyes taking her to another warlock when she was little, after her mother was killed when someone discovered the girl was growing a pair of wings at ten. The warlock she was taken to was kind, and taught Aileena much of what she knows today, though she has no idea what to call the woman who raised her on mostly healing magic, as well as a bit of offensive magic.

    Since her mother's death and the few discovery incidents she's lived through, Aileena has become a strong believer in keeping the existence of mythological creatures a secret. All she has ever seen from the secret being uncovered has been death and destruction, and she doesn't wish to see any more. That was why she dedicated her potentially never-ending life to protecting those who would otherwise be attacked and killed for being different, as she nearly was at several points in her life. This wish to protect has shown itself in various ways throughout her long life, but has always been a part of her life since she decided that was what she wanted to do with her immortality.
    Immortal-Aileena will not die from old age, in fact, she probably won't ever look older than she does now...however well-placed weapon or magic attacks will hurt her, and possibly kill her.
    Crowtalon-An old halberd Aileena almost never uses, most often seen used as a wall decoration in her home that definitely shows its old age.
    Mage-The demon blood running through Aileena's veins has given her access to real magic, which most often manifests itself in the form of green sparks around her hands when she taps into it to heal or use it as an offensive, where it shoots off her fingers as pale green lightning. She also uses it to keep her wings out of human sight without concealing the rest of her, something she has come to find incredibly helpful over the years. She can use more spells provided she has the right books to list the procedures and materials for her...and Leena has a lovely stash built up, but she refuses to take the books out of her house without a very, very good reason.
    Crow-Lord's Daughter-Aileena has been able to understand and speak to birds ever since she was little, and it's often how she gets her information. She is capable of using her wings to fly
    Other: She has a single companion one might deem "constant"; an American crow she calls Alois...and don't make him mad. He will attack you. He's also currently Leena's father's favorite way of contacting her.

    Name: Laura Blackwood
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human; Vampire Hunter
    Affiliation: Vampire Hunters (barely), pro-secrecy
    Appearance: Laura isn't exactly what you would expect for a girl who hunts down and kills rogue vampires. Coming to stand at about 5" 6' and built like an athlete, Laura tends to throw people off with her ruler-straight strawberry blonde hair that falls to her mid-back and bright blue eyes. She furthers the confusion by wearing various camisoles and shirts underneath a red and pink striped hoodie along with various skirts with shorts under them and the occasional pair of pants, with colorful shoes thrown in for good measure. Her brothers and extended family often remark that she looks like the most cheerful killer they've ever known. However, in truth, she really just hates the tight-fitting, all-black gear that she and her brothers have to wear when they go out on a kill mission...which is pretty rare since they aren't really connected to the hunter group they were raised to be members of. It's also easier for her to hide a array of weapons on her in this outfit, including nearly flat throwing daggers made of various metals (mainly silver, iron, and steel) up her sleeves and a collapsible metal bo staff hidden in a sheath attached to her thigh, under her skirts or outside her pants. She also wears a single piece of jewelry; a steel chain-link necklace from which a thumbprint-sized and egg-shaped chunk of peach selenite hangs. She's known to slip the chain and stone down her shirt front during fights.
    Personality: Laura is one of those people who gets along with most others easily. Friendly but relatively calm, she often makes friends through chance meetings because of what she considers her job. While often serious, Laura enjoys a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm just like anyone else; particularly around her "family" which consists (in her eyes) of her twin brother, adopted older brother, her boyfriend, and his family, who might as well have adopted her and her brothers. Her feelings towards her birth parents can be quite easily figured out from the way she talks about them: with almost nothing but hate, particularly on the subject of her upbringing. Actually, her upbringing has given her a compulsive drive to help people in trouble, especially those put in unfair situations. She's very close to her both of her brothers, and would readily give her life for either of them...and nearly did in her twin brother's case. She's highly curious where mythological creatures are concerned rather than thinking them to be "the spawn of Hell" like many humans in her position do, rather, she thinks of them in much the same way she does people. She absolutely cannot stand intolerance between races, believing that you shouldn't stereotype a creature, but hold your judgements until you get to know them as a "person" first...and no one can say she's a hypocrite about it, considering her boyfriend and his family are vampires. And don't crack Twilight jokes about them; Laura will have your head for it.
    History: Laura's childhood was more horror story than enchanting fairy tale. She was born and raised within a family of high-ranking vampire hunters alongside her twin brother, Angelo. As a child, she found herself more attracted to the boy who looked nothing like her parents and was eight years older than her--her brother by adoption, Wes, who was a more curious and gentle soul than her rigid parents. Expecting nothing short of perfection from their own children, the Blackwood parents began training Laura and Angelo in the art of hunting and killing vampires from a young age, but Laura never had the right mindset for it; her inquisitive nature drove her parents up the wall. The only one who would indulge it in the slightest was Wes, who spent his all his time in the kitchen from age thirteen on, after an incident with Laura prompted him to attempt baking brownies, which came as a surprising success to the Blackwood parents. It was Wes that became her relief from her abnormal childhood of fighting lessons, mythological studies, and lack of parental love. And when she thought it could never get any worse, it did.

    Laura and her twin brother grew distant due to their varying opinions on their parents' teachings. Angelo sucked their forced information up like an eager-to-please sponge while Laura questioned things at every turn, thanks to Wes and a rather independent set of morals. When their parents decided to take then out on their first observation hunt at eleven, Laura faked illness to get out of it, but Angelo went. Laura still regards it as the worst decision she ever made, though she never could have known that her brother would be badly injured--he wasn't even supposed to come in contact with the vampire her parents were hunting, but he did, and it nearly killed him. While another hunter with them insisted upon taking the boy to the hospital, their parents considered Angelo weak and would have let him to die even in the hospital had Laura not basically offered up her freedom in return for her brother's life. They knew she didn't like the idea of her future job, yet she was the "promising" one, the "smart" one. She told them that if they let Angelo die, she would flat out refuse to continue training because they would have let him die for her mistake, however if they let him live, she would do whatever they asked of her without a fight. With Angelo now useless to them both dead or alive, they chose the path that would secure them at least one child to continue to bring glory to the family name. Angelo lived, and Laura lost most of her free will, though she considered it worth it to see her brother alive and relatively well...even if it drove a wall between her friendship with Wes.

    Well, until she got caught by one of her targets. One thing stressed in her line of work? Don't ask questions. After six years of being trained to become a career killer with a single purpose, Laura had learned to shut her objections out; they didn't matter. All that mattered to her was Angelo, that her brother was alive, even if she hated her job and her strict parents and the fact Wes always gave her the cold shoulder. So when she was handed a picture of an innocent looking young man who appeared to be the same age as her and told to kill him, she didn't ask why or what he had done to land him kill orders, though she wanted to. She knew the agency that issued kill orders didn't often look into the claims made against those they issued kill orders against, as many simply believed vampires to be a plague against humans that needed to be wiped from the face of the earth, though she had ignored the up until now. The picture bothered her--assignments rarely came with pictures, and this one had obviously been covertly taken while the boy was out with friends--he was smiling and looked not the slightest bit like the insane mass-murderers and lawbreakers that she had killed before. When she finally tracked him down, her doubts had grown to the point that she hesitated in delivering the killing blow long enough for her target to disarm her and begin demanding to know why she'd been sent after him. Upon admitting that she didn't know and telling him that she was just as in the dark as he was, the vampire's curiosity seemed to get the better of him and he began questioning Laura further while keeping her pinned to the ground. Through the course of this questioning, Laura realized her target was actually about as much of a threat to most humans as a kitten, and when he decided to use her as a cooperative hostage to have his kill orders looked into and removed, Laura didn't mind. She spent two weeks with the vampire and his family, during which time her parents essentially disowned her, Wes took her brother and moved out of her parents house, and Laura became friends with the vampires she found herself living with, as well as their few hired humans. When her now awkward living situation was discovered by her new vampire friends, they took Laura and her brothers in. She eventually began dating the vampire boy who had once been her target while taking it upon herself to continue taking out vampires who posed a danger to humans and the secret of the mythological creatures existence. Things haven't changed much since then; she lives happily among "good" vampires with her brothers takes out "bad" vampires for a living, and hasn't seen or heard from her parents since.
    Weapons/Abilities: As mentioned before, Laura carries iron, silver, and steel blades on her at almost all times, as well as her collapsible bo staff. She knows how to use all of them, as well as her body, in a fight. She's got fantastic athletic abilities for a human thanks to all the training she endured as a kid as well as above-average observational skills, but other than that, she's nothing special, just an ordinary human.
    Other: She may occasionally be seen accompanied by her vampire "family" members on assignments, but it's rare. Typically she insists on going out alone.

    Name: Reine Gisela
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Race: Yuki-onna (An ice woman from Japanese mythology known to freeze stray travelers)
    Affiliation: Pro-secrecy, however she also believes the mythological creatures should work harder to coexist with humans...hence her day job
    Appearance: Reine Gisela (also commonly called "Reine" or "Gisela", depending on which you prefer) is marked with fairly few traits that give away her true nature before she puts on her human disguise. One would have to be her skin, which is incredibly pale, and even sometimes translucent or iridescent in appearance, mixed with slightly blue-tinted lips and almost perpetually frost-coated lashes. Her eyes are often considered her most striking feature, being large and a funny color that seems like a kind of watered-down mix of gray and blue that manages to just barely stand apart from the whites of her eyes, and almost always hold a distant sadness, and sometimes even aloofness to them. Her strawberry blonde hair is surprisingly untouched by frost and falls to her mid-back, though it's often more caught up in two incredibly loose braids, one falling over either shoulder, a simple crown of ice frozen into place slightly askew stop her head. She is often seen wearing a square-necked, pale periwinkle blue dress with sleeves that reach her elbow and would have belled out in a calla lily shape had they not been cut open, though a more wrinkled purple material gives her complete long sleeves that extend past her wrists to cover her palms. The skirt of the dress is floor length, hiding bare feet, though the periwinkle is interrupted in another cut straight up the front that reveals a full purple skirt underneath, and the dress in its entirety is known to glimmer when hit by direct light, as though its covered in frost.

