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  1. #1
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    [PG-16] Brave New World: Return of the Magi (SU/OOC)

    In the universe, there are many forces. The two balancing forces that did a dance between the cosmos are the Holy Light and the Sacred Darkness. Over the billions of years, galaxies formed, worlds were created and eventually sentient beings formed. However, perhaps one of the greatest creations from the union was the birth of magic. Magic became a fundamental force on its own and worked to help advance life. To guide the universe through these times, the forces created avatars. The avatar of the Holy Light was Daema while the avatar of the Sacred Darkness was Sevuch. The two spread across the universe and helped life cultivate through the power of magic.

    Life grew and eventually much of the cosmos lived in peace and harmony. However, not all was well. Unlike those of the ethereal plane, the mortals were susceptible to corruption. Order and Chaos did not always play well and the two would take on different forms and appearances to try and dominate the other. It wasn’t long before Daema and Sevuch stepped in. However, not even they remained untouched.

    It was stated that despite their victory, nothing was ever the same for Daema and Sevuch. It was believed that Sevuch starting to become corrupt. That the Sacred Darkness was becoming corrupted. Over time, much of the universe became shrouded in the darkness that was losing its kindness. Eventually, the war between was inevitable. Worlds united under their different gods and fought. Worlds shattered, galaxies were destroyed and the amount of life lost was beyond measurement.

    Eventually, the final attack led by them atomized everything. The strike caused by them was known by many names, but its current name was the Big Bang. The universe was reset and much of what previously existed was lost. Daema and Sevuch were too tired. Most of the magic spent was used to recreate the universe and were the only beings left.

    It was then that Daema decided to leave the future to the hands of the mortals. She used Sevuch’s magic against him and by combining the light and the dark, she took the primordial elements and transformed them into superweapons. They were wielded by chosen warriors, people who survived because of their moral strength. Using it, they assisted in sealing Sevuch into a small body orbiting an infant planet, forever to slumber.

    However, much of Sevuch’s darkness remained and so Daema spread her light and she sealed herself with the weapons inside the world to slumber while her spirit fused with the nearby star. This world was Earth, 4.6 billion years ago, the body was the Moon and the star was the Sun. The survivors settled on the planet and manage to survive despite its young state. However, it was revealed that Sevuch’s forces were not finished.

    They came back and fought against many of the life forms there. These ancient civilizations were in ruin, but the people would not die. Eventually, the dark forces resorted to banishing many of the races. However, their children survived and bred with the one race immune to the banishment, humanity. Much of the structures were destroyed, but the temples survived and vanished, hiding away the secrets.

    The survivors became god-like in the eyes of primitive man and taught skills and to make civilization, resulting in the 2nd age of civilization on Earth. Some of the more influenced civilizations were those of Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican. These survivors spread their knowledge, but soon they died out and the secrets of the truth were hidden. The last survivor, the one known as the Prophet, was born of mysterious circumstances and attempted to spread the secrets, but the knowledge was distorted and after his death, it was the end of an age.
    Despite the attempts to make the great secrets lost, they still survived and one was on the Catalyst. The awakening of the ancient weapons. Using humanity’s current calendar, in the transitioning to the Winter of two thousand and twelve revolutions after the death of the Prophet, the spirit of Daema will awaken the weapons. Much of humanity, those who carry the blood of the ancients will vanish, kept in a limbo until their ancestry is revealed, leaving few survivors. However, those who inherited the will of the warriors from long ago will be called upon. They will roam the world and free Daema, so she can finally finish her duty.

    You are one of these six heroes.

    You are one of the few who can still wield magic and be called the Magi. When the Trials to decide the fate of the world and the cosmos begin, you will find yourself alone with your fellow heroes. But fear not. Spirits long dormant will awaken and guide you through your quest.

    However, young heroes, be wary. History is written by the winners and not all is clear as you commence your journeys.

    This is a brave new world.


