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  1. #31
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    OOC: I'll be honest, I actually quite appreciate the fact the swear filter is off.

    Miles Kahane
    ENDoG Leader
    ENDoG Command Center, Castelia City, Unova
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Development of the ENDoG Overseer was now past the initial design phases, and had moved toward development of a model prototype. It would still be some time before the process was completed, but once it was, the resistance's hopes would be snuffed out like a candle flame flushed under an ocean of water. Estimated completion was set to be around 10%, as the completion of the design phase was already a major step toward the completion of this massive machine of prowess.

    Operation War Dragon also included the development of the Colossus Power Armor, which would essentially turn our infantry soldiers into hulking, armored men of warfare. Casualties would be reduced even further as the resistance's woeful attempts at fighting back were even further shut down. The plan was expensive and the suits of armor could really only be reserved for the most elite, frontline soldiers, but anyone facing them would find these elites essentially untouchable.

    Lastly, also under development was Project CHOKE, a chemical gas that would be deployed in resistance areas before engagements. Our soldiers would be inoculated with the cure and the preventative measures while the resistance would be left choking and gagging before the fight even started. The Pokémon they placed so much faith in would also be rendered helpless under the gas, making the domination of the resistance forces even easier to accomplish.

    More and more, Operation War Dragon was crushing every hope and dream of restoring the pathetic and ridiculous old world that many of these resistance fighters were trying to restore. Only through their blood and their deaths would they finally realize that the old days were far, far over now. Training Pokémon, gym battles, and leagues were a thing of the distant, easily forgotten past. And the legendaries, once thought to be on the level of deities, were woefully pathetic and easily manipulated under my control. Those that remained would soon be obliterated or be left to have the life slowly and painfully strangled out of them.

    There was only one future now. The future I designed. An ENDoG future. And this time, not even death would wait for anyone standing in my way.

    Captain Martin "Razorhawk" Mendez
    ENDoG Commando
    Giant Chasm, Unova
    Affected RPers: Socratic Sarcasm

    The resistance didn't last for long. Not even twenty minutes later, the remnants of that pack of dipshits headed for the hills and were gone. I didn't feel like chasing them down, since they weren't worth wasting the ammo, and I highly doubted they would ever be a threat in the future. Meanwhile, the chasm was littered with corpses and body parts. Pools of blood were gathered everywhere. Definitely a lovely sight, but it wasn't something that surprised me. I had seen this plenty of times before. Things had gone silent for a few moments as we were on overwatch, just waiting for any more of those bastards to stick out their head so we could rip it right off the shoulders. But in time, after nothing happened, we confirmed the fight was over.

    "Damn, over already?" Corporal Hart asked. "Pathetic sons a' *****es. Makes me wonder if their only purpose was just to stall us."

    "Whatever," I told him on the radio. "Casualty report."

    A few squad roll calls went around, and roughly five minutes later, I got my answer. Not pretty. Something was up.

    "Confirmed twenty-six dead, Captain," Private Fisher told me.

    Twenty-six? That was way higher than I anticipated. These were goddamn civilians, for ****'s sake. What the hell were these boys doing to allow twenty-six of our own get wasted by these pathetic *******s? We should have had this one in the bag with less than half a dozen fatalities.

    We really didn't have the time to investigate it. With the glacier before us, I figured we'd better get to drilling before we froze our asses off out here. The air was freezing, and I sure as hell wasn't getting any younger here. Even so, the damn assclowns that killed them were probably nothing but paste right now. I swore, if I found any more of those bastard resistance fighters, I was going to grind off their face with a mother****ing cheese grater.

    The drilling teams headed into place, and the Diamond Breaker drill machines moved forward to begin the first drilling phase. Things seemed to be going normal until suddenly the ground under the third Diamond Breaker suddenly exploded, and snow and dust was thrown everywhere.

    "What the... ****!?" Corporal Hart exclaimed, trying to see what happened through the white cloud.

    Everyone looked on wondering what the hell just happened. When the dust and snow cleared, the third Diamond Breaker drill was badly damaged, and was leaning on its right side. I headed over there to assess the damage, and saw whatever caused the explosion had turned two of the surveyors into flesh soup and made a wreck of the treads on the right side. The driver of the Diamond Breaker was still alive, but the machine was toast. It would take hours and at least a dozen technicians, engineers, and mechanics to fix. I was really pissed. We needed to get this operation moving, and losing one of the three drills was going to slow this down even more.

    "What the hell just happened?" I asked him, trying to figure out how the whole damn machine got ruined like this.

    "Some kind of bomb or landmine, I think," He told me, figuring it had nothing to do with a possible malfunction. "No other way to explain it, Cap'n."

    "For chrissakes, how the hell did a bomb get planted there?" I asked. "These *******s were just kids, there's no way they'd have access to military-level tech.

    I couldn't take another risk like that. I decided to devote the next ten minutes to allow the surveyors and the scouts to check out the area for any more traps. Ten minutes later, I got my answer. And it wasn't good.

    "Cap'n, someone rigged this glacier," Corporal Hart told me. "Doesn't look like Semtex or traditional landmines either. We found two proximity charges that look like they're working off of motion sensors. Doesn't look like traditional anti-personnel or anti-vehicle charges either. These look homemade, and I don't think we can even get close to see how they did these."

    "For the love of ****, just tell me how long it's going to take to get rid of them," I told him, already aggravated by how this was turning out.

    "I'd recommend calling in Iron Grinders," Hart told me. "These are unlike any model we've seen before, so trying to disarm them is going to be both time-consuming and potentially deadly."

    Calling in Iron Grinders to clear the explosives was going to take another few hours, and it was going to make the process of trying to reach Kyurem take even longer. Damn it, I really didn't need this. Still, I figured I might as well. In the meantime, repair teams could get to work on Diamond Breaker #3 and get that thing back up and going.

    "Fine, let's do it," I told Hart, already getting on the radio. "If I find out who put these damn things around here, I'm going to stuff his carcass full of these damn bombs and make him pop into a million ****ing pieces."

    Still, the Iron Grinders were pretty strong landmine and ordnance clearance vehicles that were heavily armored and could ensure that any explosives that remained after the post-drilling and post-explosive clearance phases were taken care of. Problem was they were slower than a five million pound *******. An operation that was supposed to only take a few hours could potentially take days now, considering we now needed to factor in this extra step and the fact we were working on only two Diamond Breaker drills. Still, I couldn't afford to lose yet another drill to this asshat's booby traps. We'd never get this done.

  2. #32
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Marked Freelancer: Latios
    Mosdeep City
    Affected RPers: Sabii

    When Jet landed, he made his way to the Mosdeep space Center and was greeted by Steven. They walked into the building and Steven logged onto his computer as Jet pulled out his whiteboard.
    "I went to southern Island. There were Latios and Latias there."

    "You found them?" Steven said excitedly, "Usually they hide at the first site if humans."

    "Dead. All of them." Jet wrote on the whiteboard. "ENDoG had already been there."

    Steven's expression changed to that of despair.

    "We were too late." Steven said.

    Jet remembered the orb he found on the island. He pulled it out of his bag, and showed Steven.

    "Did you find this on the Island?" Steven asked. Jet nodded in response.

    "This is the soul dew." Steven said, "When held by Latios or Latias, it is said to boost their power. It is also said to contain the soul of a Latios."

    Jet pointed to the computer that Steven was logging on.

    "Oh that. As secure as ENDoG like to think they are, there has been a breach in their security." Steven said, "A freelancer infiltrated them, undercover as an agent. Managed to steal a heap of their files. However we still know none of their plans. The only files they got were ENDoGs files on freelancers. They were uploaded to the cloud. However the infiltrator was killed within hours."

    Steven pulled up a file on the computer, with a photo taken from a security camera. After a few seconds, Jet recognised it as Jamie.

    "A week or two ago, ENDoG made an attempt on capturing Rayquaza. However they failed, and Rayquaza escaped. Destroying Sky Pillar" Steven said, "According to this, they had Rayquaza tied down, but he was freed by Jamie. He is now wanted. We must have met Jamie a few days after if he was in Mauville."

    Jet remembered when he tried to look from Jamie's perspective. The pain that he felt.

    "Ever since the Pokemon Center in Mauville city, I have been able to see from other people's perspectives if I touch them. I touched Absol, and was seeing from his perspective, and could hear everything. On Southern Island, I told Absol to run, and looked through his perspective, and managed to find him on the other side of the island." Jet wrote on the whiteboard.