    However, she can't go walking around like that all the time. In fact, Reine often spends her time in a toned-down, more human appearance because of her a model. Her 5'7" body is deceptively fragile-looking, particularly because she looks wire-thin, yet completely healthy. Her skin is still nearly snow-pale, but not transluscent, though on occasion camera shots may cause her to appear "sparkly" or come back with an unexplained glare, though she's convinced most people it's just a strange hazard of working with her, and her lips have just the slightest hint of pink to them. Her eyes become a darker color, taking on more of a slate gray with a light blue undertone, and her hair remains the same, minus her frozen crown. Due to her modeling job, she's often seen wearing different kinds of clothing, but you can bet it's probably designer if it's on her body, and she has a tendency to lean towards wearing dresses when she can, and often hides her hands in gloves to keep from accidentally freezing people or things.
    Personality: Reine is a hard-to-reach person, she's not unfriendly, but she also isn't very outgoing, either, unless she's doing a shoot or a show. She tries to act like most things don't interest her, even if they do, because she has a hard time believing that she won't hurt other people she's frozen several people and other things solid over the years, both on accident and on purpose. It's lead to her being rather quirky, as well--she refuses to spend time out in the heat unless she absolutely has to, and even then she gets jittery and even faint at times, and she tries not to touch people of let others touch her directly. Most times she feigns being a germophobe, however some people have noticed her inconsistencies, not that they mention them. For them, she a fairly good natured and beautiful model with her handful of quirks. While she isn't the easiest person to befriend, she seems to have grown somewhat close to her security detail...with the exception of one member--Straton Sinclair. Reine is also known to be incredibly opposed to the use of violence in anything, and is really pretty softhearted for a girl made of ice. Part of her reasoning in becoming a model was because she didn't want to become like her mother; the other part was because she wanted to do something good with her life.
    History: Reine doesn't like talking about her past. She hates, talking about it, actually, and not without good reason. She was born as the second child of two to a Yuki-onna mother, while she never knew her father. Why, you may ask? Because it's rather likely her mom froze the man to death shortly after the act that created her life...and it wasn't the same man that fathered her older brother, either. Her mother was what most people would call certifiably insane; an inability to control her own powers combined with isolation from others of her kind caused her to go mad, to crave warmth and acceptance she couldn't have...and it led to her accidentally killing a lot of people. Particularly a lot of men. Enough men that it eventually led to her being hunted down by demon hunters and killed to keep the secrecy of mythological creatures in tact, leaving Reine and her older brother, Neige, orphans at ages 10 and 15. Her brother used his own abilities to shift his body of ice into that of a wolf's in order to cope with his grief, leaving Reine mostly to her her own thoughts and rarely allowing his more human form to surface. The two carved out a simple life among the mountains they had grown up on while essentially under "probation" of sorts; if either child began repeating the mistakes of their mother, they would meet the same fate.

    And then one day Reine got sick of it. She decided she was tired of living in isolation with no one but her non-speaking brother for company. Instead, the Yuki-onna was determined to become the opposite of her mother--that she would find a way to surround herself with people and be careful not to harm them...a few months later, she walked into a call for models to do clothing advertisements and walked out with a job. From there, Reine's all-around unusual coloring and pretty face made her popular. However popularity has its lots of public exposure. Her newfound popularity out her in a precarious position, and not too long after she began doing more important shoots, her brother personally went out and hired a human bodyguard for her; a man who simply goes by the name Davide. Davide handled keeping and eye on her for years and brought a few others into guarding Reine, but it was him that Reine took to thinking of as more of a father figure. She's been through several guards for varying reasons, most recently being the tradeoffs that landed both Ashfinger and Straton among her guards... She knows it's because of a recent string of disappearances and murders, however she's also not going to let herself be pulled away from her job easily.
    Icy Touch-If she isn't careful, things Reine comes into skin contact with (moreso in her normal form rather than her human disguise) are likely to freeze solid, it also results in an odd trick in which she cups her hands to her mouth and exhales, causing snow to form.
    Body of Ice-Reine's body is made mainly of ice, and she can and will build upon it with , rapidly freezing water in the air to weaponize her body to give herself claws, ice swords, a shield, ect.
    Ice Queen-Not only can Reine manipulate the ice that forms her body and freeze the air around her, ice seems to obey her, bending to her will should she will it to.
    Other: She's based off an idea I got from having to analyzing ****inson poetry--a more human appearance for her "Blonde assassin" in her poem "Apparently with no surprise." She's also often seen with a large white wolf...her brother, Neige, follows her everywhere he can to ensure her safety.

    Name: Straton Sinclair
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human, Demon hunter
    Affiliation: Pro-secrecy, however he also wants to get rid of every single non-human in existence
    Appearance: For being such an unpleasant person to be around most of the time, Straton actually isn't very bad looking. His lean body reaches a height of 5" 9' and he tends to give off an air of being ready to take on anything at any time. His chocolate-colored hair is a bit long and shaggy, yet it doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest. His hazel eyes are sharp and unfriendly, though you might catch them looking upon things with other emotions if he's no aware anyone is looking at him; he likes hiding them behind a pair of wraparound sunglasses so it's harder for people to tell where he's really looking, though he's not afraid to go without them. Unlike Davide, Straton doesn't have an official looking guard uniform. Instead, he opts to wear a close-fitting black long sleeved shirt under a black zip-up running jacket and normal jeans. Under the jacket, he hides an array of knives slipped into a single strap that goes from one shoulder and attaches to a belt at the waist of his jeans. While he's often seen reaching over his shoulder when he gets angry, it's a nervous habit--he hasn't been allowed to carry a gun since the incident that landed him his assignment with Reine. A rigid sliver bracelet covered in a vine pattern stays around his left hand wrist while his right ear sports several iron earrings. He's known for producing all kinds of strange pouches from pockets inside his jacket.
    Personality: Straton is one of those people whose life goal is apparently to make a huge jerk of himself and tick off everyone around him. He's not the slightest bit friendly, and hates authority, yet willingly obeys it, only to complain later. He despises mythological creatures and wouldn't love anything more than the ability to see every single one of their kind extinct. He's got a mental comeback for almost everything, but hardly ever opens his mouth unless he's spoken to first, so don't ask his opinion on anything unless you really want it. He more than willing to resort to violence as an answer to anything and everything, which landed him him with a job as part of Reine Gisela's security detail in order to make sure she wasn't a threat to anyone and no one was a threat to exposing her true identity. He hates his current assignment with a passion and simply deals with it by acting most of the time as if Reine doesn't exist; he barely looks at her or speaks to her, giving everyone else the impression that he hates her moreso than he hates his job. He's pretty antisocial around others, and has a relatively short fuse.
    History: Straton was born the middle child of a large family of extremist Demon Hunters. While his family imparted their strict mindset on how the mythological creatures of the world should be eliminated, most of his family members also complied to the rules set down by a larger Demon Hunter organization...what they didn't teach Straton, however, was to put a cap on the family beliefs to carry out his assignments. They didn't teach him to ask questions, either. He was always reported for overstepping his bounds, falsely punishing mythological creatures, starting anything he could with them. Where Straton Sinclair went, death and destruction in varying forms seemed to follow. Eventually his record caught up with him, however, and an incident in which he killed a werewolf without clear reason got him his last warning: If Straton stepped even slightly out of bounds once more, he was done. He would be removed from the ranks of Demon Hunters. With that said, they took away his gun and bow privileges to remove the temptation of shooting anything innocent and handed him his next assignment: playing bodyguard for a Yuki-onna girl who worked as a model. What he just thought was going to be a rather simple yet annoying job dealing with a spoiled brat mythological creature has since turned into a nightmare, as there is another mythological creature acting as a guard as well as the fact he may now actually have to protect the kind of creature he hates most with all these disappearances and murders going around.
    True Sight-If he tries, Straton can see through the disguises of non-humans--it's run through his family for generations.
    Trained Killer- Straton was raised to kill demons, and as such, he can (and here will have to) rely on his hand and knife skills in a fight; he keeps an array of knives in various metals on a kind of belt that goes from his shoulder to his pants belt. He can use a gun or crossbow, but he doesn't have one or the other right now--he lost his gun privileges after the incident that had the Demon hunters shipping him off to guard Reine.
    Hidden Arsenal- Straton uses pockets inside his jacket to hide various pouches, the two seen most often contain iron and silver "shavings", but no one knows everything he's hiding in that jacket of his.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Pia Montverde
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human; Demon Tamer
    Affiliation: Undecided
    Pia *Not drawn by me, but by SevenOClockBacon on dA, who she was adopted from and Pia again *Drawn by me.
    Pia's fashion sense is a little bit...behind on the times, however it hasn't stopped her from being the kind of girl you want to run up and hug. One of the things most people notice about Pia immediately is her hair--it is LONG, falling in almost mahogany-colored semi-waves to her ankles, and almost exactly matches her expressive, childlike eyes in color. She can almost always be found with a long, off white hood covering her top of her head and falling down to her ankles with her hair. She can almost always be found in matching dresses, particularly the dress pictured, sporting long off-white sleeves and ruffles and an almost overcoat-ish layer with an empire waist in varying shades of dark pinks over it, which she wears with a matching pair of boots that go to her knees. She also carries with her a staff...which really doesn't look like more than a very tree branch shaped similarly to a shepherd's crook.
    Personality: The first thing most people think about upon meeting Pia is that she must not get out much. While not entirely true, she has spent most of her life either in the small village or in total obscurity, hunting down demons by herself, and then eventually with Aneislys by her side. Due to this, she is incredibly friendly and often comes off as naive. Really, she's seen quite a bit of nastiness in her life, but chooses to remain on the bright side of things, even when some of the nastier things come back to haunt her. She also is solidly determined to help anyone she can and tries not to judge on appearance, two ideals stressed by her mother throughout Pia's life. What little she knows about the modern world, she has learned from her fire demon, Conleth, who she has known practically since birth and trusts with her life. She seems to be under the impression that there is a little good in everyone, no matter what they've done or how evil they seem, something she has picked up from spending her life around people and relatively kind or at least tame demons, which may be why she's so patient with Aneislys and doesn't care much about what he is or what he did in the past. Much like with Conleth, she trusts Anei with her life, though she tends to avoid the kind of joking and occasional rough-housing she does with Conleth, opting more to spend her time with him trying to fix the damage done to him before she rescued him.
    History: Pia was born and raised in a little village tucked away in the mountains...somewhere. Really, it's hard to be specific since her people have lived there for centuries, somewhat oblivious to the outside world that's skipped over them due to their ability to access alternate dimensions and play with space in ways a normal human isn't. Unless you know how to "get there", you likely aren't going to find it, and in leaving the village, you're likely to end up wherever the spatial influencing around the village dumps you...which could theoretically be anywhere, though it likes Europe. This village is what Pia's demon-taming people call home and rarely leave unless they're going off to find demons to tame. As is their custom, her father went left the village shortly before his daughter's birth to both find and a tame a demon to become his child's first "tamed" demon and her protector. The demon he tamed was a fire demon named Conleth, and while her father didn't much care for any demon, this one in particular was probably the best he could have found to give to his daughter.

    Pia was raised by both her parents and Conleth, who took to the girl he was given to in a manner most demons did not--he became a figure in her life similar to a second mother almost immediately. He was always with her, always close, always teaching and encouraging or taking care of her. As a child, Pia never feared fire or light, and often clung to Conleth as much as her mother. As she grew, the two learned and worked together to allow Pia to grow as a demon tamer. Their stronger bond and easy reliance on each other allowed Pia to pass the test given to all the village children once their teachers, those who trained them) believed them skilled enough to earn the actual title of demon tamer and right to leave the village at 15. Determined to both see the outside world Conleth referenced so much and do good for the people of the world, Pia left the village and never looked back. She found she enjoyed traveling and information collecting, as well as the oddities of the rest of the world. Along her travels, she collected many demons, however she only bonded well with a few of them, as well as a water spirit. In the end, she wound up with a team of six demons she uses regularly to aid her in seeking out troublesome demons and helping her "catch" them--Conleth (whom you already know about), Tiam (a younger but quite capable female noble demon who bears a few draconic features when she fights, along with the ability to manipulate wind, who joined Pia in order to ditch the "illusions of grandeur" her parents had for her), Rin (a darkness-manipulating demon girl who doesn't seem to "like" the others around her, but doesn't appear to hate them, either), Meredith (a kindhearted water spirit who specializes in healing), Harland (a mischievous demon Pia really only keeps around for his skill at picking locks and getting open things he probably shouldn't, his sly, joking attitude doesn't sit well with the others), and Brant (a younger crow demon Pia found injured some time ago and had Meredith heal, his loyalty lies with Pia now, and she only uses his help when she needs a message delivered quickly--he's often found hanging close to or on Tiam otherwise). This group of demons has become like a second family to her for the most part, and she often treats them as such, making sure they are alright after fights against other demons and joking around with them in their occasional downtime.

