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  1. #1
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Welcome to Promethia! [T, discussion/SU]

    There's a saying here on Promethia; nobody comes here cause they want to. Some people come out this way to make a new life on a planet far from home. Others are on the run from the law, and some just get dropped here by a faulty warp drive and the luck of the Devil himself. We're on the border out here, far away from civilization and usually on our own. And who are you? You got stranded here like most of the good folk who end up on this godforsaken hunk of rock, maybe you were headed out to a vacation to see the stars in a luxury cruiser, maybe a bounty hunter after a big catch of the local scum. Me? I'm nobody important. But why don't we spin a little story about Promethia, to pass the time? The locals say some of you newcomers are saints. Some of you I'd reckon for cousins of demons, but I got a name for you. You gotta earn it though. Then maybe I'll tell ya. Gather round, kids, cause old Roach is gonna tell you a story bout the heroes of Promethia... And it starts right here, in the little town o' Shipwrech...

    Welcome to Promethia! is an RP about survival on the hostile fringe world of Promethia. Far from Earth and on the very edge of the galaxy's spiral arm, Promethia was a prison world before settlers accidentally crash landed on the surface and became stranded. It's recently become a place of interest for people looking to start over, to escape the law or just to get away from civilization. Between the hostile native inhabitants and the violent criminals using the world as a safe haven from the law, the little town of Shipwrech is in need of some help to make it in the harsh environment. Maybe you're a lawman come to hunt down an old rival, or a treasure hunter looking for cashes of alien tech. Anything can happen on Promethia... but no one stays because they want to. A series of adventures on an alien planet, a space western one might say! So why not kick up your heels and knock off the dust?

    There's some structure we gotta lay down right quick, before I start spinnin' a yarn. Every word's true, I promise ya that.

    1) I reserve the right to kick out or kill any characters for any reason if rules are being broken. If a character is killed, you must make a new one to continue playing.
    2) Promethia is a dangerous place for a hero, and rumor has it some force on the planet actively counterbalances the threats that come it's way. God modding will be met with violent wildlife.
    3) Replies are to be a minimum of a paragraph long. One liners will be shot on sight.
    4) Promethia is a dangerous place for anyone living on it, but no one really wants to see your guts. Really, put them back in. Gore and excessive swearing is not allowed.
    5) You aren't required to play a heroic character, but all characters not of that alignment will be starting in places that are not Shipwrech.
    6) Have fun or I'll eat your head.

    Now, let's learn about our intrepid heroes. Who are they, what makes 'em tick, and most importantly... How good's their aim?

    Name: First and last, if applicable.
    Nicknames: What do they like to be called, or hate to be called but get called anyways because it stuck?
    Title: Say you were a video game character. What would your boss title be?
    Age: Age, if applicable.
    Gender: Gender, if applicable
    Species: You're one of them robots, aintcha? (Custom species can be introduced, but most characters will be humans or robots. Aliens must be humanoid enough to not be seriously handicapped in a human centric town.)
    Personality: Take some time and tell us about yourself (A good five sentence paragraph will do.)
    Appearance: Take a paragraph to tell us what you look like.
    History: What brings you to Promethia, kid? (Give us two paragraphs about your character's history, ending with how they came to be on the fringe world of Promethia)
    Abilities: Good with a wrench? Handy at making explosives? Maybe ya got a good aim and a quick draw? (Specie attributes should go here, but different species should also have distinct weaknesses to balance their strengths)
    Equipment: All characters will be given a class twelve communications device with hologram capabilities, courtesy of Sparky the town mechanic. What else did you bring along? Includes cybernetic enhancements and specie-specific parts such as claws or mandibles or wings. You know you want a jetpack.
    Other: Anything I missed or anything not fitting in the above sections.
    Last edited by Robotnik; 10-21-2014 at 09:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Approved characters:
    Winter's people
    Grassy's people


    Humans: What can you say about humans? Cockroaches of the universe, or so annoying aliens say.

    Robots: Robots, androids, droids, whatever you call 'em, these little guys are as useful as you can get usually! From the sturdy, easy-to-maintain CZ-198 loader bot to the delicate, fancy N-21 luxury model, anything with the capacity to survive with regular jury-rigging and percussive maintenance can usually be found on Promethia. Even if it's just as spare parts or a fancy hood ornament.