    Steven's eyes widened as he read this.

    "Are you serious?" Steven asked, shocked at the claim.

    Jet nodded. Steven remained silent for a few seconds.

    "Wait, if you grabbed Jamie when he grabbed me, you could find him now?" Steven asked.

    "Last time I tried, it was very blurry and distorted. I was too far away." Jet wrote. He closed his eyes and attempted to connect with Jamie. It was still blurry. Jet attempted to concentrate harder, and saw for a few seconds from Jamie's perspective. He saw his leg, with a makeshift bandage around it bleeding, and looked up at a street sign. Above the street name was the name of the city. Mistralton City.

    Jet opened his eyes, and felt something under his nose. He wiped it off, and found blood on his hand.

    "Mistralton city. Behind a building near bridge street. He was shot in the calf." Jet wrote.

    "Mistralton city?" Steven said, "That's all the way in Unova! If he has been shot, there is nothing we can do to help him. He is too far away"

    Jet read the file again. However it didn't take long, as there was little information. Only a first name, the information that Steven told him, a picture and one sentence.

    SL is after him. He will be found.

    That sentence confused Jet. He pointed at it.

    "I don't know either.'" Steven said, "The only files taken were those of Freelancers that ENDoG knows of."

    Jet moved the cursor to the search bar, and searched his own name. He breathed a sigh of relief when his name didn't come up.

    "I wish I was that lucky." Steven said,"I used to be champion of Hoenn region. They have so much information on me. It is only a matter of time before I am found."

    Jet pulled out the whiteboard and began writing.
    "What will happen when they find you?"

    "They will take me, and torture me for information if they can't get past my computers security. If they get in, they will kill me, and probably be closer to finding legendary Pokemon." Steven sighed, "This research is both a gift and a curse."

    Jet thought about what Steven said. His research would probably help e freelancers, but if in the wrong hands...

    "They don't know I exist yet. What if you give me the information, and I can pass it on to someone else, and maybe even protect some of the legendary Pokemon. You can leave fake information on the computer for them." Jet wrote on the whiteboard.

    "Hmm." Steven said, "The fact you haven't been found is good on your behalf. Plus it may send them on a wild goose chase."

    Steven grabbed a USB flash drive and plugged it in to his computer. The files began downloading to the USB.

    "If I give you this, I need you to promise me that you won't make any copies of this, and keep it hidden, off you, when you aren't using it." Steven said, "And if they find you, destroy it. ENDoG cannot have this information."

    Jet nodded as the download completed. Steven pulled out the USB, and gave it to Jet. He pressed some buttons on his computer, and suddenly all the fled were gone. Jet had the only copy.

    "On this is years worth of research." Steven said, "Any information I have found on legendary Pokemon is here. Rumoured locations, sightings, abilities, myths and more. I am trusting that you don't let this fall into the wrong hands, and use it for good. It is encrypted. The only way to decrypt it is with the code 'Compassionate Spirit.'"

    Jet took the USB and put it in his bag, making sure it was sealed, and that it wouldn't fall out.

    "Don't come back to Mosdeep. If ENDoG are indeed tracking me, which I fear they might be, they will become suspicious of you too." Steven said, "Take good care of the information. I hope that it can help fix our near destroyed world."

    Jet left the building, knowing what he wanted to do. Hide the USB, right after he decides where to go next.

  3. #33
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Nadra Ferrer.
    Marked Freelancer (Ho-Oh).
    Floccesy Town.
    ARPers: None.

    And now for the hard part.

    Not that she had expected any part of this errand to be particularly easy - in fact, she counted herself extremely lucky that she had managed to find Alder and gain his trust without much fuss. But the fact of the matter was that she had never been good at dissembling, and now she was going to have to conceal the main bulk of her problems from Alder while still gaining useful information on Ho-Oh and, perhaps - if she could be so lucky - enlisting his help.

    There was a part of her, of course, that wanted to reveal everything to him, but she had talked it over with all of her Pokemon at least a dozen times, and they had all decided that no one else should know about Nadra’s connection to Ho-Oh if they could help it. It was dangerous information in anyone’s hands, and she had a feeling that Ho-Oh herself would be displeased about it as well. Besides, she had to admit that curiosity and a desire to free the great Pokemon was a lot easier to explain than freakish nightmares that made her feel trapped even in the freest of open spaces.

    Painfully aware that she knew very little about the subtle art of manipulation and charisma, she decided to start with a little flattery. “Well,” she began, forcing the tremor out of her voice, “I hear that you’re very knowledgeable about Pokemon lore.”

    Alder seemed to perk up slightly; Nadra was fairly sure that she had his interest now. “Ah, yes; I’d have to be, seeing how steeped in legend this region is. I’ll confess that Cynthia of Sinnoh is my better, but she has been in hiding for so long that I can’t help but wonder if something’s happened to her.” He frowned, then shook his head. “So, lore.”

    “Yes. Lore.” Nadra gulped. She could feel Keelin’s frustration; what with Isis watching them, they were forced to keep to brief fits of contact. Keelin was an excellent liar, and Nadra could use her skills. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Pokemon called Ho-Oh?”

    A smile, this one quite genuine and somewhat wistful, appeared on the rough-edged face. “Yes, of course; I know all of those stories quite well. It used to live in a huge tower known as Tin Tower, a huge and beautiful building in Ecruteak, Johto, and it brought luck and happiness to all of the inhabitants of the city. The tower, and another one on the city’s western side where another great bird - Lugia - lived burnt to the ground. People thought that Ho-Oh had been killed, but it rose spontaneously from the rubble and created a trio of Pokemon, known now as the Legendary Beasts. It’s said to bring happiness and good luck to all those who see it, but...” he trailed off, as if a little confused. “These are commonplace legends. Why on earth would you need to find me just to hear them?”

    “I didn’t think anyone else would dare to talk about any legends with ENDoG around,” said Nadra levelly.

    “Right, but why so much interest at all?” Nadra could sense Alder’s suspicion rekindling. “What makes a young girl like you suddenly hungry for stories about Ho-Oh?”

    There it was: the question that Nadra had been hoping to avoid. For a split second, she hesitated - and then a burst of inspiration, either from Keelin or her own mind, hit her. She might have a better time lying if she hid the truth in her words. “My parents are Pokemon researchers,” she began. “They were always fascinated with the Legendary Pokemon, and they investigated the old legends. They knew that the Legendaries were always the ones balancing the catastrophes, not creating them. That’s why I’m so interested - because maybe, if we start to bring the Legendary Pokemon back, people will see that they never were the problem.”

    Alder nodded, as if weighing the merit of her words and not finding them too suspect. However, he didn’t seem to be out of questions just yet. “Why Ho-Oh in particular?” he asked.

    This question was much simpler. There was nothing to add in order to make her tale believable - just one little thing to take out. “Because, while Ho-Oh wasn’t a guardian of the weather in any of the stories, it was extremely powerful. It could summon fire and wind - but it could also heal wounds, bring hope and good luck to people, and even bring back the dead. Something like that could be a rallying beacon for the other Freelancers, and we need that kind of hope right now.”

    Alder tilted his head, like she’d said something to startle him. For a moment, she was worried about being found out, but then the Pokemon Champion broke into a grin. “I like the way you think, missy. Hope is extremely important - but it’s not going to get you very far without means. You’re going to need help, and I, unfortunately, am in no position to provide it. ENDoG would track me down in seconds. Where do you think that Ho-Oh is being kept?”

    The usual sense of being surrounded on all sides pressed in on Nadra. She could sense steel walls infringing on her freedom, and behind that was a raw force of crushing cold. “Somewhere out of its element,” said Nadra. She sensed a vague warning impulse from Keelin, the meaning of which was clear: don’t tip your hand. Make it seem like some guesswork was involved. “Ho-Oh is a fire-type, so surrounding it with water would be the ENDoG thing to do. I’m thinking that it might be in some sort of underwater cell, like in a base or submarine.”

    Perhaps Nadra was giving away too much, but if she was Alder certainly didn’t say anything to that effect. “Perhaps you’re right. Well, I’ll tell you what,” he pulled out something from within his pockets - a pen and notepad. “I can’t help you, but Marlon, Humilau City’s Gym Leader, surely can. He knows more about the Unovan oceans than any man alive. Pass this note on to him, and he can help you investigate further.”

    Nadra took the note from his hand and sealed it away in her backpack. “Thank you so much,” she said, her voice alive with gratitude. “I’ll do everything I can to save Ho-Oh.”