    Months after setting out on her own and accumulating several of her main demons, Pia was in Ireland investigating rumors of a run-down and abandoned castle in a heavily wooded area that was once a town where it was rumored some kind of lingering spirit or demon had been screaming for hundreds of years. Without being able to pin down a solid story, she went to investigate the place to find out what was screaming for herself. The events that followed would scar her for the rest of her life.
    Pia herself isn't much of a fighter, but more of a commander, summoning the demons she has locked away and eventually tamed to do various things for her, and uses a certain group of six demons more than she uses any others (Conleth, Tiam, Rin, Meredith, Harland, and Brant). She does this using an ability that has been passed through the generation of her people which allows them access different dimensional pockets and sometimes even entirely different dimensions that become bound to their will and accessed by the staffs they carry. Pia uses her ability to store both demons and travel supplies; it's use is often noted by what appears to be a heat shimmer in the air preceeding the exit of whatever she has called upon.

    Name: Aneislys, often shortened to Anei
    Age: He thinks it's somewhere between 400 and 500 years old, but he really isn't too sure. Having around 300 years of your life spent with a succubus mauling you can ruin your memory.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Gancanagh-A male race of Fae that do not look much different from humans and are known for seducing women, however give the phrase "love kills" an entirely new meaning. It is thought that Gancanagh produce a toxin in their skin which causes the women they seduce to quite literally become addicted to them--or more specifically, their touch. As such, most Gancanagh victims die from withdrawal or for reasons related specifically to the Fae.
    Affiliation: His only loyalty is to Pia Montverde, and probably will remain to Pia until the day she dies.
    Appearance: The one of the two that obviously isn't Pia. *Drawn by me!
    For a Fae, Anei looks surprisingly similar to humans, the only things about him that tend to stand out are his snowy white hair, which is always pulled back into a short and uneven ponytail that would otherwise reach just below his shoulders, and his eyes, which are a kind of red-gold often found in the coloring of leaves in places that actually have an autumn. Otherwise, he's slightly taller than Pia and incredibly thin, having managed to not gain back weight he probably should have after Pia and her demons rescued him about four years ago. He covers layer after layer of scars on his body in the same manner he hides his skin from contact with people; he wears multiple layers of very simplistic clothing, favoring darkly colored long sleeve shirts under a plain brown leather jacket with a higher turned up collar that is enchanted to mend damage to itself over time, along with closer fitting jeans that go over boots, and covers his hands with black leather gloves. He also carries two swords slung over his back, the hilts appearing just over his left shoulder--a silver blade and a crystal-edged steel blade he is incredibly careful about using--it often stays hidden away in a crystal-lined sheath, its hilt wrapped in a thick layer of cloth. When glamored, his pair of sword look like a round...poster container. Kind of. XD
    Personality: The first thing one might notice about Anei is that where Pia tends to be open and friendly towards everyone, he is more reserved, content to do nothing more than stand beside Pia while she talks and simply listen as opposed to actually joining in most of the time. He seems to have problems with most physical contact, shying away when strangers reach out to him and rarely reaching out to others, no matter how helpful it would be, Pia being the only exception. Anei is incredibly shy, unsure of what to expect of most people, and is rarely at ease among both other Fae and most demon summoners, warlocks in particular, though his unease around them pales in comparison to the sheer amount of terror and hate he feels towards most kinds of seduction demons (namely succubi) and demons with illusory powers. He also fears using his own natural power as a Gancanagh to an extreme level and seeks to cover as much of his skin as he possibly can without looking too odd.

    However, despite his fear of most physical contact and avoidance of contact with most women, he is incredibly close to Pia. She is about the only person he trusts, and he would do almost anything for her, including act as a living shield for her if he had to. This is partly because he feels indebted to her, partly as his way of trying to remove personal guilt towards the lives of women that he ruined, partly because of her own kindness towards him upon their first meeting, and also partly because he fears becoming his old self and ending up spending a possible eternity in pain for it again. He also tends to fall back on her for reassurance and has a decent relationship with several of her demons--most notably Conleth and Meredith.
    History: Anei was born
    Weapons/Abilities: As a Fae, Anei is immortal in the sense that age will not kill him, and it is unlikely that his physical appearance will change even as he ages on--however he does have the same weakness to iron that all Fae do, and enough exposure to it, being severely injured by it can and will kill him. He has better base senses than a human, and is also a bit stronger, though his true strength lies in his speed and reflexes, as well as his ridiculously high pain threshold. As a Gancanagh, it is possible for Anei to have women become addicted to him thanks to a toxin in his skin--and its use will often lead to the death of a woman he has touched with his bare skin due to withdrawal. It is an ability he tries to avoid using as much as possible. He carries a pair of swords slung across his back; one is silver and one is steel, and he isn't afraid to use them or years of hand-to-hand training he's had, though his first priority is keeping Pia safe.
    Last edited by Winter; 08-07-2013 at 07:04 AM.

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  3. #3
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Yay! I will be bringing back Dalton, Chandler and Soren, and rebooting their story lines. I will copy and paste the SUs after school and bold any changes.

  4. #4
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Might wanna change PE2K to PxR there Winter. XD

    I'll repost Ira later on today.

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  5. #5
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Lol, sorry, will change when I get home, posted it back up in a bit of a hurry and without thinking.

  6. #6
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    It depends. How sane are you?
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    Name: Michael Mikulak
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human psychic- Capable of telekenesis, slight foresight, and-most saliently for Michael- reading and influencing emotions
    Affiliation: Michael Mikulak.
    Appearance: Michael is bony. Very. He stands at 5'9", and only weighs 120 pounds due to his interim in prison and then living off of the land. Although he hides it behind his baggy orange jumpsuit, seing his torso means you can count his ribs, and what little weight does seem to be on him is mostly bone with a very little muscle. His face is gaunt: his cheekbones are high and his cheeks are sunken in. He has bags under his brown eyes, and his brown hair, though short, gives the impression that it was cut by someone completely unprofessional. He's generally expressionless, and his skin has a grayish tint to its normal light brown shade (an indicator of his Latino heritage).

    Personality: Michael is... unstable. He often stares into space for no apparent reason, focusing intently on things that are not there. His eyes have a haunted look, as though they have seen things they should not have. His voice is quiet, and he is generally seen dragging a stick intently on the ground. He looks positively harmless.

    He's precisely as harmless as an alligator with its jaws around your throat, and exactly as likely to show you mercy.

    Michael has knowledge of people, knowledge extensive enough that very few can avoid being manipulated ruthlessly by him then discarded as a useless toy, as he will occasionally do. He is almost completely without scruples, and he has a will that is not only strong, but also insidious. If he gets into mental combat with you, get the hell away. He was formally trained in thr theory of his psychic abilities for five years, and learned practically in the school of hard knocks for another three. He will (and did) torture, kill, cripple, and mentally dominate anyone idiotic enough to get in his way.

    But he doesn't go out of his way to do such things. At the end of the day, Michael just wants to be left alone. People walking near him, touching him, or feeling anything anything particularly strongly startle Michael, maybe even scare him a little. The scars on his body indicate someone who has experienced a severe lack of kindness for the last few years, and being around crowds, with all the emotions he can feel, will drive him more than a little nuts. He basically believes that people are to leave him alone, and he'll leave them alone. But if he's crossed...

    History: Michael was born to two very magically powerful people: his mother was an overwhelming psychic and his father was a shapeshifter (or, as Michael would put it: a were-whatever-the-hell-he-wants). From a young age, Michael's parents drilled into him that knowledge was power, and taught him of mythology as well as biology (in case he turned out like his dad) and physics (so that he could kick ass of he inherited from his mom) on top of regular school classes. They weren't exclusively concerned with drilling things into Michael, and in Michael's free time, his parents would indulge and show love to Michael, same as any other parent. And at night, when Michael was asleep, his parents would gamble as to whose gifts Michael would inherit.

    This went on for a time, until Michael was 13. Then, They (Michael refuses to describe the people with anything else) came. For whatever reason-Michael never found out-They wanted to take the family captive. And Michael saw the true dangers of the supernatural for the first time. Michael's parents fought tooth and nail and fang and claw: Michael's father's form was absolutely fluid, shifting from one form to the next without much of a breather. Michael's mother induced absolute panic among the opposing soldiers, threw soldiers together and away like they were pebbles instead of people, and even manipulated the particles in the air to make fire and electricity. But in the end, Michael's parents were dead, and Michael was taken captive.

    Michael still isn't sure what possessed Them to take him to whatever hellhole prison they did, but They took Michael to a hellhole prison. Not four days later, Michael's powers began to make themselves known to him. But a place as seeped in despair and fear as a prison is not the ideal place to come into empathetic powers-indeed, it can be a very bad place. Michael only held on because of one thing, one thing his father said to him a long time before:

    "Michael, remember, hope is strength. It is the base strength. No matter what anyone does to you, they cannot take your hope. Only you can give it to them. Once you lose hope, you lose everything. Never give up hope."

    This imprisonment continued for three years. Michael trained his psychic powers in the hope that he could use them to break free. And though Michael didn't get formal training (and kept his powers on the down low so that They didn't take precautions against them), he was an absolute natural at employing psychic abilities. But even as his powers grew, so to did the pain they caused him. And, in Michael's sixteenth year of life, he decided he had enough. He made himself as unnoticeable as he could (using his abilities to make himself appear uninteresting) and escaped.

    This was not the end of it. For the next month or so, Michael began to truly use his powers and expand them. He could influence people. He could psychically throw large objects with near pinpoint accuracy. He could even manipulate heat and make sparks of fire and electricity, a sign of a truly advanced gift. To keep himself alive, Michael used his biological knowledge and psychic abilites to hunt and forage for food (as Their facility was isolated in the wilderness). But Michael did not forget what They did to him. And Michael is not the kind of person to forgive such crimes. And he needed to develop his talents further, and there weren't many people to practice on in the forest.

    Michael began going back to Their building and influencing workers to leave. Only a few at a time, at first, before expanding his talents. And each time the workers left, they weren't heard from again. Michael crushed their wills one by one, and forced them to kill each other far away. In the end, when there weren't as many workers left, Michael took Their facility by storm and painfully executed every worker there before releasing the still somewhat stable inmates and painlessly killing those who were too far gone.