    Welcome everybody! This is DVB here with my RPG. This will be for me and five other people so first come, first serve. First of all, the weapons. They will initially appear as gems as a dormant state before awakening in their weapon forms. They all share designs of ancient ruins accompanied by geometric designs and circles.

    They are the:

    The Garnet Fire Sword
    The Amber Earth Hammer
    The Topaz Thunder Lance
    The Emerald Wood Axe
    The Sapphire Water Staff
    The Amethyst Air Bow

    These weapons rely on the user’s creativity and out the box thinking, allowing for different methods of attacking, such as the Sapphire Staff capable of wielding ice and the Air Bow wielding smoke. Research your element and come up with interesting things.

    Second, the environment. The world will mainly look deserted with only hints of ruin. There will be people, but much of the population has vanished. However, as you grow close to the location of the temples, the surroundings will look more arcane and mystical. The temples themselves are hidden, but when revealed, they are large and filled with puzzles.

    Furthermore, there are the monsters. The forces take on the shapes of figures from different mythologies, depending on the surroundings, so expect some examples of research.

    As for the time period, well, we will be doing frequent time skips. The beginning of this quest takes place the 22 of December, 2012. So it is the middle of winter, but will move on to Spring and Summer and Autumn.

    Lastly, the characters. We will all be with one another, so we should all get along. Romance is encouraged so try and settle on something beforehand if you can. Power of Love tends to help out a lot here.

    I will edit in or edit out information in case I missed things that I realize over time. We will begin the RPG with you at your homes, more or less counting down the minutes until Dec 21, 2012. At midnight, everything changes and you and your fellow heroes will find yourselves in a dream being explained all of this.

    It would be best if we were all in one state as to make this easier, though we will work things out.

    I believe that is all for now.


    Current Heroes:
    Diego Vendrix (DVB)- Water Staff
    Halt Gao (Delta Hunter)- Earth Hammer
    Zuri Watkinson (LadyTanuki)- Air Bow
    Bethany McNuggie (IOTA)- Fire Sword
    Eli Henderson (Descartes)- Wood Axe

    The Fallen:

    Here are the sign-in sheets:

    Age: (16-21; the age range will be explained why)

    Appearance: (At least 2 paragraphs)

    Personality: (At least 2 paragraphs)

    History: (At least 2 paragraphs)
    Last edited by DVB; 05-26-2013 at 02:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    I will start things off with my sign-up sheet as an example.

    Name: Diego Vendrix
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: The Sapphire Water Staff

    Appearance: He stands at five foot, 11 inches. He has low cheekbones, a boyish face, slight stubble, and wears a pair of glasses that darken themselves in bright sunlight. His hair is black with subtle patches of very dark brown, mainly in the tips. His hair is kept trimmed and neat, however the ends on the back of his head are messy and spiky. He has slightly bigger than average eyes, which are chocolate brown. His eyes are large enough that they are noticeably larger than average, even by a margin amount. His skin is a pale shade of olive skin that could be seen from his face. His body is a slight stocky build, a bit of fat and some muscle also.

    He wears a black T-shirt with a gold yingyang symbol on front and a white silhouette of Quetzalcoatl, portrayed as an Ouroboros with the crescent moon and sun in the center of the loop on the back. He has on some black cargo pants that has pockets to carry anything he needs to and black tennis shoes with a red spiral on them. He completes this ensemble with n gray fleece "M-44 Jacket". He also has on a digital watch with him. He does change shirts to different slightly bizarre shirts, but overall this is kinda his basic attire.

    Personality: Diego is a warm and emotional person with an occasion fiery temper and an adventurous spirit. He is very empathetic and has a great desire to help people out. Beneath this outgoing personality, Diego is a shy and quiet person. He is also a very artistic individual as he will often draw whenever he gets the chance to do so. He is very loyal, but can come on as clingy, especially around girls. He also likes to cook. When in serious situations, he knows it is time for him to use his intelligence and strengths at their full capacity. He is very creative and known to be devious for his ideas. He is regarded as being very smart in many aspects.