    "Coven": (Non-playable) Coven are an ancient race native to Promethia... and hostile to other life. How sentient they are is up for debate, but they've got ahold of weapon caches left by their old masters filled with all kinds of fancy weapons. You want lasers? Jack a gun from one of these guys, there's at least a 60% chance they've got one. They don't speak English, and they don't seem to like leaving their own camps. Insectoid (apparently) creatures, not much are known about them.
    Last edited by Robotnik; 10-21-2014 at 01:04 AM.

  3. #3
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Mind reserving me for one or two for now? Not sure my situation will allow for much activity, but I think you kinda knew to expect that.

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  4. #4
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Yay, a roleplay!

    Sounds fun. Question: I was thinking about signing up with a character who was a soldier on a military ship, and the ship was under attack. The ship was heavily damaged and used a warp drive to get to Promethia before crashing back down into the atmosphere, with my character being one of the few survivors. I was wondering if that idea would be workable, and assuming it is (I can't think of any reasons off the top of my head it wouldn't be), are there any particular races/factions that they would/could be fighting?

    And regardless of the answer, I plan to create a character.

  5. #5
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's fine~ I don't have any specific enemy groups set up off of Promethia, but wars and the like are still commonplace enough. Pirates are a big problem past the border planets, and depending on the group could be ex-military. As for crash landing, that's how a lot of people end up stranded there! Totally workable. If you don't like space pirates, there are a few alien races that are hostile to the as of yet unnamed galactic government of this particular arm of the Milky Way, they're always waiting for some bullets in their heads/cephalothoraxes

    And you can definitely have a reserve!

  6. #6
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    Reserve, but you knew that already. I'll be entering with that species I told you about last night, and perhaps another one, but I don't know about the secondary one quite yet XD

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  7. #7
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    Reserves are up, go get 'em~

  8. #8
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    I've actually had this done for a couple of days, but I was nervous to post it in case I missed anything. The combat suit might be a little over powered, so if it is, I will either take the force field off it or have it so the suit was damaged in the crash.


    Name: James Fisher
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Personality: James is known for being very loyal to his friends, but he also finds it very difficult to make friends that he can put his trust in. He is very skeptical of other people, and will find it hard to believe what they say if he doesn’t know them very well. At the same time, he sometimes puts too much trust in his friends and allies, leaving him more vulnerable to betrayal.

    He is generally a quiet person, but he is not at all shy. He is not afraid to tell someone the truth, even if he knows it will hurt their feelings. He is generally not mean, but once you get on his bad side, it is near impossible for him to forgive you.

    Appearance: Despite the original form not having a category for appearance, James is about 5’11. Looking at him, it should be obvious to anyone that he is in shape. He is pretty thin, and has quite a bit of muscle. His curly brown hair is always messy, and he is always clean shaven.

    (most of the next paragraph is covered under equipment, but I wanted to go further into how the suit actually looks.)
    When he is on duty, he wears his standard issue combat suit. It is a bit of a strange looking contraption. While the innermost layer is black cloth and hugs his body, over this are metal plates. They are thin, so they do not hurt his mobility too much, and they are painted a dark green camouflage. The plates cover his stomach, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, thighs, and lower legs. In addition to this, there is a small pack on the back of the suit. This pack is for the forcefield. It has little protection, but is painted camouflage like the other metal plates, and has a small meter on one side showing the power left in the pack.

    History: Despite his mother’s protests, James joined the military the second he turned 18, much like his father had done in his mid twenties. James wanted to be like his father. When he began training, he learned quickly. He was one of the best shooters out of the recent recruits.

    At the end of James’s training, he was given six months off before being stationed on a battleship called the Orion. It was a relatively small ship, containing only 40 crew. James’s job, along with several other soldiers, was to defend the ship in the event the enemy tried to board. It was James’s bad luck that they had been given a dangerous mission only a week after James’s arrival. A military ship in a nearby sector had deserted, and it was their job to hunt it down and bring the crew back. What they were not told was that the ship they were hunting was using an experimental cloaking device.

    After warping to the sector that the rogue ship had been reported to be, a dot appeared on the radar right next to them. The ship had disengaged the cloaking device. It opened fire before James and the crew even knew what happened. The shields had been depleted to 80% before they had even powered up the weapons.