    And this is where Michael is now. Powerful, broken, and nearly psychopathic, Michael has made Their building his home (they have well stocked fridges) as he tries to come to terms with himself now. He's jumpy and prone to violence. Proceed with caution.


    Agelessness: Due to his powerful psychic abilities, Michael will stop aging after he reaches physical maturity

    Telekinesis: Michael is capable of using his conviction to move objects around. His telekenesis is both strong and precise: he once sent 100 knives at multiple foes with a thought. It tires him though, to operate at full strength; if he exerts all his telekinetic might over even a short period of time, he'll be hungry, tired, and probably have a fever from overwork.

    Empathy and Influence: This is Michael's strongest psychic gift, and it is both what makes him so dangerous and quite weak. Dangerous, because there is no slipping a lie past him, and he can influence your actions with a thought. If he is facing someone weak willed, he can even completely destroy their personailty, effectively killing their minds and taking control of their bodies. However, feeling that many emotions is very bad for emotional and mental health, and it is only Michael's exceptional strength of will and personality that has left him at all functional. Even then, he's not exactly playing with a full deck, and in a crowd, he'll probably lose it.

    Precognition: Michael likes to sing. He even composes songs. But sometimes, those song's verses are prophetic. And he can't identify which is which.

    Rope: Michael conceals a long strand of strong rope between his shirt and undershirt. He controls it telekinetically as he needs it.

    Name: Mira (no last name she'll admit to)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Changeling- The scion of a mortal and one of the Aos Sí (the original fae of Celtic mythology), in Mira's case, one of the Winter Court.
    Affiliation: Mira serves Queen Medb, the ruler of the Unseelie (Winter) Court. Medb favors keeping mythos, mythos to the general public. Mira doesn't personally care, but since the Queen basically decides on Mira's quality of life...
    Appearance: Mira looks like your classic Snow White beauty: hair black like ebony, lips red as blood, skin as white snow, etc. Mira has icy blue eyes, and stands at 5'6", with striking features and inhuman beauty. Her outfit tends to vary depending on where she is: if she is in the real world, she'll tend to keep it simple: black T-shirt, blue jeans, hair in a prim and proper bun so that it'll stay out of the way. However, in the realm of Faerie, in the heart of Winter, on formal occasions, Mira will (only literally) let her hair down and wear a long black gown, studded with sapphires (the Unseelie Court could buy most countries at least 50 times) so that she can look her best, as appearances have a lot of weight among the Aos Sí. She, however, always wears one piece of jewelry: a silver ring with a snowflake shaped diamond on the top, which lets her contact or summon Unsselies. She doesn't do it often, though: they don't like to be summoned.

    Personality: Mira is stoic. Extremely. She keeps her emotions under absolute control, and she is a creature dictated almost exclusively by reason. She identifies emotions and their potential influences and arrests them before they have a chance to take any sort of hold. She's capable of feeling, but she doesn't see any real logical reason to allow feelings to influence her or dictate her actions.

    That said, Mira is a keen assessor of people. She can tell the general strength of a person's personality, and (due to her extensive exposure to the Unseelie nasties) can almost always immediately tell if someone is a supernatural creature, particularly a predator. She can tell with some accuracy the emotions of other people, and while she would never lie, she's very good at misdirecting, withholding information, saying things from a certain poit of view, interpreting statements differently...

    Due to her expose to the nastiest of the fae, Mira is paranoid. Not paralyzingly so, but she has a plan in place for everything from chrysanthemums trying to take over the world to people trying to make her explode with their minds (this last one is obviously a lot more commonplace than you would think). She has weapons in her, well, everything really, and is clever enough to know how to use them. She is not bad at hand to hand, especially with her increased strength, and her magic is quite powerful.
    History: Mira keeps her history under wraps. Quite a bit. What is known is that one of her parents is a Winter fae, and that it seems more likely to be her mother. We do not know for sure who her fae parent exactly is, although Mira's strength with Unseelie Magic leaves very few (powerful) candidates to be her mother. Questions about Mira's parents tend to end with the asker getting a blade in their guts and are therefore discouraged.

    But what is known about Mira is that she has been in the political game between the Courts of Winter and Summer for a LONG time. She serves her Court primarily as a spy and assassin, and she does her job well. She is capable, efficient, and deadly, and her name is whispered among her enemies. But it's not really personal for her. She does her job. That's it.

    Agelessness: After reaching physical maturity, Mira will stop aging.

    Glamours: Like most of the denizens of Faerie, Mra can make minor illusions and become unnoticeable.

    Unseelie Magic: Mira can call on the truly powerful magic of the Unseelie. This magic has a theme of taking: taking heat, taking consciousness, taking order, taking life. It is not evil, but it can destructive.

    Inhuman Strength and Speed: Mira can MOVE. Like cross a football field lengthwise in about five seconds, move. And she can lift quite a bit.

    Inhuman constitution: Mira will fully heal from all injuries much more quickly than a normal human being. In addition, she is more resilient to damage to begin with. However, the quick healing and toughness can be bypassed if one uses iron, since these powers are of Faerie, or if one can employ magics of the Seelie Court.

    Knife of Banes: A wooden handled knife. Its blade is made of an alloy of steel and silver that Mira got from her fae parent, cooled at the forge with holy water, before being enchanted (by a mortal wizard, as the magic of the fae cannot affect iron) to be unbearable and undullable. As befits an assassin of Mira's caliber, it is meant to bypass as many superhuman toughness abilities as possible. Mira gave the blade its name. It's usual kept concealed along with many other more typical knives.

    Unseelie Ring: A ring given to Mira by Queen Medb herself. It gives Mira the ability to summon any of the Unseelie Court, but not the ability to bind them. Ergo, she doesn't summon them often. It also allows her to speak to the Lady Medb, so that Mira may inform her of the situation.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

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  7. #7
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    PE2K changed to PXR, still waiting for a few reposts, and assuming Michael and Mira haven't changed, accepted, Socratic.

    Also got all but two of my SUs reposted.

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  8. #8
    Junior Trainer haybalebarn's Avatar
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    These are reposts from pe2k, so I'll just put them in spoilers. Don't think I'm changing anything about them from over there.


    Name: Tiel’crec (Pronounced Tea-el’crek.) He goes by Tiel (Tea-el).
    Age: At least a thousand years old, if not more. Age is irrelevant to him. In human form he appears to be in his twenties.
    Gender: Male.
    Race: Thunderbird-Pheonix hybrid. He shares almost all his traits with phoenixes, so I shall define my version of them here. Phoenixes are grand, majestic birds that are most famous for one trait: they’re immortal. Phoenixes never die, instead when they are in a situation in which they would die; their bodies disappear in a flurry, and all that remains is an egg. When the egg hatches, the phoenix bursts out exactly as they had been before reverting into egg form, both physically and mentally. A phoenix can only truly die when they have decided they have lived long enough, and when they do die, sometime in the near future a new phoenix egg will be laid somewhere else in the world, keeping the population of phoenixes in the world always the exact same amount. After they reach maturity, phoenixes will never age, always remaining youthful, looking to be in their twenties. Now, phoenixes also are elementally related to fire, but this is irrelevant in Tiel’s case so I won’t elaborate. Please note that this is simply my personal version of a phoenix.

    : Secrecy. Tiel is so secretive he tends to hide from other mythological creatures as well, and only a few know of his existence.

    : I just realized that Tiel has 4 different forms, so forgive me if I don’t include a ton of detail. Anyways, let’s begin.
    In his natural form, Tiel takes the shape of a giant raven. He can vary the size considerably, the smallest size having a wingspan of about six feet, the largest size having a wingspan of fifty feet. His plumage is the glossy black of a raven’s wing, but the edges of the feathers are a bold yellow and the bases of the feathers an electric blue, with the black being between the two unnatural colors. Occasionally a blue static spark may shock between his feathers. His eyes are an unnaturally bright yellow with an electric blue halo surrounding the pupil.

    In human form, Tiel stands at five feet eleven inches tall. His blond hair falls down past his ears, but it typically clumps together in spikes, sticking out together in every which way. (Think anime style messy spiky hair.) If one looks closely, they may notice his hair has a blue tint to it, and if one were to poke and prod around his head, they would soon discover that the roots of his hair are blue, with the odd strand never turning blond as it grew longer, adding to the electric blue tinge (Did you know tinge isn’t a word? I didn’t, but I like it, so I’ll use in anyways). His eyes are the same yellow with blue halo as in his natural form. A silver necklace in the shape of a single feather rests around his neck. He wears black combat boots, tan cargo pants, and a plain black shirt with slits cut in the back around the shoulders. From these slips, two wings protrude; they appear exactly as his wings do in his natural form.

    Raven form is rather boring, as there isn’t much to write about. In raven form, Tiel looks like your typical raven, although slightly large than normal. His eyes are also the same as in his other forms: electric yellow with a halo of electric blue.

    Finally, we get to egg form. At first glance, Tiel’s egg form looks like a glass orb. Although it is a bit heavy, it can fit into a man’s hand easily enough. Inside the sphere, blue electrical energy pulses and plays along this glass, almost like one of those static orbs that cause people’s hair to stand up.

    : Tiel is generally quiet and reserved, thinking his own thoughts. He tends to be rather shy, but this does not mean he will run away from people, but rather that it is rare for him to start a conversation and also may not speak up in discussions if he is not comfortable with enough of the people there. When he finally becomes comfortable with a person, some of the quietness goes away, although it still remains in his voice. He tends to be very inquisitive after he is made comfortable with someone, and it’s obvious he tends to think deeply. In human form, he is more likely to speak up even when he isn’t comfortable with a person, but it’s still a rather unlikely occurrence. Tiel generally has a kind and generous heart, but he is so quiet and shy that people tend not to realize he’s even around.

    History: To be honest, Tiel’s history is rather boring. Despite being a hybrid coming from a phoenix father and a thunderbird mother, Tiel has always been accepted by the few other members of these species he’s met. Growing up he was kind, quiet, and studious, and his life was content. Long after he reached adulthood, he remained in his parents roost, for he simply could not be bothered to leave. Sadly, thunderbirds are not immortal like phoenixes, and two years in the past, his mother died of old age.

    Over the next year, his father began returning to the roost less and less, and the few times he and Tiel did speak, Tiel’s father often suggested that he was soon going to allow himself to move onto the next life. About a year before the beginning of the rp, after another of his father’s visits, Tiel heard a loud shriek from around the roost. Eventually, he found feathers on the ground and a few other signs that his father had given up his immortality. Something about the scene felt strange, but he put the thoughts aside. Soon, he began traveling, his curiosity about the world too great, and as he began overhearing stories of supernatural creatures disappearing mysteriously, he started to worry that something sinister may have happened to his father. Because of this, he has begun searching for clues far and wide to see if he can find any evidence that his father is still somewhere out in the world. So far, he has found none.

    +Phoenix Immortality. Across all of his forms, if Tiel were to receive fatal wounds, he will revert into his egg form, to hatch from it again in three days’ time.