    “I believe you,” he said, grinning with an air of near-giddiness. “But be careful out there. ENDoG won’t let you take Ho-Oh without a fight, but Marlon should be able to provide backup - now get going, and good luck to you!”

    Thomas White.
    ENDoG Agent (Grunt).
    Pacifidlog Town, Hoenn.
    ARPers: None.

    They landed carefully on the wreckage of Sky Pillar. One false move, Thomas knew with a grim certainty, and the entire thing would come falling down on their heads. Burke withdrew his Swellow into a Pokeball, but Thomas let Birdon wander - they might need a quick escape if the slabs beneath their feet moved too far. The Altaria walked around with steps that didn’t quite seem to connect with the ground, poking at corpses that Thomas would rather not have seen.

    “We should search for survivors,” Thomas began, turning to Burke; but the other grunt had things already under control. A Gallade quickly appeared - a tall creature with white-and-green skin and a somewhat slumped posture that Thomas was pretty sure wasn’t normal to that species.

    Burke grunted at the blade-armed Pokemon. “See if you can find some life-signs,” he commanded, and the Gallade obeyed, raising its hands up high and closing its piercing red eyes. A second later, three sections of rubble began to glow and rumble slightly. Thomas heard a groan - someone had been awakened by the activity.

    “Right,” Burke’s voice was tight, as if he was trying to mask emotion. “Both of you, help me dig through this rubble. If you’ve got any strong Pokemon, Whitey, I’d appreciate your help using them.”

    Almost immediately, Thomas released Booker. The Swampert fixed Thomas with a questioning look, and he pointed to the biggest heap of shaking debris. “There’s someone alive under there,” said Thomas as matter-of-factly as he could. “I need you to dig him out.”

    The huge amphibian nodded, looking sober - unlike Birdon, who was still nudging bodies. He walked over to the crushed stones and began to lift up the slabs one by one. Gallade worked on a smaller pile, while leaving the least-covered ENDoG agent - whose unconscious face could be seen poking out of the rubble - to Thomas and Burke. Almost as soon as his legs were freed, the man let out a fit of loud, barking coughs. He came to with a loud gasp, looking up at Thomas and Burke with eyes that seemed ready to pop out of his head. “It came out of nowhere!” he bawled. “It wrecked the whole tower! It killed -” he broke off, shaking his head frantically.

    Thomas knelt next to him, trying to comfort him while Burke picked up a slab that was keeping the man’s arm pinned. “Rayquaza’s gone,” he began, but the grunt began shaking his head again.

    “You - didn’t - see - it,” he hissed, his eyes wild. “There was so much hate in its eyes; it wanted to kill us all and burn down heaven; it sounded like a tornado when it growled and when it roared...” he looked down despairingly at the ground. “Are there any other survivors?”

    Burke nodded. “Two others,” he said gruffly, glancing back at Booker and his Gallade. The other two ENDoG agents were almost free. “Hurry it up!” In response, the Gallade chucked what looked like a hundred-pound slab of rock into the ocean. It then knelt down and picked up a human, as well as what appeared to be a camera.

    Thomas turned to the grunt that they’d just freed. “You took footage?” he asked incredulously.

    “For TV hits, to scare the Freelancers,” the man replied, rubbing his temples. The color seemed to be returning to his face. “Have you got any water on you?”

    Burke handed him a canteen while Thomas walked over to the camera and inspected it. It looked dead, but maybe it could be fixed. He would have to show it to Lilith later; she was a whiz with technology, and to her there was no machine beyond repair.

    After the other two had been dug up - a large, older man with a rifle cradled in his limp hands as he lay unconscious and a young woman who didn’t say more than two words - Burke sent his Gyarados ahead of them to get the survivors medical care in Pacifidlog while Gallade attempted one more psychic search. There were, they discovered, no more signs of life.

    As Thomas rode on Birdon’s back, he decided that he hated the Freelancers more than he hated anything. So many men had been killed, all because of the Legendary Pokemon that they were trying so hard to free. Why didn’t they realize that all Pokemon with that kind of power did was destroy, destroy, destroy? He found himself glancing guiltily at Birdon. The Altaria had little reverence for death, but he never went out of his way to harm anyone other than the Freelancers. Confused, he settled against the bird’s back as best he could - there was not much for him to settle against in the first place - and tried not to feel sick.

  4. #34
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Miles Kahane
    ENDoG Leader
    ENDoG Command Center, Castelia City, Unova
    Affected RPers: N/A

    Weather conditions on a global scale seemed to be worsening, although I honestly felt this was simply a temporary setback and would either correct itself or with human intervention, as always. It seemed nature's solution always involved something dying. And that's where human technology would always prevail.

    There were many resistance members that were attempting to use the higher presence of natural disasters and weather anomalies as a leverage for their goals and uprising. Still, the more they shouted and tried to get the attention of others, the more ENDoG enforcers suppressed and eliminated them. One protest march in Slateport City never even got out of the gate before ENDoG officers shut down the demonstration, apprehended all the participants, and imprisoned those leading the operation. Anyone who resisted was simply shot on sight.

    Their message was simple-minded. They felt the imprisoned legendaries was resulting in a disruption of power, when I felt it was exactly the opposite. Right now, things may have been imbalanced because some legendaries were caught and imprisoned, while others were still roaming about. The ones that were roaming about were obviously causing the problems, because their power influences were disrupting nature without the counteracting balance of the others. Obviously, the protesters felt the solution was for ENDoG to release the captured legendaries. I could have laughed at such idiocy, but the thought that some members of humanity were that stupid did not speak well for the human race as a whole. The real solution was to capture the remaining legendaries as soon as possible, so none of their power influences would be affecting nature. Nature could then run its course on its own without these wayward Pokémon throwing their power around causing disruption. These resistance idiots were too stupid to even consider that.

    Destroying the underground leagues was another priority. As ENDoG regulation enforcers had discovered, makeshift gyms and leagues were being established in the abandoned sewers and subways of many of the major urban centers. They were "unofficial" leagues, but we simply didn't care. The price for hosting and taking part in these leagues was high. Life imprisonment for those that surrendered and gave up their Pokémon, and immediate death for anyone who attempted to resist. Very simple procedure.

    In the meantime, destroying Pokéball and Pokémon medicine suppliers was also crippling the effect of resistance movement. Without medicine or healing machines, Pokémon battling was not as appreciated if the trainers couldn't heal their Pokémon. Laughably so, most Pokémon hated herbal remedies and didn't look highly upon their trainers for using it.

    It was always amusing when two problems worked against each other.

    Captain Martin "Razorhawk" Mendez
    ENDoG Commando
    Giant Chasm, Unova
    Affected RPers: Socratic Sarcasm

    Three Iron Grinder bomb clearance vehicles had finally arrived, but repairs on the third of the Diamond Breakers had only just begun. I was still pissed that this happened, but all it was going to do for these resistance assclowns was delay the inevitable. Kyurem was our ***** and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

    The threads of the third Diamond Breaker were badly ripped apart, and already they were heading down here with a new set simply because the current set was well beyond repair. Whatever explosive device these bastards had used had broken the first set too damn much to waste time trying to piece this damn jigsaw puzzle back together. Hauling in a new set of treads was much faster than trying to fix that god-forsaken mess.

    Meanwhile, the wheels and axels were not in the best shape. New replacements for those was on their way, but before that could be done, the jacks needed to hoist the drill unit up needed to be put into place so the replacements could be made. Overall hull damage was only minor, and the engineers assessed that the main hull and structural damage was not significant. It would be able to continue with the job once the rest of the parts were replaced and repaired, but once it was back at base, the rest of the repairs could be completed.

    The Iron Grinders were finding more explosive traps placed within the glacier. Every time one of them went off, chunks of ice were thrown in all directions. The infantry squads were instructed to keep a safe distance, or else I knew one of them was going to end up with a giant spike of ice lodged into their skull.

    "We still don't know the nature of these explosives," John Williams, one of the lead demolition experts told me. "Whoever made these knows their stuff. These weren't made by one of those typical idiot resistance *******s."

    "Be ready for anything, then," I told him, figuring bombs may not have been the only thing this guy pulled out of his ass to lay around here. "I wouldn't put it past him to build a pit trap somewhere in there. The drills could pull the Iron Grinder out, but the last thing we need is to get careless so these *******s could have a goddam field day with it."

