I get it, everyone has their own opinion on what makes a good story line. I've spent a little over the past year devoting a large portion of my time reading through many, many stories. At this point, I've read through over 100 different stories (although I didn't necessarily finish them all due to various reasons) but having done so, I've come across some plot ideas that just bug the hell out of me to no end and really kills any sort of respect I have towards the story most of the time.

Now this is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. If you're a writer and I accidentally fire shots at you, I don't mean anything personal nor offence. It's an opinion, not a fact, so don't take it to heart.

Now the first one that comes to my mind are stories where the lead role is held by a male character, and every female character they come across falls in love with them. The male character is handsome, strong, smart, perfect! The females take every chance they can get to point this fact out and it makes them seem like brain-dead drones who are shallow to the point where they're blinded by the outward surface of this perfect "hunk" of a man. Is the male character in truth a selfish, self-absorbed snob? Who cares. Did they just commit some un-moral action? That's okay, they look fantastic so it's okay! Are they feeling depressed for some reason? Let's have a million females try and make him feel better.

This not only kills off the story, but it also metaphorically puts all of the characters involved in the situation into a blender, and shreds them into nothing but mush. The main character doesn't even have to be a Mary Sue/Stewe for this to even occur. There's a lot of other reasons why this kind of stuff bugs the crap out of me, but for the sake of not going too far off track, and lowering my chance of using a variety of words not allowed on this forum. Now when I say this happens when the main character is a male, this doesn't mean it doesn't happen with female leads too, it's just often on a much lower scale of severity.

Someone close to the main character is murdered by a pack of houndour(doom)s/mightyenas. Now this one is a limited to Pokemon fan-fiction unlike the previous, but goodness gracious me, this seems like the go-to Pokemon to be used as an inciting incident for a lot of stories. I mean, when was the last time you heard of the protagonist's family being beaten to death by a group of Lucarios, or vacuum'ed to death by a flock of Tropius? It's always these two pokemon that seem to be portrayed as the bad guys, and it makes sense (Houndoom is based off of Cerberus, the hellhound from Greek mythology) to do so, but it's gotten to the point where it's cliché now. Being torn apart and killed by a Houndoom or Mightyena might be the leading cause of death in the Pokemon world.

There's probably more that I can think of, but those are just two that I can think of off the top of my head where as soon as I see it happen, I just can't help but laugh at times. I'll leave it at that so I don't make this post any longer.

So the question is, what bothers you the most in the plot of stories?