    True form:
    +Natural weapons. In his true form, Tiel has massive beaks and claws that can be used to rip things to shreds.
    +Storm Magic. As an elemental creature, Tiel has deep connections to the power of the storm. In his true form, his powers are the strongest. He can generate and control massive amounts of electricity to do whatever he pleases, or summon winds comparable to the strongest storm. He can summon huge thunderstorms to boost his own power, or summon small lightning clouds to endlessly follow and shock a target.
    +Shocking reversion. When Tiel is forced into his egg form from his true form, he releases one last powerful blast of electricity all around him which he can control well enough so that it does avoids allies.
    +Easy transformation. When in his true form, Tiel can easily transform into his human or raven forms in a matter of thirty seconds or less. The process is painless for him, and the magic conveniently summons his clothes from whatever pocket dimension they’re in when he turns into a human. He can transform through most injuries or pain in this form.
    +Size variance. When Tiel transforms into his true form, he can choose the size that he wishes to be, within certain parameters. Once he is in his natural form, he cannot change his size any longer. If he wishes to change his size, he must first transform into his human or raven form, and then back into his true form at the desired size.

    Human form:
    +Tiel still has access to all his Storm powers when in human form, although to a lesser degree than in his true form.
    +Wings. Pretty straight forward, he has wings which give him the ability to fly. He has managed to use his magical power to create a weak spell around them to hide them, but since it is rather outside his elemental field, they are only protected from the sight of normal humans. Supernatural creatures or humans who know of the supernatural will most likely be able to see his wings just fine.
    +Transformation. When in human form, it takes him around thirty seconds to return to his true form, and about a minute to transform into raven form. In human form, he can transform through some pain and injury, although not excessive amounts.

    Raven form:
    +The almost perfect disguise. When in raven form, no matter how well a person is able to pick out mythical creatures from a crowd, Tiel will not be recognized as a mythical creature. The only hint that he may be a mythical creature is his electric yellow eyes with their curious blue halo, and the fact that if he slips up, he might sound too human while talking.
    +Tiel can still speak English while in Raven form, since ravens are language capable.
    -Difficult transformation. Transforming into raven form is typically rather easy. To transform back into his true or human forms, Tiel must wait a full five minutes for the transformation to complete.
    -Pain blocks transformation. If Tiel is injured or in serious pain when in raven form, he will be unable to transform back into his human or true forms.

    Egg form:
    +Power transferal. While in egg form, Tiel is able to give people holding his egg the ability to imperfectly control electricity and wind if he so desires. They shouldn’t try to do anything crazy though, as he can only give so much assistance in control.
    +Telepathy. While in egg form, he has a short range telepathy, typically five feet around him, but if he concentrates he can speak over longer distances.
    -He’s trapped in a freaking egg. He can barely do anything but wait around for three days until he hatches.
    -The pain of immortality. Phoenixes must pay a price for their immortality. Although they can never be killed because of their ability to turn into their eggs, the process of turning into their egg form causes immense pain as their physical body is transformed into magical energy while they recuperate. And for Tiel, because he is not a true phoenix, the pain of turning into a magical "egg" is multiplied tenfold. Because of this, he will only use egg form when absolutely necessary. He would rather wait years for a serious injury to heal than to quickly heal the injury by forcing a situation that causes him to go into egg form, the pain is too great to even consider it.
    -Imperfect immortality. Tiel is a hybrid, and although he was lucky enough to receive the gift of immortality from his phoenix parent, this immortality is not perfect, draining his life force whenever he reverts to egg form, and it takes him weeks to recover from this drain. The simplest way to explain how it works is a tier system. Whenever he transforms into an egg, he goes down a tier, and if a certain time limit is passed without transforming into an egg, he goes up one tier. Here are the tiers:
    1. Perfectly normal.
    2. Inability to transform into thunderphoenix form, weakness. 3 weeks without egg form to move up one tier.
    3. In ability to transform into human or thunderphoenix forms. 2 weeks without egg form to move up one tier.
    4. If this stage is reached, Tiel will fade from existence. Slowly, the electrical energy will dim from inside his egg until it is nothing more than a glass orb. The only way he can be saved from fading away is if someone else donates a significant portion of their life force to stabilize him. The person must have the knowledge and ability to do such a thing though, so it is unlikely this will happen.
    -Raven incompatibility. This could also be put under his raven form, but I'll put it here. Because his raven form holds absolutely no magical power, if he is forced to transform into an egg from raven form, on the tier list above, he will drop two tiers, instead of one.


    : Celeste
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Race: Griffin. I’m just going to shamelessly copy and paste from the Wikipedia article, because it states it the best. “The griffin is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle's talons as its front feet.” Griffins age at the same rate as humans, but their lifespans tend to last from 150-200 years. Griffins are very intelligent creatures, but they are unable to speak human languages, making it difficult to show that they are more intelligent than the beasts they appear to be.
    Affiliation: While she wishes that she and her kind could go out into the world without having to hide, she does not believe that this is an achievable goal, so she begrudgingly supports secrecy.

    Appearance: Griffins rarely stand taller than a human, and Celeste fits that mold. Standing next to an average sized male human, Celeste’s shoulder is even with their waist and the top of her head reaches their mid chest. Her wingspan is about seven feet, her wings strong and muscular to be able to sustain her weight in the air. Her ears sits atop her head, long and pointed, covered in soft feathers. For the most part, she looks to be a standard griffin with her tawny, muscular lion torso, hind quarters, and tail. Her eagle half is a bit more distinctive because of its unusual coloration. Her talons: a glossy dark black; her feathers: stark black; her beak: guess what, black; her eyes: a pale crčme color, with reflective opal-colored flecks. What, you didn’t think those would be black, did you? On her forehead, if you can call it that, is a distinctive white mark that seems to be ingrained in her feathers. It stands out on her otherwise black feathers, a simple silvery-white circle with wavy lines appearing to radiate out from it, looking to be a stylized sun.

    Although she does not know of it, and is unable to transform into it at the present time, Celeste has a human form. In human form Celeste is petite and frail, standing at five feet five inches tall. The best way to describe her features would be angelic; she has shoulder length light blond hair and pale skin. Her eyes are the same color as in her griffin form, a pale crčme color with opal flecks inside. She wears a pure white hoodie with a zipper, very dark blue jeans, and white running shoes.

    Personality: Celeste’s personality is harsh, abrasive, and fierce, quite fitting given her predatory appearance. Having only recently been released into society, Celeste has difficulties with things of a social nature. She doesn’t trust anyone, always suspecting they wish to do her harm or to take advantage of her. Intensely sarcastic, she doesn’t even need her claws to rake someone raw, and if she’s forced into doing something she dislikes, the offender is most likely going to hear about it for the next century. Although recently she has been discouraged from it, Celeste is on a “quest” to find the thing that can unlock the rest of her powers. She has lost some of her fervor in finding that goal, and has begun to look for someone to befriend, but if she hears any rumor of something that may unlock her magical seal, she will at the very least be tempted to leave whomever she is befriending. Despite her harsh nature, she does not like seeing others in pain, tending to sympathize with them. She doesn’t understand how human society can let people fall through the cracks, so she tends to be compassion for individuals society has left behind, and may even help or stand up for them. Whatever it is she gets into though, whether it was a job to deliver a bunch of cupcakes or to prevent a dragon from reaching her friends until they escape, she wholehearted puts all of her effort into it, no matter what the cost. She has an intense fear of confinement, so much so that she doesn’t even like to be inside buildings for more than a few seconds. If she ever befriends anyone, she is likely to have large personality swings as she tries to determine who she really is, as her personality has always been irrelevant to survival.

    History: From the moment she hatched, Celeste was marked as special, different from the other hatchlings, with her black feathers and unique mark. Her elders did not understand what it meant, so they decided to ignore her specialness, and raised her the same as the other the hatchlings. Soon, she befriended another young griffin, named Destrian, and they became inseparable playmates, the troublemakers of the flock. For the most part, their trouble was harmless, and often their elders had difficulties keeping as straight face while punishing the pair for their mischief. But, unfortunately, those who get into harmless trouble find it much easier to get into serious trouble.

    One day, Destrian and Celeste wandered away while the other young ones played, wanting to explore the wide world around them, like they often did. As night fell, the pair saw something strange, a flickering light that stayed close to the ground paired with the loud noises of some strange creature. Destrian wanted to turn back, but Celeste refused to listen, and so he begrudgingly followed. Slowly, they snuck up to the light and saw that all around it there were strange, furless, featherless creatures which were making the loud noises. The two young griffins were in awe of the strange beasts, and because of this, they let their guards drop. A loud noise screeched out from behind them, causing the two younglings to jump in fright. “Hey! Look what I fou-” The strange beasts never had a chance, shrieking griffins materializing from the wilderness all around them, protecting their young. Soon, the slaughter was over.

    Celeste was expecting a harsh scolding and punishment after the incident, not fully understanding the situation she and her friend had caused. Instead, she received a lecture, and by the end her head with swimming with the new knowledge she had received. She had learned that the world was mostly run by those strange, naked beasts, and that the beasts were called humans. To stay safe, she and her flock lived in a remote corner of the world that was still rather lush, called Alaska by the humans, but there was still danger if their existence was to be discovered. She fell asleep with foul thought on her brain, mostly directed towards the humans. Why shouldn’t she and her kind be able to freely roam the world if they wished, it should be their birthright! When she awoke, she awoke in a completely different world.

    Blinking, her vision hazy, she awoke to a bright light. Slowly, she stumbled to her feet, and instead of soft grass beneath her feet, there was something cold and hard, like stone. As her vision cleared, all she could see was grey, like the color of fog, but darker. The floor was grey. The ceiling was high above her short little head and it was grey. There were… walls surrounding her, but the walls were not like the cave walls she had been seen before. They were like saplings made of this dark grey material, with space in between them for the harsh light to shine through. And a few bruises later, she determined they were too strong to break through. After some time, a figure was visible in the light, walking towards her, and she identified it as another one of those human things. She decided that she despised them. It walked up to the enclosure she was in, and knelt down beside it so that they were at eye level with each other. Then suddenly, the human’s body began to twist and reshape itself. Celeste stumbled back as far as she could until she was pressing against the strange saplings on the other side. She stared wide eyed and in shock at what the human had become. It was her friend, Destrian! Before she could even begin to grasp the situation, he spoke to her.

    He explained to her where she was, a facility designed to observe and study creatures that had powers beyond those they were supposed to, powers that were beyond normal. He explained that he was one of those creatures, a werecat (whatever that was) who was able to shapeshift beyond his limits into whatever creature form that he wanted, who had eventually become an agent of the facility. Here, she was to be taught about humans and the world under careful supervision, although always under lock and key, because she had already threatened the veil of secrecy carefully crafted by all nonhumans. Her special abilities had already been identified and sealed, and she would most likely never be taught to use them. She would live in the facility for her whole life, unless she was able to prove herself trustworthy enough to become a field agent, like he had become. Then her friend was gone, and she was left reeling from the events that had occurred.

    It happened much like Destrian said, if that was really his name. She was taught of the world and its current state under human control. She was taught of the most common mythological creatures in the world and some of the more uncommon ones as well. But she was never allowed to fly, never allowed to be free, always in transit from one cage to another and back again, to do whatever she was told. She always resisted, but she soon learned how to resist without getting herself punished, never going too far. This is how she grew up, resenting her captivity and those who had put her there, and seemingly nothing changed. But behind the scenes, something had changed. Her childhood betrayer eventually became the other to oversee the facility and its operations, and perhaps out of guilt, or perhaps just because the time was right, he gave the order for her release.