    "Right," Williams nodded, figuring that already. "We'll have this cleared out in time. You tell your men to keep on watch, however. If those maggots show up again to try and stop the clearance, you tear their god-forsaken head off."

    "10-4," I nodded.

    With that, they continued the clearance operation as planned. Right now, there was no sign of other resistance members, but I knew they couldn't be too far off. Obviously they were buying time for a good damn reason, because I figured while the first and second bombs might have killed a few ENDoG personnel, we weren't stupid to keep running into them. If they were even half-intelligent, they would expect some kind of clearance operation to be underway once we discovered the traps.

    I just hoped they really would show up. I couldn't wait for them to be dumb enough to make that mistake.

  5. #35
    Junior Trainer haybalebarn's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Wherever adventure is! :D
    Alara Rein
    Freelancer: Articuno
    Dragonspiral Tower, Unova
    ARPer's: Sabi [Shay]

    Alara peered down into the void. She hadn’t imagined it, had she? She thought she had seen movement somewhere… At the blast of terrifying sound, Alara curled up into a ball, covering her head with her hands, trembling. She couldn’t even think straight enough to release her pokemon. She continued to quake in fear until the sounds of another human voice cut through her fear, and she managed to comprehend the last few words of a phrase, “just some hideaway.”

    Slowly, cautiously, Alara stuck her head up and looked around. There was a lady and… Alara caught sight of the Hydregion and froze for a few moments, paralyzed in fear. She couldn’t help but stare at the horrific beast, almost mesmerized. The six, tiny trace wings, the red inset eyes, and the extra, grotesque heads that served as arms. Alara shuddered slightly, but forced herself to stop focusing on the intimidating pokemon. This woman was obviously a freelancer, and Alara desperately needed a freelancer connection in Unova.

    Her thought process was broken as the woman mounted the Hydreigon. “I don’t have time for a hi or whatever. Not that I cared to have one anyway.”

    Immediately, Alara clumsily tried to stand up, and she attempted to turn her thoughts into words. Perhaps she could use the Freelancer greeting to make the woman stop. “Wait! Wh-what do you dream of? Where are you going? Can I help?” The words poured out quickly, mashed together as she tried to get everything out at once.

    Freelancer: Virizion
    Northern Victory Road, Unova
    ARPer's: Socratic [Deep Blue]

    Ento wandered through the forest, observing the natural surroundings. It was pretty sight, but it made him nervous, he couldn’t understand why Cynthia wanted to come here in the first place. There were no advantages to be gained, and her safety was compromised by being out in the open. He pauses to look up at the sky, a sight escaping from his lips. What should he care, if she lived or died? He had gotten everything he needed from her long ago, his life and his freedom. If she wanted to make a stupid, sentimental decision, it was on her head. Yet, he had still accompanied her, despite her protests.

    Ento sighed a little, and shook his head. He had gone over this with himself a million times, he felt indebted to her, so he might as well get used to it. He spent a few more minutes wandering before finally deciding that he had given her enough time. If Cynthia needed more than an hour to be sentimental, that was her problem. His problem was her safety. As he wove his way through the forest, a pang of guilt increased his speed. He shouldn’t have left her at the grave, it was too dangerous, too obvious. If ENDoG found her, he would never forgive himself.

    By the time he had reached the ruins of the building, he was almost at a full sprint. He had explored it on his way out to the more forested area, so he didn’t pay much attention to it on his way through. If he was right, the garden should be right... here.

    As he entered the garden, he almost sensed that something was wrong before he felt it. A hulking, metallic pokemon faced Cynthia. Ento reached for his daggers, but then halted. Cynthia wasn’t even in a fighting stance. She seemed relaxed, and not at all worried. Therefore, it must be a… meeting. With a trace of annoyance in his voice, he spoke. “Am I interrupting something, Cynthia?”

    (Socratic, I'm going to let you have full control of Cynthia for a little while longer, unless you object. After all, I did butt in on your solo roleplay. And in general, if there are any mistakes in my post, someone please let me know so I can fix them.)

  6. #36
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Shay Miru
    Freelancer: Giratina
    En Route to Virbank
    ARPer's: haybale

    Shay was already over the side of the tower when the Freelancer greeting halted the Hydreigon’s flight plan, causing the beast to look at Shay with a form of concern. The trainer looked at her for a moment, recognizing the stare. There was a silent conversation between them where Shay seemed to grow more and more annoyed with the penetrating stare of six eyes looking at her with expectancy. They wanted her to take the strange girl with them, as leaving someone alone on the top of the tower like that was risky, never mind the fact she seemed really scatterbrained. Vio-Nai began to float back up, causing Shay to sigh as she came around the side of the stranger again. Without a word Shay picked her up by the back of her shirt and put her on Vio’s back, so they could resume flying to town.

    The flight was incredibly quiet, as neither Shay nor Vio-Nai spoke a word to each other. The lasting veil of the darkness provided the dark type good cover, even if she wasn’t that big of a dragon, she was still noticeable in size. Shay didn’t even answer the stranger’s questions, she only motioned for her to be silent and that was the most important thing to do right now. Vio-Nai’s left lesser head periodically looked back to check on the stranger to make sure she was alright. Night dragged on as a glimmer of dawn began to appear on the horizon. Shay wasn’t fond of the time passing into day, but they were nearing their destination, and that was Virbank. She knew that one of her techy contacts wanted to refill one of the cache’s, but as to which one, was a whole other story. Shay had set up Pokémon cache’s all over the world, filled with one to three Pokeballs with Pokémon her family, and herself had trained. Unfortunately for her, she was starting to run out of options as to how to help the Freelancer community; that is without being social.

    Shay had Vio-Nai land just outside the city on Route 20, knowing that the oncoming morning wasn’t going to allow them to fly closer to the city without some ENDoG issues. Shay let the stranger down, but instead of returning the Hydreigon, she looked at her, and pointed to the city.

    “Canals, see if you can hang out in there, lay low under the complex and the bridge just in case I need you.” Shay told her dragon. She then proceeded to take her backpack, and pull a thick plastic bag over it, removing her wallet and stuffing it in her pocket. “Backpack is good and sealed, your turn to carry everyone while I go pay Felix a visit.”

    Vio-Nai nodded, but before flying away to the nearest watersource that fed into Virbank’s canals, she looked at something behind Shay for a moment. The trainer turned around, remembering they had that tagalong Shay had her mind changed about. She sighed, looking back at her for a moment.

    “You want to throw your Pokémon in the bag so we can’t get called out for having them on us? I have to go into town and see someone about something important. Vio holds onto them and watches my back just in case something does go down.”

    [Sorry I kind of dragged Alara with Shay. I can change it if you have an issue.]

    Isa Nari
    ENDOG: Special Ops
    South of Floccesy Town

    Isa got off the boat launch and didn’t even bother to wave her driver a farewell. Dawn was on the horizon and having to assassinate someone in the daytime was just that bit more of a challenge. She took to the forest paths immediately, noticing how quiet and peaceful everything was. Then how much she hated the peaceful part, and wanted to tear it apart. That’s what she was here for though, or at least, where she was going to be once she found Alder and gave his body a nice makeover. She had Tero take point well ahead of her so that she could scope out where the red headed sympathizer was hiding out. They had to head north, as that is where Floccesy Town was located. Isa trailed far behind Tero, who was advancing to the city to try and locate Alder. A big man like him couldn’t he hard to locate in a small little country town like that. Isa was beginning to think of all the ways to display the trophy once she was done with him, and it wasn’t a matter up for debate either. Isa was going to kill him, because that is what she does best and she doesn’t fail in her objective either.

    Tero was a good kilometer and a bit ahead of Isa, letting her four wings carry her as fast as they could while twigs and branches snapped against her head. She had a plan, and it was a rather thought out one. If she couldn’t find alder, she’d make him come to her. Pokémon sympathizers took care of Pokémon, regardless of if they were wild or not, and healed them with their herbal medicines. Tero often operated this way, and was only often seen with Isa while she was inside ENDoG headquarters. The rush of flying so quickly without concern for what she was flying into, jut made it look like she was abused, or fled something without stopping. Some soft heart would take her in, and if alder was around, he’d be shown Tero in all her beat up glory.

    The town neared Tero’s sights and the Crobat looked horribly scathed by the forest. On the inside, she wasn’t tired, but this is why acting was one of her strong points.