    He has his faults, however. Some of these are being blunt, sarcastic, picking fights, laziness and often day-dreaming during certain moments and saying a weird comment afterward. Beyond that, he also has moments of self-righteousness, showing frustrated toward some of the less-than-savory characters, but holds his tongue when he needs to. He may also show some malevolent intent or hold grudges for a while. He may even show cruel moments, characterized by a crazed grins and shadows under his eyes. He is prone to snarky or blunt comments and is often unable to figure out what to do in situations with people so will often mess things up, though he means no harm. Despite this or because of it, he tries to overcome these traits so people don’t judge him on his faults and see him as a good person.

    History: Born of Mexican heritage, Diego does not have of an interesting background. Born on the West Coast, his parents move to the Southeast a few months after his brother is born. He grew up being a bright but eccentric and lonely kid. Not able to understand that he was different and why the kids viewed him strangely, he took it in stride though his short temper would come out and showed that that the neglect gave him a growing self-loathing. In his mind, for every one of his age to avoid him and not being able to make friends until much later, made him wonder if something was the matter. Believing something was wrong with him, he repressed this self-loathing with optimism. He continued moving forward, though he became sulky and aggressive during middle school.

    This coupled with his brother’s normalcy, growing contrasting personality and popularity made the two clash and a rift was created that Diego ultimately regretted and while on better terms, still views this as a shame. Regarding his parents, his father worked in Operations for a computer company while his mom was a homemaker. Diego loved both his parents but closer to his father because he was a very competent, understanding, patient and understanding man, despite his stubborn attitude and need for control. Diego loves his mom and anyone who offends her will be given the traditional Mexican treatment, i.e. a tongue lashing a chance for a beatdown. However, he views her slightly as a ditz and is exasperated by her occasional lack of practicality and frugality, though he sympathizes with her emotional side, due to being the same way.

    Being left to his own devices with no real friends until later, Diego took to some of the nerd hobbies, mainly reading, video gaming and anime and manga. Being shy around some adults and never finding a mentor in the form an older peer, he centered his principles on heroes of various fictions. Emulating some of their properties and adopting their determination, they helped Diego forge a moral code. This combined with his stubbornness and intelligence, made him come off as someone who was devious in arguing and a smartass at times. In high school, as people matured and got used to him, Diego began mellowing out. However, he still holds a grudge to many a peer. To him, they did something wrong and the right thing to do would be to apologize. He does so and has often done so. This ratio adds to the self-loathing by making him think many things are because of his fault. This gradual compilation led to the formulation of a potential dark side. Retaining his assets while thriving on anger, sadness, revenge and other suppressed emotions , this is the side of him he does his best to restrain.

    Ultimately, he finishes off high school with strong grades, the only Hispanic with honors and going to college. However, his lack of experience with social cues as well as lacking any psychological coaching until late teenagerdom, put him in odds regarding networking. Furthermore, his philosophical ways and quirky views of the world made it odd for him to decide what he wanted, viewing the world having gotten to complicated. Currently, he is studying Film and much to his surprise, a friend from high school is there, Zuri. The mysterious girl made him feel nervous, yet he felt a strange ease around her and enjoyed being around her company. He was encouraged by his father to partake in various scholarships and such and goes to a university there to study film while still contemplating on what he wants from life and hoping for the opportunity to come to live out his boyhood dreams of being a hero just like the idols of his childhood.
    Last edited by DVB; 05-26-2013 at 02:31 AM.

  3. #3
    I'll ask for a reserve for the Amber Hammah, if you would be so kind. And people who look at this RP, it had a lot of work put behind it, and it's garenteed to deliever on the everything. So join, one and all!

  4. #4
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    All right, RESERVED!

    You have a week, dude.