    The day started like any other, being ordered around from here to there, lessons from her annoying human teacher, examinations after. There had been some strange whisperings among the staff during her examination, and it seemed to take longer than normal, but she didn’t pay any attention to it. She was walked back to her cell, like normal, but instead of stopping, she was directed by her attendant to continue walking. Surprised and suspicious, Celeste was lead to a door, and through it there was nothing but a grassy expanse. Gingerly, she tread upon it, feeling it for the first time in a good fifteen years. She wasn’t given time to enjoy the moment however, as the attendant gave her the terms of her release. A very small amount of her powers had been unlocked, enough for her to survive in urban environments without disturbing the veil. The rest of her powers were locked, but the magical seal on them would fall away if she found a specific something that would unlock them. Other than that, she was free, although she was warned that if she were to take actions to disturb secrecy, agents of the facility were likely to attempt to pursue and contain her. Then, the attendant walked back into the facility, and she was free.

    Note: Celeste naturally has elemental abilities related to the element of light. However, a large amount of Celeste’s special abilities have been locked by a magical seal that is impossible to forcefully remove. She was told that she needed to find something to unlock it. This is a bit of an untruth. The seal is linked to her emotions, the more she learns to trust others, and the more of her powers will be unlocked. Given her background, it’s unlikely she’ll break the seal quickly. In this list, all things that are marked with an = sign instead of a + or – sign are currently locked until further notice.

    Griffin form
    +Natural weapons. Griffins are equipped with sharp talons and beak, and her hind legs are those of a lion, so they can do some damage as well.
    +Strength. Although not too much larger than a lion, griffins have immense strength, enough to carry off a horse larger than themselves if they so desired.
    +Telepathy. Griffins cannot speak human languages. Celeste has the ability to make up with this with the ability of telepathy to the range of 100 feet, perhaps more if she pushes it.
    +Iron will. For some unknown reason, perhaps because of their animalistic nature, a griffin’s mind is intensely difficult to psychically invade. Any psychic probes sent into Celeste’s mind, even if only to read thoughts will be instantly attacked by her own mind and she will know about the incurious immediately.
    +Cat illusions. Along with telepathy, this is the only one of her special abilities currently at her disposal. Celeste can bend light to create the image of either a lion or a pure white, short-haired house cat. These are only visual illusions however, the house cat illusion easily broken if someone were to touch her physical form, which is larger than the size of the illusion. The lion illusion is a bit more difficult to break, but if someone were to feel her forequarters, they would feel feathers, and the illusion would break.
    =Stronger offensive light based powers. The offensive side of her light based powers is strongest in griffin form. She can use her powers to empower her claws or to summon orbs of forceful light, perhaps a beam if she wished to. She can also empower others attacks to make them stronger with her powers. Perhaps I should include a little note on light magic. It functions quite a lot like force magic, but it is very visible and typically has more destructive raw power.
    =Weaker defensive light based powers. Celeste’s light powers can also be used defensively, but in griffin form the defensive branch of her magic doesn’t work nearly as well as her offensive side does. She has the ability to create shields of force around herself and others. She can also create illusions, but these are much less convincing than illusions created in human form.
    =Quick, effortless transformation. Because different aspects of her magic are stronger in different forms, Celeste cannot afford to be bogged down by a long transformation in combat. When she transforms, there is a blinding light that emanates from her, and when the light fades in about five seconds, she is in her other form. The clothes come as part of the transformation, how convenient.

    Human form
    : (Currently, this whole form is locked.)
    =Telepathy. Even though she can now speak English perfectly well, Celeste still has the ability of telepathy to the range of 100 feet, perhaps more if she pushes it.
    =Iron will. For some unknown reason, perhaps because of their animalistic nature, a griffin’s mind is intensely difficult to psychically invade, and this trait carries on to her human form. Any psychic probes sent into Celeste’s mind, even if only to read thoughts will be instantly attacked by her own mind and she will know about the incurious immediately.
    =Stronger defensive light based powers. Celeste’s defensive light powers are strongest in human form. She has the ability to create shields of force around herself and others. She can also create illusions, and these illusions are strong enough where if she concentrates, she can fool all of the five senses. It takes a considerable amount of extra effort to trick any sense besides sight and sound however.
    =Healing magic. In human form, Celeste has access to a branch of her magic that is completely unavailable to her in griffin form. Healing is not easy, far from instant, and quickly exhausting, but it works, and that’s what counts.
    =Weaker offensive light based powers. The offensive side of her light based powers is weaker in human form. She can still do all the same things in her human form as in her griffin form, but it is much more difficult and much less effective.
    =Quick, effortless transformation. Because different aspects of her magic are stronger in different forms, Celeste cannot afford to be bogged down by a long transformation in combat. When she transforms, there is a blinding light that emanates from her, and when the light fades in about five seconds, she is in her other form. The clothes come as part of the transformation, how convenient.


    Name: Raisoren Driike (Pronounced “Rise-oh-ren Dreek”) He typically goes by Rise, and occasionally goes by Ren.
    Age: Somewhere in the 200-300 range, he never bothered to keep track. He appears to be in his twenties, like many dragons do with their youthful appearances.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Western Dragon. Someone else has already defined western dragon parameters in another sign-up, so restating them would be redundant. The only notable difference from that definition is that Rise could be a classified as “lukewarm blooded”. While he is technically a coldblooded creature, he channels his draconic fire abilities to quickly warm up his own blood, making the cold-bloodedness almost a moot point. His subspecies was long considered to have died out, but in the past they have been called “Dragon Slaying Dragons” because of their unique abilities which put them at a distinct advantage against other dragons in a fight.
    Affiliation: Well…. Although not part of a group, he’s pro-secrecy, but his personality makes him a headache for those who wish for secrecy, constantly causing disturbances with humans for the fun of it.
    Appearance: In human form, which is what he tends to keep himself in, Rise stands at a solid five feet nine inches tall. If some crony had to describe him to their evil mob boss after being beaten up or whatever cronies do, all they would have to say is, “It was that guy with the cheeky grin, he did it!” and Rise would be found pretty quickly. He just can’t keep the mischievous half-smile off his face, and he loves to flash his sharp pearly-whites before biting into someone with equally vicious words. His grey eyes might be considered enchanting to a normal person, all throughout the ash colored pupils there are veins of red and orange, almost like magma seeping through a crack in hardened stone. His obsidian hair is barely long enough to cover the points on the ends of his ears and its contrast with his pale white skin makes it appear even glossier than it is. He wears clothes that don’t stand out too much: plain black shoes, dark jeans, a dark black shirt, and a black jacket for when it’s cold. Around his waist he wears a plain brown canvas belt with loops for holding knives. Inside the loops are four pairs of throwing knives, probably made of steel.
    In dragon form he is surprisingly small for a dragon, only about fourteen feet long and five feet tall, but don’t let this fool you, he is fully grown. His wings normally fold rather neatly on his back, and when unfolded are about 24 feet wide. His scales are the same ashen grey color as his eyes in human form and between the scales a red-orange glow emanates. The veins in his wings are strikingly noticeable against his almost see-through wingflesh. The blood is visible in them, a deeper crimson than even blood should be, and they give off the red-orange glow as well. On his neck, there is a set of three scars down the left side, devoid of any scales. His eyes are a fierce red-orange and they glow, the glow even stronger when he uses his abilities. His head is streamlined, with almost no protective scales on it and his teeth still have that same white shine, although they are much sharper than in human form. His whole body is built to be aerodynamic and it shows, with a long spineless ridge leading back to his tail, which has special winglike flaps for control.
    Personality: Rise treats everything in life with disdain, humans high ranking on his list of things disliked. But his disdain is not limited to only humans. Were-creatures and vampires are as good as humans, and both fae-folk and demon-kin are only slightly above them. And fellow dragons? Pah! Not like he’ll ever meet one again, but he considers them below humans, although he’ll probably treat one with curiosity as well if he ever meets one. He doesn’t display this disdain by being aloof and haughty though, oh no, that would be much too typical and nothing like him. Instead, he likes to mess with people, play pranks and jokes, and perhaps lash them with sarcastic remarks. And he loves watching the humans flee by throwing a fireball into some pathetic warehouse or bar he might come across when he gets really bored. He also tends to be nosy and curious, getting into other people’s business. Deep down, he might actually have a kind soul, but none of the general riff-raff, that is everyone, would ever get through to him, so what does it matter?
    History: Rise has been an aimless wanderer for a while now, causing trouble where he pleases and then running off. Perhaps if he actually cared to think of his early days, he might change his ways, but the thoughts are still too raw to be treated with anything but anger. Long ago he had a family. His mother and her mate reared their offspring in some unnamed desert, which is quite a favorable climate for dragons, and he was taught that there was actually a large a concentration of dragons in the area, although they kept to themselves, so he never met them. His life was happy and enjoyable, and so he grew and was happy. That was until his talents manifested. He was unlike any dragon his parents had ever heard of, racing back and forth at inhuman, erm, indragon speeds, but they raised him as best as they could.
    His whole life changed when his parents just disappeared. At first it was nothing, as his parents would often take extended trips from their roost, but soon the young dragon found he could wait no more, and he was forced to fend for himself. This proved difficult for him, as he had not yet been taught to hunt and food is rather scarce in the desert, so when the youngling was found weak and exhausted by a small group of fellow dragons, he was relieved. They fed him and dressed his wounds and he slept deeply in their roost. For a while he lived comfortably with this group, learning at the very least basic hunting and fighting skills, but he never felt welcome and often he would find the patriarch of the group giving him long, suspicious stares. He tried to think nothing of this strange hostility towards him but perhaps he should have, for it almost cost him his life. One night, Rise woke up suddenly, and though his eyes were closed, he heard the heavy breathing of the other dragons in a circle around him. The low, gravelly voice of the patriarch snarled out. “I don’t care, his life must end, now!” Understandably, his eyes snapped open in alarm and he tried to roll out of the way as a massive clawed paw bared down on him, but his neck was caught, and both he and the elder dragon howled in pain as his red hot blood spilled upon the elder’s paw. The elder recoiled as the blood hissed acidicly against his skin, there was a blur of movement, and then Rise was gone. After that, his life has been survival, and when that became too easy, he began satisfying his boredom by messing with whatever got in his way.
    Dragon Form:
    +Enhanced sight and smell. He can see through most disguises and can recognize creatures transformed into human form.
    +Natural dragon weapons such as teeth, claws, and a lashing tail.
    +Dragon’s strength. Self-explanatory.
    +Extraordinary speed and agility. Rise can run at speeds reaching 100 mph if he has enough room, and he can fly at a brisk pace of 500 mph if he pushes himself.
    +Superheated blood. His blood is infused with his fiery abilities, hot enough to cause intense burns on all except the extremely fire resistant.
    +Acidic blood (Dragons only). To other dragons, touching his blood burns like acid. The wounds are slow to heal, but creatures other than dragons are unaffected.
    +Blood channel claws. His front claws deserve a special note above his other natural weapons. They contain special channels which if he desires will open, coating his claws in his own blood. Often, this causes his claws to burst into flame as well, causing it to be a truly terrifying sight.
    +Fire resistance and empowerment. Dragons’ are creatures of fire, and therefore resist it. Rise has an added bonus of being slightly empowered by it as it heats his body up, and the more heat he has, the more power he has.
    +Enhanced regeneration. Rise has enhanced wound regeneration, most likely because of his magical blood. It certainly isn’t instant, but a wound sustained at the beginning of a long fight could very well be healed by the end of it.
    +Human transformation. For Rise, turning into a human is a rather quick process, taking only about a minute to transform. Aided with a bit of practical magic, his clothes appear when he transforms into human form and disappear when he transforms out of it. The process is painful and he will involuntarily cry out and lash about, but after the transformation, the pain is quickly forgotten.
    +/-Fireball breath. Unlike most dragons’, Rise cannot breathe fire. Too much of his fire ability is used on the blood heating and control. He does however have a somewhat acceptable alternative. While he cannot breathe a stream of fire, he can fire small bursts of fire from his mouth at high speed which are slightly explosive.
    -Weak scales. Rise is made for speed, and as such there are sacrifices. One of them includes his scales. Most dragons’ scales are like a set of armor, difficult to penetrate and dent. Rise’s scales are only a somewhat acceptable defense against slashing attacks. Piercing, bludgeoning, and the like work very well against him, the scales providing no defense. Piercing isn’t advised though, as his blood runs close to the surface and most likely harm whoever did the stabbing.
    -Weak mind. Rise is a very easy target to psychically attack. He has few mental defenses. In dragon form, psychic attack will most likely cause him to lash out and attempt to kill any and all that are around him.
    -Wing weakness. Wings are often considered a dragon’s weak point. They’re soft and easy to puncture, and when wounded cause great pain. This is true of Rise as well, but he has the additional disadvantage of wingflaps on his tail, which provides an extra weak point.
    -Fleshy areas. Rise’s face is not covered in scales, and therefore is completely vulnerable. Also, the three long scars on the left side of his neck have no scales protecting them.
    +Enhanced sight and smell. While not as strong as dragon form, his senses normally make it rather easy to pick out supernatural creatures.
    +Super human strength. He isn’t extraordinarily strong in human form, but he’s stronger than a human.
    +Super human speed. Speed is one of his defining traits. Now, he can’t outrun a speeding bullet or anything crazy like that, but he’s fast enough to make a notable difference if he gets into a fight. He could run perhaps 30 miles an hour in human form, but not for more than a quick burst of a few seconds.
    +Fireballs. Rise’s breath ability still appears in his human form, but it no longer originates from his mouth. He can only summon weak fireballs to his fingertips, but a weak fireball is still all you need to burn down a building.
    +Throwing knives. The set of steel throwing knives in his belt aren’t for show. Not only can they be thrown with deadly accuracy, they also work as fine melee weapons for someone with the speed that Rise possesses.
    -Magical blood. His blood and it’s magic is not a positive thing for his human form. His human form has lost its regeneration ability, but still retains some of the heat and acidic properties to dragons, making it difficult for him to receive help if he is injured.
    -Weak will. In human form, it would be very easy for a psychic to completely dominate Rise’s mind.
    -Pain blocking transformation. While in dragon form, he can transform into a human no matter what his physical state. As a human however, if he is in pain or has a serious wound that is not at least partially healed, he cannot transform back into a dragon.
    Last edited by haybalebarn; 06-22-2013 at 06:53 AM.

