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  1. #1
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    The Wayfinders | A Kingdom Hearts club |

    Salutations. I see you’ve found your way to the Wayfinders. We are a kindred group of people, persons and otherworldly forms that come together for one common reason: Kingdom Hearts. However I have no doubt that you already knew that, or just happened to notice as you sauntered in through the corridor. Fear not, no matter what form you take, we do not discriminate. You are safe here, as long as you do not endanger the others who also come here. Who am I? I am the Second. The First and the Third, along with myself founded this organization, but not -that- Organization, though we may have borrowed it’s numbering system for simplicity’s sake. Here we discuss, catalog and speak about the various aspects of Kingdom Hearts, past, present and future. We share our creative works, theories and all that much more. We maintain a safe haven and a certain level of respect for everyone here, and of course we do enjoy ourselves from time to time.

    Should this be of interest to you, all that is required of you is a simple name of which to go by, and where your interests fall. I have a simple form below of which I keep a record of in our index. Your number will be given to you, but you have a say in the destiny before you--the name you wish to be known as. But for those trusting unto fate, we may discern your Wayfinder name, if you but ask.

    Nickname: Any name of which you are more commonly known by.
    Interests: Be it art, music, theories, or just plain discussion.
    Wayfinder Name: A name for the index to go with your number. Either I can create one for you, or you can offer your own. It should consist of two words, and, in layman’s terms, sound really neat. Please look at the Founder’s names for some examples. If you would like one to be made for you, please leave two words of which you would like your nickname based on.

    The First: Sanctus - The Lucis Immortalis
    The Second: Saraibre Ryu – The Vesper Exodium
    The Third: FedoraChar - The Argent Flame
    The Fourth - Winter - The Omniscient Pen
    The Fifth - Sieses - The Scarlet Maverick
    The Sixth - Lightning Dash - The Voltaic Engineer
    The Seventh - Shen - The Resilient Optimist
    The Eighth - XaiakuX - The Insatiable Heretic

    The Calendar

    Song Sunday
    Manga Monday
    Trivia Tuesday
    Theory Thursday
    Fan Friday
    'Scussion Saturday
    Last edited by Saraibre Ryu; 04-01-2015 at 09:30 PM.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  2. #2
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Hey guys, Number III here! Allow me to welcome you to our group! As honored members, you are free to use any of these graphics below. We’ll be continuously updating this section with more, so check in often! If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to contact me via PM or VM!





    Below, we also have a list of fan creations we’re sure you’ll love! Considerate it also an archive for our beloved Fan Friday.

    ~To be completed soon~

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
    Paired with

    Number III, the Argent Flame

  3. #3
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    Kingdom Hearts III Status Report

    As something of an amateur historian I've undertaken to give a chronological account of the development of Kingdom Hearts III from its conception to its current state. My arrangement here is probably not the most convenient, and as such this report is subject to future alteration. Nevertheless, this should serve to introduce those unaware with the current state of KHIII with a somewhat more than cursory look at the primary events thus far. I've referenced my sources without including specific citations simply because first, I'm not a scholar and this is not intended in any way to promote the author, and second because this is common knowledge by now and anyone serious enough to confirm the information can find it by a simple Google search, or at least playing 21 questions on a Kingdom Hearts forum. So without further ado, here you have it, a summary of KH3's development.


    The first trailer coupling the announcement of the development of Kingdom Hearts III for PS4 and Xbox One was revealed at E3 in 2013. The trailer showed no official in-game combat but did show Sora confronting a horde of Shadows in Twilight Town, as well as displaying him on Destiny Islands, wearing the same clothing from KHII, pointing to a return of Drive Forms, as has since been confirmed, picking up and holding Defender, Master Eraqus's keyblade. Later developer Testuya Nomura announced that perhaps it was a bit premature, saying that they just wanted to announce KHIII alongside FFXV. reported details from a Famitsu interview with Nomura on what we should expect in the game. At that point Nomura said that they were still trying to decide what new worlds to introduce, but confirmed that the main crux of the game was the final confrontation with Xehanort. He said that Sora would have the ability to shapeshift his keyblade, comparing this ability to Aqua of BBS. There were also hints that online features were on the table for discussion, though the nature or finality of these features have not to this date been verified. When asked about the possibility of controlling other characters such as Riku and Kairi in-game, Nomura replied in characteristic vagueness, "I will not deny the possibility of that." KHInsider's Zephyr noted in his reading of the same interview that Sora "learned the Keyblade's truer strength during the Mark of Mastery exam."

