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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Fanime-con 2013, anyone?

    So, out of curiousity, I'm pretty sure I will be going to Fanime-con 2013 this Saturday, will anyone here be attending? I can't even say I'll be cosplaying because I got lazy and never managed to get one together, not to mention that it's hard for me to cosplay with my glasses and tons of unusually colored hair, but that's beside the point here. XD I just wondered if maybe I might see anyone from PXR there or if the site might want pics of cosplayers or something if I do go.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  2. #2
    I think that'd require me to somehow gain money to travel from UK to 'Murica in the middle of my exam period... Yeah, totally possible ;D haha.

    I think it'd be a pretty cool idea to stalk people and take pictures of their costumes - I wonder how many Pokemon-related cosplays there will be? 8D

    Have fun! Try not to die or kill anyone ;) Haha.


  3. #3
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Didn't you say you were coming over at some point anyway? XD Why not ditch exams and come now? That'd totally be acceptable--you can charge it to the Pokemafia's tab or skmething.

    I think so too, and it's got me wondering, but my phone camera sucks, and I have no idea if I'm gonna be able to go now... If I do, though, I think I'mma end up decked out in dA stuff or I might try throwing slmething Orihime-esque together since I don't think my SacAnime shirt would be appropriate--wrong con--when I wore my Kyubey shirt to SacAnime, I got the wierdest comments/compliments, including one might have been Japanese,I didn't understand, and Orihime Inoue is about the closest I can get to looking like any anime character without too much work. I'm almost dreading seeing how many Homestuck and MLP cosplays I might see, though, since they almost totally took over SacAnime and it gets tiring seeing everyone and their brother dressed up as Dave, Karkat, and Rainbow Dash. Hoping to see some really cool, creative ones if I make it.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  4. #4
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I'll be honest, I've never gone to any of these conventions (and San Jose is all the way on the other side of the country for me, so...). I guess cosplaying does look like fun, especially for those who like me, feel Halloween just doesn't come around often enough. But yeah, I hear you when it comes to dreading MLP cosplays. I definitely wouldn't want to hang around bronies or any of those kinds of people.

    Still, hope it's fun and you have a good time.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    Didn't you say you were coming over at some point anyway? XD Why not ditch exams and come now? That'd totally be acceptable--you can charge it to the Pokemafia's tab or skmething.

    I think so too, and it's got me wondering, but my phone camera sucks, and I have no idea if I'm gonna be able to go now... If I do, though, I think I'mma end up decked out in dA stuff or I might try throwing slmething Orihime-esque together since I don't think my SacAnime shirt would be appropriate--wrong con--when I wore my Kyubey shirt to SacAnime, I got the wierdest comments/compliments, including one might have been Japanese,I didn't understand, and Orihime Inoue is about the closest I can get to looking like any anime character without too much work. I'm almost dreading seeing how many Homestuck and MLP cosplays I might see, though, since they almost totally took over SacAnime and it gets tiring seeing everyone and their brother dressed up as Dave, Karkat, and Rainbow Dash. Hoping to see some really cool, creative ones if I make it.

    That's a good point! xD Going to LA in February, WOOOO! xD I should totally do that! :o I need to be given a payrise :/

    Haha, well, I hope you can go! :D Wait, people cosplay as ponies?! Oh hell no, I can't even... I don't even wanna think about it... NO!!!! xD Have fun if you do go :D


  6. #6
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sealboy View Post

    That's a good point! xD Going to LA in February, WOOOO! xD I should totally do that! :o I need to be given a payrise :/

    Haha, well, I hope you can go! :D Wait, people cosplay as ponies?! Oh hell no, I can't even... I don't even wanna think about it... NO!!!! xD Have fun if you do go :D

    I honestly think MLP is going to be one of those come-and-go fads that go really big for a short while, and then just disappear in time. Kind of like how Yu-gi-oh and Harry Potter are now fazing out.

    But yeah, don't look up MLP cosplays in Google. It feels embarrassing just to be on the same planet as these people...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    I honestly think MLP is going to be one of those come-and-go fads that go really big for a short while, and then just disappear in time. Kind of like how Yu-gi-oh and Harry Potter are now fazing out.

    But yeah, don't look up MLP cosplays in Google. It feels embarrassing just to be on the same planet as these people...
    It's funny, because I have some friends in my Computing class who are still really into Yu-Gi-Oh... As well as Magic: The Gathering xD Used to love Yu-Gi-Oh as a kid... still think I have a deck hiding somewhere in my room :L

    I won't, I don't really want nightmares ^^; Haha. To be honest, I did watch an episode for a few friends because I felt like I had to watch it before passing judgement... It wasn't my type of thing to be honest, haha. Still, it worries me how people find a way to cosplay a PONY o_o



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