  5. #5
    Name: Halt Gao
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Amber Hammer

    Appearance: Halt has had a painful time growing up, and only measures, at most, a short 5’2” and weighs in around 100 pounds maximum. He keeps his head down a lot though, so he seems shorter. His hair is a shade between black and violent, appearing black unless looked at from the sides, as the dye he used wasn’t that strong. The tips of his ears are slightly pink from the dye at times, but mostly are normal shades of pale. His nose and ears are button quality, and Halt is constantly reminded of this from women. His eyes are a soft cyan, though with his low head posture, it’s uncertain when one will be able to see his eyes.

    For clothing, this is one of the few things that Halt tries to keep himself. His normal shirt is modeled after his favorite game, Monster Hunter, with the trace design of the in game Rathien icon across the back. The black shirt is short sleeved. His pants are long and black, with a blue stripe down the outside, and they cover the tops of his white and blue sneakers. However, despite that he enjoys it so much; he prefers to wear his favorite sweatshirt over it. It was imported from Japan, and its black that reaches about two inches below Halt’s waist. In the center of the back, right between his shoulder blades, is a large white star. Along the hood, right where it reaches to his left eye is the design of a cyan flame.

    Personality: Halt is a very sensitive and shy kid, and will often run away from others that try to talk to him, or flinch when hugged or touched. When hugged, Halt brings his arms in front of his face to protect himself from getting hit, which he expects after any kind of contact he has with people. Bullies and an abusive mother have left their mark on the poor kid, but they also changed him a bit for good. Halt can feel empathy for anyone in a bad situation. Despite his dislike of physical contact, he’ll still hug someone after they break down, or just need someone nearby.

    Halt is also bashful, often blushing when someone tries to compliment him on anything, which always results in him pulling down the hood of his Black Rock Shooter sweatshirt over his eyes and face to hide the blush. He’s an avid fan of anything kawaii and cute, often squeeing at the sight of a MLP plush of a filly. He also adores the Nendoroid style, a style of figures that makes possibly tough characters into adorable chibis of Japanese figures, wanting to collect them. As a guilty pleasure, he likes figma figures too, though they are often more risqué than other styles, with the females having accented chests and butts, or straight up nude. These he keeps hidden in his small room, just in case someone could see them.

    Halt’s father, unlike his mother, was a great mentor, and gave Halt lessons on how to defend himself and other as well as teach him about the ‘right to live’. Similar to the Bill of Rights that was passed by congress, the right to live is a universal right given to all living creatures, and is universally understood. Cows have the right to live, but this same right gives humans the chance to kill them for meat, a favorite food of Halt’s. However, to kill something of your own species not for the sake of living is unacceptable. Halt embraces this idealology, and it becomes his berserk button. To see someone forsake the right to live from someone else is the same as forsaken the killer’s own right to live. Halt becomes dark at these moments, and will beat the killer into the ground, till they are on their last legs.

    History: Halt was born along the East Coast, up in Maine, to what appeared to be a normal family of a mother and a father. However, behind the closed doors of the large house they inhabited, Halt was the outlet for his mother’s frustrations at the world and workplace. Even as a little child, at age three, Halt was subjected to beatings. In order to keep moving every day, Halt began to talk to imaginary friends, and when he did, he found himself being the cause of the punishment, and that his friends told him that he shouldn’t fight it. Halt had no other choice, so he simply accepted every beat to his face from the bottle or fist of his mother. Halt’s father wasn’t affected as such, but merely bandaged Halt’s wounds and told Harry about the ‘right of life’.

    At the age of eight, Halt began to be trained by a few of his school friends that knew about his issues, in martial arts. He took to it fairly well, but three years later, his mother found out. He was forced to stay at home for schooling, and every time he asked for something, he got a swift and painful beating. It was his life for years, something Halt can never forget. Nor can he forget the mangas he began to read on the internet. Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul was the first manga he ever read, and the main character, Black Rock Shooter, became his first crush. She was always so brave and noble, and she believed in the innocence of every desire. Halt loved her, and that detail about her, which he tried to bring into his own being. His mother, finally having enough with Halt, sent him with his father to California, Santa Carina. This was a good idea for poor Halt’s wellbeing.