    A battle ensued, and it ended with the Orion suffering heavy damage. In an effort to escape, it warped to the nearest sector. Purely by chance, this sector was home to the planet Promethea. Even more of a coincidence was their close proximity to the planet. The warp had put too much of a strain on the damaged engines, and they had completely malfunctioned. With no functioning engines, Promethia’s gravity pulled it in. When the dust cleared after the impact, James was one of the only survivors.

    Abilities: James is known for having a great aim with guns. He is not the best out there, but for a rookie, he is still an excellent shot. He also works well under stress.

    Standard issue military energy rifle: A semi automatic rifle that fires off Plasma. The plasma moves as fast as a bullet, but is even more dangerous. The gun runs on a battery, and each battery will give it 16 shots, or 32 half power shots, before needing to be replaced. In addition to this, it has a backup power store in case of emergency that will allow the firing of one extra shot, regardless of how much power is left in the battery. James has four batteries including the one already in the gun. The gun’s main drawback is it’s fast overheating time. It can only fire three or four shots in quick succession before it will overheat, needing at least 5-10 seconds before being usable again. In addition to this, the energy projectiles fired lose power over range slightly faster than a normal bullet would, although they will not lose speed or drop as much as a normal bullet will.

    Standard issue military combat suit: The suit is designed to protect the soldier from a wide array of threats. Firstly, The base layer of the suit is a bullet resistant, fire proof fabric that hugs the wearers body. Over this, There are metal plates that are meant to help further slow bullets. The metal plates have batteries connected to them, and are designed to absorb 20-40% of the power of any energy weapon that hits them, partially protecting the soldier from energy weapons that hit them (Although it is still somewhat easily possible to hit a spot that is not covered by a plate). Lastly, a pack on the back of the suit will emit a weak force field, completely negating the effects of the first shot or two, or weak explosions. If the force field is destroyed, power absorbed from the metal plates will recharge it, but if a shot hits the forcefield generator before the forcefield can go back up, it will be destroyed. The suit also has glasses that show the user a screen. The screen shows the status of the forcefield generator, the status of the field itself, and is linked to the users gun to show how much power is left in the gun, and how overheated it is.

    Combat Knife: Useful in a wide array of situations. One side, as well as the tip, is sharp for cutting through things (Potentially into an enemy's flesh), while the other side is serrated for sawing through things. Contains a flashlight and lighter.

    Other: Nothing really.

  9. #9
    Junior Trainer Robotnik's Avatar
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    The app looks fine to me, just a couple things:

    The laser absorption feature of his armor isn't going to see much use. Only some of the Coven have access to directed energy weapons, the rest are typically the standard "dakka dakka" and swords of varying types.

    The shield's gonna have to be used sparingly, but I don't have a problem with it.

    The plasma rifle is going to have to be a secondary weapon. He's not likely to find any functioning recharge stations for his ammo packs on Promethia outside of downed ships, so I'd recommend using it sparingly!

    And since you didn't give yourself a title, I'll come up with one! I don't know what it is yet though.

  10. #10
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Finally done! Please note that while having spent their lives together, Aerys and Ryza have variations within their history sections.