    Jingka Givrali
    Freelancer: Darkrai
    Psychiatric Correctional Facility outside Anville Town, Unova
    ARPer's: Socratic

    [Due to this being a way bigger back and forth to avoid rapid-fire posting, I closed it in spoilers to have people avoid reading a large wall of text they didn't necessarily need to read]

    "You really are not familiar with the charade you tried to retain earlier. Well now that that's obvious, to simply answer your question with my own, think of this: is the aggressor completely taking over with their own actions, or is the victim being threatened to do things outside their boundaries with their own life out of fear? Again, what kind of trauma? Mental, or physical? Since this is your plan that we're going to undertake on a whim, I thought you'd might have more insight as to what the answer might be. However time flows on as water does bamboo forest, so I'll just ask the one who is unnervingly keeping this up." Jingka replied in another airy tone of voice, as if she wasn't even speaking back to Doc in the first place.

    The Zoroark looked at her and held up one claw. Jingka turned back around with both hands folded behind her back. "She says first option, thanks to someone who already made that decision easy."

    'Oh be quiet.'

    'Just remember what he was doing and send those signals through the motor receptors.'

    Doc completely ignores any and all of the insults with an annoying grin,"Very well then. It would appear we are playing the part of slave and master." He gets a wicked grin on his face,"You know what would be a crying shame? If that douche Dr. Hemmingway, focusing on the success of his conquest, forgot to actually get you processed afterwards. Wouldn't that just suck?"
    "My lack of processing would be unfair, but I did have that covered just in case." The woman replied, still speaking as if the situation wasn't serious at all. "Though just a comment; please do not act as if stating a simple fact is an insult. Far too many other people are in likewise thought. I have no reason to insult you, despite your apparent ego where others would try their best to 'pop it'. Anyway, time is short, as night creeps on like a wary Nincada."


    'I did ask a minute ago.'

    There was no tone of sarcasm in her voice, no signs of inverse psychology. Jingka was quite honest about her comments to Doc. Pulse started to give off all the body language of a physically traumatized individual, including twitching, nervous whimpering, and restraint to make any bold moves. Jingka remembered feeling similar to this scenario, only it was after her first possession by a Haunter. They usually left incredibly chilling trails in their victims, though Jingka was no such thing. Endra looked back and forth between the gate, where her illusion was, and at Doc. She gave him a hand - or rather claw - motion, clearly signalling it was whenever he was ready to go, and that the false imagery was well on its way to begin the stranger's plan.

    "Stop trying to change me!" Doc says in a whiny voice that belongs on a child a quarter of his age. "But seriously, insulting people is my thing. Trying to change that after you've just met me is almost as crazy as giving me your number so I can call you may–"


    <No, what?>

    <That infernal song that clearly came from the same place ENDoG crawled out of. NO.>

    <Sheesh. Ok.>

    "Anyway, the panel has officially vetoed the allusion. Although, I have acquired something new to anger the panel with." Doc's smile could break glass,"Anyway, has anyone ever told you that your similes are extremely entertaining? Granted, they're not very lucid, but what do I know about lucidity? I rigged a glacier to explode!"

    When Jinkga throws up the bluff, Doc says,"Oh, cool! I imagine that with electrilurgy and practice, you could any pokemon to do that. Which is kinda chilling, come to think about it. But anyway, show time." Doc readopts his arrogant posturing, this time remembering the curl of his upper lip.
    Jingka mentally rolled her eyes at Doc. She would have continued the conversation, however there wasn't time for it, not now anyway. Instead she lets her mind wander to thoughts more better thought of for the situation, ones that Pulse feels very odd being in the presence of. In fact, he was beginning to wonder if he needed to send off signals of his own to have Jingka act the way she was at all. The specific memory was doing its job well enough. Still, the Rotom memorized the neurological signals to better his own possessive ability. Her body twitched every now and then and she hung her head low. It was clear she wanted to shrink into a corner and she wanted things to stop being within five feet of her 'bubble' zone. Endra had disappeared, but was going to follow them closely. The guards paid no mind, and let them in without another word. Everything was quiet as the darkness brought about an eery type of quiet that was incredibly uncomforting.

    The inside is clinical. Everything is bone white and emotionless, the color being a reminder of death and not purity. The employees would be easy to distinguish from the patients even without uniforms and jumpsuits: the former universally have varying hard looks indicating things from jadedness at best to downright evil at worst; the latter exclusively have looks of dejectedness and despair, in addition to many (but not all) being clearly in throes of delirium. This place oozes horror, and Doc can't help but label this area as a place where hope goes to die.

    <I think I'm gonna hurl.>

    <I thought you have a stronger than that.>

    <Yes, but I'm a being of positive emotion. Those auras... They're all so... Bleak.>

    <Come on, there has to be at least one person here who's happy. Happy inflicting pain, if nothing else.>

    <Are you kidding? Sadistic glee? I'm a being of positive emotion. Sadistic is as not positive as you can get.>

    <Well think about it this way: it's not going to last for long.>
    Doc idly reaches his hands near what is almost certainly one of his many pockets, before arresting the motion. In fact, if one is not carefully paying attention, there would be no way to tell that he is doing any reaching at all.

    "Come on, *****. You're nice and cleaned up now." Doc nearly growls with the tone of someone sick relishing a fresh torture. "Let's go throw you in the hellhole you're going to be spending the rest of your life in."

    Some of the employees who merely look jaded briefly glance at Doc. However, despite the short duration of the looks, they concisely convey excessive amounts of murderous hatred.

    Jingka looked around as if she's turned suddenly twitchy, glancing at everyone quickly and making sure to avoid eye contact with anyone. Aside from doing her job, and seemingly avoiding any such conversation with Doc. she mentally noted everyone in the room, which ones seemed the most physically threatening should things go wrong, all the exits, the windows - of which had been reinforced with metal bars - and also finding a clock with the time. She didn't see the exact placement of the hands, but from a glance, it was well into the evening.

    'Time is ours. With the absence of the sun, the moon may remind us of the light of which we cannot see.'

    'He's moved his hand.'

    'I know. Don't get dis... distracted.'

    'Are you okay?'

    'I'm fine. Just... don't provoke the thoughts and focus please.'

    Doc is walking away. Keeping an arrogant expression on his face, he gathers his thoughts to plan out several escape routes, layering many plans to improvise if necessary. He goes to the little douche's room and locks the door.

    <Your plans are always so confusing.>

    <I didn't ask you to examine them.>

    <People are going to die, regardless of what plan you choose.>

    <I didn't ask them to help ENDoG.> Doc's thoughts are cold and precise.

    <Arceus, Doc! You used to be more...>


    <No. Beasts kill on impulse, for hunger or for protection. This is premeditated.>

    <Yes. This is premeditated. They deserve nothing better. In fact, they deserve worse, if anything.>
    <Are you even listening to what you're saying? She wouldn't want–>
    <We don't know that. And you know why? Because they took her from me. I hate them. Genuinely, obsessively, hate them. If that offends your sensibilities, too bad.>
    <Doc, you've said it yourself: hatred destroys the hater, no matter the result of vengeance.>
    <I really don't care if I'm destroyed or not at this point. I just want them suffer. Are you still in?>
    <Dammit Doc! Is there no way to get through to you?!> Apollo lets out a mental sigh, before continuing. <You're a madman for doing this. I'm an idiot for following you. Fine.>
    <Glad we're on the same page.>

    Doc eventually makes it to the staff lounge, where he asks an employee where the bathroom is. He's all arrogant, treating her like dirt to keep his cover.
    'Why is he taking us into the bathroom?'

    'I can read faces, facial twitches and such. I can't read minds.'

    Jingka kept up her charade as she observed more things around the room. She wondered what the stranger was up to, but she felt he was slightly distracted for a moment, as if something else was bothering him.

    Doc shoves Jingka into a chair near the bathroom,"I'll be out in a second, *****. If you move, or speak, or even think, I'll know, and I'll show you why you should do what I tell you. In even more detail then the first time."

    Doc uses Apollo to establish a telepathic link to Jingka as he walks in,<Remember, the best way to cover up a crime is with a more blatant, obvious one. For example, as a doctor, I am allowed to write prescriptions. Albeit, under my assumed name, as I am legally dead. Did you know there are all sorts of fun things in medicine.> Using Apollo, Doc transmits an image of a perscription bottle in his hand,<For example, this bottle contains angina medication. Its active ingredient is extremely fun.> Jingka can hear a very slight tinkering in the bathroom, masked by a running faucet, before Doc comes out again. <And we have about three minutes to get to the far end of this place. I suggest we move.>
    HEY! Who is-how is-what am I seeing?'