  9. #9
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Alrighty then, Hay. Everyone is accepted again...and I should totally go spoiler tags all my SUs for the sake of saving the page. XD

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  10. #10
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    My three original characters and one revised somewhat!

    Name: Dalton Amaro

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Race: Half Human, Half Vampire

    Affiliation: Lone Vampire hunter. Will join others if need be. Pro Secrecy

    Appearance: Tall, and pale, but muscular from training. Has long straight black hair which covers one eye, but he ties it back when he needs to concentrate. Wears black jeans, and a Black hoodie, with a grey trench coat. Sewed inside the trench coat are a holster for his gun, and inside the sleeve in a sheath for his knife. He has four lines tattooed on his wrist, one for each vampire he has killed.

    Personality: When on the job, Dalton lets nothing get in his way. He is cold, and calculating, and survival is a must. The getting the job done is his first priority. Being nice isn't an option. By the end of it, there must be a dead vampire. He refuses to accept failure.

    When not hunting Vampires, Dalton is generally a friendly person, and is more relaxed. He will make a joke or two, and be more optimistic. However whenever he hears word of a Vampire causing problems, that becomes first priority. Though he is a vampire hunter, he will not kill a vampire unless they deserve it, and are generally a danger.

    History: Dalton's father was a vampire, and his mother (Mary) a human. His birth father was the head of a vampire gang in the UK, who did horrible things. When Mary was pregnant with Dalton, she witnessed Dalton's father kill someone in cold blood. When one of the members of the gang (Stefan (Another Vampire)) intervened, he was almost killed. He and Mary fell in love, and ran away together to USA. They lived in hiding there, and Dalton was born a little while later. They told Dalton that Stefan was his father, and Dalton still believes this. He has no idea about his true father.

    They remained hidden until Dalton was 9. The gang managed to track Stefan and Mary down and killed them. Dalton was told they died in a car accident. After this he lived with his grandparents. He didn't learn the truth about his parents until he was 16. He got into a fight with three guys after school, and won using vampiric abilities.This was the first time he used his powers, and didn't know the truth. They were seriously injured, and Dalton was sentenced to six months house arrest. Later that night, his grandmother gave him a letter that Mary asked her to give to Dalton should the time come where he shows traits of being a vampire. She also told him the truth about Mary and Stefan's death. They were killed by Vampires.

    The letter told Dalton that Stefan was a vampire, and that Dalton himself was half vampire, but also said that Stefan was his biological father (lies) and that they were hiding because the gang didn't approve of them being together (though she said it was because she was mortal (more lies)).

    During his house arrest, Dalton started training with his powers. By the time he was 19, he had mastered them, and began his career as a vampire hunter, with the goal to find the vampires who killed his parents, and kill them.

    He is currently living in England, attempting to find his parent's killers.

    Weapons/Abilities: Dalton carries two weapons. a Suppressed S&W .500 Magnum revolver, and a knife (like the combat knife in COD). These are generally hidden from plain sight, but never too far away if the need for them arises.

    Due to being half vampire, he has some watered down abilities of a full vampire.

    Enhanced Speed
    Much faster than a human, but not as fast as a Vampire.
    Enhanced Strength
    Stronger than a human, but not a Vampire
    Enhanced Balance and Agility
    You get the picture.
    Enhanced Smell and hearing
    Dalton has sensitive hearing, which makes it hard to sneak up on him. However loud music, power tools etc, will hurt him much easier than a human.
    When it comes to blood, Dalton can smell it. This is how he will distinguish a Vampire from a human. Vampires will smell more like blood than humans, which is generally what will give them away to Dalton. However if a Vampire cleans themselves thoroughly after feeding, they can pass off as a human to Dalton. If a human wounds themselves, and doesn't clean up, Dalton may mistake them for a vampire.
    The ability to generate and manipulate fire

    Being part Vampire, Dalton needs to drink blood regularly. Not as much as a full vampire, but still often. He will only drink animal blood. He is afraid that if he drinks human blood, he will become addicted, and kill someone innocent to fuel the addiction.
    3 days without blood: Headaches
    5 days without blood: Nausea
    1 week without blood: Hallucinations.
    As time goes on these symptoms become worse.

    Name: Chandler Steele

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Race: Unknown Humanoid

    Affiliation: Chandler doesn't know any other mythical creatures/people exist. He would be pro secrecy.

    Appearance: The first thing people notice about Chandler, is his height. He hasn't had his growth spurt, and is a fair bit shorter than most sixteen year olds.

    He has brown hair which is short, but slightly longer on the top or at the front. His eyes are a deep, dark green. He wears dark blue loose jeans, and black skate shoes, as well as a black button up shirt, with a blue wintercoat, which hides his chains.

    Due to working in the workshop most of his life, Chandler is fairly well built for a sixteen year old. He is much stronger than the norm, though most likely lacks the fitness. Eg he probably could beat a sixteen year old in an arm wrestle, but not a foot race.

    His skin is tanned and worn from work, and has numerous scars, some deep which will never disappear completely, some have faded to the point that he forgot of their existance.

    Personality: Chandler lacks confidence. He was the only student in his class most of the time who was adopted. The rest all knew their birth parents. People eventually found out about this, and though they said nothing, he felt different.

    Chandler still lacks confidence today. He will speak only when spoken to, and is easily influenced. His small height doesn't help his view of himself. Though he is physically strong, he still sees himself as weak.

    After the robbery, and learning of his powers, he has felt like he belongs less and less, and is desperate to leave New York, and see if there are others like him. But he doesn't want to leave his father by himself.

    Chandler is loyal to his friends, and won't make a big deal if someone becomes his friend. As long as a person is nice to him, they can be his friend and not even know it. As much as he lacks confidence, he will always defend a friend if the situation arose.

    History: Chandler himself doesn't know the truth about his past. He grew up in New York City. His father found Chandler as a baby in a basket, out the front of his house (Cliche` I know) His father (Dean), was a mechanic who lived by himself over the years. He was an honest man who worked for everything, and didn't rip people off. He brought up Chandler as his own son, and taught him right from wrong.

    Because it was just Dean and Chandler, and Dean didn't have the money to put Chandler into day care, he took Chandler to work with him in the garage. From a young age, Chandler was surrounded by cars and metal, where he learned more and more each day about cars and the way they worked.

    Chandler went to school, and lived life as a normal kid, not knowing where he came from, or who his parents are. He continued to learn more about cars, and working in the workshop. When he was 14 he left school to help his dad in the workshop full time.

    During September, Dean went to deliver a car to it's owner after the service, and left Chandler in charge. They expected nothing to go wrong, as he would only be gone 10 minutes. He was wrong.

    People were watching the garage, waiting for Dean to leave so they could rob it. There were numerous cars and parts, which might have fetched a decent price on the black market. They broke into the garage where Chandler was by himself. One of the robbers saw Chandler, and went to hit him with his crowbar. Chandler raised his hand in an attempt to protect himself.

    Before either of them knew what was going on, the crowbar was immobilized in mid air. One of the other men snuck up behind Chandler and knocked him out.

    When Chandler woke up, the cars were gone, and Dean was next to him. After a few minutes he remembered what happened with the crowbar.

    Dean took him to the hospital where they gave him the all clear, saying he wasn't concussed. He went home, and ate dinner in his room. When he finished, he locked the door, and put his bowl on the desk, next to a book. He aimed his palm at the book, and concentrated on trying to move it.

    The book didn't move. However the fork started rattling inside the bowl. After trying to move a few more things, and being unable to move the non-metals, he learned that he can only move metal objects.