    Name: Aerys
    Nicknames: Sunshine (rarely used)
    Title: Innocent Knight
    Age: Not sure, appears sixteen
    Gender: Considered female
    Species: Guardian -A race of humanoid robots created by the gods of their homeworld to protect and aid humans and human-like beings. At first glance they're almost indistinguishable from normal humans, and sport the ability to form personalities and feel emotions similarly to humans.
    Personality: Aerys isn't exactly what you'd expect from one belonging to a race known as Guardians. She's almost eternally kind and cheerful, and is known to have ungodly patience...which she needs all three of to balance out her sister model, Ryza. Often, she displays a childish curiosity towards things she doesn't understand (which is a lot these days), and enjoys learning, especially about how mechanics work. A pacifist at heart, Aerys isn't typically quick to fight, nor does she think violence solves problems, and hates seeing people hurt, particularly through trying to protect her. She's also almost trusting to a fault, and will often accept even the wildest stories as truth if she has no reason to disbelieve them. She believes everyone has good in them, and that there is a way to draw that good out of anyone if you take the time to try...though she won't give you time if she sees you hurt someone for no reason. That's when the kind hearted pacifist gives way to pure protective programming that demands the threat that activated it be eliminated.
    Appearance: Looking at Aerys, one wouldn't guess they were looking at a robot with advanced AI and strong directives geared towards protection of others. On the contrary, one look at her otherworldly blue eyes and warm smile might have one convinced she's the one in need of protection. Her eyes and charming smile are set in fair skin and framed by mid back length golden blonde hair, and her height of 5' 6" doesn't cut a very imposing figure, either. She's commonly seen wearing an almost childish looking and somewhat ornate pale blue sundress with white elbow length gloves as well as white shoes that look much more like knee socks than boots, like she claims they are. Believe it or not, her clothing is far more durable than it appears. More often than not, Eternity (her halberd) is "magically" attached to her back as well, making her look even more odd than she normally does. Occasionally, she can be persuaded into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt if she's doing mechanic work, but that's not even very often.
    Aerys and Ryza were created on a world vastly different from Promethia as part of a race known as Guardians that were created by the gods...or, a bit more accurately, one god, with a little bit of cooperation from the others in obtaining materials. While not the first Gurdians ever created, they were the first "sister" models ever created. Unlike most Guardians, who often spent months searching for another who they felt they could trust to watch their backs in battle, Aerys and Ryza knew they were meant to be together from the very start, something that greatly pleased their creator not that they spent much time with the god before being sent out into the masses of their home world to start fulfilling their duty as Guardians. While operational for only a short time, the two gained quite the reputation for their team fighting skills among Guardian ranks, which may just have been their undoing.

    The last thing about their homeworld Aerys remembers is being paid a visit by the god who created her race. He'd come while Ryza was out, and he gave her a very special mission, however she can no longer remember what that mission was. Whatever it may have been, she knows it must have been dangerous enough for her to become damaged enough to enter a forced shutdown for repairs. Everything after their creator's leaving is mix between perfect blankness and a snowstorm of colorful pixels accompanied by static. The next thing she remembers is waking up upon impact with the ground just outside of Shipwrech, and doing so without Ryza as well as not the slightest clue as to how she ended up there. Her best guess is a coordinate error when another of their kind or a human attempted to transfer her to a medical facility, but that's really just a guess.

    Built to Protect-Being created with the sole purpose of protection in mind, Aerys is stronger, faster, and just all around better than your standard human being, however this is evened out by her inherent desire to protect people, as well as by a slightly off sense of balance, which can turn her into a bit of a clutz at times. She also sports an on board repair system that mends most of her injuries. Minor things like cuts and scrapes can take a few seconds to a few minutes, more extensive damage can take days, even weeks, and some require immediate shutdown on Aerys' part to take care of the damage.
    Fountain of Knowledge-Aerys was created with a very large informational database inside her "head," and sensors that love to bombard her with questions and pull up useless prompts. Most of it since arriving in Promethia has become absolutely useless.
    Networking: Another mostly useless ability, Aerys has the ability to connect to other nearby Guardians to communicate and share information. This ability is typically more used by Ryza to gain access to Aerys' working information databases.
    Equipment: A halberd she calls Eternity. It's as long as she is tall, the blade itself bears a strange blue hue to the metal, and it's made of one of the toughest metals found on their home planet. She's had it as long as she can remember, and it stays attached to her back through a peculiar magnetic system when not in use.