    'Pulse... you are making it very difficult... please quiet down.'

    'Wait, this is... this is a Pokemon, it isn't him-'


    Her raising of mental thought made Pulse immediately silence, knowing Jingka never raised her voice often enough for it to be considered normal. It was nighttime, and right now there was more people or entities inside Jingka's head than that of her very limit. Acting was the easy part, it was keeping her head together, while there was now three others inside of it, that was the difficult part.

    '... can't you ask him to wait?'


    'But your pain is beginning to grow at a rapid rate, and I know you aren't showing it at all because of me but-'

    'No Pulse. I will be... fine. Now, keep leading to wherever it is... I mean... hold on...'

    Jingka did not often have to recompose her thoughts, not unless she was getting another vibe from another source. She sends her thought specifically through the unfamiliar ambient link between the minds so Doc knows she acknowledges she's listening. Or at least trying to listen.

    'Apologies. Now, just keep leading as you were.'

    Doc grabs Jingka by the arm as he walks her, just slow enough to avoid arousing suspicion as he moves her away from the area back to her room. They just make it there when a huge sound makes itself known. An alarm shrills and sprinklers start.

    <Aaaaaaand there's our cue. Emergency exit is thataway. Remember, if you do what everyone else is doing, no one has reason to be skeptical.>
    It was a medical ward for those deemed insane. If everyone did everything the same way, it’d be considered normal and there very presence would have been considered irrelevant and obsolete. Jingka bolted as fast as she could away from Doc and into a few other people who were acting just the same. There were PA instructions to evacuate into the yard and wait for further instructions. Guards shoved her in with the already frantic crowd of people while her Zoroark was making use of the chaos, by having ‘stray patients’ running to other points of the yard and out of sight, forcing guards to go and chase an illusion that would only disappear. Jingka was barely outside when she had herself falsify tripping, and catching her hand on a nearby lights witch.

    ‘Pulse, you know what to do from here.’

    The electrical poltergeist snickered as he left Jingka’s body and moved into the electrical wiring within the building. From there he would need to find Jingka’s Sableye, Kimberlite, and cause the computer to download a random set of information onto whatever computer Kimberlite found a portable USB drive in. Thanks to technology of the modern age, they were fairly common. Once that was done, Kimberlite would remove the USB drive, and Pulse would cause the entire building to blackout. This was their plan from the beginning, but thanks to having the run in with the stranger, things turned out for the better. As Jingka was led outside into a crowd of horrible disorganization that was looking more like human herding, she counted the seconds by, knowing Endra was having far too much fun messing with the minds of the armed guards who were beginning to wonder why their aim had suddenly turned so horrible. A minute turned into two, and two turned into four. Soon it was getting to six minutes and thirty four seconds of being outside when the flood lights all turned off at once, causing various women and men to scream and try to run away. Jingka could feel people trying to move this way and that way, pulling and pushing. She could also hear the strikes of rifle butts against skulls, and people falling to the ground. The girl waited for a light double tap on her shoulder, knowing that was the signal that Endra had found her and was ready to pull her out. She only moved when she was pulled to do so, ducking and weaving between human beings, despite the fact Endra’s mastery of illusions would provide well enough cover. Soon the freedom of open air could be felt as the two of them made it to the wall, waiting for Pulse and Kimberlite to return.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  7. #37
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Sorry it took so long

    Marked Freelancer: Latios
    Lilycove City
    Affected RPers: None

    "Sorry Absol," Jet whispered, "I need you to be able to hear, and you can't be out of the Pokeballs without a leash."
    Absol looked up at Jet, obviously disliking the leash. He and Jet were waiting at the harbour for the ship to take them to Olivine city, in the Johto Region.
    After receiving the USB flash drive from Steven, he found an Internet cafe, and opened one of the files on it. Rayquaza. Most of the information on Rayquaza, Jet didn't find useful except one line.
    'Rayquaza has been sighted at the embedded tower'
    After reading the file thoroughly, Jet removed the flash drive, making sure there were no traces on the computer, and pocketed it. He placed it in a zip lock bag, and pocketed it.
    That was a week ago, and Jet was only now ready to go, after hiding the flash drive. It was now buried underneath a tree in the old Hoenn Safari Zone.
    His mind was linked to Absol while he was at the harbour. After a little while, Absol heard what they were waiting for.

    "Ferry to Olivine city boarding now."
    Jet stood up, and walked with Absol to the ticket inspector, pulling out the special license he had for the Pokemon. The ticket inspector was about to say he had couldnt take Absol on. He showed the woman the license, who read it, and let him on the ship, slightly embarrassed that she almost stopped a helper Pokemon from coming on to the ship.

    Jet found his way to the room, and put down his belongings, locking the door. Looking at the bed, he felt a wave of fatigue fall over him. After a minute of contemplating he broke to the temptation.

    "I'm going to sleep Absol. If someone comes, please wake me up." Jet said to the Pokemon, who sat at the end of the bed. Jet kicked off his shoes, and laid on the bed, closing his eyes, and fell into a blissful sleep.

    Marked Freelancer: Rayquaza
    Milstraton City
    Affected RPers: None

    "Thank you," Jamie said to the nurse, who brought him some food. "I'd be dead if you didn't help me."

    "I wouldn't let an injure Freelancer get capture by ENDoG." The nurse said, "Though you pretty much asked for it by stopping them from capturing Rayquaza, and torching their shipments."

    It had been a day since Jamie arrived in Unova, and torched the shipment for ENDoG. Upon escaping the warehouse, he was shot, and fled. When he was sure he wasn't being followed, he put out a distress call on the freelancers radio network. Within a few hours, a nurse from the Pokemon center arrived and took him back there, where she took the bullet from his calf, and bandaged the wound. He stayed the a Pokemon Center, hiding in the store room.

    "You can't stay here much longer." The nurse said, "There has been an ENDoG van parked out the front for a few hours. They are onto me."

    Suddenly there was a buzz through the speaker system in the Pokemon Center.

    "Someone's at the door." The nurse said, slightly worried. "If it is them, I will lead them the other way, so you can sneak out."

    Jamie nodded as the nurse left the room. He followed her, waiting by the door to the main room. Her plan was for him to sneak out. His was far different.

    "We have reason to believe you are harbouring a fugitive." Jamie heard a man say to the nurse when she opened the door and asked why they were there.

    "Why would you believe that? There hasn't been anyone here in weeks." The nurse said. Jamie looked around the small store room he was hiding in, and found something useful. A chain.

    "Don't lie to me *****," the officer said, becoming rather hostile, "Skylance doesn't lie!"

    "Please calm down, this is a hospital." The nurse said, keeping calm. Suddenly the officer pulled a gun.

    "This kid has ****ed with us too many times. He caused Rayquaza to escape, killing numerous men, and torched our imported goods, burning more men." The officer said, readying the gun. "Now tell me, where is he?"

    Jamie snuck up behind the man, holding the chain. The nurses eyes widened as she saw him, and the officer noticed. He turned around to the site of Jamie swinging the chain, knocking him over the head and unconscious.

    "When he comes to, tell him you didn't know I was in here." Jamie said, as he searched the mans pockets, pulling out a phone and a wallet with plenty of cash. He took the holster that was strapped to the officers chest under his jacket, and put it on himself, under his own jacket, taking the gun.

    "Have you heard of this 'Skylance' before?" Jamie asked the nurse, as he picked up his things. She shook her head, still surprised at what happened.
    "Thanks for your help." He said, as he walked out the door.

    Jamie walked the streets of Mistralton city, northward towards the exit, keeping an eye out for ENDoG forces, and looking through the phone and wallet. The phone didn't contain much information. However the wallet proved to be useful. Inside was a wad of cash, a few cards, however one stood out the most.

    ENDoG Skylance Login Details

    Username: cooks08136
    Password: dyfsu5yk

    "What the hell is Skylance?" Jamie asked himself, as he approached the border of the city, walking out the gates into the wilderness, on his way to the next city.

    Myra and Arianne
    ENDoG new recruits
    Virbank City
    Affected RPers: None

    "I'm never drinking again." Arianne thought to herself as she got out of her bed, feeling as if somebody was drilling into her skull.

    "I second that." She heard Myra say from the ensuite next to the room, right before what sounded like vomiting.