    Halt began to have a normal life with his father in Santa Carina, and eventually started to go to high school again. He started off at the school as a freshman, but was kept back till now as his mental state seemed to fluctuate constantly, as the second someone tried to scold him or put him in a physical situation, he would break down and hide his face and body, scared. Because of this, he had to held back, as letting him go forward might have had very poor backlash. Halt clung to anything he could to make himself feel better and feel good, so he turned to the kawaii, which makes him feel nice and warm.

    Does a few hours work for you? xD

  6. #6
    New Trainer Lady Tanuki's Avatar
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    A magic circle
    And here is not only my first RPG on these forums, but by first post overall in them as well. A fair warning: I can be prone to making really long signups and posts. Though both of you probably know that already.

    Name: Zuri Watkinson
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Amethyst Air Bow

    Appearance: People like to call Zuri the "ghost", for she can be mistaken for one at first glance. Being an albino, her skin is very pale, and her eyes are such a light shade of blue that they look as if they are made of glass. Straight silvery-white hair flows halfway down her back, with slight hints of bangs on the sides. These like to blow back in a gust of wind, revealing earrings that look like inch-long amethyst spikes. Although her face is pale as everything else, it can easily turn a light pink at the sign of emotion. Otherwise her tendency to gaze off into the distance adds to the ghostly air about her.

    There's nothing particularly special about Zuri's figure. Nobody's ever commented on it in any way. If anything, she looks a little on the fragile side, not being extremely skinny, but not having a whole lot of build either. She's anything but the athetic-type, that's for sure, given the only exercise she ever gets is carrying her books around school. One can easily guess that she spends a lot of time indoors, which makes sense because she's highly prone to sunburn.

    Zuri has a somewhat picky fashion sense. She'll never wear anything that's yellow, brown, orange, or red (though dark red is okay), and she'll never wear shorts, tight jeans, or shoes with heels taller than two inches. Usually she considers comfort a priority in clothes, though for some reason she prefers skirts over pants. Nor does she ever style her hair differently. However, she almost always wears some sort of jewelry, always wearing at least a necklace and a pair of earrings, and maybe in rare cases a bracelet or something. She always wears a piece of jewelry that once belonged to her late mother or grandmother, in rememberance of what little she knew of the former and what little she cared about the latter.

    As for Zuri's current and possibly favourite outfit, that would be a soft white blouse with a wispy pale blue ribbon tied into a bow on the chest, with sleeves that reach down to her elbows and end in frilly white lacy trim, with more light blue ribbon around the sleeve ends and the bottom. Below that would be a long skirt--one that is a bluish-grey in colour and ruffled on the bottom, with a long, silky, lavender sash tied around her hips. Below that, her legs would be coated with light gray stockings, and old-fashioned white boots that lace up down the middle. Around her neck is a pendant featuring a silver cross with lots of purple roses wrapped around it. And finally, she carries around a shoulder bag made of a misty purple cloth--this bag is just big enough to hold a textbook or two, and there's always some sort of large book in there.

    Personality: Besides her appearance, one other reason why many people call Zuri the ghost is because of her relatively distant demeanour, and the solemn yet calm and mysterious vibe she gives off. She kind of drifts about the world, setting herself apart from it, a slight bit shy in terms of interacting with others, especially if they don't seem to have anything in common with her. But she is very good at remaining calm and relaxed, and she hardly ever panics in the face of danger (the most she'll do is complain about being weak). A ghost indeed--a living one, if that makes any sense.

    One hallmark of Zuri is her interest in books. They are her most satisfying form of enjoyment, the one activity she can devote her focus and interest to. Zuri seems to like quiet, serene settings anyway--she hates noisy places and crowded gatherings. She likes to keep her mind in a hazy awareness, not exactly super focused, but not completely absent-minded--just a little in the clouds, with little or no worries to trouble their way through. This is almost the exact state she keeps her mind in while meditating, which she does quite often. With a highly spiritual nature, she keeps an open mind and accepts fate for what it is.