    IGN reported on Sep. 10, 2013 that producer Shinji Hashimoto said we should expect a wait between Final Fantasy XV and KHIII due to Nomura's vocation as director of both games. This cast a shadow on the thrilling news of the game's development considering FFXV itself had been in the works for almost a decade (though under a different moniker), with some doubt about whether the game would even be finished. It would be after TGS at D23 Expo Japan (October) that a new trailer for KHIII was revealed featuring actual gameplay, including combat. In the trailer we saw Sora teamed up with Donald and Goofy in Twilight Town, casting a fire spell against Shadow and Big Body heartless, before the Keyblade transforms into a pair of guns showcasing one of Sora's new abilities. Kotaku would later report on this new feature, translating from the ever helpful Famitsu's interview with Nomrua, that the different transformations vary depending on the keyblade and that battle style changes depending on the keyblade. The second part of the trailer is helpfully illuminated by the same interview. "The other new ability category is the Attraction Flow which, according to Nomura, is 'an evolution of the Free Flow of Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance.' In Japanese, 'attraction' refers to theme park rides. In the trailer, Sora can be seen riding Disney attractions while attacking enemies. Nomura explained that this Attraction Flow can be selected depending on the location or enemy."

    At E3 2014 a Kingdom Hearts 2.5 trailer featured what was later confirmed by Kotaku via information from KHIII co-director Tai Yasue to be the starting sequence to the game. Said sequence features the opening of the song "Dearly Beloved" set to a slower tempo with rich bass notes. The "trailer" lacks video but it does exhibit line art of two mysterious figures, commonly speculated by the fanbase to be young Master Eraqus and young Xehanort. The translated dialogue reads as follows:

    "Have you heard of the anicent Keyblade war?"
    "Many years ago, Keyblade wielders started a war over the ownership of light."
    "Yep, the Master loves telling that story."
    "Then I take it you also know of the 'lost masters?'"
    "Nope, where'd you hear about that?"
    "On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire."

    A Square press release in September announced that Tetsuya Nomura was stepping down as the director of FFXV to focus on Kingdom Hearts III. Afterward we learned from Famitsu via Kotaku that while development of the game was on schedule, there were difficulties rendering images due to a change from the in-house game engine to Ureal Engine 4. There were no major trailer releases in September as there had been the previous year, but another Kotaku report in December stated that, according to Tai Yasue, newer Disney acquisitions were being considered for KHIII. "Yeah, I can’t go into specifics, but there’s a LOT of new Disney stuff and we have our plates full... Theres a lot to consider - we’re looking at all of Disney, the new ones as well, they have a lot of pull and draw." Yasue related information concerning the process of selection, "We have to come up with a world that has a lot of originality. We want variety in our new Kingdom Hearts, so we don’t want too many of one sort of world, that would look the same. For each world there has to be some meaning for it, in the plot; in Birth By Sleep, for instance, in the Cinderella scene, the characters learn something specific by relating to Cinderella. Also, gameplay-wise, is that world something that would make gameplay fun? There’s a lot I can’t say, but there’s so much to consider." When asked specifically about Star Wars and Marvel, Yasue replied, "They’re all under consideration." Said Yasue, "Nothing’s off-limits, we’re considering all of the worlds. There are so many wonderful concepts. We’re happy about that, but at the same time it’s really tough to choose."