    Arianne was at first surprised at hearing Myra's voice from her bathroom, but remembered some of the events of the previous night after seeing the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor from her makeshift bed. Myra lost her room keys when partying last night, and needed to stay in Arianne's room.

    "You really cannot handle your alcohol." Arianne said, "Myra, I love you. But if you stink my bathroom out of puke, I will kill you."

    Myra began to respond, but instead began dry reaching. After a few minutes, the vomiting stopped, and the toilet was flushed. Myra walked into the room, pale as a ghost.

    "Wait, why are you in my room?" Myra asked. Arianne gave Myra a second to realise her mistake but was disappointed when she didn't.

    "You really can't remember? We got wasted last night, and you lost your key. This is my room." Arianne said, laughing at her friend who looked down with embarrassment. "So are you going to look for your key?"

    "No point. I can't remember anything from last night. I have a spare in my room. I will find a way in, even if it means begging the CO that partied with us last night to let me in." Myra said, "you seem to remember a bit. Did I do anything stupid last night?"

    Arianne dug through her memory, remembering that Myra mostly kept to herself, and was a quiet drunk. She could have told her this, but knew it would be more fun to do otherwise.

    "I am pretty sure you and one of the guys with us disappeared for a while. Not sure what went on there." Arianne said hiding a smile from her friend.

    "Damn," Myra said, trying to remember. "I'm starving. Do you want to come with me to get breakfast, and visit my 'friend'?"

    Arianne thought about it for a second. Gallade made her uncomfortable, and she would rather not cross paths with it if she could.

    "Thanks for the offer, but I think I am going to go back to sleep. I don't feel to well." Arianne said, walking over to her timetable. "Do you have the 7pm to midnight patrol shift on Thursdays?"

    "I think so. Should be more fun afterwards, since I won't be feeling so crap." Myra said, showing a slight hint of a smile. "I guess I will see you later."

    Myra walked out of the door, as Arianne closed the blinds, and sprayed air freshener in every corner of the bathroom, trying to get rid of the stench of vomit, before heading back into bed.

    As Myra walked through the hallway, she saw leaning against the wall a young man a little older than her, that she recognised as a fellow partygoer from the previous night. He was passed out, pantless, and had drawings on his face and arms, with a clown wig.

    "I guess I am one of the lucky ones," Myra said to herself, as she walked to the elevator, taking it down to the ground floor. "I hope he isn't the one Arianne mentioned."

    Myra walked out the front door of the building, feeling her head throb more at the sight of the sunlight. She had never regretted something so much.

    After some walking, she found a street vendor selling fried rice, and bought two boxes of it. Myra walked south towards the Virbank complex, finding the warehouse where Gallade had been staying. She knocked twice on the door, waited 10 seconds, then knocked twice again. After a few seconds the door slid open with Gallade on the other side, ecstatic to see Myra.

    "I told you I would visit." Myra said quietly, smiling, and handing him a box of fried rice. "You like fried rice?"

    Gallade accepted the box, but gave Myra a strange look. He knew that something was wrong.

    "Don't worry I am fine. Just had too much to drink last night." Myra said, taking some chopsticks from the bag. She offered Gallade a pair, who declined, instead using telekinesis to eat.

    Myra and Gallade ate their lunch together, laughing and enjoying their time together.

    "Can you try and get along with Arianne?" Myra asked, "I know she seemed shocked at first, but you are my best friends, and I hate how you don't seem to get along."

    Gallade was silent for a second, then nodded with a slight grunt.

    "Thank you," Myra said, "I will bring her by soon."

    The two remained quiet for the rest of the time, though Gallade showed he was upset when Myra had to leave. She left the warehouse, promising to come back soon.

    Myra made her way back to the Virbank ENDoG building, and found the window to her room, four floors above the ground.

    "Altaria, I will need your help at the moment." Myra said, throwing the Pokeball onto the ground, as it erupted and Altaria appeared. "Think you can carry me to that window?"

    Altaria looked up slightly doubtful, but ended up nodding, beckoning Myra to climb onto her back. Myra did so, and Altaria flapped her wings, ascending into the air.

    After a few seconds, they were level with Myra's window. Lucky for her, it was unlocked. She opened the window, climbing in, and returning Altaria back to the Pokeball. Myra located her spare key, and unlocked her door. She sat on her bed, wondering what to do next.

  8. #38
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    Join Date
    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Nadra Ferrer.
    Marked Freelancer (Ho-Oh).
    Castelia City.
    ARPers: None.

    As Nadra sat on the ferry to Castelia, Alto on one side and loud and pushy people on the other, Nadra finally got a chance to withdraw into her own thoughts and sort out the full ramifications of her conversation with Alder.

    Her emotions were a mixed mess. Despite her excitement, despite the fact that she might finally get the chance to find Ho-Oh and save both of them - Ho-Oh from its imprisonment, and herself from her nightmares - she couldn’t help but be worried. A million million things could go wrong. What if Marlon refused to help her? What if he did, but he was killed in the attempt? What about his Pokemon? What about her own? The thought of losing sweet Dust or cunning Keelin or reliable Ramman or loving Althea almost brought tears to her eyes. And all of that was not to mention her own paralyzing fear of water, which had unfortunately started with the nightmares. Even on the smoothly-cruising ferry boat, she was having trouble keeping down her lunch.

    Close your eyes, she told yourself. Keeping them closed helped; she was pretty sure that she’d read that somewhere. With a sigh, she settled back into the seat and let her eyes drift shut, tuning out the noise of all of the people chattering near her.

    Pressure. Crushing pressure. The cold takes her by the throat and descends, squeezing, until it fills her from head to toe and it won’t let up. She tries to cry out from the pain of it, but she’s been screaming for so long now that no sound can escape her raw, hoarse throat. Her head hangs in despair as the darkness and cold seem to constrict even her breathing and stop up her thoughts...

    Nadra opened her eyes, barely containing a pained gasp. Would she have to see these horrible visions every time she closed her eyes? Only when Althea calmly pointed out the nearest clock did Nadra relax. The Audino gave her a reassuring smile, but Nadra found it hard to look at her friend. In order to allow Althea to walk outside her Pokeball, the poor Audino had to wear one of ENDoG’s horrid collars. Althea never seemed to mind; she was nothing but grateful for the luxury of walking with Nadra, which many other Freelancer Pokemon could not. Looking at the collar, however, reminded Nadra uncomfortably of her dreams. If the standard-issue neutralizers felt at all like what was draining Ho-Oh, then Nadra couldn’t imagine how being able to walk around outweighed the feeling of constant lethargy while wearing a noose around your neck.

    Stepping off of the ferry and into Castelia was something of a shock. Adjusted as she was to moving around in wild nature, the crowded, bright, bustling city was definitely something new. She walked quickly through the bustling streets, staying near the slightly less-crowded piers so as to keep some sort of freedom of movement. Soon, she reached the checkpoint that led from Castelia to the northern route; then, hopefully, Ramman would be rested enough to fly her to Humilau.

    However, as soon as she entered the checkpoint building, Nadra knew that she’d made a serious mistake. Apparently ENDoG had decided that the old system of a friendly receptionist and a cheery news board just wouldn’t do in the great city of Castelia, and so these had been replaced by a set of uniformed guards. A Luxray lounged on the counter, passing a glare over the passersby. Nadra fought to keep the fear off of her face, but her heart was beating so hard that she thought for sure the guards would hear it. She walked forward, following the queue of people lined up in front of her, each step a rebellion against her instincts. Act calm, Keelin’s coaching echoed in her head. If you don’t give people a reason to suspect you, they probably won’t.

    The words still lingered as one of the guards stopped her. “Good afternoon, ma’am.” His tone was not unfriendly; that was a good sign. “I see you have a Pokemon with you. Mind if I check on your papers?”

    Nadra felt like she was going to panic, but she managed to reply. “Sure. They’re in my bag...”

    As she pulled it off of her shoulders, the Luxray growled, turning its piercing stare right on Nadra. One of the officers yanked the bag from her hand and unceremoniously dumped its contents onto the counter: some pencils, an envelope, a wallet, a notepad, a change of clothes, a small purse of toiletries, and three Pokeballs.

    The officer looked at Nadra with an undisguised smirk, and the girl’s heart dropped all the way into her shoes. “I don’t suppose you have papers for these?”

    Thomas White.
    ENDoG Agent (Grunt).
    Pacifidlog Town, Hoenn.
    ARPers: None.

    “Can you get it to work again?” Thomas asked anxiously.