    Yes, that is another hallmark of Zuri: her strong belief in magic. Some people have thought she was some sort of witch or mystic, and she considers that to be true, leaving many in mystery. Some religious people claim Zuri to have been "possessed" by the ghosts of her parents, which makes sense since they practiced witchcraft. It is true that the books Zuri most often reads are either books of shadows found in her parents' house, or fantasy novels. She believes that everyone is united by nature, and that the world has several dimensions (though she has no idea what those other dimensions are). In her everyday life, she makes quite a few spiritual affirmations, which are not so much prayers directed at herself, but blessings of various things and acknowledgements of fate.

    That having been said, Zuri is thought to lead a rather depressing life otherwise. She is not one to try and fit in with other people, perhaps believing she lacks the power to do so. Indeed, though her outlook on life may overall be optimistic, the rains of sorrowful isolation have frequently caused her mind to just drift about in the wind, seeking the pursuit of her ideals and spiritual wisdom, blowing through the world rather than adapting to it. Just like a ghost wandering about the mortal realm.

    Besides the above, one obvious weakness Zuri has is technology. Computers and electronic gadgets confuse her--she has no idea how to go about using any of them. She doesn't even carry a cell phone around, and can just barely handle typing up a report on her grandmother's old computer. Probably because she never watches TV or surfs the Internet, she's remarkably naive as far as news and current events and latest trends go. That or she just doesn't care about any of those things. She seeks wisdom, not necessarily knowledge.

    History: The Watkinson family was not a city family--they preferred to live in the suburbs. They occupied two houses, one with Zuri and her parents, the other with her grandmother. Why separate houses? Because of religious differences--her grandmother was a devout Christian while her parents were Wiccan. Naturally, Grandma regarded Zuri's parents as sinners and devil-worshippers. Now, normally this wouldn't be important, as Zuri's parents could just ignore Grandma and move on with their lives. However, one day when Zuri was three, she went upstairs into her parents' special seance room, only to find them lying under a blanket, unmoving and cold to the touch.

    This really came as a shock to Zuri, especially since it happened at a time when she didn't quite understand what death really meant. But it would remain in her mind for the rest of her life, especially given its suddenness. How did her parents die, and why? It didn't help that they had no wills either. The house remained empty, though there were many reports of the house being haunted, presumably by the ghosts of Zuri's parents. In her youth, Zuri visited this house often, but she never found her parents there. What she did find was the many books they had, which were mostly myths and old fantasy novels, and books on all sorts of magical topics. She had not quite understood what was going on whenever they performed a magic ritual (which was more like a ceremonial prayer, not involving anything too spectacular), and since her parents weren't bothering to contact her for some reason, reading these books was the only way she could get a clue as to what their spiritual practices and other aspects of their life were like.

    From then on, Zuri lived with her grandmother. Grandma thought Zuri's parents got what they deserved for following such an "evil" faith, and was all too glad to take Zuri in. However, she was not at all pleased about her ventures into her parents' house, worried that they would have an evil influence on her. It was true that she found the spellbooks in their house particularly interesting. She even tried to use some of the spells on her classmates, threatening to put curses on them if they did anything bad to her. Grandma eventually found out about this, and carried out her standard punishment: saving her soul. Or at least attempting to.

    But on the other hand, Grandma was a very kind and gentle person, though she did have her rules and a way of convincing others to follow them. A part of Zuri knew that Grandma really loved her, and she felt really guilty rebelling against a fragile old woman, especially by the time she was almost done with high school. It was also around this time that she realised the virtue of not harming others, that it was wrong to put curses on people and make magical threats, a concept universal to all religions it seemed. She learned about this virtue in church, of all places. Still, though she visited her parents' house on occasion, she still heard nothing from them despite continued claims of hauntings there. Sad, for she really liked the magical wisdom that came from their faith, as many of the concepts applied to nature and harmlessness.

    But then, just before she graduated from high school, her grandmother died. It was a peaceful death--she simply died of old age--but it was still sad, because at that point Zuri had no living family left. Nobody to take care of her anymore, no real company at all. By that time she was legally an adult, and thus didn't even have to have any foster parents to deal with. She was on her own then.