    Name: Ryza
    Nicknames: NA
    Title: Broken Protector
    Age: Not sure, appears sixteen
    Gender: Considered female
    Species: Guardian
    Personality: Unlike her sister model, Ryza is generally cold and unfriendly to anyone that isn't Aerys. She's known to be very blunt and rude most of the time, but she's still someone you want on your side, especially if you need help fighting--she and Aerys make an incredible team, and she knows and acknowledges this, even if Aerys won't. She often tries to hide her inherent desire to protect, and is plagued by a deep sense of guilt when looking at her sister model, though she's unsure why. She's also the victim of frequent head pain, though she's quick to deny there's anything wrong, and remains irritable when the pain decides to stick around. Careful, though, making her mad enough may cause her to lose control...and you don't want that to happen. You really, really don't want that to happen.
    Appearance: At first glance, it may be a bit difficult to tell that Aerys and Ryza are related. Look a bit longer, and you might recognize the shape of their faces are similar behind Ryza's wall of inky black hair, which falls board straight to her mid back. She also bears the same otherworldly blue eyes Aerys does, and she seems to wear a soft smile by default that hides her prickly nature. Their faces are where the similarities end, though. Ryza stands about four inches taller than Aerys, and gives off the impression that she’s the “older” sister and Aerys is the “younger” sister when they are, in fact, twins, and you’d never catch her dead in a dress. Most often she can be seen in what appears to be a black, sleeveless leather turtleneck that zips up the front and has matching armwarmers to go with it alongside a well-worn pair of jeans that are mostly swallowed by a pair of black knee high lace up boots. Altogether, this combination often makes Ryza look far more pale than she is.
    Aerys and Ryza were created on a world vastly different from Promethia as part of a race known as Guardians that were created by the gods...or, a bit more accurately, one god, with a little bit of cooperation from the others in obtaining materials. While not the first Gurdians ever created, they were the first "sister" models ever created. Unlike most Guardians, who often spent months searching for another who they felt they could trust to watch their backs in battle, Aerys and Ryza knew they were meant to be together from the very start, something that greatly pleased their creator not that they spent much time with the god before being sent out into the masses of their home world to start fulfilling their duty as Guardians. While operational for only a short time, the two gained quite the reputation for their team fighting skills among Guardian ranks, which may just have been their undoing.

    While Aerys never seemed to think much about their job as Guardians, Ryza paid it a bit more thought--she always had been the more serious one, however her thinking took things a bit...far, to say the least. Her wondering included the fact that humans occasionally hurt each other, both on accident, and for other petty reasons. Eventually, in trying to determine the best ways to protect humans and human-like races, Ryza eventually came to the conclusion that the best way to protect her charges was to end them to a place where none of them would get hurt. The best way to protect them was for them to pass die. Coming to this conclusion essentially broke her logic programming and caused her to go haywire. Several lower level Guardians attempted to stop her, however she overpowered them easily...and that was when her other half was sent in to shut her down, or bring her in for repairs. As the more trusting of the two, Aerys tried to reason with her sister first, which failed miserably when Ryza refused to go in...and began to attack her. The two were evenly matched, as they knew ech other backwards and forwards, however, eventually Aerys found a slight opening and managed damage Ryza enough to force a repair shutdown...and Ryza did the same to her. The abrupt forced shutdowns damaged both Guardians' memory files, and due to certain circumstances, neither girl's systems managed to make a full recovery, either.

    Which is why the last thing Ryza remembers is leaving the home she shared with Aerys on their homeworld. The next thing she remembers is waking up as her body crashed to the ground outside Shipwrech, with Aerys nowhere in sight. When she tried to think back to what had happened to land her there, she was greeted with splitting head pain, and a message that flashed across her vision: "aNNNNNNNNd $0 1T b3giiiiiiiiin$ @gA1n...."

    Built to Protect-Being created with the sole purpose of protection in mind, Ryza is stronger, faster, and just all around better than your standard human being, however she's often hindered by thoroughly fried systems and potentially migraine level head pain. She's occasionally prone to blacking out and going on fits of mass destruction. She also sports an on board repair system that mends most of her injuries. Minor things like cuts and scrapes can take a few seconds to a few minutes, more extensive damage can take days, even weeks, and some require immediate shutdown on Ryza's part to take care of the damage.
    Fountain of Knowledge-Ryza was created with a very large informational database inside her "head," and sensors that love to bombard her with questions and pull up useless prompts. The problem for Ryza is that absolutely none of it works properly. Prompts are often jumbled messages composed of a mix of alphanumeric characters and symbols, and she can never seem to get a straight answer when she asks for something.
    Networking- Another mostly useless ability, Ryza has the ability to connect to other nearby Guardians to communicate and share information. Ryza tends to use this to gain access to Aerys' working information databases.
    Equipment: A scythe she calls Oblivion. It's a bit longer than she is tall, the blade itself bears a notable black hue to the metal, and it's made of one of the toughest metals found on their home planet. She's had it as long as she can remember, and it stays attached to her back through a peculiar magnetic system when not in use.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!


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