    His Manectric, Lilith, a quiet beast with a keen eye and an intelligent mind, fixed him with a glance that if he didn’t know better would have had him thinking that the Pokemon was exasperated by the question. She turned away without giving any sort of answer, laying her paws on the machine, which she and Yoshi had been fiddling with for the last several minutes. Yoshi snapped the battery compartment shut, and Lilith sent a pulse of electricity through the camera. Immediately it sparked to life, and Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. That camera was their one hope at catching the filthy Freelancer who, according to the survivors, had swept in out of nowhere to ‘save’ the monster Rayquaza.

    Moira Slate seemed just as relieved when Thomas turned the camera over to her. “Thanks,” she said. Her gruff voice was unusually somber and subdued. “The sooner we catch that ugly son-of-a-*****, the better. That footage is going to be a massive help.”

    “You’re welcome,” Thomas replied. His stomach still felt like there were several knots tied into it. For a second, he was silent, then he spoke abruptly what had been on his mind since leaving Sky Pillar. “Um, Lieutenant Slate, ma’am, I was thinking... I heard that there’s an opening in Johto and I was wanting to take it.”

    There was a long pause as Moira looked him over. He stood, feeling uncomfortable but keeping his head held high. “This seems unusually rash of you.”

    “I’m not trying to be rash,” said Thomas. He took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I mean, I joined ENDoG so that I could protect people - families - from being hurt the way I was by the Freelancers. The only thing around here other than some boats and rocks was Sky Pillar - it’s not exactly a hotspot for Freelancers. Today was what I needed to show me that moving out into the battlefield - erm, so to speak - and actually help people out a bit. Please, just let me do something.”

    She hesitated again, then, just as Thomas was sure that she would deny his request, she nodded - a sharp, jerking motion. “Pack your bags,” she told him. “Leave as soon as possible. You’re lucky I like you,” she added, looking him straight in the eye. “You’re a damn good officer, and I hate to let you go. Now, get on out there, but I’d appreciate you not being too loud about your departure. I don’t want to see the entire population of Pacifidlog panic and follow you out.”

    Thomas nodded solemnly. “Thanks, ma’am,” he said, and turned and walked away.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  9. #39
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Marked Freelancer: Rayquaza
    Celestial tower

    It had been a few hours since Jamie had left Mistralton city. He kept off the roads, trying to stay out of site, in the wilderness on the side. However sometimes the wilderness was too think, and he had no choice but to go on the roads. When he was on the roads he got off as soon as possible. It would be easy for ENDoG to take advantage of him being forced onto the roads.

    The grey clouds in the sky began to release rain, as the road became wet and slippery. After an hour of rain, Jet saw what he had dreaded. A truck with an ENDoG logo on it, and two armed men on either side of the road.

    Jamie got Sneasal and Scyther's Pokeballs and let the two Pokemon out. He chose them for their speed. Something that Swampert and Aggron lacked.

    "Okay guys, I need you to listen carefully." Jamie said quietly, as he made sure he hadn't been seen yet. "There are two ENDoG Agents over by that truck. I won't be able to sneak around them. We have to fight. Scyther, I need you to fly over into the one on the left as fast as you can, and use slash. Sneasal, I need you to use Icebeam on the other."

    Scyther nodded, with a determined expression, as did Sneasal, who had a mischievous one.

    "Okay go!" Jamie said, as he ran towards the two men. Scyther flew into the first man, slashing him across the torso with his blades. But Sneasal used fury swipes instead.

    Sneasal jumped at the man, slashing at him, but was kicked off. He landed a metre away. The ENDoG agent aimed his gun at Sneasal and looked at me.

    "Either you surrender, or I shoot it." The man said. Jamie sighed and put up his hands. The rain began to intensify, and Jamie heard lightning.

    "Unlucky for your Sneasal here," the man said, "I was going to shoot it anyway."

    The man pulled back the top of the gun, as Jamie felt something rush past him. Scyther. Scyther stood in front of Sneasal, as the ENDoG agent pulled the trigger.

    "No!" Jamie screamed, as tears formed in his eyes. In that second, the storm intensified further, as a lightning bolt hit the ground a matter of metres away from the man. Wen he was distracted, Jamie ran at him, and tackled him, taking his gun and shooting him in the leg. He turned to face the other man, who was bleeding heavily from Scyther's slash wounds. He knew the man probably wouldn't be getting up again, and ran over to Scyther, who was bleeding. The wound was in his chest, and Scyther was breathing heavily.

    "I will get you to a hospital." Jamie said, but realised it was too late. With one last breath, Scyther closed his eyes for the last time.

    The storm was getting worse by the second, as Jamie roared in anger. However it wasn't his voice he heard. It was the voice of a Pokemon. The voice of Rayquaza.

    Sneasal looked at Jamie, obviously feeling guilty, and walked over to him. When Jamie saw the Sneasal, he stood up and looked down on the Pokemon.

    "I gave you a simple instruction! But you didn't listen!" Jamie yelled at the Pokemon. "Scyther was always by my side, and never disobeyed me! And now, because you didn't follow one damn order, he is dead!"

    Jamie screamed again, as there was another crash of thunder. Sneasal tried to run off, but before he could, Jamie pulled out the Pokeball, and put Sneasal back in.

    In the distance, he could see celestial tower. He had heard of it, and how it was the final resting place of Pokemon. He picked up Scyther's body, and walked towards the tower, weeping for his fallen comrade, and friend.

    Myra and Arianne
    ENDoG New Recruits
    Virbank City

    It was late as the two teenage girls wandered the streets of the city. Myra had her Altaria flying by her side, and Arianne had Riolu on the ground. It was their first time on patrol together, and was something Myra had been looking forward to for a while.

    However as much as they were looking forward to it, the two of them were silent most of the time. The only noise was Myra's radio which was held up to her ear.

    "Myra, I have to ask, what is so interesting about the radio?" Arianne asked, as she looked cautiously around a corner with her flashlight, then continued down the road. "You have had it at your ear for the last 10 minutes."

    Myra realised that Arianne had wanted to talk to her during their patrol together.

    "Sorry. This just surprised me," Myra said, as she attached the radio to the belt, "An ENDoG outpost was attacked by a freelancer. He wounded two agents and got away."

    "What is surprising about that?" Arianne said, "Those outposts are always attacked. We are lucky that we are stationed here in Virbank. Cities are always safer for us."

    "That wasn't what surprised me." Myra said, "According to the report, the freelancer surrendered, as did his Pokemon. But the agent killed his Scyther."

    Arianne thought about what she heard for a second before speaking. Things had been awkward between her and Myra since Arianne saw Gallade. Myra said Gallade was one of her best friends, and she knew she should tread lightly.

    "You have to remember Myra, the freelancer had his Pokemon wound the agents." Arianne said, "Our purpose is to protect people. The freelancer was a traitor to his own cause."

    Myra remained silent, as they walked.

    "Don't get me wrong. It was sad the Pokemon was killed," Arianne continued, "But it had to be done. If the Pokemon was willing to attack a human, it must have been brainwashed to see that as alright. It was too far away from being safe."

    "I suppose you're right," Myra said, "Lucky for Gallade, I won't force him to do something like that."

    "Myra, I have been meaning to talk to you about that." Arianne said, as she stopped walking. Myra noticed and stopped as well.

    "I know you say Gallade is one of your best friends," Arianne began, "But ENDoG asked you to leave Gallade in possession of someone else. You are risking your career with ENDoG, and could get in trouble with the law if he is found. Are you sure you want to risk it?"

    Myra was quiet for a second and thought about what to say to her friend.
    "Gallade is worth the risk. Before I found him, I had nobody." Myra said, "Don't worry, you are still one of my best friends. And I don't think anyone will find out. Only you know that I have him here, and you aren't going to tell ENDoG, are you?"

    "I won't say anything," Arianne said, "But I still think this is a bad idea."

    "I am visiting him for lunch tomorrow." Myra said, "please come with me to see him. He is almost human. You will learn to see him how I do."

    Arianne thought about it for a minute. If she were caught, she could lose her job at ENDoG.

    "Okay, I will come with you." Arianne said, "But I still think it is risky."

    "It will be okay," Myra replied, "Now lets keep moving. The sooner we finish this patrol the better. I am so tired."

    The two girls continued their patrol. Nothing overly interesting happened, and at 2am, they made their way back to the Virbank ENDoG building, and went to sleep.

    Gonna post for Jet when I have ideas


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