    Though Zuri still had a house to live in--her grandmother left it to her--it was a sad and lonely summer. Even when she was in college, she still distanced herself from many of the other people there. Even though she was never on best terms with her grandmother, her loss created an empty space inside of her, one that longed for something in her wisdom and caring nature despite her religious views. In college, the people she interacted with the most (which still wasn't very much) were people at the library at which she worked as an assistant, and this young man named Diego who seemed to be very interested in her. She had known him ever since high school.

    And still no successful conversation with her parents. Every Halloween night she performs a ritual to try to contact them, but nothing ever happens. She only saw but a brief vision of them, a vision of them standing on opposite sides of a bright blue flame, on the night when her grandmother died.

  7. #7
    Don't mind me, I'm just filling the ranks.

    Name: Bethany (Beth) McNuggie
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: The Garnet Fire Sword

    Appearance: Bethany, or Beth as she prefers to be called, is a sturdy young girl with fiery red hair, piercing green eyes and a face adorned with freckles. She stands at about 5'9" with a hearty portion on meat on her bones. Not overweight, mind you, but not exactly as lean and slender as the swimsuit ads say a woman should look. She doesn't let that get to her though, a lot of it is muscle anyway.

    Beth is a bit of a tomboy when it comes to clothing, steering as far clear from dresses, skirts, and heels in favor of pants, shorts, and boots. Her wild red hair is kept trimmed rather short as it "gets in the way when its long" she says. Her current attire is a red plaid button up shirt, blue jean shorts, long socks, hiking boots, and a worn ragged backpack.

    Personality: Beth is no girlie-girl as if that hasn't sunk in. She's a fighter. While the other girls were taking ballet, Beth was taking junior boxing; while the other girls are running track, Beth is taking weight training; while the other girls are taking cheerleading, Beth is taking highschool wrestling. To sum it up, Beth just loves a good fight and will go out of her way to find one whether its standing up to a bully, or in some cases, being the bully.

    As a child Beth grew up in the country and became a very outdoorsy person. She loves every aspect of the outdoors and can't stand to be confined to a desk under pale artificial lights at school when she knows there's an open field with the sun beating down on it just outside. Because of this she has skipped a lot of school, time well spent she says, but naturally it has its drawbacks. Beth has a poor grasp of any advanced math, sciences, or literature. But ask her to pitch a tent or climb a tree? She's an ace.

    Beth is set deep in her ways and doesn't take well to people trying to change her, but oddly enough won't hesitate to point out in others what she sees as flaws in need of a change. She's got a short temper and a hair pin fuse and she won't think twice (if she even thinks once) to beat you within an inch of your life.

    History: Beth was born into a family of five brothers and one sister. Her tough girl attitude started there, fighting with a mess of older brothers over every little thing. Her mother and father didn't mind this at all, and only encouraged it. They wanted their little McNuggies to be something people would jealous of, true champions in a long line of champions. Beth took after her brothers as role models the same way all good siblings do, picking up their habits and mannerisms and using them for her own.

    Life was rather quiet outside of school. When her brothers weren't a factor she was free to run through the fields, climb trees, and ride horses. In school, however, it was a constant struggle. Between bad conduct (her eagerness to start fights) and her low grades Beth had a hard time seeing school as a worthwhile endeavor. She's been putting up with it though, she just wants to make it through school like her brothers did and then spend her next few years working at home for her father's wood carving business. Because the only thing more relaxing than wood carving is cutting down the tree to be carved.

  8. #8
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    Atlanta, Georgia
    All of them Accepted! We just need two more people!

  9. #9
    Reserving the emerald wood axe
    "A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed."
    "The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues."
    "Ladies, I put the STD in stud; but most of the time, I just put the D in U."
    "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."
    "I think; therefore I am."

  10. #10
    Junior Trainer DVB's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Reserved! You have a week!


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