    Over the next two years, Chandler spent his spare time in the garage, attempting to move the loose car panels, screws, tools and chains, growing stronger with his abilities, and hiding his gifts from his father.

    Chandler still lives in New York City with his Dean and works at the garage. However Chandler is curious as to how he is able to control metal, and wants to travel in order to find this out. He believes that the key to his power lies with his biological family.

    Weapons/Abilities: Chandler has the ability to move metal with his mind. He keeps chains and other metal things on his person most of the time.

    Teh Chainz of Doomz
    Chandler has two lightweight and coiled, yet sturdy chains attached to inside of the back of his jacket. They are partially fed through each sleeve, and remain hidden near Chandler's wrists. When uncoiled, the chains are approximately 4 meters long each. He can control them telepathically, and extend them from his sleeves like whips, even to the point of using them to attach to something up high and pull himself up. However he cannot move very fast with these unless he travels George of the Jungle style, by connecting the chains to something and swinging, as the chains are very heavy.

    Teh Neocube of Painz and Stuffz
    Chandler a wristband around each of his wrists, that is made up of multiple small, yet powerful magnetic balls. The magnetism holds them together, however Chandler can send and individual ball flying towards a target at high speed. Each of these will leave a (on average) 20mm bruise or welt if it hits bare skin. One isn't too painful. However each wristband is made of 200...

    Teh Metal Armourz of Protection and Crushing-ness
    When thin metal is around, Chandler can bend it to make metal armour for himself.[IMG]https:\\[/IMG]

    If someone is wearing anything metal, Chandler can control that to hold them in place, or even crush it, and whoever is in it. He is a medieval knights worst nightmare.

    General Telekinesis of Metals
    Chandler can levitate and move metal with his mind. However if it is too heavy, he will struggle, and may not be able to lift it.

    Other: I have not thought of a race for Chandler. I am trying to think of a mythical creature that has some form of control over metal. That is why he doesn't know his true heritage. When I figure out what he could be a descendant of to have his powers, I will have him learn it in the RP.

    Chandler cannot tolerate heat when he wears his chain jacket. The the jacket will cause him to overheat, and the metal on him (chains, wristbands etc) will burn him if he is somewhere too hot.

    Chandler is a mechanical genius for his age, since he spent all his free time during his childhood working in the garage, and left school at fourteen to help his dad in the garage.

    All the other RPs I am part of died :( more characters!

    Name: Soren
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Raiju
    Affiliation: Anti Secrecy. He has been causing some trouble among the human, and mythical community, and has a bounty on his head after some trouble in Sydney.
    Appearance: In his human form, Soren has shaggy grey hair, a sight which is rare for someone so young. He has a hairy body, causing some people to mistake him for a european (I am not trying to be racist here), and wears clothes enchanted for him by a witch to stay with him, but not be there, when he goes into wolf form. In other words, if he is wearing clothes when he transforms, he will have them back when he goes human again. He is 183cm tall in human form, and has grey eyes.

    In wolf form, he has light blue fur, and stands at approximately 1.5 meters tall when on four legs. He has muscular legs and the same grey eyes. If he is calm, his fur will sit flat on his back. However when he feels threatened, it will stick up, and sparks will be visible flickering between pieces of fur.

    Personality: Reckless is an understatement when it comes to Soren. Everything is stupid enough that it might work. And even if it is that stupid that it won't work, it is worth a try. Soren will jump straight in, and ask questions later. Thought the lack of hesitation is sometimes good, it has gotten him into trouble in the past. Soren is fun loving, sometimes to the point where he is just plain obnoxious and childish. Planning? That word isn't part of his vocabulary. Winging it? He lives by that.

    When he wants something, Soren is a fast talking, almost like a con artist. He could sweet talk an old lady into giving him her pension if he wanted to. But when he doesn't, Soren is as blunt as an eraser. He will tell the truth, and whats on his mind. However he will not tolerate an insult, and will fight back. Lets face it. Soren is a jackass.

    History: Soren was raised by wolves. He was born in England, to a wolf family, and spent the first six years of his life as a wolf. However at around age six, he started to show supernatural characteristics, unnatural of a wolf. He could generate and fire electricity through the air. He was not an ordinary wolf. He was a Raiju.

    A group of Raiju were looking through the forests at the time, trying to find the next Raiju to be trained. Raiju were are rare type of wolf, and it had been 15 years since the last one was found. They came across Soren, and took him from his pack. They took him to a witch, who enchanted him into having a human form. He was raised by the group in London, and trained to use his power. He was a polite child, if anything introverted, before the incident when he was twelve.

    For his twelfth birthday, the Raiju gave Soren 5 pounds, and let him go buy himself lunch. Due to learning to talk, read and write at age six, Soren was quiet, and didn't like speaking. He suffered from a horrible stutter. He went to get some food from the fish and chips shop, and went to the counter. When he struggled to read the menu, and was taking a little while to make his order, a big kid behind him pushed him and told him to hurry up. Soren got some chips, then left. However when he saw that only the boy who pushed him had his hands on the metal counter, Soren generated electricity in his palm and placed it on the counter, shocking the boy. The boy didn't now what happened, but chased Soren out of the shop, and when he caught him, beat him up.

    After that, his Raiju teachers noticed a change in Soren. He seemed to have more confidence, to the point where he was cocky. The quiet child who never questioned the Raiju's place in society was now complaining about how they shouldn't have to hide.

    At age 17, Soren had completed his training, and was given the choice to stay with the Raiju to find and train the next ones, or to leave and pursue his own goals. He left, and boarded a plan to Sydney Australia. There he joined a mythical creature activist group, composed of werewolves, vampires and every other type of creature imaginable. They would make their presence know, destroying public places.

    However they were found, and Soren was forced to flee. He left Sydney and went south, to Melbourne, where he is currently hiding.

    Weapons/Abilities: Soren has two forms. His human form and his Wolf form. Though he was not born with a human form, and has it through magic, he prefers it over his wolf form. He takes approximately 15 seconds to transform between forms.
    In his human form, Soren can generate small amounts of electricity. Creating electricity uses energy, and is harder to do when tired or on an empty stomach. The more electricity created, the more energy it uses. It requires much more electricity for Soren to send it through the air. By the time it reaches its target it would have weakened. He can do just as much, if not more damage however if he is touching the person directly, or they are both in contact with a conductor. Enough to shock a human, and leave them with a small yet nasty burn. However there is not much else he can do in this form.

    In his wolf form, Soren can generate and store much more electricity. Enough to send bolts of electricity flying without tiring himself out too much. He has large fangs as a wolf, and can run long distances, and jump large gaps in this form.

    In either of Soren's form, he can completely change form into a bolt of electricity. However to travel across air, will use a lot of energy, so it is very rare that he does this. However if he were to use something metal to travel (eg traintracks) he could conduct himself through them, and travel large distances in the blink of an eye. However if he goes through an electronic device, he will short circut it and most likely blow it up.

    In both forms Soren can not die from electrocution. If he were to come into contact with any charged surfaces, his body would absorb the electricity. However it won't stay there. Eventually he would discharge it all, whether he likes it or not if it is still in his body. The more electricity that is flowing through his body, the less time he can hold it there.

    Other: Naturally, Raiju only have their wolf forms. However many years ago, a witch gave one a human form as a gift. This Raiju mastered his abilities and helped give the other raiju human forms and train them. This is how the group was formed.

    Name: Flint
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Affiliation: For Secrecy. Keeps to himself, and doesn't want to be found.
    Appearance: Flint has spiky black hair, with red eyes, thanks to the cult. His skin is rough, with stubble, and somewhat tanned.
    Though he is an adult, he dresses like a teenager when he is not working. He will wear light blue baggy jeans, and a black tshirt over a grey hooded singlet, with a pair of headphones around his neck.

    Personality: Flint tends to keep quiet. After running away from the Cult 5 years ago, he has done his best not to be found. This means not revealing details about himself or his past, and lying through his teeth, which he has become good at with practise. It will take a while to gain Flint's trust, but once he trusts a person, he will not keep any secrets from them. However if people betray his trust, he will not have mercy on them. Flint is usually level headed, and will try and think of a safer solution before trying anything rash. He would prefer not fight, unless it is necessary, and will run before things get violent.

    History: Flint was born into a life of myth. His parents were part of a Dragon worshipping cult. This cult was extremely secretive, and worshipped Dragons as Gods. They were constantly looking for ways to communicate or control the Dragons. Flint was born in the same year as 4 other children. The cult had a plan for communicating with the dragons. They managed to capture a young dragon and hold it prisoner. Flint was chosen to be the lab-rat in their experiment. The Cult kept the dragon alive, but harvested its blood and forced Flint to drink it until he was 5, trying to find out if this would cause any good or bad effects. As a result, he gained his powers (See Below). Flint hated the life of the Cult he was forced into and when he was 16, ran away. Since then the cult have been desperate to find him again, due to so much of their resources being used to create him. He has had a few close calls, but hasn't had one in the past 3 years. He currently resides in London.
    Weapons/Abilities: Due to Flint being forced to drink Dragon Blood for a good portion of his life, he can take on the abilities of a dragon. This physically changes him for a period of time, and can be very painful, depending on the extent of the transformation. Before transforming, Flint will have no powers. Depending on the extent of the transformation, he wil gain his powers in the following order (eg he won't have dragon sight without firebreath)

    Regeneration: Heals broken skin and muscle (only used when body is damaged from other abilities.

    Firebreath: Self explanatory. When this power is activated, coughing and sneezing will cause accidental flames.

    Dragon Skin: Skin is slightly tougher. More resistant to fire, though he can still be burnt, and more resistant to magic. When gaining Dragon skin, whole body feels as if bugs are crawling underneath skin. Skin becomes a slight green tinge, and scaly

    Dragon Sight: Better night vision. Also allows for further sight. This causes his eyes to glow.

    (The following are rarely used)

    Enhanced Strength: Self explanatory. This ability taking effect causes extreme pain, and is rarely used for this reason. The sudden growth of muscle breaks through the skin (Regeneration is used here)

    Wings: Spiky Bat-like wings protrude from his shoulder blades. This is extremely painful for Flint at first, due to the shoulder blades being broken, and bones in the wings stabbing through skin and muscle when the wings come out. The wings come out as bone, until muscle, tendons and membrane cover them, creating wings used to fly. This whole process takes 10 minutes of extreme pain to complete, and was only every used twice. When he was 12 and the leaders of the Cult wanted to see what abilities the Dragons blood gave him. He was forced to complete the whole transformation. He passed out from the pain and woke up 2 days later. Second time was when he was 16, and escaped from the Cult. He was much stronger here, and didn't pass out. When Flint changes back to his normal self, these wings fall off, which is also painful and bloody.

    Other: Flint currently works as a member of the London Police Force. He enrolled after his escape, and his powers (though they remain secret to everyone else) have helped him catch more than a few criminals. Currently has an apartment in London where he lives.

    I made the whole extreme pain thing as a way for Flint to not be too powerful, since he won't use those powers often. As for the sequence thing (where he can't have the powers lower on the list, than the ones higher) so if he does choose to use the strength, he will not be able to act human.


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