    New footage of KHIII was shown at the KH2.5 launch event according to KHinsider, a source which had three event attendants. They reported that "the footage is raw and very unlikely to be released to the public soon." According to KHI Land of Departure was included in the trailer with an extended scope, as well as a previously undisclosed transformation of Sora's keyblade into a canon after transforming the guns. They said that Sora switched between Valor and Wisdom form outfits. Allusions to KHχ [chi] were also observed. They also noted new heartless were seen but the descriptions were dubious. The KHI's full list as well as a few unofficial pictures have been included below in the "Trailers" section until its official release.

    Just before the turn of the New Year Japanese source 4Gamer conducted an interview with Yasue. Gematsu's translation of the interview read as follows: "Now that we've worked out Unreal Engine 4 as our development environment, as well as the general structure of the team and fresh new look for the game and its accompanying shader, development of Kingdom Hearts III is moving forward as we now focus on making things like new Attractions and Keyblade transformations. We’re hoping to be able to show our fans the fruits of these labors step by step during 2015, so stay on the lookout for more information!"

    Development news in 2015 has been scant and basically insignificant. KH fans have stooped to believing spurious rumors concerning a certain goofy voice actor, as well as mediums. I'm bracing for big news in the second and third quarters of the year, expecting the locus of development news to be E3 and TGS.

    Kingdom Hearts III Trailers and Misc.:
    The first trailer, with Nomura speaking at the beginning.
    The D23 trailer. Most detailed look at the gameplay released to the general public to date.
    KHIII opening cinematics from the end of the KH2.5 trailer in 2014.
    An attempt by the staff of KHI to recreate an image of the unveiled trailer from the KH2.5 release party
    Recreation of KHIII Weapons by KHI's Zephyr.
    KHI recap which includes description of the unveiled trailer.
    A list of the main takeaways from the aforesaid trailer, without detailed explanation.
    Last edited by Sanctus; 03-16-2015 at 06:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    *Drops in* Well, hello there! I was told to join, so ah, here I am?

    Nickname: Winter
    Interests: Fanart, fanfics (writing more often than reading), theories and headcanon, general discussion
    Wayfinder Name: *Working on it with Sabi*

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  5. #5
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    In a post-modern world
    You don't need me to approve you, but you are approved!

    I too like dumbapples. ;o *high-five a Crisis Core fan*

  6. #6
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    *High fives back* Probably one of my all time favorite games. I was so excited when Zack got added to the cast in BBS.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  7. #7
    The Perpetual Optimist Sieses's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Under a rock.
    It's been a while since I've really talked to anybody about Kingdom Hearts.

    Nickname: Esper
    Interests: Theories and headcanon.
    Wayfinder Name: Scarlet Maverick

  8. #8
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yesh, moar minions! I mean, members! :D Welcome to the club, guys! Wouldn't be a complete KH club without y'all, actually xD

    We haven't really organized Trivia Tuesday, so... should we just leap into a discussion? Maybe say what your favorite KH game is and why? ^^

    Hmm, I feel like we discussed KH recently, Esper, but maybe I'm thinking of something else xD

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
    Paired with

    Number III, the Argent Flame

  9. #9
    The Perpetual Optimist Sieses's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Under a rock.
    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraChar View Post
    We haven't really organized Trivia Tuesday, so... should we just leap into a discussion? Maybe say what your favorite KH game is and why? ^^
    That sounds like a good start. I would have to say mine is Dream Drop Distance, since the Flowmotion was both fun and the logical conclusion of the final boss fight of Kingdom Hearts 2, and it still had commands. Just about the only thing it was missing was the ability to Meld commands, but that really isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraChar View Post
    Hmm, I feel like we discussed KH recently, Esper, but maybe I'm thinking of something else xD
    I suppose we did, but it wasn't the most interesting of discussions. The bulk of it was agreeing that the Kingdom Hearts fanfic community is terrible.

  10. #10
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sieses View Post
    [FONT=Arial Narrow]
    The bulk of it was agreeing that the Kingdom Hearts fanfic community is terrible.
    Someone said KH fan fic community.

    *slides in*

    Should I tell Sieses or does someone else wanna tell Sieses.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168


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